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Expansion Ideas !Follow

#1 Feb 19 2009 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Wanted to toss this thread out and start a discussion. What is the one thing you would like to see in a new expansion? New playable race? New Class? More tradeskilling (sick bastages)? Higher level limit? Multi classing? More questing?

Personally I would like to see Orcs made into a class and turn old Crushbone into it's own city. Would be nestalgic for alot of people that spent many a day there.

Would love a new class called Brawler. A monk/fighter class for Ogres, Trolls, Dwarves.

Beastlord opened up to every race. Every race has an affinity to different animals, why hold it to certain races? Dwarf's with Boars, Frog's with Mosquito's, or spiders?

Have fun with your suggestions and please don't call someone stupid for their ideas, no ones idea is stupid to them, remember that.

Team Foustes:
Foustes 85 Paladin Xegony
Sebeena 85 Monk Xegony
Napy 85 Wizard Xegony
#2 Feb 19 2009 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
Definitely no new classes. New playable race..meh perhaps. Still don't like the last two, drakkin or frogs. I've seen the idea of multi-classing come around from time to time and quite honestly there is no need for it anymore with mercs, potions, clickies, aa's, etc. Heck any class these days can insta-invis, levi, gate, sow themselves (if needed), haste, buff, forage, research, etc.

Personally I feel there are too many zones as it is. No more new zones, but a good overhaul of older zones, cities, new quests (or just update the old ones).
Maybe add some higher level mobs in some of the older zones. Give us reasons to go back to Commonlands, Karanas, etc. I'm by no means a hardcore "classic EQ" guy but there's just too many zones now.

Don't make us faction just to buy fekking spells or equipment...if you must have faction, do it in a way like Velious did.
#3 Feb 20 2009 at 1:52 AM Rating: Good
What I'd like to see (but know will never happen):

- A complete revamp of the tradeskill system, taking from the old school RSI/you'd better macro and pray method, to one that makes more sense and is more compelling and engaging (NOT necessarily easier). With each trade having a bare minimum of things worth bothering to make and often requiring up to a dozen subcombines just to be able to do the combine for the thing you actually want, EQ's system is more outdated than polyester suits and the Model A.

- No new zones. Instead, adding revamps of existing underused zones and high level versions of those zones. Though he's no longer with the company, John Capozzi (aka Kendrick) was good at turning ignored zones into player hotspots (Velks, Chardok, the groundwork for Acrylia Caverns, etc).

- Originality and creativity. Yeah, I know I'm asking for too much but would it kill them to actually come up with new (not rehashed, not cut & paste, not stolen from elsewhere and implemented retardedly) spells, items, features, and encounter mechanics? Or, to come up with these ideas and not nerf the hell out of them three months later because they didn't foresee players using said spells a certain way (hi Skin of the Reptile/Decrepit Skin/Ward of Tunare/Languor, monster missions). Heck, it wouldn't be so bad if they didn't completely abandon these things within two expansions (Leader AA, for example). I think it's telling when someone is PLing a new toon and chooses to specifically ignore all spells below 75 because "the newer spells are better so why bother with the old ones?". When almost everything at 85 is essentially an upgrade of 80 which was an upgrade of 75 which was an upgrade of 70, I can see the logic in that. (Of course, exceptions exist for spells like Bind Affinity, which has never been upgraded, or port/TL spells)

- This is a big one. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever should a level cap increasing expansion produce WORSE experience working from the old cap to the new one. EVER. Since PoP (the first cap increasing expansion since Kunark), it has always been best to xp to the new cap in the new expansion. PoP had Valor (I did 61-65 in PoV inner caves in 2 days. Was full into 60 when expansion went live and dinged 61 during a Sleeper's Tomb raid), HoH, and CoD (for some classes). OoW had WoS, MPG, and RSS. TSS had the Steppes and Valdeholm. SoF had DSH and Loping Plains and maybe Hills of Shade. SoD had.....Mech Guardian/Beza/Zeka/Fortress Mechanotus, in SoF?!? The hell?? Kunark was different, because many solo classes stayed behind and leveled off old content (dwarves in Butcherblock, LGuk, Bugs & bats, Stone Spider/LDCs, and Efreeti Lord area in Sol B, etc) but that was more due to technical issues. The polygon counts in Kunark zones was a bit ambitious for the time so lots of people lagged horribly due to trees and such. They had to patch to fix those issues within the first month. By that time, you already had over half a dozen 60s (Elduran, Nevyn, Furor, Thogg, Thott, Hobben, etc).

- No new classes, since the existing ones don't all have a distinct role. There used to be a phrase used by the old (original) dev team called 'compelling reason'. The question they always asked was, "What's the compelling reason to choose this item/class/spell/race over any other?" Of course, that info was given by Gordon "Abashi" Wrinn (who was full of **** much of the time) so I guess it should be taken with a lick (not a grain) of salt. Personally, I can't stand beastlords (nothing against the people who play them, I just dislike the class) so opening them up to more races wouldn't affect or bother me at all.

- New player character models. Ones that aren't based on the Drakkin (who are goofily animated. And that's being nice about it) and that don't suck. Someone with some power over there should look at the TBS siren model. THAT model is well designed and animated. The Drakkin model looks like a teenager after a 10+ inch growth spurt: gangly, awkward, and totally off balance. Mind you, my only 85 up to now is a Drakkin so I've had plenty of opportunity to watch how the model looks and animates (I play in 3rd person most of the time). Heck, contract the SOGA people and outsource it to them or put EQ2's art/animations team on it since it seems farming out people between projects is the thing to do at SOE nowadays (a third of EQ's dev team is working on FreeRealms).

And that's just off the top of my head. Smiley: tongue
Cazic Thule

Firiona Vie

#4 Feb 20 2009 at 6:16 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
I think the spell reproduction has really bothered allot of people. I must admit that I have leveled several toons to 80 and not worried about lower level spells.

I don't completely understand the tradeskilling you spoke of, but then again I have very rarely ever done tradeskilling.

I would like more questing that allowed personalizing your characters, such as the quest to change your pet to a little bit different version, maybe a quest that allows mages to give there pet a name instead of Gabogtik... or some other stupid name. Instead of so and so's warder, give them a name. Allow you to quest to add a little different look to your helmet. If you can put in items that change your weapon's graphic, changing pieces of armors looks couldn't be too awful difficult.
#5 Feb 20 2009 at 12:34 PM Rating: Default
761 posts
The word “Expansion” to me, co notates increase in area. I think we have enough zones. Like the others wrote, revamp old zones to include either a higher quests and mobs, or lower quests and mobs, depending on the level the zone is now. Not every zone has to be multi level but would not hurt to include a mid and lower level to example SoD expansion. The city should be able to take in low levels and have some lower level content in Ocean village. Anything new needs to include lower (New Player) levels. We need the population gain (another topic and thread). I know SoE has made a new policy of a new expansion only once a year. But another alternative is to add a new zone once every two months. Like in the old days they added the “Warrens”. There are plenty of dead end caves, behind waterfall openings, and end of world ocean borders to add these zones. I believe this would add a little bit of excitement and discovery to the game. I have said before. What was great about the early game was the rewards and consequences. SoE has made rewards too easy to get. Example:(Defiant Gear, in my opinion should have been made no drop, that way you can’t buy it in the bazaar cheap because there is over 200 items, but it is easy to loot) and lack of consequences, all your stuff with you and safe in the womb of your bind spot. Not needing to retrieve anything from you corpse lying is some forgotten zone already.
I remember running from Qeynos to Freeport years ago. It was a adventure, worried about who or what I would run into, worried about getting killed and having to make a naked corpse run back deep into some zone, In my case playing on a PK server worried about the gangs of PK’s lurking for some stray lost soul like myself. And finally getting to Freeport and feeling like I accomplished something. It was just a long run but fun. As I gained experience that run became easier. But now a low level toon just needs to find the right port stone and bingo at destination. Less consequences = less reward feeling = less fun. The old game played on real life emotions. Now the game plays less on emotions and more buttons pushing, less brains. I feel that Consequences vs. Reward is the Direction SoE needs to go. All an expansion with 5+ zones would do is spread the dwindling population even thinner. But one new zone, with limited class and level drops, maybe even a multilevel and class quest, would attract the curious and for a moment in game bring most of the adventurers to one zone. The game was created for players to be social, not social with their 5 boxes but with other new real life players. That’s what the Earlier Game had and the future game needs. I would also like to see more involvement by SoE’s GM force. I miss the days of advertised events and the spare of the moment events. I haven’t seen or heard of a GM event on Zek in a very long time. Example Pres. Obama, no content and ******** you, but has excellent presents to the public, makes you think he is doing something good. /dig had to get that in.
Safe Travels,
Vinney DeWanderer Zek human Ranger
Armourcarr, Zek Bazaar Trader.
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#6 Feb 20 2009 at 5:36 PM Rating: Good

Vinney, while I agree with you, I have to say that I think you're looking at things through the rose-colored glasses of nostalgia. In the post-WoW world, no game can be like EQ was originally and hope to be successful. Want proof of that? Wait til mid-March and see how many subs Darkfall has. I'm willing to bet they don't break 10k. Nowadays, people aren't going to stand for corpse runs (which often resulted in the creation of MORE corpses), long travel times, and forced grouping. The game you envision is a dog, in market terms. If classic era EQ came out today, it would bomb. Few people would play it beyond the first (free) month. The market has changed and matured (age wise, if not anything else). Back in the day, I can remember playing 6+ hours a day religiously (at 26). Now, I can't do that because EQ is no longer my only game. While I've never (and will never) qualified as a "casual gamer", in playtime or focus, that demographic represents the lion's share of the subscribers today in most AAA titles.

I'm not going to even acknowledge the political flamebait you left out. But honestly, I hope you're not holding your breath waiting for events (or even dev attention) for Zek. Not because the server doesn't deserve attention (it most certainly does) but because EQ's community is very much a 'crabs in a bucket' culture. If Zek gets dev attention, the blue server forum populace is going to rise up in arms and make SUCH a stink complaining about all of the "important issues" that are being ignored while the devs "waste their time" on the 'lol EQ pvp' server. You've seen it happen before.
Cazic Thule

Firiona Vie

#7 Feb 21 2009 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,074 posts
Tradeskilling was already completely revamped. That won't happen again.

I want to build my own lair or castle. I'd resubscribe for that.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#8 Feb 21 2009 at 10:37 AM Rating: Good
1) New instances in old zones. Unlockable by progression, NOT faction.

2) A FACTIONLESS expansion. I know, never going to happen because it's the main way dev's use to "stretch out" an expansion for an entire year's playing.

3) The Big One: A NEW BLOODY STORYLINE! Every expansion is a variation of the PoP gods in conflict, Mayong Mistmore, or the bloody stupid muramites. Oh, don't give me that SoF crap either. It was 99% filler to get to a mob that's already been killed on all but 1 server. We haven't had a new plot since PoR, and it's just gotten old. The newest expansion is nothing more than a big shiny cliff notes version of all the old world lore. I swear if I have to look at another muramite, Mayong (re-re-re-revisited) or Sol Ro in his harlequin banana hammock, I'm going to simply delete my toons and go play something else.

Edited, Feb 21st 2009 1:38pm by nomnom
#9 Feb 21 2009 at 8:15 PM Rating: Good
1. No new zones, revamp of old zones only
2. revamp of player models, looks, armour, mobs, etc..
3. No new races ( though, I could be open to 50/50 hybreds ) clr/warr, rog/shm etc..race SHOULD make a difference. Physically..should a GNOME be able to slam anything bigger then a door, or should an Ogre be able to be a caster ( struck dumb by the gods I read )
4. endless possiblies to " Questing " your gear to the next level...that is you dont have to be part of any " elite raiding guild " to get really really nice gear, just put in the time to do the quests ( solo/groupable 3-6 peeps )..make them big, bigger and biggest quests, and then do other things to make them even better. *** Hand your S.o.D over to so-and-so, with 5 of this and 2 of that and pop you have something better then Defiant ( gag ) gear. then do it again, and get even better, or move to Another City to have another improvment done to your gear ***
5. quest items should have, what quest they are for, what else is needed, and where you need to go to get said items, I hate to dumb it down, but if your reading this, you also know that you need Allz to get this info.
6. condense level, your Complete heal ...HEALS MORE , Your mez...mezs' longer, etc...
7. Why do we have languages in eq...I mean if you wanna go to an Elf city for a quest, make the quest reward better and make the quest-ie learn the language...WHY DO I KNOW ELDER DRAGON!
8. trade skill items need to be buyable..make the combines even more infrequent, but dont make me kill greens for a MONTH to get enough sporkis venoms, to master poison craft...just to have the skill be all but worthless.

Except some edits as I mull this one over..

Love the game, LOVE the currant expansion..the void rules!

Safe hunts and rare drops!
#10 Feb 21 2009 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
I was a little disappointed by all the "no new stuff" things people were saying above me. Variety is the spice of life, and gaming.

Here are some things I wouldn't mind seeing;

1. Updated scrips of NPC's in the old world (Antonica, etc.), to reflect the passage of time. Some NPC's could probably be removed altogether (passed away?), some new ones added (their grown-up children?).

2. Update quality/power of drops on old world quests. I was going to say update all old world loot, but that is a bit too ambitious and will likely never be done.

3. New races - please. Centaurs, Aviaks, Shissar, an insect-based race.

4. I don't specifically yearn for new classes, but what could it hurt? There's that variety thing again... I love the idea for the "Brawler" class. I like making beastlords available for all races as well.

5. In the same way we change our face and hair styles, we need to be able to choose between several styles of helmets/headgear. We also need full-visored helms for the warrior-types that want them.

6. The inclusion of "forgotton" zones that are on the original printed map;

Antonica - The Northlands, The Hatchland, The Fridgid Plain, The Nest, Unkempt Woods, Winter's Deep, The Dead Hills

Odus - The Vasty Deep, the Grand Plateau, Gulf of Uzun

Faydwer - Ranthok's Ridge, Wayunder Lake, Elizerain Lake

7. The adding of zones (or simply zone connections) that were originally meant to be included to "zone out" points for certain areas of the game. There's one for Shadeweaver Thicket - in the back of the lava cave. There's one in Shadowhaven - behind the locked double doors near the library. There's one in the nexus - right next to the POK portal (looks like a wall of loose boulders). The Hole - very bottom there's a door that leads to nowhere. Most of these places could simply be made to connect to an existing zone.

8. Here's a biggie - the ability to see our pet's inventory. This way, we could check to see what he's got equipped. If there is an AA that already allows this, my apologies.

9. Armor graphics that show/reveal equipment worn by pets. A skeleton wearing armor should show the armor, for example. This goes for four-legged pets, too.

10. More bank space.

11. Update bear pet / bear illusions to look like the bears in Crescent Reach.

12. Add more variety to classes for the mercs. I love mercs btw.

13. Bring back corpse recovery / corpse runs. Your body should lie where it fell until you retrieve it (or until it decays and goes to shadowrest).

14. Shroud gear. Since they are so underpowered, let us equip our shroud alter-ego with our own gear **for the appropriate class** of the shroud. The shrouds themselves will still be underpowered, but it's a step in the right direction - more people would use them, I believe.

15. No more pet death after you log out. You'd lose the pet toys (temporary items), but at least you would not have to recast and use mana and spell components when you log back in, nor would you have to rebuff the pet all over again. My main reasons for this one are twofold -

a. There's no logical reason for the pet to die after logging;

b. Having to rebuff / re-summon / use mana / components is a time sink, nothing more. Doesn't add anything to the game.

Well anyway, that's all from me.
If you can't do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly.

My Rathe / Prexus characters:

Bigbronze Bloodyaxe, 62 Ogre Berserker
Verbeeg Bearfang, 62 Ogre Beastlord
Glabrezu Spiritcaller, 62 Ogre Shaman
Zirumkin Zenomorph, 62 Gnome Wizard
Korgulon Soulwraith, 76 Ogre Shadowknight <Shining Alliance>
Incarnadine Summoner, 65 Drakkin Magician

Bristlebane characters:

Zalkahriz Ebonscale, 64 Iksar Necromancer
Gnomorre Gniceguy, 55 Gnome Rogue
Whytfire Lonewolf, 55 Woodelf Ranger
#11 Feb 22 2009 at 4:51 AM Rating: Decent
52 posts
No more pet death after you log out.

Beastlords have an AA for that - Persistant Minion (lev 67)...
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