Lalolyen wrote:
The awards on our site are set fowarth there as a fictional way to show people whom has done what for the guild. Sorry bud, but we need funds for our server, so guess what, those that donate money are going to get a medal, much like alla does, you know the specail access thing upon paying money. Same sort of thing instead each member has the same access, just a fictional medal they can feel good about.
Now if there were one game that came close to EverQuest in my mind it would by all means be Rappelz; though the lore is completely different from EverQuest (and does not parrell EverQuest like World of Warcraft does) it has its secure feeling; however the only reason you do not see me playing is this: Unless you dump hundreds of dollars into the game per month, you cannot be "uber" as the "uber" items are bought with real life money from their site instead of earned.
So its ok for you to make money and award medals but you dont like how other games that are trying to pay for their own needs? Guess your guild memembers that dont want to donate dont deserve the "fictional medal" that the rest of you get? In Rapplez, from what you posted, it is only they that get better items than you but do you have the same access as others if you dont buy it?