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Dwindling PopulationFollow

#52 Dec 30 2008 at 10:13 PM Rating: Default
Jophiel wrote:
fidgewinkle wrote:
There's a difference between adding factors that make the trading system more interesting and realistic, and making it thoroughly masochistic.
Not really, no. A bunch of people standing around and conducting a real time open-air market via shouting and face-to-face interaction is realisitic. A form of PC purgatory where weight doesn't exist, people don't need food or drink, and magical catalogs of everything for sale pop up on demand before glowing paths lead you to the vendor isn't realisitic.

Allowing those magical PC vendors to exist without the owners computer being logged in or conducting the operation "behind the scenes" with an NPC middleman doesn't strip away any "realism" when there never was much to begin with.

More straw men talking about glowing lines, not needing food and drink, and the search function. Yes, these are time savers that reduce the tedium of trading. To some degree they are stand-ins for employees and advertising, which would be harder to implement in the game.

Being more "realistic" has little intrinsic value in the case of these attributes. However, the trading system suffers from being extremely simplistic. The products are standardized due to there being no such a thing as wear and tear, no differences in manufacture, and fully visible attributes. When this is combined with an E-Bay style of trade, there is very little resemblance to real world business. Making it so there is some variation as to who is trading at any given time reduces the amount of market information available at any given time, adding a dynamic that complexifies a ridiculously simple system. It produces a market game that is interesting enough to enhance the game at least for some players.

Realism is a trade-off. We don't want to be attending to every biological function and menial task our characters are undertaking. The notion is that those tasks that don't provide a dynamic to the game or that are made unreasonably difficult by the interface should be cut out (Hawking wares is an extremely time consuming job that is barely worth the effort in the real world). In your argument, you're comparing attributes that provide significant tedium for little game dynamic to an attribute will far less tedium and a larger game dynamic. It may be that you don't get that there is a dynamic, or maybe you're just unable to take advantage of that dynamic and are bitter about it. However, it is there. Changing to an EQ2 style bazaar would do more than remove some tedium from the bazaar. It would remove a dimension from trading that was retained when the bazaar was designed as it is.
#53 Dec 30 2008 at 10:48 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
fidgewinkle wrote:
More straw men talking about glowing lines, not needing food and drink, and the search function.
Yeah, I don't think you understand what "straw man" means.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#54 Jan 01 2009 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
Well bottom line I have seen it done both ways and I prefer just putting something up for sale and forgetting about it while I am out doing something else. Having to make a choice of playing or sitting in the bazaar doing nothing I take playing every time.

I do manage to get my trader up once in a while but usually its during off peak hours when traffic is slow. In the context of dwindling population this is not a plus to play the game.

You have to look at it from a new persons point of view. Granted the new defiant gear randomly drops but not nearly as often enough to totaly gear yourself for that lvl range. So either you go without or buy gear. Now if said new person has never played any mmo's before and EQ is his first game its not a big deal. But if he has played any other mmo's he is going to be laughing at the fact he has to remain logged on to sell anything. It's just one more reason to go play WoW or something else.

I love EQ and the game has had me, a long time player, frustrated enough to quit a few times. So what chance does a noob have of staying when there are so many other games out there that are not so time consuming?
#55 Jan 01 2009 at 5:20 PM Rating: Default
761 posts
The big difference between WoW and EQ1 is you have to think a little bit more...well a lot more with EverQuest.... the purpose of this thread was not to compare the two but to kick SoE in the *** a little and have them start advertising, maybe like wow (the only comparison)...Yes, I have written SoE about advertising, really about their "LACK of ADVERTISING" but hopefully this form might inspire someone else to write Sony also. We need more loyal population to inhance our game.
About the bazaar least there might be a chance to catch the seller on line and maybe cut a better deal with SoE's way... if you want easy stick to my opinion the dumbing down of EQ 1 has hurt the population...if you make something easy...then the customer really doesn't want it and gets bored....example in real life...when I used to sell... I always sold something easier when I created a demand and limited the quanity... so if they wanted it they had to act fast.....and the demand was they needed to buy it before their neighbor...if they can't have it then they want it even more...this has been proven more than once to me. In game, if it is easy then it is boring. There are a lot of ways SoE can make the game always exciting, a challenge. Talked about a few ways higher up in thread. As I see it there is a bunch of mini games inside of can raid, group & solo. You can play the game of exploring..I have not been to every zone let alone every corner. You can hunt and or farm. You can craft and sell your accomplishments. You can work on your faction or language, you can play their stupid card game (imo) and then there is the Bazaar game. Those who play the Bazzar, find in very intersting sort of like the stock market..can not do this in a third person market like WoW. When I am playing the Bazaar...checking prices, barking advertisements, and cutting deals..looking for bargins to resell or keep...fighting for that elusive persons plat....I enjoy it...and I admit it, it's not for everyone. I don't have the time to raid with a high end guild and would not want SoE to change those players part of the game for me.... lot of niches in EQ and there is something for everyone...but the common thing is that all aspects of the game would improve if there was a bigger population. Even the Solo game, more people more money, more ******** to improve. (lol)

Armourcarr Zek Bazaar Trader
Vinney DeWanderer Zek Human Ranger

Edited, Jan 1st 2009 8:47pm by Vinney
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#56 Jan 08 2009 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
The discussion of comparing EQ with WoW has a completely wrong spin. It boils sown to what kind of a game you want ... examples:

Example 1:
In my old days I camped the Raster of Guk. I camped him for 38 (!) consequetive hours and finally got him. I finalised my monk epic 1.0 and was among the first of my server. Did I regret the camping time? Not at all ... I got the epic. It was a huge event and party in my guild.

Example 2:
Raid in NToV. My guild is the first of the server to get to the nameds and battle them. We had the best clerics on the server and the battle rages high: This one named (forgit the name) goes to 40% when the first clerics (chain-clerics doing constant complete heals on the main tank) call "20 mana" ... necros start pumping even more mana ... dam-dealers kick in their dics for more damage. And the mob goes down with only two clerics left with enough mana for a heal left.

What do these examples tell us: If you want to regain mana in ubb0r speed by sitting down (on a horse, the floor, a chair - whatever), if you want access to ubb0r gear just like that EQ is not your game. It is a challenging game that is for more serious gamers than WoW is. Anything else (UI, zoning time, you name it) is meaningless. Period.
#57 Jan 09 2009 at 3:55 PM Rating: Default
Jophiel Wrote:
No, but the game is nearly a decade old. When it came out, it was the only game in town of its type and the first attempts to make an EQ-Killer failed (AC, DAoC, AO, etc). It wasn't going to remain #1 any more than Doom was going to remain the #1 First Person Shooter.

EQ is old. I'm not saying that it's dead or whatever but SOE's interest in it is to keep it at a simmer for as long as it's making money but their real cooking pots are for newer ideas. Personally, I like the game plenty but it has some serious issues that'd prevent me from hyping it to a first time player. Low newbie player base (I realize this is a catch-22), tons of zones filled with worthless & outdated content, graphics ranging from passable to pathetic, etc. I like it because it's comfortable and I "grew up" in it but it's not 1999 any longer.

Wow do you play EQ or do you just toll these forums to incite any and all arguments possible?
#58 Jan 09 2009 at 4:30 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I not only play EQ but, from the sounds of it, it doesn't raise my blood pressure nearly as much as it raises yours Smiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#59 Jan 09 2009 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
136 posts
Paladin Human Lvl 78 WOW
Warrior Gnome Lvl 70 WOW
Hunter Dark Elf Lvl 70 WOW

thats nice you played for a week..... =) jk... though I will say some servers like Xegony are seeing a much larger player base return than other servers.. I even saw two low levels last night in Gfay killing orcs..... that said... some server are dieing... and thats udnerstandable... but the game as a whole is seeing new growth.. even if that is returning players looking to get back to a good game..... I would love it if when the ineveitable does come the last expansion gives everyone either capability to run there own server ( for themselves and friends with all their characters and equipment heck mmaby ability to link to other players across world.. sort of a community of players keeping game goidn forthemselves)) or an expansion that makes the game playable offline (with characters and equipment) so that people will be able to keep the characters they have spent so much time building...
#60 Jan 10 2009 at 4:40 AM Rating: Default
761 posts
You saw population increase because school is out....we need a raise in population from the every day player.
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#61 Jan 10 2009 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
A friend is going to help get EQ all set up this weekend and I am very glad I have read this thread. One of my concerns in EQ was dying and now it isn't and sounds that EQ has a lot similar with Wow for sure now in the playing mechanics and some of WAR.

If graphics are the thing then WAR and FFXI would at the top of the list imho. I am more than willing to go back to the old noob zones with triangle mountains, this will be fun.

Yes, Wow has public flying mounts and you can get (if willing to work) all kinds of them, griffons, drakes,etc. I like WAR's transportaion system though wish they had more spots sometimes. You find a flight master and off you go to wherever you are allowed to go. Wow is becoming more of a collection of achievements than a game.

Besides me, there are others coming back, and one reason I think or remember are the attitudes of the players. I know alot has changed but would imagine that still hold true.

FFXI is having players return there from what I understand and new players joining up.

#62 Jan 10 2009 at 8:27 PM Rating: Good
MasterGotmog wrote:
Anything else (UI, zoning time, you name it) is meaningless. Period.

Yeah, you're right. Being able to pick up a game and immediately play it without futzing with a clunky interface supposedly designed to HELP you pick up and play it faster, is meaningless. Being able to GET to a zone to do those events you mention is also meaningless. I mean, who cares if the game crashes every time you change areas, amirite?

Look, there are people who will go to their graves insisting that there is nothing wrong with this game, that none of the more recent games have added anything worthwhile, despite developer quotes to the contrary. You think SOE isn't trying to find a way to implement Public Quests? Like I'm sure SOE was the first MMO developer to conceive of instancing, hireable mercenaries, a mentoring system, fast travel, and alternate means of character advancement and development.

I remember the days you mention. I recall spending 70 hours (straight) in Halls of Testing farming armor, because the area was contested by 7 guilds. If we left, there was no telling when we'd get another opportunity to gear up. I recall spawn racing and three guilds in the Insignia room in Ssra ready to click in to Emp's room. I loved those days. But one thing that's often missed in these discussions is the fact that the market has moved on. EQ's target audience in '99 is now 10 years older. Think about that for a minute. Ten years ago, where were you in life and what were you doing? Did you have more available, uninterrupted free time then?

To be perfectly honest, it doesn't matter what you or I think or want. If you put every person who liked EQ "in the old days" on one server, they probably couldn't produce enough revenue to keep the server open. That's not an insult (I'd be on that server too) but both the market, perception, and definitions have changed. Used to be if a game had 100k subs, it was excellent. Now? Half a million just to earn a seat at the grownups table. You have folks coming up with all kinds of pricing schemes because the vanilla subscriptions model doesn't produce enough revenue for "smaller titles" by someone's definition (which has changed since the turn of the century). So sure, UI is meaningless to you but to Joe MMOer who started playing back when he was in high school or college and now has a screaming wife and babies in the background, doesn't have 2+ hours to figure out what does what. He just wants to sit down, pick up on things as quickly as possible (thus, all the pictures everywhere in all the newer games' UIs) and play for an hour and make some progress. He doesn't want to spend 2 mins zoning between areas, he doesn't want his level progression to plateau before "the good part" of the game (whatever that may be), and he sure as hell doesn't want to be shackled to other players and their prejudices just to make a modicum of progress (so forced grouping is OUT. Soloability to the cap is IN). He also doesn't want three gaming sessions (or more) of progress wiped out in one death (remember old school Fear breaks?).

Anyway, sorry for the epistle. It just seems like whenever this topic comes up, someone takes it as a chance to insult or look down on folks who play other games. I've spoken to many of these folks (trying to convince them to at least TRY EQ) but their reasons for not doing so are very valid. Granted, with many of the changes in recent years, there's not much difference between the games. However, SOE's continued resistance to merge servers still leaves the one major 'con' of EQ: population (or lack thereof). This game was SO freakin' awesome when you could log in, go to a level appropriate zone, and just jump in a group (or go to another level appropriate zone). With so many things instanced nowadays, crowding isn't even a secondary concern (tertiary, at best). People I've spoke to who play WoW like to see other people around, even if they're not available to group. You know if you go to a capital city, you're going to see a lot of people running around (and not the roomful of statues that exists in the guild lobby). Yes, they're playing an MMO but that doesn't mean they want people all up in their grill whenever they play. Smiley: tongue
Cazic Thule

Firiona Vie

#63 Jan 11 2009 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
I read another post here that implies they are merging one and will make a new server in a couple of months. If they want to merge Povar (was Morden Rasp when I started playing) that is fine but think Povar is fairly populated.

Wow and War are now both offering free transfers to other servers. Looks like a trend.

I left for Wow and some of my ingame friends had left for EQ2, which I tried and didnt like at all.

I have a lot to relearn but have found since doing Wow and War that the basics are the same in all these games.

I do agree with the box in the store thing but have you noticed that EBgames/Gamestop, PC games are in a corner and not many of them. So, there you have new game systesm taking over for the moment. Age of person buying the game.

Lol, hope So and No Ro (the desert for noobies) is still there and that forest. Since I remember all that very well, it is going to be good spots to learn again.
#64 Jan 17 2009 at 5:47 AM Rating: Good
Gayle wrote:
I read another post here that implies they are merging one and will make a new server in a couple of months. If they want to merge Povar (was Morden Rasp when I started playing) that is fine but think Povar is fairly populated.

Wow and War are now both offering free transfers to other servers. Looks like a trend.

I can't speak for WAR (which, last I read, was merging servers or offering xp bonuses to people who play a low population side (usually Order)) but WoW's free transfer is essentially what EQ used to call "server splits". Basically, they have a dozen servers that are OVERpopulated (by their metrics) so they're allowing players on those servers to move, for free, to a new server they're launching specifically for that purpose. They've done that over a dozen times since the game launched.

At this point, I think the best thing SOE could do is consolidate into say 8 servers, not including FV, Zek, Al'Kabor, and the new one. Perhaps in a year's time, after everything shakes out, there would be a reason to do a split of some kind. I'd like to think having a robust playerbase on each server and at all levels, would mask the fact that the game's in decline (numbers wise) and maybe reverse that trend.
Cazic Thule

Firiona Vie

#65 Feb 02 2009 at 4:37 PM Rating: Default

Wow's AH (auction house) method is much better than the Baz method in EQ. First off, the seller sets the amount he wishes for the auction to start at (players then bid on the item) as well as the purchase price. Often these two aren't that far apart.

The best part of it is the auction remains for up to I believe 48 hours, and you then get to either log out or go play the game.

In EQ you have a mule (wasted player space) who is usually an ogre standing on a gnome when you are trying to buy something from the gnome. You have to keep the game running and stay on line while the Baz Mule is active.

So how do you figure that WoW's method is greedier?

It is those little things like that were obviously some one took the time and put some thought into streamlining the process that makes the game more entertaining and enjoyable to play.

After all, if it's no fun, no one will do it unless you pay them.

I truly believe that those players who use to play EQ and then move onto something else, for what ever the reason is, suddenly find out that EQ is not so much a more challenging game, per say, but rather a challenge to not get frustrated.

The absolute overall disappointment that comes from EQ is that it never gets an award. Mostly because....????????

Sad that none of the EQ varieties even made the top 100 games of 2008, where as just about every MMORG did.

EQ may have been the top dog on day one, but like tic tac to, and monopoly, the challenges weren't worth the time or the reward.

I really wish I could think of something worthwhile to help revamp EQ, but I can't.
#66 Feb 02 2009 at 10:51 PM Rating: Default
761 posts
I think you are wrong at every aspect you mentioned...go play wow...My personal belief is, that if they were to stick a wow player in a locked room with a Banana on the ceiling and three boxes that could be stacked to reach it... They would starve to death....but a monkey would NOT. In fact I don't even think it is a belief, Vegas would give me odds in my favor.

Armourcarr, Zek Bazaar Trader
Vinney DeWanderer, Zek Human Ranger

Edited, Feb 3rd 2009 1:53am by Vinney

Edited, Feb 3rd 2009 1:54am by Vinney
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#67 Feb 03 2009 at 8:51 PM Rating: Default

I completely agree with everything you've said throughout this whole thread. SOE needs to back the game, because I think they have focused on only one aspect of the game for a long time. That one aspect is expansions and adding content. The benefits of this have materialized in way many of mentioned: there is so much content, and so many places to go. You can go to a crowded popular area, typically a zone in the newest in expansions, or you can venture into a zone that is less traveled, an older zone.

The downfall is, without the players to fill those zones, its like you are letting the foundation of your house waste away. There needs to me a commitment to bringing in new players and past players rather than just trying to retain the current players.

SOE needs to get the Everquest name out there again, give the average gamer an reason to pick up the Everquest box to give it a try. Improving aspects internally in the game is not enough when the consumer just sees the Everquest box on the shelf and thinks to his/her self "oh wow, I have seen that game on the shelf for a long time".

Bringing back the past players is very possible even though there is stiff competition out there, because many players have a soft spot in their heart for EQ. I've known so many Everquest friends that I have come and gone from Everquest so many times its ridiculous.

I haven't played Everquest for about 3 years, but I have played from the beginning consistently for roughly 8 years. I am sure its up hill battle, and it will take a lot to revive the game, most importantly a committment from SOE to realize that MMORPGs often come and go but the ones that stand the test of time are very special, and should be nurtured.

Everquest will always have a very very special place in my heart, it has created so many great memories for me, from running around the Western Wastes amongst the dragons to camping in Lower Guk for the Sword of Ykesha. I really love this game and I hope it can be revived. As I write this, I am heavily considering coming back!

On a side note, way back about 3 years ago, I used to play with that human ranger named Vinney. I am sure you don't remember me, but you sir were one of the greatest and kindest players I encountered in Everquest. Not necessarily a power gamer by any means, but definitely played the great game the way it is supposed to be played.

Imiriel - High Elf Cleric
Slopez - Dark Elf Necro
Penques - Half Elf Bard
#68 Mar 16 2009 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
I think there are a couple of things (outside of the current game build) that would be fairly easy for SOE to do to help out the populations.

I know it’s expensive to run the servers and support them. You upped the cost on us to 14.99 a month so I don't want to hear that.

1.) Combine more servers. Load everyone up on a Euro and US server, a PVP, have a test server, and a progression/rule set server up that will merge in at the end of its run. (plus one classic… more on that later)

2.) Have a ridiculous intro price after the free trial. Like 3.99-5.99 monthly for the first year. If they are hooked by then they will moronically pay what I pay. If not then it was more people that were present that year for loyal players to interact with.
3.) Lifetime memberships. Yes make them available. The cost would have to be high (imagine a price tag of 299.99...its crazy but how many Hardcore players will do that...alot….most of the population now is hardcore loyalist), but we are already paying current market for a decade old game.

4.) Station Cash (as much as I hate it) would have to be expanded on to help off-set lifetime memberships.

5.) Keep up the good work with the expansion content. While it has taken EQ classic away, most large additions work with what we currently have today with the population and player base issues.

6.) Fix the darn forums. Just because the game is getting older, the SOE forums where new players will go first, does not have to give the vibe of a company that doesn't really care to update Everquest. If I didn't play EQ back in the day and I was a 18-21 yr old and saw those boards I might assume the game was homebrew and free garbage.

7.) If you are already doing station cash and allowing boxing... why not give extra incentives for friend referral? People are going to exploit this with 2 and 3 boxed accounts of course. Do it by credit cards registered and the new person has to be on a few months after the free trial. The rewards could be a free month or two of subscription (maybe for both the new and referring player) or even in game items. With station Cash already in, I think in-game items, like XP boosters, or special dyes would be just fine. You could have gear or mounts only available to people with 6-10 successful referrals. “Armor of the calling” or some such crap… (make the people work for you.)

8. ) get on with a classic EQ server already. Make this only available Lifetime subcribers and new players (the new players will have to go lifetime after trial or get locked out) Don’t do it half way do it right. Nothing past Kunark, no Luclin Graphics, original rule set and spells, you will need your buddy the druid to bounce around. I like a lot of the newer stuff, but the second you bend on one thing other will follow. The hardcore classic lovers will thank you in the long run the more strict you are.

Here would be the outcome.
-Higher Populations on servers from merge
-Less hardware for administrators
-Current content people love will still be there
-Finally a Classic EQ server that will be full of hardcore players that will brag about it like crazy (free marketing)
-Word of mouth alone about EQ offering up lifetimes and having a 12 month 3.99-5.99 price , would be more marketing that EQ has seen in a while.
-The new forums would attract more players and have a place that existing EQ players could navigate nicely and find useful information, guilds, and other players to group with. The current moaning bout low population is NOT helping the population.
-There would be incentives to talk you buddy into getting his or her butt of here finally, or even to come back.

I understand SOE can’t use money and resources to go out and properly market EQ. They can make adjustments to get other players to really get motivated and do it for them.

Sorry for the long post… I was bored at work 

#69 Mar 16 2009 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
AH in Wow. These are just general things. Yes, it frees up the player. Time item is up varies depending how much of a deposit you want to put up. They take a cut of the action. Say your item's time limit expired and no takers. You can put up again but another deposit.

What I like about the EQ system. Although Wow's system has now put in a level limitation and has categories, I like the categories and how they narrow the field more specifically to your needs and also all on one screen in EQ. I usually put my trader up when done playing and not going to use my computer. Put her AFK, shut off monitor and do other things.

I started a Nec the other day and in the tutorial and the zone next to it, were several lowbies like me. Now, whether new players or returning or like me and just adding another, who knows.

My opinion on Mercs is still out. Has been nice but seems like such a crutch, and then again not used to it. Not using it much, just when am in big trouble.

As long as Sony has EQ and FFXI, I and my friends are going to stay.

Oh, since I play Wow too. I wish could get a lot of them interested in EQ because a lot of times in the chat channel, you read 'I am bored, I am bored' and you know what a lot of us are bored in Wow.

The Wow head designer left Wow recently to go onto another Blizzard project. So, the writing on the wall is there. Blizzard is moving to something else it seems, probably a few years till ready for public.

#70 Mar 17 2009 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
761 posts
Like you most of my posts are “Board at Work” posts. LOL
You have some great ideas, just hope someone from SoE reads and understands our concerns. In my opinion NEW population is the key to the games continuing success.
Example: This is EverQuest 10th anniversary. What an opportunity for SoE to take advantage of Free Press. Besides Allakhazam making a big deal of it, I see no advertising even in game. General chat on Zek was still speculative if there was going to be patch to institute Fabled or was it already installed last patch. There was no notice enticing us to the happenings to come in the next month. I don’t see or have heard anything super special besides the regular “Fabled Mobs” & some quest. In my opinion there should be a lot of GM events, Mass zone spawns with no drop stuff, even for low levels.
I don’t know why, but there doesn’t seem to be great excitement like there used to be among the players. Maybe still new and started on a work day.

Armourcarr, Zek Bazaar Trader
Vinney DeWanderer, Zek Human Ranger.
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#71 Mar 17 2009 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
I know right.

I am excited just to level up a Ranger and go after the Fabled goulbane. (old memories)

I was loggin in to servers and doing a spot check, just in general and general 1 chat channels for the main EQ boards and found there are actually more people lurking around than I thought on a off night like Monday at 9:30pm EST

Here are what a few of us got last night... we will continue to do these (while they are not accurate to the person... they at least should show us comparisons of size)

E Marr
Gen (201)
Gen1 (115)

Gen (200)
Gen1 (186)

Gen (199)
Gen1 (159)

Druzzil/Xev/Combine at 11:40 est monday night



Guild lobby-100+ It listed 100 and said the list was cut short.

Bazaar traders- 198

PoK- 40

Cazic/Brell at 11:55pm monday night

General- 201


Guild lobby - 100+

Bazaar Traders- 150

PoK- 25
#72 Mar 18 2009 at 7:02 PM Rating: Good
First off masking, toss out your General chat numbers. They'll hurt the point you're trying to make. Many people don't join General because it's largely the domain of trolls, scammers, and spammers. On any given night, if I have six accounts logged in, maybe one is in General (MAYBE. Usually it's none). Perhaps some enterprising individual could come up with a mod akin to WoW Census that could count population a bit more accurately (but still not 100%).

I've been a proponent of the lifetime subscription thing for years now (since Turbine committed to it with LOTRO). Think about it. I have a total of 33 accounts (Smiley: eek). If I signed up even HALF of those, that would be far more than SOE gets from me now (I typically rotate them and only have 8 active at any one time). And it would make sense for me to do so if I planned to play more than 2 years (and if I thought SOE would keep EQ going for that long). I can think of at least 12 of my characters I'd sign up for that, if the option existed.

EQ's population is going to seesaw for the foreseeable future. It'll go up around now for fabled and the anniversary events then go down again until Living Legacy Part Deux then go down until the next expansion and so on.
Cazic Thule

Firiona Vie

#73 Mar 18 2009 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
No game will last forever. I think its had a long and successful run.
#74 Mar 19 2009 at 5:53 AM Rating: Decent
i think one of the problems with decreasing population is the introduction of new servers. As soon as a new server becomes available, poof people from current servers go there. more toons is what is needed on current servers, not more servers. Why not just combine some of the existing ones so that we have more people.

As for lag etc on EQ sony needs to create a new engine...people have quit because they cannot expierence new expansions because the lag makes playing unenjoyable. My son plays WoW on this pc and has no lag whatsoever there, yet even with turning off or down numerous display options i still get lots of lag....but before SoD and updates to SoF i had virtually no lag at all with all display options on
#75 Mar 25 2009 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
Personally, I've given up on SOE. They are incapable of fixing this game and drawing in new numbers. I don't even believe they really want to draw folks to EQ. Doing so would draw them away from their other projects.

Perhaps at the heart, that is what has killed SOE's ability to make a #1 game -- they have multiple personality syndrom and must be forcing all their decisions through some fine grained grinder that spits out requirements to fit some imagined audience that fits a non-existant niche. Otherwise how do you hope all of your games will be played? You can't really.

Sell the game to a competitor. Set it free from a management perspective. That competitor needs to be flush with cash seperate from SOE's (SOE can own a piece, but not enough to influence it's decisions).

I am certain ANYONE else could re-develop this game. Hell I'd pay a million for its IP alone. F the code. Rewrite it from the ground up and repackage the old IP. That would sell at least a million copies the first week it hit the shelves. It's obvious, if you didn't have a dozen other babies in the bathe water to watch -- they would see it too.
#76 Mar 25 2009 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Lifetime subscription I think is a great idea. I would do it for three of my four accounts.

But I still think the thing that needs to be done most is more personalization. Let me be different from every other Paladin in the game (please stop laughing at me for playing a paladin)

Before you say, "how does that bring in more population"

Answer: Word of mouth. I talk to my friends that used to play the game all the time, I have several friends that play WoW, or Warhammer, that I would tell about the new innovations.

God I hope SOE is reading and actually cares about this thread, it has some really good stuff in it.

The live chat the other day was a joke, they basically said everyones ideas were either already done or couldn't be done, they never once (might be exagerating with NEVER, but not by much) said they were going to do anything.

As optomistic as I am, I do believe that they have no intentions of putting money into EQ to make it better than it currently is. Too many of them are sitting up there talking about what a good run they have had.

Team Foustes:
Foustes 85 Paladin Xegony
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