Clicking on the Mercenaries. I see you can get different levels of skills either heals or melee. But still have a few questions and if there is a site that can answer them would be great to get a link. 1) I am from Zek. Will these Mercenaries be able to be used in PvP either as an aggressor or as defense? Can you buy two? And if you can, can you use the group number to be able to do some of the instances? Say you buy a Dark Elf will they be able to follow you into a city that you con friendly to but they are not friendly to DE’s?
Will it affect experience gains? And if you are on a horse can they keep up with you? Sorry did not stay at a holiday inn last night and inquiring minds got to know :D
Vinney DeWanderer Human Ranger, Zek
Armourcarr, Bazaar Trader, Zek