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What is the best DPS class in long run???Follow

#27 Jun 30 2008 at 12:05 PM Rating: Default
1,074 posts
Necromancer, if you want to solo.
Berserker, if you will group alot.
Rogue, if you will group alot with a good tank.
Wizard, if you plan on getting enough good gear to put you on par with a Necromancer who can DPS naked.

I am a little biased since I know that Necromancers can solo anything in the game that does not summon even things 10 levels higher.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#28 Jun 30 2008 at 2:21 PM Rating: Good
I am a little biased since I know that Necromancers can solo anything in the game that does not summon even things 10 levels higher.

My main is a Ranger, but I do have a high level Necro alt, so when I say Necro's can even solo those nasty buggers that summon, I speak from experience. Ya, necro's rule.
#29 Jul 14 2008 at 12:41 PM Rating: Excellent
I have been playing since Dec 99 and have played every class in just about every zone. DPS is something to be considered only when sustained healing cannot be maintained.

Meaning, If you are in a group, pulling single mobs, and resting and medding after every single mob, then yes, DPS is important. This is because if you cannot DPS a mob down fast enough, you already know your healing wont sustain you past a minute and you will die. If your group makeup is healer heavy and your DPS is lighter, then your group can often do a full chain pull rotation with having mezzed mobs nearby ready to engage the second the previous mob is dead. In this case, DPS is not so critical because however long it takes your team to kill a mob, you will still be able to sustain healing and not need down time to med.

When I am pulling for a exp group, I base the rate that I pull the mobs on the healers ability to keep up with the tank; NOT the DPS ability of the group. Years ago when mana pools were tiny, and clerics thought that drinking ales would regen their mana faster, there was a lot of down time regardless of the DPS the group had.
#30 Jul 14 2008 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
402 posts
I'm a little biased here, but one of the classes that hasn't been brought up yet, but may be the best solo class of all, is the Enchanter. With SoF, I have come to accept that my class is obsolete in a group setting. No one likes crowd control any more. But with charming, you can take on mobs that would balk even the traditional solo classes, such as the Necromancer. If you enjoy a challenge, soloing with an Enchanter takes patience and care, but the rewards are well worth it.

#31 Jul 14 2008 at 2:39 PM Rating: Good
3,362 posts
ChanterTime wrote:
I'm a little biased here, but one of the classes that hasn't been brought up yet, but may be the best solo class of all, is the Enchanter. With SoF, I have come to accept that my class is obsolete in a group setting. No one likes crowd control any more. But with charming, you can take on mobs that would balk even the traditional solo classes, such as the Necromancer. If you enjoy a challenge, soloing with an Enchanter takes patience and care, but the rewards are well worth it.

An enchanter, however, isn't at all a DPS class.
#32 Jul 15 2008 at 8:34 AM Rating: Excellent
.... Except on the OMM event in Anguish. Enchanters are the DPS kings for that event. So much so, that the event is almost un-winable if there are not two enchanters there who are skilled at charm fighting.
#33 Jul 15 2008 at 8:43 AM Rating: Excellent
Also, I disagree that enchanters are not useful in grp situations anymore. Although it is generally true that they are not considered a DPS class, I find it very refreshing when i am pulling that I dont have to worry about splitting two mobs and I dont have to kite circles around one until my mez sticks. With an enchanter in group setting I can keep melee songs loaded and go full grp dps mode leaving the mezzing to the enchanter.

It makes pulling faster, makes for less down time, and adds survivability to the group, all for the tradeoff of some raw dps that may have been in the grp had the enchanter not been there.

So enchanters being far from the top of the 'best DPS' list, are also far from useless.
#34 Jul 19 2008 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
402 posts
Quadkit wrote:
ChanterTime wrote:
I'm a little biased here, but one of the classes that hasn't been brought up yet, but may be the best solo class of all, is the Enchanter. With SoF, I have come to accept that my class is obsolete in a group setting. No one likes crowd control any more. But with charming, you can take on mobs that would balk even the traditional solo classes, such as the Necromancer. If you enjoy a challenge, soloing with an Enchanter takes patience and care, but the rewards are well worth it.

An enchanter, however, isn't at all a DPS class.

Tell that to the named mobs I solo.
#35 Jul 19 2008 at 6:23 PM Rating: Default
402 posts
Biltene wrote: love for the wizzies on here.

As far as soloing goes, once you learn the ins and outs of kiting, a wizard can solo just as well as any other class capable of soloing, in fact, you would kill mobs faster than any other class. Given a period of time, I'm sure necros would kill more mobs due to efficiency, but if you want to know what class is going to kill a single mob the fastest, it's a wizzy, hands down.

While your DPS is impressive, certainly, and you do make a good case for the Wizard soloing capability, one caveat: Wizards cannot solo summoners. You nuke a summoner that's high enough to actually give you experience, it will be the first and last shot you get in that fight.

Magicians, because of the durability of their pets, can solo summoners. Enchanter can also solo summoners because they can hide behind a charmed mob which will easily out DPS any pet.
#36 Jul 19 2008 at 6:40 PM Rating: Excellent
3,362 posts
ChanterTime wrote:
Quadkit wrote:
ChanterTime wrote:
I'm a little biased here, but one of the classes that hasn't been brought up yet, but may be the best solo class of all, is the Enchanter. With SoF, I have come to accept that my class is obsolete in a group setting. No one likes crowd control any more. But with charming, you can take on mobs that would balk even the traditional solo classes, such as the Necromancer. If you enjoy a challenge, soloing with an Enchanter takes patience and care, but the rewards are well worth it.

An enchanter, however, isn't at all a DPS class.

Tell that to the named mobs I solo.
The ability to solo big mobs doesn't make you DPS. My statement still stands, an enchanter isn't a DPS class.
#37 Jul 22 2008 at 6:33 AM Rating: Default
641 posts
The BEST dps class is ranger, but rogues and berserkers generally do MORE dps.
And hello beastlords and monks, both pretty good at reducing mob hp.

Of course I'm somewhat biased but....
Donbayne 100 Rng - Uinian 100 Dru - Breru 100 Sk - Nyenie 82 Brd - Ruusan 76 Clr - Braru 75 Mag - Syqen 100 Shm EQ Stromm/Luclin
#38 Jul 22 2008 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
The BEST dps class is ranger, but rogues and berserkers generally do MORE dps.
And hello beastlords and monks, both pretty good at reducing mob hp.

Dude!!! I was trying to keep their spirits up!! Why did you have to go and hurt their feelings like that. You and I both know that Rangers are the true power behind the throne, but we like to keep it on the down low. Let them all feel nice and squishy about themselves. Sigh, now we are gonna have to fake our deaths (again) on several group/raids just to re-establish our "fragile natures." Didnt you get the memo?
#39 Jul 22 2008 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
641 posts
Dayum! Must have been suffering from rez effects when I posted that =(

This is not the dps class you're looking for, move along.

Edited, Jul 22nd 2008 12:12pm by Donbayne
Donbayne 100 Rng - Uinian 100 Dru - Breru 100 Sk - Nyenie 82 Brd - Ruusan 76 Clr - Braru 75 Mag - Syqen 100 Shm EQ Stromm/Luclin
#40 Jul 22 2008 at 6:32 PM Rating: Good
3,362 posts
An absolute top end beastlord will at least equal a ranger of the same status. The last expansion was VERY kind to beasts. Monks also generally out-DPS rangers.
#41 Jul 28 2008 at 10:52 AM Rating: Excellent
The devs have done an appropriately decent job at balancing classes when it comes to the 'Best DPS Class' question. It mostly comes down to how you play, how quick/snappy/alert you are, and how versatile you are.

I have seen monks that are amazingly good pullers/splitters but are relatively less than optimal DPS. I have seen the exact reverse in some monks also. They pound the snot out of mobs but if they have more than 1-2 targets or adds they are not in their happy zone.

Same thing almost with Beastlords, Beserkers, Rogues, Rangers, (Enchanters)etc. Each class by itself is fine, but it comes down to the player and his skill and adaptability and quickness as picking up the ball when it is dropped somewhere by some unforseen event.

Sitting in front of a mob and popping a random AA or disc with auto-attack on is only marginally effective if the player cannot adjust to the current situation. Not only following orders from the raid or group leader, but also taking care of things, within their scope of 'do-ability' without having to be told.

Amazingly good tanks are very often frustrated by those lesser-attentative tank players who just sit there, expect to maintain aggro, be healed, and do nothing else.

Often 'DPS' is not the key to winning an event. Often it is add control, timing, player /say or move interaction, and assisting other key classes. In fact, too much DPS on a mob will trigger additional adds before the raid is ready to handle them. This is especially true for mobs that split into multiple smaller mobs. If you kill several mothers, you have a ba-zillion babbies to deal with and that just kills off your healers and enchanters.

Players who continually dmg a mob when told to stop DPS are heavily sworn at by other raid members/leaders hehe....

Sometimes a tanking class will be put on 'Enchanter protection' simply standing near an Enchanter or whomever waiting to draw away any aggro that they get by doing their assigned role.
#42 Aug 18 2008 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
Beautiful discussion. So after playing the game awhile and trying a few different classes, or asking those who know you well which they think you'll enjoy the most (if following advice doesn't spoil the whole thing for you), which was the most fun?

Which allowed you to play having a good time for the most time as opposed to mooning over lfg?
Or do you really want to solo?
Or "box" multiple accounts?

Point is, a number of people, knowledgeable and bright ones, have disagreed about "who holds the salami" for your future satisfaction. This means SOE has, and I hate their management, done a darn good job of making abuncha classes viable for dps among other things.

Ex. My wife, with all the pet hold aa's in the game, stays enraged at that pet all the time because it keeps wandering off, attacking mobs wihtout permission, and generally acting like the terrior of pets. she loves her mage pet because it steals aggro, kicks *** and is pretty. She thinks I'm weird because I like monks and warriors and shadowknights and other "upcloseandpersonal" types. She's undoubtedly right but I don't enjoy the chanting as opposed to the exercising classes.

#43 Sep 03 2008 at 5:27 AM Rating: Decent
Chanter isnt a DPS class???? Check your sources..maybe most enchanters dont try to be a dps class but when the initiative is taken by one they can sore to the top of the parse easily. Without charmed pet and using only summoned pet and really trying to dps my enchanter has done 70k to 100k damage on a single mob at about 1200 DPS in crystallos. Thats with max DoT crit/damage AA..Mana resurgance on, and max DD crit AA's. NOW if i was to add a charmed pet with haste to that the math. So im gonna have to disagree with you on enchanters not being a DPS class. Maybe if you just sit there thumbin it, casting haste, clarity, and tashin stuff (slacking) I own a parser and I see who does DPS. Chanters are DPS gods with charmed pet, and just to make you think a little more, how much dps you think a chanter adds just hasting a group of melee or mana resurging a nuker??
#44 Sep 03 2008 at 6:02 AM Rating: Good
jonwin wrote:
Tinkering is a trade skill and will do very little to keep folks from hitting you.

That was the absolute high-point of thread #3098456 about who the best DPS class is. I stopped reading after this because anything else would just be anti-climactic. I'm still giggling about it as I type this...
#45 Sep 03 2008 at 6:25 AM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
My public loves me. /wave
#46 Sep 03 2008 at 7:34 AM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
Wyrmm wrote:
Chanter isnt a DPS class????

Nope, chanters are a utility class.

An enchanters ability to DPS is completely irrelevant as it's not their primary role and it's the primary role of the class that determines their classification.

Is a Shaman, Monk or Beastlord a tank class? No. Even though they have the capability once properly geared, that is not their primary role.

Assuming the term "best" is in reference to highest, then the best DPS class would be either Rogue or Berserker.

At top end, equally geared/AA'd/skilled these two classes consistently parse the highest in an average fight.
#47 Sep 03 2008 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
270 posts
I am very disappointed that the Beastlord class has rarely been mentioned. A Beastlord is not only a dps class, mostly because of his warder. In addition, can slow, snare(pet AA and/or spell), dot, dd.

All I'm saying is that the Beastlord should be in this conversation of dps.
Voelfgar Fireforge
105 Beserker
#48 Sep 03 2008 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
Due to the existence of the warder, Beasts are a PET class. Yes they have nice dps and a few posters above did mention them. However with no warder Beasts will not match the output of ranger, rogue, or zerker.

#49 Sep 03 2008 at 12:38 PM Rating: Excellent
Our best BL in our guild happens to also do the most DPS in most raid dps/melee encounters. This is the case because of his skill playing the BL class, his attentiveness and awareness of spells, aa's, and auras going on around him, and his AA count.

He positions himself in optimal melee range depending on the mob we are fighting. I see him cycling expertly through his aa's during a fight, and keeping every tool he has, so to speak, sharp and rdy for battle.

True, Beastlords are usually not considered the top of the best DPS mtn, but its how you play and your passion for efficiency. For him it keeps him at the top of our GUild parsing. We dont have any beserker mains, and our rogue mains seem to be on and off. Our monk leaders are fine, but somehow the BL tops them all.

So this all means to me that HOW and HOW OFTEN you play is far more important than WHAT class you play when considering the best dps among all classes. If your play style doesnt match the strengths of the class then change to a class that you can be efficient and accurate and precise with. (If you are trying to maximize dps)

Many times, like I mentioned before, DPS just isnt that important. In some raid situations, and often in most group situations. Especially in guild groups. We often joke around and waste time goofing off instead of 100% precision and efficiency.

Heck, last night our raid leader was heading up an 'after-hours' event in Crystallos. In between waiting for a spire respawn he says "Everybody invis and wait, I am going to try something"
We are all silent and confused a bit when all of a sudden 12 mobs attack the camp and wipe us all. 20 mins later, and after lots of jokes about lemmings and the next time 'he wants to try something', we got back to clearing mobs.

So goofing off for a 20 min rez and recovery is the epitome of non-efficiency. But it was fun and most of us laughed at the sillyness of it. So play a class you want to have fun with, and can play well, that matches your play style. You will always be more DPS, more efficient, more better of a player.
#50 Sep 04 2008 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
Our best BL in our guild happens to also do the most DPS in most raid dps/melee encounters. This is the case because of his skill playing the BL class, his attentiveness and awareness of spells, aa's, and auras going on around him, and his AA count.

He positions himself in optimal melee range depending on the mob we are fighting. I see him cycling expertly through his aa's during a fight, and keeping every tool he has, so to speak, sharp and rdy for battle.

True, Beastlords are usually not considered the top of the best DPS mtn, but its how you play and your passion for efficiency. For him it keeps him at the top of our GUild parsing. We dont have any beserker mains, and our rogue mains seem to be on and off. Our monk leaders are fine, but somehow the BL tops them all.

So this all means to me that HOW and HOW OFTEN you play is far more important than WHAT class you play when considering the best dps among all classes. If your play style doesnt match the strengths of the class then change to a class that you can be efficient and accurate and precise with. (If you are trying to maximize dps)

Play style and effectiveness doesn't account for class design.

Experience may make a player knowledgeable but it's how that knowledge is used that makes a player skillful.

You said it yourself, the reason he is top DPS is because of how he's "equipped" (gear and AAs) and the fact that he doesn't have any equally equipped competition. An equally equipped Zerker, Rogue or Monk would out DPS him in a second as long as they had enough skill to play their class competently.
#51 Sep 04 2008 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
317 posts
Here is the most recent parse from the orc in solteris for my guild.

Damage by Total % of Tot Time DPS / Scaled Hits Max hit Avg hit Dmg to PC NPC DPS Special
Rogue 559414 6.24% 87 6430 / 6357 453 15567 1234 0 0
Zerker 485689 5.42% 87 5583 / 5519 270 11508 1798 0 0
Zerker 421484 4.7% 88 4790 / 4790 224 10788 1881 0 0
Rogue 408350 4.55% 84 4861 / 4640 437 13368 934 0 0
Monk 391068 4.36% 87 4495 / 4444 627 17488 623 5324 5324
Wizard 340080 3.79% 80 4251 / 3865 32 32401 10627 0 0 7
Zerker 336913 3.76% 86 3918 / 3829 174 11830 1936 0 0
Zerker 320361 3.57% 86 3725 / 3640 245 7102 1307 0 0
Wizard + pets 315981 3.52% 82 3853 / 3591 70 30217 4514 0 0
Ranger 287685 3.21% 84 3425 / 3269 357 11147 805 0 0
Wizard + pets 287072 3.2% 79 3634 / 3262 55 31527 5219 7240 7240
Ranger 286866 3.2% 88 3260 / 3260 438 6538 654 0 0
Necro + pets 284672 3.17% 86 3310 / 3235 325 22568 875 8325 8325
Wizard 245515 2.74% 76 3230 / 2790 21 36246 11691 0 0
Beastlord + pets 234497 2.62% 87 2695 / 2665 587 7820 399 0 0
Wizard + pets 231601 2.58% 81 2859 / 2632 39 32752 5938 0 0
Necro + pets 226549 2.53% 87 2604 / 2574 333 18987 680 4842 4842
Ranger 218027 2.43% 88 2478 / 2478 478 2361 456 5350 5350
Ranger 207740 2.32% 87 2388 / 2361 434 4009 478 3780 3780
Wizard + pets 194105 2.16% 81 2396 / 2206 585 10949 331 34899 5816
Ranger 183329 2.04% 87 2107 / 2083 384 4132 477 0 0

We are a "dps heavy" guild. And as you can see by the top 21 people here (out of a full 54 man raid), that the top dps melee classes by far are rogues and zerkers, followed by monks, rangers, and beastlords.

The top dps caster classes are wizards and necros. There are NO other casters on the list above. Sorry, no chanters in the top 20.

Raolan wrote:
Play style and effectiveness doesn't account for class design.

Experience may make a player knowledgeable but it's how that knowledge is used that makes a player skillful.

You said it yourself, the reason he is top DPS is because of how he's "equipped" (gear and AAs) and the fact that he doesn't have any equally equipped competition. An equally equipped Zerker, Rogue or Monk would out DPS him in a second as long as they had enough skill to play their class competently.

Quoted for truth and emphasis

By the way, I am #18 on that parse, and I still have a couple lines of dps aa's to fill, including Lightning Strikes, which I am working on now.
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