I completed slipgear's gem charm augment last night, man it was fun exploring depths of darkhollow especially The Hive. Every zone was empty :( even the 70 hotzone Ruins of Illsalin on Tunare. I would so love to get my hands on https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=45386 ! I know travel in depths isn't pleasant but xp has to be killer in RoI.
Can a balanced "group" gear level 70 toons with through PoP core AAs xp hunt in The Hive, or is it a raid toons off raid xp playground ? I want to upgrade my magnetic armor one day, but I don't care to buy the new SoF gear or cultural in bazaar, Id rather give some loving to the grouper depths of darkhollow armor. I remember doing arcstone armor on my beasty thinking man this is too easy for reward. I'm 63 with 122AAs guess I'm a harcore casual toon. It seems no one I group with around my level is working on AAs,they after the magical level 80 I guess. I'm killing myself getting AA as I go to try to be a decent tank for a game that doesn't exist no more I guess the 70 challenging group game (spell arc missions etc.) I dont care to rush to level 80. There is so much premium content at level 70. I can see going for 75 after I get get the AAs from omens depths to give me an edge as a group player on 70 content but dont care for 80.
I guess I need to look for a small close guild that groups together often.
Thank You for your time. Urlond 63 SK Tunare