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The Weekend Update - March 17th, 2008Follow

#1 Mar 17 2008 at 12:53 AM Rating: Excellent
1,906 posts
Did you take the chance and spend some time on EQ during this bonus exp weekend? :-)

Thu: Did a Grobb MM and a DoN, got exp worth 2 AAs. A second Grobb mission ended without any of us getting experience, which might have happened because a) we had aggro (from a grey mob) when we looted the shards and left the mission or b) the first one to open the chest wasn't the first to loot a shard... Grouped in Nadox afterwards, got another AA and finally bought Spell Casting Fury 3! :-) In Bazaar, I got a Moonlight Cape for 7k; now there are upgrades for 6 or 7 slots sitting in bank and waiting for me to get to lvl 65. ;-)

Fri-Sun: Spent much time with my cousin, but still got some EQ time:
Dinged 21/22/23 on the Mage, 22 on the Warrior, 21 on the Necro and 17/18/19/20/21 on the Shaman. Now I got all my characters to at least lvl 20, which was a long-term goal (and in fact, I never believed I would accomplish it). It's amazing how easy soloing got with hot zones, regen-boost, double exp weekend and the veteran rewards... I remember that 5 years ago, soloing my warrior to 20 took forever...

On a sidenote, I noticed the Scavenger Hunt post. Any PoP progression flags needed to complete the quest?

Edit: Oh yeah, now that I hit 20 with the Shaman, anyone got suggestions for a last name? He's a Barbarian called Helsingar...

Edited, Mar 17th 2008 5:06am by bbot
#2 Mar 17 2008 at 3:18 AM Rating: Excellent
1,504 posts
Fri: Ahhh double XP weekend Muiwhahahahahhhahh Lock the step kids in their room...check.....wife working....check....grindage ahead....nothinh much to report tonight....ground oput aa on the nec and druid.

Sat: Day of the Druid. Ground the Druid to 71 and several AA's. Now I need to find a new hunting spot. I tend to drain the life out of a camp and my old one long sionce lost its life....where to next?

Sun Day of the Dead. Ground the Necro to 69 and many aa's.

Weekend rants.........linking in general the fabled uber sword of DOOM and saying its junk and you and all of your alts have it when lots of us cannot even get in that zone make you look like a putz.......the general channed is NOT you private chat room......dead Marr on Stromm its 2 or 3 morons useing it like a yahoo chat room......grrrrr......3rd I got a laugh out of this one....a open raid was put out in general.....1 person flamed the guy setting it was nice to see everyone else stick up for him......4th anyone remember the days when it was looked down upon to recruit in /occ for guilds? One of the bottem feeder guilds was doing that this weekend.......and if you really have to do so can you at least spell your message correctly?
"If you ask me, we could do with a little less motivation. The people who are causing all the trouble seem highly motivated to me. Serial killers, stock swindlers, drug dealers, Christian Republicans"

George Carlin.

#3 Mar 17 2008 at 4:07 AM Rating: Excellent
3,128 posts
bbot wrote:
Did you take the chance and spend some time on EQ during this bonus exp weekend? :-)

Thu: Did a Grobb MM and a DoN, got exp worth 2 AAs. A second Grobb mission ended without any of us getting experience, which might have happened because a) we had aggro (from a grey mob) when we looted the shards and left the mission or b) the first one to open the chest wasn't the first to loot a shard... Grouped in Nadox afterwards, got another AA and finally bought Spell Casting Fury 3! :-) In Bazaar, I got a Moonlight Cape for 7k; now there are upgrades for 6 or 7 slots sitting in bank and waiting for me to get to lvl 65. ;-)

Fri-Sun: Spent much time with my cousin, but still got some EQ time:
Dinged 21/22/23 on the Mage, 22 on the Warrior, 21 on the Necro and 17/18/19/20/21 on the Shaman. Now I got all my characters to at least lvl 20, which was a long-term goal (and in fact, I never believed I would accomplish it). It's amazing how easy soloing got with hot zones, regen-boost, double exp weekend and the veteran rewards... I remember that 5 years ago, soloing my warrior to 20 took forever...

On a sidenote, I noticed the Scavenger Hunt post. Any PoP progression flags needed to complete the quest?

Edit: Oh yeah, now that I hit 20 with the Shaman, anyone got suggestions for a last name? He's a Barbarian called Helsingar...

Edited, Mar 17th 2008 5:06am by bbot

Yes plane of tactics is needed. I intend to find a group to go hunt there that is flagged which may mean one flagged guy to partner and hunt the drop with and 4 flagged guys afk in guild hall to get me 85% gimped in.
#4 Mar 17 2008 at 4:21 AM Rating: Excellent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts

I logged on for 1/2-hour with my husband Friday night to burn our LoD's. Attempted the scavenger hunt on Sat. morn. I got the drop from PoI, and lost heart and logged out. I'm still enamoured with LoTRO (got my Minstrel to 21 and completed Book 1). I may need to make a weekend update thread in the LoTR forum.

Sir rosleck wrote:
Sat: Day of the Druid. Ground the Druid to 71 and several AA's. Now I need to find a new hunting spot. I tend to drain the life out of a camp and my old one long sionce lost its life....where to next?
I think I was charming Griffins in Dire around 71, them or basilisks and drakes in Sunder. The Griffins though are superbly placed and sufficiently stocked for ultimate chain-charming efficiency - I hated out-growing that spot. Just watch out for the two gnolls that wander into the area.

Also TBS islands have lots of animals of varying ranges and charmability.


Edited, Mar 17th 2008 2:23pm by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#5 Mar 17 2008 at 4:49 AM Rating: Excellent
1,504 posts
Elinda wrote:

I think I was charming Griffins in Dire around 71, them or basilisks and drakes in Sunder. The Griffins though are superbly placed and sufficiently stocked for ultimate chain-charming efficiency - I hated out-growing that spot. Just watch out for the two gnolls that wander into the area.

Also TBS islands have lots of animals of varying ranges and charmability.


Edited, Mar 17th 2008 2:23pm by Elinda[/quote]

Thank you I will give those a shot!
"If you ask me, we could do with a little less motivation. The people who are causing all the trouble seem highly motivated to me. Serial killers, stock swindlers, drug dealers, Christian Republicans"

George Carlin.

#6 Mar 17 2008 at 6:50 AM Rating: Excellent
Well, that was a fun weekend. Got 21 AAs knocked out, and still had some fun with the Guild.

Fri: Did Tier 1 of Demi, then knocked off Devlin. We then tried Tris with less than spectacular results. Stupid Orcs. After the raid went to my Loping Plains sweet spot to grind some AAs.

Sat: Did Roley in Demi, and was surprised how easy it was. Then another whack at Tris with a nasty wipe as the result. So we moved on to a few ToB targets. Back to the sweet spot for AAs.

Sun: Some more LP AAs, and even a named, Frenzied Shadowmane, popped. Didnt get enough aggro before I healed myself with Cleric bot, and killed him. Still managed to take down the named with 9% health left.
#7 Mar 17 2008 at 7:57 AM Rating: Excellent
201 posts
Fri: Joined some guildees in a Thalassius mission and dinged 74. Just one more to go before I can wear some new gear.

Sat: Boxed off and on in BoT throughout the day building up some xp padding and some AAs. Got the cleric box just shy of 72. That zone is nuts now that's a hotzone.

Sun: Logged into Mons Letalis early to find the Thought Leeches already camped. Took most of the day but I managed one Fabled Ancient Rockhopper kill. Still haven't gotten a crack at the leeches.
#8 Mar 17 2008 at 9:17 AM Rating: Excellent
Was three boxing over the weekend with my 57 SK and 53 cleric and a shared 54 shaman.

Fri - Was in a group with my shammie and cleric in Crypt of Nadox.

Sat - Spent my first bit of time with only the SK and cleric in Velk's and managed to get some hotzone drops before the cleric got wasted and graphically bugged so I had to go back to Guild Lobby to Rez. Then headed over to Crypt of Nadox to the safe area by the campsite when my friend came on with his Monk and Cleric. So we began to clear our way over to Hate's Fury. Managed to get an AA and lvl on SK, AA and 2 levels on cleric and 1 level and AA on shared shammie. Picked up hot zone augs and drops along the way.

Sun - Took SK with friend's monk around doing the 8th scavenger for the familiar. Not enough time to do serious killin'
#9 Mar 17 2008 at 10:21 AM Rating: Excellent
Got tired of 3-boxing in Ruins of Illsalin and moved to Buried sea pirates. EXP gained was faster there anyway with constant pulling, no deaths, no bad pathing, no roamer adds, plus the 5-quests exp bonus over and over.

That got my 69 monk to 70 so I immediately tailored him 8 pcs of Elaborate and 8 exalted symbols and hit up the DON vendor to round out the type 7 augs. Ran out of radiants and couldnt finish off the type12's, so headed back to Buried Sea for more pirates. Ended up Friday half way to 71.

Saturday spent time with my bard in a robot group. Very efficient and balanced group got me 25 aa in about 4 hours. Wife was complaining being neglected, so I camped and worked on stuff around the house fixing and organizing stuff that she says was 'out of control'. Trash, recycling, the garage, etc.

Sunday guild raided demi again after losing to Vishimitar again. Got about 4 more aa in buried sea.
#10 Mar 17 2008 at 11:05 AM Rating: Excellent
The guild raid night started out quickly doing the aug events in Frostcrypt 1. We then transitioned over to Solteris 1 where after a few more adjustments we took out the Sisters for a 2nd time. Much of the night was spent making plans for 50% exp bonus!

Friday, Saturday, Sunday (Like one big long EQ day....):
It was just like the good old day's of a full weekend grind! Started out slow just farming some more adventure potions in anticipation of a long grind! Around 9pm we went to AG and camped the Argil Oppressor / Juggernaut. We had a good group and was able to keep up to the top of the first spire of the west wing cleared. With the 50% xp mod AA's went well. Toss in a few Lessons’ and a potion or two and I was able to knock out 30 AA's in around 5 hours. Unfortunately the evening ended on a very sad note when one of our guildies... no... one of our friends came onto ventrillo to inform us that his brother and our friend had been killed in a car accident just a few hours earlier. We will miss you Crunck. :(

Saturday morning started with a group of us in the Ruins of Illisan. Many of our guildies thought we were crazy, as we were all 80 and it was a lower zone with only light blues. Well, let me put it this way, light blues + eq hotzone + 50% xp bonus weekend + lesson or potions + constant pulling of 6 to 8 mobs for 14 hours = 100 AA's. It was all about volume. We were able to pull so many mobs, consistently that the AA's just piled up. Each kill was 5% AA per kill, 7% with a potion of adventure and 10% with a lesson. We planned it so we could all buff, med and focus for 30 minutes and do a dedicated 30 burn with lessons. Add in a few outside boxed toons and it was 10 AA's in 30 minutes.

Sunday the wife and I 5 boxed in the Ruins and got a bit of exp. on our alts while grinding out a few more AA's. Fabled mobs came a callin' and we decided to go help our guildies. They had already taken out Terris Thule and a few of the pit mobs in PoFire. We joined them to help kill Reparm and the big boy fell to our small raid of 35. Then back to the Ruins for 45 minutes to help one of our guildies burn lesson on his alts. And a few more AA's for myself. Then it was raid time! We decided to hold off of the Fabled urge and went to Solteris. Event 2 was waiting for us. For a while it seemed the leprechauns came out early with some tom foolery going on. Eventually we focused and finally beat event 2! I had to tank Aprosis for the last 65-ish of his health. Our healers did a great job of keeping me alive I must say! I walked away from the fight with a new doll (Totem of Corruption)! I've named it Goat and I'm going to hug it every night.

Finished off Sunday night with one final trip to the Ruins to burn Lesson with a focused group of 80's. 45 minutes and 10 AA's later it was time for bed.

Final AA's count for me was 130-ish AA's earned and many needed AA's purchased. There were a couple players who topped over 150.

Funny high point of the weekend: we were having lots of problems with mobs warping back to their spawn points. We couldn't figure out how these mobs were warping as we didn't see gate messages. Well, the monk asks the bard "Ummm... are you using highsun?" A long pause ensued.... and the bard finally starts talking on Ventrillo. He's been laughing so hard he's been crying. "Yes, sorry, I've been highsunning the mobs!" (FYI: if you highsun a mob it goes back to its point of origin!) 30 minutes later the bard dies, rez, med and start pulling again. All of a sudden mobs are warping and I'm being summoned 1/2 across the zone! "Ummm, did you re-mem highsun again!" ... another long pause ... "Yes! Sorry! It's part of my memmed set of songs!" The bard was laughing so hard again he once again had tears in his eyes. The verbal beating he took in ventrillo went on for hours from that point. Good times. Good times indeed.
#11 Mar 17 2008 at 11:29 AM Rating: Excellent
Wow..I haven't done one of these in a while.

Saturday - Well, after a short EQ retirement, I logged back in only to find that something changed with my comp and now I have some serious lag issues.

Sunday - After tweeking some minor things here and there, I logged back in to discover I still have serios lag issues.

Stupid home computer. I think I need to go get a new graphics card.
#12 Mar 17 2008 at 12:56 PM Rating: Excellent
3,212 posts
Over this weekend I:
Leveled Courtin to 69. Did a DON, Did an anguish flag raid with Ring of Steel (couldnt get flag at 69 :(
Leveled Adeste the ranger to 58 and Segundo 53,54, 55, and 56 all in Nadox. Got all drops passed earring onto winjon so Adeste has to get his still.
Leveled Winjon to 61 and 6 AA's doing Dain 1. (hey i prefer normal exp but didnt have a lot of time to grind.)
Picked up an AA and level 58 for Primrosex.
Picked up fabled J boots for the bl. Thanks Lucy Insane guild.
Farmed spiderling silks with Jonwinnie in shroud form. 45 percent to Kobald rogue shroud.
Went on a 40 second raid with LI to get member 1.5 rogue epic. 40 seconds is how long the mob lived. Twas a bit of overkill.

During the time Segundo was in Nadox last night he came across a level 65 cleric who came in as his replacement just as we got a massive paci failur and had like 5 mobs. (Think the cleric trained up by accident.) Reason I mention this is the 65 cleric HAD NOT bought the IVU spell line. <BoGGLE> Said person is nice in buffing folks so no names mentioned. I say may have accidentally trained us as the person didnt know the mobs we were facing were undead when she came into area.

This morning due to a mix up in pick up times I logged onto Jonwin and ran him to Nadox. He is now 58, there for about an hour grouped with a nice mage and his pet ranger.

In addition I exercised leg, made ElneClare happy, watched TV, and read.

Edited, Mar 17th 2008 5:05pm by Jonwin
#13 Mar 17 2008 at 1:41 PM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
Took the formerly-retired chanter to 61 with lots of grouping fun in Nadox and Riwwi. Got some pretty classic reactions from people in guild lobby when I refused to take donations for KEI. I also have a lowbie spell set I mem, so when someone asks for clarity I slam them with 8-10 buffs depending on class --when I get all my extended buff aa some of those would even last 30 minutes!

Succeeded in getting some fabled J-boots, comes in handy having used the zone as a levelling point for nearly all my characters over the years (they have the keys that don't poof and I know my way around). Helped a level 71 druid find his set of keys (Bonecracker, Captain...) and handed the camp over to him with my bloodstained key as my spawn was faster than Rathyl.

Was killing some time in Sebilis and ended up with a fabled Tola robe (was so happy I made a thread about it). There are lots of good people in eq, its definately easier to find them when you try to be one.

As far as a barbarian named Helsinger needing a surname... hard to resist suggesting Vann.
#14 Mar 17 2008 at 3:33 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Ended up not getting as much time as I would have liked. Played a couple hours on Friday night with the paladin, got 6.5 AAs.

Logged on for a short time Saturday afternoon. Decided to take my little bazaar mule roguette out for a spin. Set up along the beach in S. Ro at level 14. Dropped Servant and Lessons, and 30 minutes later was level 20. Holy cow! I remember spending *months* in that level range back in the day...

Spent an hour and a half Sunday night. Got 5 more AAs.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#15 Mar 17 2008 at 11:39 PM Rating: Decent
3,362 posts
I didn't get any EQing in, I flew to Chicago to see my nephew's marching band play in the parade and to see the city a bit. I didn't actually get to see my nephew but I saw the band... It's a shame the US had tougher drunk in public-esque laws ;)
#16 Mar 20 2008 at 10:03 AM Rating: Good
1,504 posts
Elinda wrote:
I think I was charming Griffins in Dire around 71, them or basilisks and drakes in Sunder. The Griffins though are superbly placed and sufficiently stocked for ultimate chain-charming efficiency - I hated out-growing that spot. Just watch out for the two gnolls that wander into the area.

Also TBS islands have lots of animals of varying ranges and charmability.


Edited, Mar 17th 2008 2:23pm by Elinda

I love Love LOVE the griffin camp!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!
"If you ask me, we could do with a little less motivation. The people who are causing all the trouble seem highly motivated to me. Serial killers, stock swindlers, drug dealers, Christian Republicans"

George Carlin.

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