dvanman wrote:
That's the problem here on Alla's, they allow people to rate a post until it is no longer viewable. So all the platinum sellers that make huge profits making these symbols rate down any post (more than likely this one) until it vanishes and then try to tell me oh ya, we look forward to having you contribute. Problem is, LOTS of contributions have been made regarding these cultural quests over and over... and lots of requests to have this information posted have also been made. All to no avail.
So you tell me why Alla's would continue a system that ONLY benefits those that have nothing real to say other than to silence those that truly do have something valuable to contribute?
Fact is this, My post was essentially silenced / removed / called it by whatever name you wish, it is gone... for one reason only, it spoke the truth.
First off. You can change your filter up at the top of the frame there (see?). Then, you'll be able to see any post no matter what it's been rated. So they don't "disappear", unless you want them to.
Also, it's highly unlikely there are enough plat sellers who are regular posters to do what you claim. We tend to bash those folks... Hard. Most likely you got hit with the rate stick because you posted inflammatory and frankly stupid accusations about the site, while not realizing that (as Jonwin nicely put it), this is a volunteer contribution site. If you want those tradeskill formulas to appears on the site, all you need to do is post them in the appropriate sections and they'll put them up (or talk other people into doing so).
Here. Let me present a counter conspiracy theory. Most of the people who figure out the most profitable tradeskill formulas don't really want competition, so they tend to *not* submit them to a site like this. And that's why they don't appear. It certainly does not require any specific action by the people who run this site and makes a hell of a lot more sense then what you proposed.
And that's why you got rated down...