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Next playable raceFollow

#1 Feb 28 2008 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
Not writing about anything earth shattering. I was just wondering what y'all would like to see as the next playable race. Personally, I think I would like to play an aviak, remodeled, and with the innate ability to fly.

Other ideas bumping around in my brain, are werewolves, (humanoid during the day, and werewolves at night) with a intense dislike for Vah Shir; and Vampires, with an innate ability to life tap.
#2 Feb 28 2008 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
Now that SOE has said they will include all previous expansions bundled with each future release, they could have playable races from places like Velious or Taelosia or Luclin or anywhere.

There could be a playable rat-man race from Velious, or the Othmir. The Taelosians could be a candidate. Maybe the Grimlings could be next. Perhaps it's time for a Kobold race. I bet the Luggald from LoY expansion would make a decent evil race.
#3 Feb 28 2008 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
I think it would be interesting to have the Nokk that originally inhabited Crescent Reach make a comeback as an elusive race, or maybe the gnolls in some fashion or another. Maybe a race using the ruins of Draniks as a home city.
#4 Feb 28 2008 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
264 posts
As many times as this question has been asked, it will receive as many answers from me. There are alot of really good choices, using existing world models already. The game is already very deep with lore, so none would need to be created.

I think whatever the new race would/should be, that it should be evil, by nature. We have Dark Elf, Troll, iksar, and Ogre that are evil by design. But then you have human, gnome, erudite, drakkin, and erudite that depending on class, can go to the darkside. BTW, half-elfs can worship Inny now?

I have always liked the idea of Orc being a playable race. There are orc in many zones through the lands, and with the new graphic for them, they look cool. Honestly, I have never met a female orc. I assume they are like dwarves and its hard to tell unless you look closely. Hometown could be somewhere along the "orc highway" as the old schoolers will remember well. By chance, it might get people back to a few of the older zones...even with the new graphics. But really, the hometown could be anywhere.

I also like the vampire idea. It would be very cool to have a vampire necromancer or shadowknight. THe graphic for them would be of the vampire guys that were previously running around zones awhile back.

And like the orc, the kobold would be very intense as well. LOL it would be interesting to see a kobold toon in the mines of gloomingdeep. Heck, they could turn the mines into the

BUt then about another race that is based of an animal. I mentioned kobolds already, but I am thinking like a rat-man species. Is there not a rat-man character in eq2 already? We also need a race that is based of an animal, but less humanoid. Yes we have the vahshir, but vah shir are very "humanoid" when you come down to it.
#5 Feb 28 2008 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with you that the vampire idea would be an intriguing idea... perhaps they could have an AA that transforms them into a giant humanoid/bat hybrid, much like the werewolf. It could increase AC, attack rate, and probably come with a special effect like combat mez, stun, or life tap. Since it would most likely be just necros and SDKs... i could see that.
#6 Feb 28 2008 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
Gnoll gets my vote, with Kobold as a close second. However, since you can shroud into a Kobold/Goblin, I don't think they'd give those. I don't recall if Gnoll is a playable shroud... but that's a cool idea. Wonder what classes they'd have?

Necro, SK, Druid, Warrior... maybe Mage/Wizard/Enc? Not necessarily all three, but at least one of them (I don't recall offhand all of the Splitpaw/Blackburrow gnolls are... but I think that Ishva Mal is an enchanter, isn't he? Or a necro... meh).
#7 Feb 28 2008 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
i honestly dont know, but if you did a gnoll... I would think they could use black burrow as the home city. lol It would be convenient. Is blackburrow a home city already? I don't think it is. Or they could even have the home city built in a cave system. May bring nostalgia for the older players that remember Commonlands selling post. lol
#8 Feb 28 2008 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
3,362 posts
My vote goes for gnoll or aviak. I'd love to play either one of them... although, the ratonga would make an awesome rogue.
#9 Feb 28 2008 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
They would definitely need another home city for Gnolls... Blackburrow, as it stands, is surrounded by 3 cities that are hostile to it. (Qeynos, Surefall Glade, and Halas). I would say... revamp Splitpaw into a home city, and let us all play the Splitpaw gnolls... because having white fur is sooo much cooler than the Mucktail or oldschool Blackburrow model.
#10 Feb 28 2008 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
820 posts
The suggested werewolf race in the OP is one of the better ones I've ever heard, the whole night and day mechanic would add some nice uniqueness to the race.

Though I do wonder how you would go about approaching the race in its daytime form, as in whether allowing them the potential to be any normal race that then becomes werewolf. If it were that way it would add to the "cool" factor if you joined a random group during the day time looking like an old player race and then suddenly changing as night comes around. Well, at least the first handful of times it happened anyways...
#11 Feb 28 2008 at 3:17 PM Rating: Good
135 posts
"I have always liked the idea of Orc being a playable race. There are orc in many zones through the lands, and with the new graphic for them, they look cool."
(My format buttons wouldn't work)
I don't like the new orc graphics much. They look like a mob you'd see in WoW. (They don't look at all like the orcs in WoW, but they do look like they belong in the game.)

Hmm. . . I agree that it should be 'evil'. I kinda like the Gnoll idea. They'd be pretty fun to play!
#12 Feb 28 2008 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
Fadyenae wrote:
"I have always liked the idea of Orc being a playable race. There are orc in many zones through the lands, and with the new graphic for them, they look cool."
(My format buttons wouldn't work)
I don't like the new orc graphics much. They look like a mob you'd see in WoW. (They don't look at all like the orcs in WoW, but they do look like they belong in the game.)

Hmm. . . I agree that it should be 'evil'. I kinda like the Gnoll idea. They'd be pretty fun to play!

I wonder if the Lore would give some basis for an "alliance", or at least apprehensive respect between the Gnomes, Dwarves, and Gnolls, being that they were all children of Brell Serilis.

Dude... Gnoll Paladin... that would be awesome.
#13 Feb 28 2008 at 3:29 PM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
SOE announces the latest expansion to Everquest:

Darkpaw Revolution!

Join Fippy as he reclaims the land from the destroyers (everyone else). The now playable Gnolls possess the racial innate "attack humans 100% XP rez" --while this talent will no doubt be controversial it is fully within lore. To enhance player experience gnolls will random emote saving the player tedious typing to ensure fun companionship. <bark. Prepare to die! Fippy commands it...

Furthermore, to the shock and dismay to the rest of Norrath Gnolls are actually the smartest and strongest race on Norrath, capable of being all classes (except enchanter as they have been made redundant with this expansion).

The Gnoll starting city is the best-kept secret in EQ: The Plane of War! That's right, after Fippy and his darkpaw revolutionaries slayed the gods it was the only unspoiled land left. Pledge alliegience to Fippy himself as he sits on his throne fashioned from the Skull of Zek, enjoy the power increases from eating gnoll delicacies...

and don't worry, veteran characters need no feel left out. The new "gnoll slave" ability allows the lesser races to progress through the exciting new content including the Reforested Plains of Karana and the reflooded causeway of the nobles under the leadership of a mighty gnoll taskmaster.


Seriously though, I love the idea of some new races as long as they either do the lore work to make it fit into the game or do the obvious 3-7 races (orc, gnoll, aviak, Sarnak, goblins, Coldain Dwarves...)

But, if they are just going to make an evil race with the same limited class options as troll and ogre there is not much point bothering.

I'd rather see them add nokk as a heritage to the Ogres and expand into the caster classes as the lore suggests. They could get alot of mileage adding the heritage tab to the existing races (kerran... guktan aka real frogloks, etc.)
#14 Feb 28 2008 at 3:39 PM Rating: Good
135 posts
Oh! I didn't think of the Sarnak. That's one of my favorite ideas now. All I hope for is that the race is already engrained in the lore and that they don't just pull one out of thin air.
#15 Feb 28 2008 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
The obvious tie-in to EQ2 is a fae.

But if they "hover" that might give them an unfair advantage.

On the other hand, they could seem to be hovering but actually be walking - i.e. they would fall into pits.

I've never tried a fae shroud - is that how those work? I'd assume so.

Oh, and that's something to think about - there are tons of "new playable races" visavis the original ones: the shrouds!

#16 Feb 28 2008 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
Sarnak or Shissar... Shissar would be AWESOME... Innate Enduring Breath... home city being Ssraeshza temple... (though there wouldn't be many zones nearby for experience... which sucks... but who stays near their home city nowadays anyways?). Maybe they could even buff up King Raja Kerreth, make him a raid target, and have him drop stuff on par with Ssraeshza... or something. Nice idea, but it'd require the checks and balances (since Seru/Ssraeshza are hard as hell to get to, and Kerreth is just... out there).
#17 Feb 29 2008 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
Centaurs with home city South Karana and bonus to archery. (you will need lots of shrink potions =P)

Goblins despite shroud would be fun home city Runnyeye.

Half Orc, rip off from D and D but amusing thought.

Lycanthropes depending on class you turn into various humaniods at night. Bears=warriors, Rats=thieves, Wolves=rangers, brownies=druids, etc

Oh and added Beastlord races maybe

Hobbits get Bixies warders

Gnomes get clockwork spiders

Wood Elves get Treants

Hrm Treant race?

Anyways enough musing time for bed =)

#18 Feb 29 2008 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
The way they handle "hovering" in EQ... is it's just an animation. Pyrilean (sp?), Fairy, etc... they just "look" like they're flying. Though the Fairy shrouds DO get an innate spell version of Levitation.
#19 Feb 29 2008 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
I'd love to see a Ranger Noc, but to be more pracitcal, I think more evil races are needed to balance things Goblin, Orc or Kobold.

It would be cool to be able to fly, but I dont' think it's doable or even balanced to have a 'truly' flying race. Best that could happen is innate lev.

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#20 Feb 29 2008 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
113 posts
Wood Elves get Treants

Hrm Treant race?

I want to see a Treant bard running at top speed. :-P or a treant in armor. hehe funny images going through my head.
#21 Feb 29 2008 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
What got me started on this thread was I saw "Flash Gordon", the old cheesy one from the 80s, last night. I thought a Hawkman toon would be cool to play. A cloud of hawkmen attacking the Frost Giants in GD during the Ring War event, while the Raid leader shouts, "Onward my brave hawkmen, and let this be forever known as <insert name>'s day!!!" Just call me a fan of cheese. =)

I really like the Shissar suggestion. Or at least some kind of snake model. With the innate ability to slither under locked doors. Just kidding.

How about a water based race. Instead of the water breathing spell, they would need air breathing (please dont correct me on what fish are really breathing underwater, I know, as do most of the people here). Mermaids? I call dibs on the name Ariel!! Or if I am too late, then Nemo!!

#22 Feb 29 2008 at 11:15 AM Rating: Excellent
Entire new races would have to have something promising for ppl to go for it. The Drakkin worked out well for several reasons, but years after the froglok race was introduced I hardly see one around.

Something simpler to add using existing game mechanics like the idea of a halfling BL with a bixie famialiar is actually a doable idea. All the spells for the class and all the armor sets for the race are all ready set up and set to go. Its just the matter of the graphics for a new pet.

Giving a pet innate levitation is already in the game mechanics, so nothing new there either. Heck it would even be easier to add a pet illusion spell to existing BL's so they could turn their familiars into something different like a fairy or even something more scary.

There have been other race/class combinations that make sence but dont exist in game yet also. I always thought that barbarian-rogue was weird and it existed since the beginning.

Another thing on the BL class, in most cases the BL famialiar is a mob that appears in the surround hills around the races city.
Example Iksar-scaled wolf, barbarian-wolf, troll-gator, ogre-bear, but I dont remember seeing too many Tigers living near Valshar? Anyway the halfling-bixie would do well and there is not much coding to make that happen. Same thing with a darkelf-spider combo. That would be cool and there is a lot of historical fiction with 'under' races having spider pets.

I dont thing dwarves should have a BL class. The only thing I think of, when I think of Dwarves, is rats. Toss a dwarf, kick a rat hmm, not very intimidating.
#23 Feb 29 2008 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
Actually couldn't Dwarfs have some form of cave dwelling style golem or related creature? Dwarfs Did originate from the hidden cave systems... at least in the lore. It could be cool, but I still stick with the idea of bringing back the original Nokk, the forefathers of the ogres. Maybe as an ancient type race?

And thanks to Crescent reach and Drakkins, there is already lore about them.

Edited, Feb 29th 2008 2:37pm by Karnur
#24 Feb 29 2008 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
Just a thought... A zombie or undead race. Perhaps of one of the races that lore says is long gone. That could be interesting.
#25 Feb 29 2008 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
#26 Mar 01 2008 at 9:12 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Karnur wrote:
Actually couldn't Dwarfs have some form of cave dwelling style golem or related creature? Dwarfs Did originate from the hidden cave systems... at least in the lore.
Dwarves were placed on Norrath by Brell as part of Brell's first pact with Prexus, Tunare and Rallos Zek to populate the world before Veeshan claimed it all with her dragons.

Kobolds would be cool and I've always wanted them (although not with their current graphic which is simply awful). They are the oldest race on Norrath aside from the dragons having been placed in secret before Brell's Pact. Make their home city a deeper section of the ruins of their home city of Kolbok (the Warrens is currently all that remains) and a separate newbie garden before they move into Kerra Isle area and then into Stonebrunt (fight animals & Kejaks) and on to the Ykesha zones. Give them high starting faction with the Kolbok faction in the Warrens since it won't hurt anything if you can run around the Warrens unmolested but normal faction with the kobolds off Odus.

Giving them an updated graphic more in keeping with their original look would be reason enough to beat up those stupid looking things in Gloomingdeep Smiley: grin
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
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