Some of the most fun I ever had in the game, many years ago, was duoing with a chanter friend (me a druid).
This was ages ago - we both had decent gear and okay mana pools. There was no ooc medding, so the clarity was killer. The chanter had abandoned charming until meeting me because when charm broke, she tended to die.
With me there to SoW us and snare both the target and the charmed minion, charming suddenly became a whole new game - and lots of fun. We would study a zone to find the optimal mob or mobs to charm - and then rip the place up. Drovarg Ravagers, iirc, in Dreadlands were particularly high in HP and DPS. Put speed buff and DS on them - and man - we could make a ravager "ravage the area" for us - only giving up and zoning into KC or BW when we were totally oom.
Not sure how this would be boxing. It was a LOT of work, but challenging and fun.
Duoing with druid or wiz gives you enormous speed and flexibility - cuz of the porting. Do think about pulling. Pal, Cleric and Chanter can Lull/Calm indoors or out. Druid and Ranger can harmony only outdoors. Some classes can FD pull. If neither of your toons can snare, this is very bad.
Say you wanted to try a Cleric/Warrior combo. I'm not sure if this is a good combo (it can be low on dps iirc), but let's say you wanted to do it. You can't snare, right - so it's a bad idea, right? WRONG! Be a Dark Elf cleric and do the quest for the ... what's it called? Devotion icon to Inoruk? Devotion something, iirc - it's a quested magic item that casts a low level Darkness line DoT that SNARES.
Or be a troll shaman - and maybe do Shaman monk combo - or shaman whatever dps combo. A troll shaman who worships Inoruk can also use this clickie item and SNARE any mob (I think the spell works on any level monster, pretty much).
Well, good luck with this. Most combos will be fine. I agree that druids are very handy in any duoing situation cuz they can sow, heal, transport, DoT, root, nuke and outdoor harmony.
Regent Symbol of Innoruk. Human, Dark Elf, Troll. Cleric or Shaman. Edited, Feb 19th 2008 3:02am by IponemaGirl