I am really getting tired of getting tells from several different outside vendors telling me how great there service is, and that they will power level, safe and secure..or buy our plat....blah blah blah....it's bad when you jump into say Crescent Reach and there is some **** there OOC'n every two seconds with it, in those cases you just avoid the zone. But when I get them constantly in tells that's intrusive and their accounts should be closed.
I've tried petitioning, but that process is so ineffective and trying to find a GM is all but impossible. So I am going to post this in hopes that some one with who has the authority to make the change will.
I will update this post with a list of those who spam me, and to which web pages the are affiliated with.
For the Record, I am on the Povar server, and the ignore list from these jerks is rather lengthy.
*******************LET THE ABUSERS BEWARE******************************
The first name:
Aaldiwenaen : kept sending spam over and over again even when requested to stop, successfully made it to my ignore list on 01/11/2008.