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#202 Mar 24 2008 at 4:12 PM Rating: Excellent
3,033 posts
Did you know...

That not one member of the faction KALADIM CITIZENS resides in Kaladim?

They're all located in Butcherblock Mountains.

Furthermore, the handful of dorfs making up this faction have a rather strange history. They used to be killed by druids, necros and other solo-casters because they were pretty good XP. And the faction hit was inconsequential. In fact, they served no other known purpose. Then at one point a few years back EQ developers took offense at this, for some reason, and changed them so they cannot be attacked. So now they hang out in Butcherblock and serve absolutely no purpose. They don't respond to hails, don't sell anything, don't provide quests, they won't attack even if you're KoS to them.... they're just useless decorations.

I've often wondered what the point of this change was.

Now some druids and necros, once they levelled up to the point where "KCs", being only level 35 mobs, no longer provided decent xp, would switch to Butcherblock guards, who run 40-50. These guards can still be attacked and still give XP. They have made them impossible to snare, so they're much harder to kite now. In the much larger world of "modern" Norrath, with infinitely more targets to kill for XP, they aren't the attraction they used to be. But at least you can still engage Butcher guards in battle. I have no idea why Kaladim Citizens were rendered "untouchables"... like NPCs in PoK and the Bazaar.

I believe Priests of Discord can no longer be attacked either. It used to be a neat challenge to attack them... in the old days it practically took a raid force.

Edited, Mar 24th 2008 8:15pm by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#203 Mar 24 2008 at 4:48 PM Rating: Excellent
3,362 posts
You used to be able to charm someone on good faction with the Priest of Discord and send them to attack something only to have the Priest assist you in killing. You didn't get experience or loot for this, but it caused all kinds of hell on PVP servers way back.

The Priest of Discord was made unattackable with the release of OoW, as he is used to transport you to the content.
#204 Mar 24 2008 at 8:05 PM Rating: Excellent
125 posts
Quadkit wrote:
You used to be able to charm someone on good faction with the Priest of Discord and send them to attack something only to have the Priest assist you in killing. You didn't get experience or loot for this, but it caused all kinds of hell on PVP servers way back.

Haha, brings back memories of Fansy :)
#205 Mar 25 2008 at 5:16 AM Rating: Excellent
Back in the day when you died and couldnt get to your corpse you could consent an alt on the same account to drag it for you.I'm not sure if this still works as there is no need for that anymore with the GL summon.
#206 Mar 25 2008 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
They're all located in Butcherblock Mountains.

Some are in OOT (burp - still have a few dwarf chops in the bank)....
#207 Mar 26 2008 at 8:39 AM Rating: Excellent
3,033 posts
Fansy was great. But even after reading his site I never could quite figure out what he did. I know that being level 5 originally you couldn't be attacked in any zone on Sullon Zek. (As a result of Fansy's actions they changed this rule so it only applied in noobie zones.) But I'm unclear on exactly what he did. I know he aggro'd a bunch of giants and then trained higher-level "evils" who were xping in the zone. But did he die himself in the process? Bards can't feign death, not at level 5 at least, so I'm guessing he died every time and didn't care since he was only level 5 anyway.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#208 Mar 26 2008 at 8:41 AM Rating: Excellent
3,033 posts
'Tis valid what you say about KCs. But the "amazing but true" point I was making, such as it was, was that no Kaladim Citizens are found in... Kaladim. It'd be like no French people in France. Or no chickens in the chicken coop. Etc. ad nauseum. :)

Edited, Mar 26th 2008 12:41pm by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#209 Mar 26 2008 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
Sippin, at level 5 bards get selos which makes them the fastest runners in the game. Fansy simply used selos to outrun most of the mobs. If he did get caught, yes he died, no exp loss no corpse recovery to worry about.
#210 Mar 26 2008 at 5:43 PM Rating: Good
3,033 posts
So how did aggro transfer to the evils? In the "Old World" aggro was never lost. I'm guessing he tried to time it so he zoned, and cleared aggro, around the time the giants were within aggro range of the evils. But this kinda presumes that the evils were cooperative enough to have their camp in a path leading to a zone...


Edited, Mar 26th 2008 9:45pm by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#211 Mar 28 2008 at 8:10 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Sippin wrote:
So how did aggro transfer to the evils? In the "Old World" aggro was never lost. I'm guessing he tried to time it so he zoned, and cleared aggro, around the time the giants were within aggro range of the evils. But this kinda presumes that the evils were cooperative enough to have their camp in a path leading to a zone...

Not really that hard though. IIRC, the FoH webpage used to have a map with a specific route that you could run to do this. You also have to remember that most of the camps in Oasis are (were?) essentially a very short run from the N. Ro zoneline. All you had to do was get a gaggle of giants or spectres following you, then run north right through someone's camp and just keep going to the zoneline.

Also, agro stays around even if you weren't initially the one agroed. So if I train a ton of stuff through (or just near) your camp, you wont get agro, because presumably I've got more then you. However, just by coming in proximity of a KoS mob, you're now on that mob's agro list. If I FD, or zone, the mob will lose interest in me, and proceed to run to and attack whoever is next on the list. That'll be some hapless person I ran past, perhaps even some time ago.

This phenomenon used to occur pretty commonly in that zone even without someone trying to do it. Someone would accidentally get a spectre on them. He'd run to the zoneline, but run past/through some other people along the way. Quite often, those people wouldn't even realize it, or would mistakenly think that since the spectre's didn't agro on them that they were safe. The first person would zone, and then the spectres would float back and start killing people. Those people would run to the zoneline, often training them through yet another group. Rinse repeat. Today, we have that OOC regen indicator to tell us if we've got agro anywhere. Also mobs will lose interest if they go a significant distance away. Back then, those didn't exist. It was quite possible for a mob to have put you on its agro list 20 minutes ago, but since it's been running around in some other part of the zone killing other players, you didn't know. Not until it and a bunch of friends suddenly slam into your camp.

It was incredibly easy to do this sort of training back then. And Oasis was famous for it, exactly because it was a popular spot for folks in their mid teens to 20ish to hunt, and there were always a number of mid 30s level mobs floating around. Put those in the same zone, and chaos can ensue...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#212 Mar 29 2008 at 1:13 PM Rating: Excellent
206 posts
<bags which reduce coin weight>

With GoD there came another one:

Braided Horsehair Handbag. Has 90% Coin WR.

HSishi Shortfinger
Proud Rogue
Member of <Age of Unity>
Antonius Bayle
#213 Mar 30 2008 at 10:07 AM Rating: Excellent
96 posts
It is still possible to consent an alt and then log and do the CR (Corpse Rcovery) with your alt. I do it all the time when I am not on my main server. My characters on other servers all are extremely cash poor, and a guild lobby summon is beyond their meager means. So I consent an alt that has hide and sneak or inviz and sometimes levi and do the CR. It is an incredibly handy trick.

It is also useful if said character is on a quest, and deep in dangerous territory. Having an alt do the CR allows dead character to pick up where they left off. This works if you aren't horribly concerned about rezzing, although there is a time window where the corpse is still viable for a rez, I believe.
#214 Mar 31 2008 at 4:02 AM Rating: Good
3,033 posts
Also, agro stays around even if you weren't initially the one agroed. So if I train a ton of stuff through (or just near) your camp, you wont get agro, because presumably I've got more then you. However, just by coming in proximity of a KoS mob, you're now on that mob's agro list. If I FD, or zone, the mob will lose interest in me, and proceed to run to and attack whoever is next on the list. That'll be some hapless person I ran past, perhaps even some time ago.

There are enough weird aspects to aggro that I wouldn't dispute this entirely but it clearly isn't usually this way. I recall many a "train to zone" in Unrest where a large train of mobs would chase a player right past people camping at the "courtyard." Once the mobs went into the zone tunnel, everybody would run to the side of the hedge mazes and when the mobs returned, they didn't aggro onto anyone. Clearly, they didn't have any additional proximity aggro.

I box several toons and I've been in fights which have gone south fast where I had one boxed toon which hadn't done anything yet. I invis that character toward the end of the wipe and as far as I can remember if the mob(s) can't see invis, I've never had them aggro onto that invis'd character, even if it had been right next to them, UNinvisd, the whole fight. Invis can't CLEAR aggro so this demonstrates that the toon didn't acquire aggro just by being proximate to other players who were fighting mobs.

This would be interesting to test and I am sure it varies from expansion to expansion.

The more I think about this I AM going to test it. I do believe the proximity aggro is limited to ONE character and it doesn't create a list. Should be easy enough to test...

Edited, Mar 31st 2008 8:06am by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#215 Mar 31 2008 at 3:08 PM Rating: Good
820 posts
I've always just assumed it had something to do with the social aggro (or lack of) in the situations as you describe, Sippin.
#216 Mar 31 2008 at 4:54 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Sippin wrote:
The more I think about this I AM going to test it. I do believe the proximity aggro is limited to ONE character and it doesn't create a list. Should be easy enough to test...

They say that one test is worth a thousand expert opinions. I think you'll find that social aggro does "stick" to anyone and everyone, not just the first person. In your Unrest example, any character that came within the aggro radius of any mob in that train should have proceeded to run towards that person after the original trainee zoned out.

You also have to remember that there have been some changes to aggro over time. In most zones, they reduced the aggro radius of many mobs significantly. It could very well be that in Unrest, if you aren't actually in the direct path of the train, you'll avoid getting aggroed. "Right past" doesn't matter if they're X number of feet away and X is larger then their aggro radius. Additionally, since returning to the game, I've noticed that a lot more mobs seem to operate on a "timed aggro" system. They only check if someone's within their aggro radius periodically, and it seems to be a longer gap then it used to be. I know for a fact that I can often simply run right past a couple mobs without aggroing them, whereas back in the day, I'd have to be extremely lucky for it to work.

Additionally, distance now clears aggro. This was something they first played around with in Kunark (but didn't implement very well, and it actually caused *larger* trains to randomly appear 20 minutes later). Since then, they've come up with much better code for clearing aggro based on distance (which they had to finish up when they introduced the OOC regen changes). Believe me. Back in the day, you could do some things with mob aggro that seemed very unusual and unpredictable, but actually were *very* predictable. You just had to understand how mobs worked.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#217 Apr 01 2008 at 2:57 AM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
Perfect example happend on saturday.
I ran from acheva and picked up mobs. Yelled out train, but due to sow outran the mobs and lost the combat/aggro indicator.
Sat down to bind wounds at ME zone line, amid a large amount of mob corpses. A ranger there said "Watch this" after I had announced that I had lost aggro and no mobs would be chasing me. Next thing I now a froglok runs by me followed by about 30 mobs then even more mobs show up. I start running only to be stunned and killed. I hadnt had sit aggro the mobs just picked on me after the frog puller and the ranger zoned. Must have been most of the zone.
Point is they were all kos and I was in there radius. They started attacking me before the ranger who was grouped with the froglok zoned. DOnt know if the puller had zoned already howeve.
#218 Apr 01 2008 at 6:12 AM Rating: Good
52 posts
Ouch, you should have zoned and come in the other entrance, then you could have watched it all in safety.

One thing I've found is that snare still works after zoning - if you did pull a train and really wanted to keep one mob (and keep it targeted), if you can snare it (root might work, haven't tested it yet), it will stick around the entrance (or whereever you snared it) for a bit...
#219 Apr 01 2008 at 7:10 AM Rating: Good
124 posts
Responding to mob aggro behavior:

I often play three accounts at once. Occasionally I will expend too much mana on one of my characters and decide to sit out a part of or the entire next pull. Most often, I can sit and med uniterrupted in OOC while the other two are working. Only sometimes do the mobs recognize the resting character's presence.

When any type of AOE is cast *and the resting character gets hit*, I am on the mobs list. There are a few other circumstances where my resting character will be on the list from doing nothing. I think it has more to do with adds recognizing her presence than with the pulled mob. Only reason the add doesn't engage the resting character is I am beating up his friend.

Edited, Apr 1st 2008 10:11am by sprucecln
#220 May 27 2008 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
85 posts
Did you know you can use /uptime to see how long the world and current zone your in has been up according to the server?

also you can do /rewind if you are stuck and it will take you back 5-10 seconds.

If you are stuck, casting an illusion on and clicking it off will usually unstick you.

and I'm sure everyone knows but just saying again....things in your ammo slot... GIVE YOU NO STATS!!!
#221 May 28 2008 at 7:42 AM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
Gee I thought the tradeskill trophies in the ammo slot will give stats. I dont have any so cant say for sure.
#222 May 28 2008 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
224 posts
I can say for a fact, up to Journeyman trophy, they do not give stats in the ammo slot.
#223 May 29 2008 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
530 posts
Aaaaaaaand coming in way late and dead last...

gbaji wrote:

I've heard this a zillion times. Either it's a myth, or it's something that only occurs with *some* pacify/harmony spells, but not all. I can say with absolute first hand experience that I've used the paladin "pacify" spell probably 10s of thousands of times over the course of my EQ career, and I have *never* seen it fail, nor ever experienced the so-called "critical failure" where you'll actually get agro using the spell. Not once. If I don't get a "this target unaffected" message, it always works. Back in the day (before pretty much every mob in any zone I'm hunting in became too high level to be affected), I used to paci-pull for groups for hours at a time, day after day, week after week, though pretty much every expansion content.

I have firsthand experience with this, although it is indeed rare. When I was raising baby toons from around 30 to 45 in Echo Caverns (high side), one of them was a Cleric. Of course, the best camp was the Taskmaster's camp, and that required a little bit of finnesse if your group wasn't ready to take on 8 or 9 mobs at once.

Two times I can recall, I attempted to pacify one of the skeletons, and agro'd the whole room from what was otherwise WELL out of agro range.

I also remember a lovely little problem with that room, which leads me into my own Did You Know?...

Did you know that killing everything in the taskmaster's room in Echo Caverns has a small (but deadly) chance to spawn Xilniov, a level 55 enchanter with the obnoxious tendency to charm young rangers and use them to murder the entire group that's foolish enough to stick around?
Jiriki Sa`Onserei, 120/67k AA Wood Elf Ranger
Anadriel Starfire, 120/46k AA High Elf Mage
#224 May 29 2008 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
26 posts
Did you know that..

Once upon a time you could combine two Sword of Runes in the Red scabbard to get the Warrior Epic 2 hander. Might still work, haven't tried it.

In Qeynos, if your monk is attacked by someone of the rogue faction, and someone of the monk guild is near, they will attack the rogue. If the right people path by, or if you run to the gates, the monk guild masters and the guards will start fighting each other.

Before armor dies came out, a ranger wearable blue breastplate could be easily quested in Erudin.

The fortress in The Overthere has a name. Danak

Tolapumj can be rearranged to say Jumpalot

The stats on Jenny's Two Tone curious are 8-6-7-5-30-9

Polley Pauhana

#225 May 29 2008 at 6:12 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
nyteshayd wrote:
Aaaaaaaand coming in way late and dead last...

gbaji wrote:

I've heard this a zillion times. Either it's a myth, or it's something that only occurs with *some* pacify/harmony spells, but not all. I can say with absolute first hand experience that I've used the paladin "pacify" spell probably 10s of thousands of times over the course of my EQ career, and I have *never* seen it fail, nor ever experienced the so-called "critical failure" where you'll actually get agro using the spell. Not once. If I don't get a "this target unaffected" message, it always works. Back in the day (before pretty much every mob in any zone I'm hunting in became too high level to be affected), I used to paci-pull for groups for hours at a time, day after day, week after week, though pretty much every expansion content.

I have firsthand experience with this, although it is indeed rare. When I was raising baby toons from around 30 to 45 in Echo Caverns (high side), one of them was a Cleric. Of course, the best camp was the Taskmaster's camp, and that required a little bit of finnesse if your group wasn't ready to take on 8 or 9 mobs at once.

Two times I can recall, I attempted to pacify one of the skeletons, and agro'd the whole room from what was otherwise WELL out of agro range.

Yeah. We've hashed this issue out many times on this forum. My current working theory is that the critical fail chance is derived based on the relative level of the caster to the base spell, and perhaps also related to the level of the mob it's being cast on. This sorta makes sense, since this is how resists are calculated. When you cast a spell there's some comparison of your level/skill with the spell type you are casting and the level of the spell. Then there's a roll. Based on the roll you either fail (fizzle), or succeed. If you succeed, the level of success (carry over of the roll for instance) is then applied to some comparison between your level and the mob's level (with appropriate resistance factors applied as well), this then determines if you get a full or partial effect.

This used to be really obvious when using root spells. Lots of casters would continue to use root in preference to newer versions purely because while the potential total duration was shorter, their odds of getting the full duration with root (a level 4 spell) was much higher then using a higher level spell. Seems counterintuitive, but that is the way the spell system works in EQ. It's also why wizards will often continue to use their older nukes for a level or so after getting a new one. While the max damage is higher, you'll get a lot more partial damage effects using the brand new one. Let me also note that this effect largely does not apply to the post 60 levels. They re-adjusted spells and skills in that range, so it's always better to get the newest spell (there may be some exceptions though).

When you look at the paladin paci spells, they get three:

Soothe: Level 5 cleric spell. Gained by paladins at level 25.
Calm: Level 15 cleric spell. Gained by paladins at level 43.
Pacify: Level 36 cleric spell. Gained by paladins at level 49.

The point is that every paladin paci spells is at least 20 levels "old" by the time they get it. That's going to dramatically affect their chance to fail, and to critical fail. Additionally, soothe only affects mobs up to level 40, calm up to level 50, and pacify up to level 55. What that means is that a cleric could be attempting to use calm or soothe on mobs as much as 35 levels higher then them. That's *also* going to have a huge effect on fails and crit fails.

It's interesting that everyone who says that they've seen this is either a cleric, chanter, or a druid. As I've said many many times. I play a paladin, and have *never* seen this happen. I really do suspect it has something to do with relative levels of caster, spell, and mob.

Oh. And the spell information is also a "do you know?" bit as well... :)

I also remember a lovely little problem with that room, which leads me into my own Did You Know?...

On that same subject. Did you know that if you fear the taskmaster, he'll run down the hallway and to the zone line between EC and SH? He'll then sit there trying to run through the zone line while you beat on his backside. Probably a technical exploit, but not my fault. I needed his organs and using spook the dead made it a lot easier to kill him. I usually got him down most of the way before he made it all that distance, it was just funny to note that instead of running around in other directions, he just smooshed into the zone line.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#226 May 29 2008 at 6:41 PM Rating: Good
125 posts
There is a charisma check on failed lulls as well to see if they crit. Your theory about the level of the spell/caster/mob may also be true, not sure on that, but I'm quite sure that I've read dev quotes saying that charisma is taken into effect to see if a lull resist is critical.
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