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#177 Feb 07 2008 at 3:41 PM Rating: Excellent
Did you know .. ?

When Everquest first came out, there was an introductory movie that would play while the game was loading or patching or something. I think you were able to skip it by pressing a key. At some point they changed the game startup file to no longer play the movie.

I found my original EQ install disc and located the movie file but I don't have any program that will play it. I tried installing Everquest from that disc to see the movie but it won't play from that install either.

Luckily, someone else had already put the video up on Youtube. I think I recall someone even linking it here on Alla once before.

I like the cute little orcs dancing around the fire before they get eaten by the fiery demon.
#178 Feb 08 2008 at 4:16 PM Rating: Excellent
I swear on my internet connection, I once saw someone wearing a hat that looked like this in Everquest, except in blue:


I can't find any screenshots now of it, and don't know what helm it was. I am pretty sure they changed the item graphic so that even with old models it doesn't look like that anymore.

I totally wish I could get a giant sombrero or stove top hat or this one with the ball fringe for my characters. You know, for when they go out clubbing at the Old Seb Disco.
#179 Feb 08 2008 at 9:06 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
...that after killing many, many sarnaks, goblins and iksar bandits (oh my) to raise Legion of Cabilis faction to "cannot possibly get any better", my Drakkin Necro self /cons dubious.

Iksar illusion then ups that nicely if you actually want to do quests in Cabilis... (but I have 4 other factions to raise before the city is my new home -Legion is just the easiest due to my hunting habits).

This actually makes good lore sense as the Iksar/Dragon war was a bit of a big incident in Kunark history. It is logical that even a softskin (with little spikes) traitor like myself would never truly be trusted in Cabilis.
#180 Feb 10 2008 at 4:45 PM Rating: Excellent
Probably the fanciest box set they ever came out with was the Gold Edition. It came in a big gold lunchbox with 3 cloth maps, a faux leather bound manual, a pewter figurine and a comic book. I found my lunchbox recently and made scans of the comic book pages. Enjoy ..
#181 Feb 10 2008 at 8:50 PM Rating: Excellent
509 posts
Did you know...

-G.Ms used to do events? They would take control of npc mobs and there would be a small storyline and usually be interesting rewards. One of my favorites was in Befallen when I was around level 14. It was the first time I had seen mobs drop over a plat :p

-KOS and cant get a hole key? Get a rogue to pick the lock, which is oddly a boulder...

-Druids used to make good money in Rathe Mountains killing giants. The giants would carry around 40pp each. To the casters surprize, some giants wouldnt have much money on them, because a sneak rogue would pickpocket them.

-The tower of frozen shadow used to be a cleric and pally playground. On the 5th floor when you cast spook undead they would run to a safe corner of the zone and keep running in the corner. Free exp that was good to about 55. Lots of pallys got AAs there.

-Before there was a raid feature, multiple groups would compete for kills. The group that did the most damage would get the exp and loot. This would lead to a lot of p^@@ing contests between wizards :)

-Ogers cant be stunned from the front. I know thats common knowledge, but I still dont think many people play ogres, or trolls for that matter.

-Some fun things happen when you sit on certain thrones

-The default key to auto-attack used to be "a". You can imagine how many accidental deaths there were from attacking NPCs by accident.

-Humans are night blind. Walk through kith at night as a low level human :) THAT'S survival horror :p
Cactuszach Rathebringer- [EQ]85 Human Pally Karana

Cactuszach- [FFXI] 75 Galka Monk Hades server

Cactuszach- [LOTRO] 50 Dwarf Guardian Vilya server
#182 Feb 11 2008 at 1:18 PM Rating: Excellent
I thought it was funny that the comic book designer actually chose a see-through blouse for the cleric gal, (what not plate?) and then strategicly placed shadows to provide some modesty, EXCEPT for pages 6 and 7 !!!! Its actualy PG-13 stuff.

Edited, Feb 14th 2008 4:04pm by kirbyramz
#183 Feb 11 2008 at 2:51 PM Rating: Excellent
I like how the mighty paladin practically has a stroke when the cleric stands close and touches him.

She seems to be toying with his emotions

Then she gets all scared by the lion and pulls a very unladylike sneer.
#184 Feb 19 2008 at 12:45 PM Rating: Excellent
Your gods

With credit to the poster Nocturnal Abyss on the SOE EQ2 forums for some of the descriptions, and a player’s guide from 2002 for others. Many of the descriptions are copied directly from a guide created prior to the release of Planes of Power and place gods in the Plane of Pain instead of Torment and Plane of War instead of Tactics. The alliances mentioned may have shifted since then, new deities have come along, and control over some planes has shifted.

  • The highest order of being known to mortals is The Nameless

  • The Nameless
    This being of ultimate power has no name and is unknown to most of Norrath. It has no image in which to create others, nor does it have a personality as even deities would. It is simply a driving force which causes universes to exist – or not to exist, at its own whim.

  • The highest tier of deities of Norrath, but not necessarily the most powerful, are the rulers of the greater wheel of true elements.

  • Fennin Ro – The Tyrant of Fire
    Fennin Ro is the ruler of the greater elemental Plane of Fire. He manifests himself as a large male humanoid with barbaric features including a beard of flame, glowing red eyes, pointed ears and fangs. Although he has been known to be a fanatic in terms of preserving the element of fire, displaying a short temper toward that preservation and any who would dare to threaten it, Fennin Ro retains a strong influence on the wheel of Order and Discord. He is also the father of Solusek Ro and possibly Druzzil Ro.

    The Rathe – The Council
    The Rathe is a council of twelve beings that rule over the Plane of Earth. Each member of the Council maintains an identical presence of grass-green hair and earthen skin with veins of gold and turquoise. The Council is an extension of the plane itself. Thus, if one member is cut down another will shortly rise to take its place. The Council of Earth is the only power of the Planes of Order to have looked down upon the material realm with interest, but remain truly neutral in their dealings with the lesser pantheon.

    The Triumvirate of Water

    Tarew Marr – The Fathom Lord, Ruler of the Triumvirate of Water
    The Fathom Lord, or, as he is known in the divine tongue of Influence and Nature, Tarew Marr, is the first member of the Triumvirate of Water. He is the sole lord and commander of the plane’s most abundant form of the element. The people of Norrath know little of him, and his relationship to Mithaniel and Erollisi Marr is a source of constant debate amongst their followers. He is believed to have given physical form and intelligence to the influences of Love and Valor in the personages of Erollisi and Mithaniel Marr respectively, and given them power over their namesake planes.

    E`ci – The Wintry Guardian
    E`ci is the second member of the Triumvirate of Water. The goddess embodies the material form and essence of ice, the solid matter of the plane she helps govern. This entity is rumored to hold great control over her portion of the realm, perhaps nearly to the point of tyranny if one can believe the fantastical tales of the gods of Influence and Nature. The tales of her devotion to the balance of her realm against the other elemental powers have fostered a lingering, fearful respect for the goddess within the hearts of the lesser pantheon.

    Povar – The Veiled One
    Povar is the third member of the Triumvirate of Water. Povar is the conscious essence of water in its vaporous state and controls a third of the Elemental Plane. Being neither male nor female in form, neither tangible nor incorporeal, this divine entity holds the greatest mystery of the Triumvirate. Keeping attentions focused upon the realm they assist to govern, Povar gives neither care nor notice to the wheel of Nature and Influence. This member of the Triumvirate has given no recorded notion or action beyond its own realm and the greater wheel of Elemental Powers.

    Xegony – The Queen of Air
    The Plane of Air is ruled by Xegony, the Queen of Air, a beautiful, young-looking, elfin female humanoid with angel-like wings. Amongst the greater elemental powers, her angelic manner and appearance grant her the greatest regard, for she is the most delicate and benevolent in her ways. She is also the greatest mystery to the lesser pantheon, never having turned her attentions from the greater wheel of the true elements.

  • Other deities of the greater pantheon have presences on the wheel of Order and Discord and the wheel of Nature and Influence.

  • Bertoxxulous – The Plaguebringer
    Bertoxxulous has no allies. His followers often practice the dark art of necromancy, which he wholeheartedly supports. The Plaguebringer appears as a humanoid hunchback draped in tattered, decaying robes. Under his hood can be seen a very handsome face attached to the body of a rotting corpse. He is enemies with Tunare, Rodcet Nife, Karana, Mithaniel Marr, and Rallos Zek. He rules the Plane of Disease, which is dark and drippy with geysers of ooze and rivers of pus. The land itself looks feels and even smells like decaying flesh, and is inhabited by all manner of evil creatures and undead.

    Brell Serilis – The Duke of Below
    Brell is allied with Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane, and is an enemy of Veeshan’s. Followers of the Duke of Below find true happiness in the caves, caverns and tunnels that permeate the belly of Norrath, but this is one of few points upon which all followers of Brell can agree. The Runny Eye Clan of goblins claim he is their father, much to the disgust of the dwarves of Kaladim who are certain that only the dwarves are the true children of Serilis. The vicious gnolls of Split Paw disagree entirely, for was it not Brell who sculpted them out of the sacred Clay of Cosgrove? Followers of Breel Serilis, in one form or another, can be found nearly anywhere you enter the Underfoot of Norrath.

    Cazic-Thule – The Faceless
    Cazic-Thule is allied with Rallos Zek and Innoruuk, and is the enemy of Mithaniel and Erollisis Marr. Followers of the Faceless fear their Lord and Believe that only by causing terror on others will they be spared his vengeful wrath. Fear rules their lives and through fear they rule the lives of others. Pain, misery, violence, torture, living sacrifice – these are the tools of a Cazicite. Many lizardman tribes are devout followers of Cazic-Thule, but his number of humanoid followers grows daily, a cold shadow slowly engulfing the bright spots of Norrath in a nightmare of horror and pain. He gave a portion of his power along with Quellious to create Terris and Morell.

    Erollisi Marr – The Queen of Love
    This sister of Mithaniel and daughter of Tarew is allied with Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane, Mithaniel Marr, Rodcet Nife, Tunare and Quellious. Her enemies are Innoruuk, Cazic-Thule, Rallos Zek and Bertoxxulous. Followers of Erollisis Marr, the Queen of Love, cling to the belief that love conquers all. It should be pointed out that while love is a generally peaceful concept, Erollisi worshippers are not pacifists. They would like to live in a world where everyone loves everyone else and violence does not exist, but they are not naïve enough to think Norrath is that world. They are passionately devoted to people, places and ideas and are more than willing to fight and die to preserve those things. The dream of every follower of Erollisi is to die in the selfless defense of someone or something they love. Many paladins hear the true calling of their hearts and follow Erollisi Marr.

    Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane – The King of Thieves
    Followers of Bristlebane believe in having fun, at the expense of nearly all else. Bards, rogues, jesters, gamblers and gypsies are all typical followers. They are almost always very charming, clever and witty, traits which all Bristlebane followers should strive to have. Mischief in all its forms is encouraged. Practical jokes are performed as if they are the highest of rituals. Very few of Bristlebane’s followers are outright wicked in their desires, but it is best to keep at least one eye on your purse if they are about. And never let one deal you a hand of King’s Court.

    Innoruuk – The Prince of Hate
    Innoruuk is allied with Rallos Zek and Cazic-Thule, and is the enemy of Quellious, Mithaniel Marr, and Erollisi Marr. Followers of Innoruuk, the Prince of Hate, include nearly the entire dark elven race, who regard him as their “Father.” They believe that hate is a creative force, or rather “THE” creative force in the universe – creativity born of destruction. Love and kindness are tools for those too ignorant to know what they want or too cowardly to do what is necessary to obtain it. They believe that it is only through the total disdain of your enemies that you can gain true power over them. Pity and mercy have no power when confronted with contempt and viciousness. It is the honest belief of the followers of Innoruuk that if they were to hate strongly enough, they could destroy all of Norrath.

    Karana – The Rain Keeper
    Karan is allied with Tunare and Mithaniel Marr. Bertoxxulous is his enemy. Followers of Karana, the Rainkeeper, believe in the absolute power of storms. They worship the life-giving power of the rain and respect the destructive force of a sandstorm or hurricane. Typical followers of Karana are rural humanoids – farmers, ranchers, hunters and the like. They will often offer strangers shelter from the elements. Many of Karana’s followers live a nomadic lifestyle, traveling where the winds take them. They are humble, generous people who value strength and honesty and brook no disrespect of Karana or of his work, for they know it is only through his wisdom and kindness that all of Norrath is not consumed in an eternal tempest.

    Mithaniel Marr – The Truthbringer
    Mithaniel Marr, the Truthbringer, governs the Plane of Valor. Mithaniel is the ultimate paladin who wears a full suit of shining silver plate armor and wields a glowing longsword. Mithaniel Marr, who owes his existence to Tarew Marr, the leader of the Triumvirate of Water, is allied with Erollisi Marr and Karana. He counts Innoruuk, Cazic-Thule and Bertoxxulous among his enemies. He has a friendly rivalry with Solusek Ro.

    Prexus – The Ocean Lord
    Prexus, the Ocean Lord, is allied with Rodcet Nife and is enemy to Bertoxxulous. Followers of Prexus believe that true power lies in the vast depths of Norrath’s oceans. They believe that eons ago life first formed in the murky deep, and that one day the oceans will rise again to consume those who are unworthy and embrace the faithful. The Oceanlord’s servants tend to live and work near, on, or beneath large bodies of water. They seek to spread the word of Prexus to all who will hear and defend the oceans and seas of Norrath against any who would cause them harm. Many sailors and fishermen are followers of Prexus.

    Quellious – The Tranquil
    This peaceful child-goddess is allied with Rodcet Nife and Erollisi Marr, and an enemy to Rallos Zek and Innoruuk. Followers of Quellious the Tranquil seek peace. They are not strict pacifists, though, and will fight to defend themselves and their loved ones. The peace they seek is an inner one. They wish to know all there is to know about themselves and the world around them. They thirst for knowledge of their true selves and strive to help others attain enlightenment. It is through the sharing of this knowledge that they believe universal peace can be obtained. If every creature fully understood itself and its neighbors there would be no need for conflict and war. Followers of Quellious often follow a nomadic lifestyle, constantly seeking what there is to know and hoping to find themselves along the way. She gave a portion of her power along with Cazic-Thule to create Terris and Morell.

    Rallos Zek – The Warlord
    Rallos Zek is allied with Innoruuk and Cazic-Thule, enemy to Quellious and Bertoxxulous. The followers of Rallos Zek, the Warlord, believe in survival of the strong and death to the weak. The heart of a true follower of Zek yearns for strength, courage, but above all victory. They believe that the heat of battle is the only place and time where enlightenment can be gained – that the universe was formed by conflict and in conflict it will end, with the victors feasting upon the remains of their fallen enemy. No respect or regard is given to the dead, for if they were worthy their hearts would still pump blood through their veins and not upon the soil of Norrath. The followers of Zek are almost exclusively warriors. Father of the twins Tallon and Vallon, and of Sullon and Rolfron Zek.

    Rodcet Nife – The Prime Healer
    Rodcet Nife is allied with Karana, Quellious, Erollisi Marr and Prexus, and his only enemy is Bertoxxulous. Followers of the Prime Healer take a solemn oath to fight disease and death until one or the other finally claims them. They are very generous and humble, asking little more than that the recipients of their aid pass the kindness on to another. They are not content to deal with the effects of disease and death after they occur and vigorously seek to destroy the sources of these evils. Healers and mystics are typical followers but many noble rangers and paladins have also taken oath to Rodcet Nife. They believe that, through faith in the Prime Healer, the wounded heart of the universe shall one day be mended and death’s dark shadow will never be seen again. Some stories say Rodcet Nife was a being from an ancient immortal race who devoted his life to helping mortals end disease and suffering.

    Solusek Ro – The Burning Prince
    The Plane of Flame is ruled by Solusek Ro, the Burning Prince. His father, Fennin Ro is the Tyrant of Fire who rules the greater elemental Plane of Fire from which the Plane of Flame derives its power. Solusek wears a suit of golden ring mail and a crown of flame, and wields a spear of fire. He is allied with no one, enemies with no one. He has a friendly rivalry with Mithaniel Marr.

    Terris-Thule – The Dream Scorcher
    Terris-Thule is known as the Dream Scorcher or the Nightmare, for her effect on the sleep of dreamer. She rules the demi-plane of Nightmare and delights in torturing the innocent as they rest. She is tall, well over six feet in height, and skeletally thin. Her skin is pale with hints of gray. Long, black fingernails extend from her bony hands, to match her slinky gown. Her face is smooth – no features mar its sleek surface other than two empty black eye sockets. Long black hair flows back from two massive brass horns at her temples. Sister to Morell Thule, daughter of Cazic-Thule and Quellious.

    The Tribunal – The Council of Justice
    The Plane of Justice is ruled by a council of six beings known as The Tribunal. The members of the Tribunal wear dark, hooded cloaks and masks and each carries a large war hammer. The plane itself is inhabited only by beings imprisoned here by the Tribunal for crimes against the universe and by the golems the Tribunal has constructed to serve as guards. They are allied with no one, ememies with no one.

    Veeshan – The Mother of all Wurms
    Veeshan is the great crystalline dragon who rules the Plane of Sky. She needs no allies but considers Brell Serilis an enemy. Veeshan is known as the Mother of All Wurms and this title includes all of dragonkind such as the drakes and wyverns. When the universe was young, Veeshan traveled throughout the cosmos depositing Her children on worlds She deemed worthy. She would then strike the planet with Her massive claws so that the other deities would know She had laid claim to that world. The continent of Velious on Norrath bears Her mark, known as the Scars of Veeshan.

  • The next tier of beings are often referred to as sub-deities and/or demi-gods. The criteria for stratification is not always clear.

  • Ayonae Ro – The Maestra
    Created at the whim of the demi-goddess Druzzil Ro for the purpose of creating music to soothe the soul, Ayonae Ro grew to develop powers and a distinct personality of her own. Druzzil sacrificed a small portion of her own place to create a new realm to be dominated by Ayonae Ro, the demi-Plane of Music. Ayonae can not only cause others to become caught up in her music to the point of feeling the emotions therein, she is able to mold and shape the very realm in which she lives, much as her mother does with her own magical skills.

    Druzzil Ro – The Matron of the Art
    Druzzil has white hair which is held back from her face by a massive platinum crown with a single white gem that blazes like a brilliant white star upon her brow. She is tall, youthful in appearance, with a resemblance to Erudite in skin and body structure. The demi-Plane of Magic became the home of the goddess of magic. In its natural state, it is an infinitely expansive plane of perfect white and unblemished marble under a gray and featureless sky, though one would likely never glimpse her plane in such a state. Through the will of Druzzil Ro, her home takes the shape, form and features that reflect her current mood. Her plane is simply a canvas for her art. Said to be the daughter of Fennin Ro.

    Luclin – The Maiden of Shadows
    Luclin, the Maiden of Shadows, rules the Plane of Shadow. She is short of stature, about 4’9” tall, and sleek and thin with an elfin body structure. Her short hair is deep gray with long side locks down to her stomach. Her silver eyes have no pupils and her skin is solid black. She wears black and gray robes, and a shadowy mist perpetually swirls around her feet. In one hand she bears a massive silver and platinum staff carved in the shape of two tendrils wrapping around one another to form two humanoid hands at the top. Floating just above the cupped palms of the hands is a small black orb whose surface has an iridescent sheen similar to that of oil.

    Morell Thule – The Lord of Dreams
    Morell Thule, the Lord of Dreams, rules the demi-Plane of Dreams where he is responsible for the rich texture of sleep visions. He creates, animates and thoroughly enjoys the creatures who romp in his realm. He is nearly seven feet tall, well built and has handsome youthful features. His body is that of a pure white centaur with the tail of a lion. His silver hooves sparkle constantly and he has a unicorn-like horn on his brow. That horn is not made of hair as with most such protuberances, but is purely a thing of light. His long hair grows down his spine and ends in a glistening white mane which, with his pale skin, set off his beautiful green eyes. The legends claim that the Plane of Dreams was fought over fiercely by the gods of Fear of Tranquility, Cazic-Thule and Quellious, and that neither was able to master the other to control the plane. So they each agreed to put forth a portion of their power to create the twin gods Morell Thule and Terris Thule. Morell, who takes after his mother, was given control of the realm of dreams while his sister Terris, who takes after her father, gained her own sub-plane of nightmares.

    Saryrn – The Mistress of Torment and Pain
    Born a woman of striking beauty, she now rules the demi-Plane of Pain – a hot, damp and uncomfortable place with no flat surfaces on which to walk. Instead, the ground is cluttered with small, closely placed stalagmites of smooth obsidian. Saryrn busies herself by spending personal time with those cursed enough to live in her realm. She captures and torments her subjects mentally and physically, and completely at random – based mainly upon her whims. Those who fall into her hands may suffer but a few moments, or for months at a time. All live with the fear that at any time she may choose them as a partner. Saryrn was once a mortal priestess of Erollisi Marr before her husband fell in love with another, shattering all her beliefs and her psyche, causing her to devote her existence to destroying the lie of love and all Erollisi stands for.

    Tallon Zek – The Beholder of Battle
    Known as the Beholder of Battle and as a master of strategy, Tallon Zek resides on the Plane of War along with his alter ego Vallon Zek. He is a tall, older-looking, orc-like being who appears to be very wise, with good cause. He wears a set of sturdy steel plate armor without a helm, and carries his famed obsidian war bow. Created by Rallos Zek.

    Vallon Zek – The Governor of War
    Vallon Zek is a master tactician dubbed the Governor of War, and, with his alter ego Tallon Zek, resides in the Plane of War with Rallos Zek. Vallon’s manifestation is that of an older, muscular, physically strong male orc-like figure who wears blackened chain covered by an emerald and black cloak. His appearance is that of a regal general at arms, upright and stern, wise and aristocratic. At his belt he bears a silvery saber, which he has been said to wave when explaining tactics to others. Created by Rallos Zek.

    Vazaelle Kaleine – The Mad
    An Erudite by heritage, Vazaelle lived among those who were ousted from Erudin for necromancy. During her lifetime she was a dedicated devout Cazicite, though a combination of religious zeal and prophetic visions stripped from her any semblance of sanity. Lifted up by her deity and given her own domain, the power of her madness shaped her realm into the semblance of old Paineel after its destruction. From her realm, Vazaelle occasionally foresees an event in the future of some unsuspecting Norrathian citizen, whose life will change drastically when that event occurs. Depending on the severity of Vazaelle’s mental state during the vision, that poor individual will know some degree of madness for the rest of their days, suffering from the touch of Vazaelle the Mad.

    Zebuxoruk – The Forsaken
    Zebuxoruk is neither evil nor good. Some legends call him evil and other legends place him on the side of good. The other deities either dislike him or simply couldn’t care less about him. Zebuxoruk was at some time a mortal man, and trod upon the surface of Norrath after escaping the Plane of Justice or the Void. Mortality was either something forced upon him or something he may have wished for. Zebuxoruk is known as the Forsaken One, The Disgraced and other such names among the pantheon of deities and heroes of the Outer Planes of Influence.

    Torvonnilous – Lord of Greed
    Torvonnilous rules the Demi-Plane of Greed where he sits and plots ways of gaining even more treasure than what he already has. Though he wears numerous articles of jewelry crafted of all sorts of precious metals encrusted with every type of gem imaginable – earrings, amulets, brooches and much more – he is never satistied. He is male in appearance, of medium height and slight build. He wears a suit of finely woven, green-and-yellow-embroidered red silk cloth. His face is clean-shaven, though not particularly handsome, and in one beringed hand he bears an obsidian cane with a platinum dragon’s head upon the top.

    Xev Bristlebane – The Prince of Fortune
    Xev is the brother of Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane and is known as the God of Luck. Not much else is known about him.

    Tholuxe Paells – The Indulgent
    Tholuxe Paells is known as the God of Lust. Little is known of this vile god of vices. Within his demi-Plane of Debauchery he rules supreme. Unlike many planars, he prefers frequent interaction with mortal worlds and delights in tempting the weak of virtue with offers of eternal pleasure. This is how he populates his world.

    Sullon Zek – The Maiden of Rage
    Sullon Zek was once the barbarian Sullon McKlarren before being anointed by Rallos Zek and given dominion over the aspects of war that manifest in pure rage, and control over the demi-Plane of Rage. It is said that mortals that kill another in a fit of rage go to her plane to wage eternal battle. Her rage, and her ability to focus it so intensely, grants her inhuman abilities in battle. Only Rallos himself was able to withstand her in battle, and while her older brothers Tallon and Vallon think they could defeat her with their greater experience and wisdom, neither has been willing to put it to the test against her sheer rage.

    Rolfron Zek – The Lord of Despair
    Once a Kobold shaman of Brell Serilis, he turned his anger on his former lord when Brell abandoned his creations. Rallos Zek found the Kobolds on Odus filled with despair and rage and took the most resentful soul he found and raised him to demi-godhood. Rallos replaced Rolfron’s spirit with a piece of his own power.

    Meldrath – The Marvelous
    The conjoined twin of Meldrath the Malignant, they were separated by their mother with a magic sword given to her by Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane. When his mother cut them apart, the good Meldrath rose into the sky and was lifted to demi-godhood and given control over the demi-Plane of Innovation.

    Drinal – The Silver Reaper
    God of Death

    Ehayae – Matron of the Dawn
    God of Beginnings

    Sahteb Mahini – The Feral Spirit
    Primal life force

    This is not all the lore available for the gods. Far from it, this is only a brief description of the deities and the planes they reside in and their relation to each other. I would welcome additional information and corrections if anyone has more to add.

    Old and new storylines have unfolded where the gods play part in the shaping of Norrath that I would like to see written up here. Like the story of Mithaniel Marr and the Frogloks, or a synopsis of the PoP storyline involving Zeb and Karana and Druzzil Ro.

    Some links for reference:

    Edited, Feb 19th 2008 1:27pm by mfbrownbear
    #185 Feb 19 2008 at 1:27 PM Rating: Excellent
    35,568 posts
    Heh. And for the pop-quizpoll, how many of those names are anagrams?

    There used to be a tutorial in the game as well as an intro. Basically, it went over the needed stuff in game. How to move, how to talk to people. Buy stuff, follow quest stuff, and attack something. It was kinda neato (little grotto IIRC). Very tiny, but sufficient. The one thing they *didn't* teach was how to swim though, which is why so many people would fall into tiny patches of water and drown early on (that and the default non-mouselook movement is incredibly cumbersome underwater).

    When Luclin first came out, the additional ports to Twilight Sea, Dawnshroud Peaks, and Grimling forest weren't in the game (they were added later). So while wizards and druids could port you to the nexus, you had to hoof it (no city books either!). I remember exploring with my wizard on the first day the expansion came out, and managing to find my way through Paludal Cavern (not easy without a map!). You can imagine the sheer volume of tells for ports I got when I found my way to Shar Val. Good times!
    King Nobby wrote:
    More words please
    #186 Feb 19 2008 at 9:41 PM Rating: Excellent
    Liberal Conspiracy
    mfbrownbear the Ludicrous wrote:
    I like how the mighty paladin practically has a stroke when the cleric stands close and touches him.
    I'm more curious how a paladin got his Holy Avenger but can't kill a lion in the Commonlands without clerical help Smiley: dubious
    Belkira wrote:
    Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
    #187 Feb 20 2008 at 10:14 AM Rating: Excellent
    Did you know...?

    - That in the early days of Crescent Reach and The Serpent's Spine, when they -finally- put higher level spell vendors in CR (due to people complaining about Blightfire Moors' difficulty, and the inability to reach PoK), they accidentally reset -all- level 1-20 spells on them -- including those that came out with LDoN and were nodrop!

    My cleric still has a large number of them.

    - An easy trick to get from Crescent Reach to PoK (if it's still unfixed) is to port to Dranik's Scar via the Priest of Discord, and then say 'go home'. Instead of porting you back to Crescent Reach, you'll find yourself in the Plane of Knowledge.

    - The Mines of Gloomingdeep Tutorial is supposed to allow you to open up a separate instance for your group, but I have never managed to make it work.

    - Krenshin, the named Bazu in Gloomingdeep, is actually a -summoned- creature. I'm not 100% sure if this differs from the normal variety of Bazu, however.
    #188 Feb 20 2008 at 11:39 AM Rating: Excellent
    If you cant get a port to Cobalt Scar and dont want to pay the 200p for a guild hall crystal, there is a shortcut to running there. Normally you would have to run GD-EW-KD-WL-SS->Cscar (IF you have the key!)

    Take the POK book to Great Divide. Head way south and follow the river to the end.

    There is a tiny model of a castle there and if you click on it, it will zone you to Plane of Mischief.

    Once you zone to POM dont move. Look straight ahead at the trees. start clicking from where you are on all the trees to your front. One of them will say "You are too far away to do that". Now just run up to THAT tree. This short little run is about 50 meters. There are no roamers or mob spawns that will attack you unless you run too far or get lost while trying to move forward in a straight line!

    This tree has been enchanted to be the "port-key" to Cscar. It dumps you in the middle of the lake though, so levitate is handy if you dont want to swim ashore or fight off sharks and angry sea-chests. Dont forget to surface, because you zone about 20 feet below the water and can drown if you are a bad swimmer or forget that you need air to breathe.

    If you are headed to Sirens Grotto or Western Wastes then you are actually closer to there than if you had taken a druid port to Cscar.

    I have used this shortcut many many times.
    #189 Feb 27 2008 at 1:11 AM Rating: Default
    and I have on bards
    #190 Feb 27 2008 at 3:10 AM Rating: Good
    Mine would be did you know there is a stip club in Norath?

    Thats right its in Neriak called "The Maidens Fancy" its in Neriak 3rd gate and for 10gp iirc you can have various females dance for you.
    The Ogress is the star, dark elves are odd. No they are not nude but its as close as your gonna get=P.

    I forget where it was but it might have been neriak that I found a velvet Elvis poster by pushing my head thru the wall.
    #191 Feb 27 2008 at 9:19 AM Rating: Excellent
    flishtaco wrote:
    Mine would be did you know there is a stip club in Norath?

    Thats right its in Neriak called "The Maidens Fancy" its in Neriak 3rd gate and for 10gp iirc you can have various females dance for you.
    The Ogress is the star, dark elves are odd. No they are not nude but its as close as your gonna get=P.
    It's in the basement. Look for the platinum chair embossed in gold with "Rundle's Chair". It's amazing how fast you can go through 10,000 gp in an afternoon. Smiley: lol

    I also recall seeing Elvis somewhere but can't remember just where. Hmmm... perhaps time to run around Neriak again.
    #192 Feb 28 2008 at 9:25 AM Rating: Excellent
    78 posts
    You can actually help Lassie save Timmy from the well. Found out about it a couple days ago. Las See I believe is the name of the mob.
    #193 Feb 28 2008 at 10:59 AM Rating: Excellent
    This is probably posted somewhere in here, but there is a button on the map tools, called group, I think, that allows you to see where your group members are on a map. VERY useful.
    #194 Feb 29 2008 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
    Words of Disillusionment never had a purpose, even while 'Words' where being used for spell research.

    The training dummies in Crescent Reach are 'immune to changes in there run speed', lol, so don't bother snaring or rooting.
    #195 Feb 29 2008 at 11:46 AM Rating: Good
    271 posts
    Typing /key lists all the keys that your character has.

    I did a freak-out happy dance when someone told me this last night!
    #196 Mar 12 2008 at 5:59 AM Rating: Excellent
    4,580 posts
    I felt silly for not clueing into this sooner:

    Sort the priest of luclin's vendor menu by quantity and the soulstones will all go to the top of the list because they have - (infinite quantity).

    I had always been sorting by price and then having to scroll amongst the vendor trash.
    #197 Mar 12 2008 at 6:33 AM Rating: Excellent
    Might have already been covered, but, did you know...
    when the weighted axe went live some programmer mistakenly forgot to add a 5 and 0 to the delay... making it a delay of 1. Lasted like a day or three :).

    #198 Mar 23 2008 at 8:17 PM Rating: Excellent
    When you do the War Machines monster mission you play a clockwork soldier on a rescue mission. If you type /dance they do the robot dance. I like those little gearheads.
    #199 Mar 24 2008 at 5:54 AM Rating: Excellent
    271 posts
    If you right click an empty spell gem, it lists all your spells broken down into specifics: direct damage, damage over time, etc.
    #200 Mar 24 2008 at 9:16 AM Rating: Excellent
    Hey RennyKat, did you know that at the bottom of those spell gems, you can right click, and actually save your spell set. Heck, you can save several spell sets, and load them lickedy split, with just a click of the mouse. Saves time while rezz'd during a raid. I have a buff set, that I load when first rezzed, then a set for normal xp/aa grinding, then a set for normal raids.

    I havent had time to really look at it yet, but there is a book just in front of the elevator in the PoK Library that has names from the 2007 Fan Faire, not sure what for, and will eventually look, but didnt have more than a few seconds last time I was there.
    #201 Mar 24 2008 at 9:47 AM Rating: Excellent
    271 posts
    Harrington wrote:
    Hey RennyKat, did you know that at the bottom of those spell gems, you can right click, and actually save your spell set.

    Not only that . . . did you know you can make a hotkey to load your spell sets? I have 3 currently on hot keys:

    1. summoning spells for pet and toys
    2. buffing spells for self and pet
    3. nuking spells

    Now it's easier than ever for me to summon a few pet toys for my groupmates or even in the Guild Lobby, and any time a buff drops I'm only a short click away from being able to rebuff. Which leads me to my next did you know . . .

    Did you know that you can make audio alerts? Under the EQ button there is an option called Audio Alerts. I have a couple set up for two of my short-timed buffs--Elemental Siphon and the group DS spell. People get testy when the mage can't remember to use their one beneficial spell in a timely fashion.
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