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#127 Dec 26 2007 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
2,605 posts

--Deep within Droga, there is a place where you can under certain circumstances poke your head through a wall. When you do so, you will see that there is a wall covered with a hidden texture. This texture is a photo of one of the devellopers' cat...

Actually -- this is in befallen.

To see it, shrink down. As you step in the main room from the zone in, look inside the back wall there.

#128 Dec 26 2007 at 1:22 PM Rating: Excellent
GOMN, good to see you in this thread. For those that don't know, his character Bonzz is a minor celebrity on our server Bertox and he's put together several extraordinary guides for paladin quests.

The Abysmal Sea quests were mentioned toward the bottom of the first page of this thread.
mfbrownbear wrote:
There are quests in Abysmal Seal to give you up to like 54 points in every tradeskill you can do.

Abysmal Sea Freebie Tradeskill Quests

You mentioned Crescent Reach though. Do they have the same kind of tradeskill freebie quests in CR? I was not aware of that.
#129 Dec 26 2007 at 1:51 PM Rating: Excellent
2,605 posts
Well -- sort of. They dont work exactly the same way, but there are such quests.


However, there is no beneift to them (other than free way to skill up) like the Abysmal ones (GoD raw material refinement).

#130 Dec 26 2007 at 1:56 PM Rating: Excellent
2,605 posts
Now one that seems to be a BIG secret. Few seem to know of this.

Did you know there is an ACTUAL language called "An Unknown Tongue?"

You can train it to 100 just like any other.

However, it can only be learned from players who actually have the language to start with.

I am unaware of it's origins and Class Guild Trainers will not and do not offer it to you. Nor does it show up as a "Zero" ability skill in your skill window (it will not appear there until you actually learn it... and even then it may not show up until about a skill level of 10).

If you are on Bertox, I'll train you to 100 for a Porous Loam! /snicker

#131 Dec 26 2007 at 2:05 PM Rating: Excellent
Well, the CR tradeskill quests may not grant the GoD refining abilities but it's still a lot more convenient than having to wait until you get your adventure stone and port halfway around the world just to start tradeskilling.

Would you teach me that unknown tongue for a bone chip and a fire beetle eye?
#132 Dec 26 2007 at 2:26 PM Rating: Excellent
2,605 posts
By the way -- if you would like to see what the Cat room looks like, visit this page on my web site:

#133 Dec 26 2007 at 3:22 PM Rating: Excellent
Did you know .. ?

At the time of the release of Gates of Discord they introduced the Tribute system. This was a method for players to turn unused items and plat into useful benefits similar to timed buffs.

Every playable race now has an NPC in their hometown called a Tribute Master. There, you can give items and coin to the guy and build up a Tribute pool of points. You then select the benefits you would like to have when you activate your Tribute. The benefits include things like raising your primary stat caps, raising your actual stats (including hp/mana/endurance), boosting your attack rating, granting focus effects and more.

ALT+U opens your Tribute window, and once you've visited the tribute master and set the benefits you want you can activate and deactivate your Tribute effects any time you want.

The benefits cost different amounts of points. It will add up all the benefits you selected and charge you that many points to use them, every 10 minutes. When you activate Tribute you get the benefits until you turn Tribute off. Every 10 minutes of it on you will lose that many points from your Tribute pool.

Tribute effects behave the same as worn items. Tribute haste does not stack with worn haste, whichever is higher of your tribute haste or your highest percent worn haste item is the only one that will be in effect. Tribute regen and mana regen will stack with worn items only up to the cap, you cannot use Tribute to boost mana regen beyond your worn effect limit. All tribute spell focus effects work at the same potency as the basic focus effects available from worn items.

Edited, Dec 26th 2007 8:38pm by mfbrownbear
#134 Dec 26 2007 at 4:38 PM Rating: Excellent
18 posts
Did you know?

Before in-game maps where introduced with Legacy of Ykesha, the most popular place for people to look for and print paper maps was here

..Before the map and compass, it was not uncommon to max sense heading by spamming it every time it was up for a skill up point.

..which made the spell true north valuable, people would cast it then rotate 1/4 turn to face east or west for a general idea where they where headed...

..or you could buy a compass that clickied true north...

..Clouds used to always flow east to west, so you could just check the weather for directions. can place a weapon on the ground and it will always face north. Normally a rusted or fine steel sword would be your compass.

..speaking of rusty weapons, it was common to use these as your first weapon until about level 10 which would take weeks or months to reach. You can sharpen it into a tarnished weapon by combining a sharpening stone and a rusty weapon, and didnt require any smithing skill. This raised its' dmg rating. can raise begging on a boat, by begging from the boat. Once you maxed the skill you could earn cash by riding the boat because sometimes it would toss you some spare change :). Never enough to make it worth it, but heck it was something to do while waiting 20 minutes and raising sense heading.

..some stats have shown that when kunark went live, more Americans called in sick to work that day than any other day, not counting flu seasons or holidays ofc. Only half the people, the "retail customers" could play. As mentioned previously, Verant shipped kunark late to the pre-order'ers. I'm sure this is a myth but I believe they had around 400,000 subscribers at the time, most did NOT have 2 accounts, so who knows...

..the server select screen used to say how many players where on that server at the time, instead of saying "up" or "down". Generally most had 1800-2200 at peak hours.

..before the lfg tool and guild manager tool, you would roam to a heavy populated zone (like oasis or guk) and spam /ooc lfg until someone invited you, in which they had to target you to invite you. You actually prefered busy zones so you didnt have to spam lfg for hours.

..often there was a waiting list more than 20 hours long for the Flowing Black Silk Sash in Lguk, kept in RL by players and passed on as the item dropped.

..and finally, before the combat abilitys you had to type /disc ___ to use your discs, and just typing /disc told you the time remaining. In the early days you could set your PC clock ahead 1 hour and the disc would be refreshed and ready to use.

#135 Dec 26 2007 at 10:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Did you know .. ?

Taking a moment to answer a question is nice.
Taking a minute to summon some gear or do a combine for someone is very nice.
Taking a few minutes to help someone find something or help with a quick kill is downright neighborly.
Giving away gear to needy lowbies rather than trying to get the best price in bazaar is pretty classy.
Taking half an hour or more to help someone clear / farm / camp something will make you a saint in their eyes.

I must be a god by now. /grin

..and finally, before the combat abilitys you had to type /disc ___ to use your discs, and just typing /disc told you the time remaining.

The /disc <ability name> commands still work. It's how you set up special hot keys to fire your disc as well as do something else (AET and /disc Fortitude is a common warrior hot button). Also /disc will still give you your timer.

Did you know you can see what abilities are shared on each combat ability timer? After using a combat ability, type /disc and all the disc's on the timer will show up, not just the one you used.

How do you get in-game chat text to show up as if it's a link?

Here are some detailed instructions I typed out for my guild:

If you have the hot button you want to add the link to already created then skip to step 3.

1) While logged in, make your hotbutton.

2) Log all the way out of the game. (Yes all the way out! See the Did you know below for a quick way of doing this.)

3) Open up notepad and then open up your Playername_tribunal.ini file. This will be in the Everquest directory and contains all your hot buttons.

4) Scroll down to where you see the text of your hot button.

5) The link has 3 distinct parts. Those little boxes on each end define the start and end of the link. The code gives you the nice colored link. And the text is what will be displayed as a link.

So in the example:
Please assist me on 0038-2F14-1150-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0004A %t

Your current target (%t) will show up as a link.

If you wanted the "Please assist me" to be a link you would do:
0038-2F14-1150-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0004A Please assist me on %t.

Notice that the special characters only define the start and end of the link. They don't act as spaces or any kind of punctuation and you can use more than one link on a line.

6) Rinse and repeat for all your hot buttons you want a link in.

7) Save your .ini file, restart EQ and spam the guild.

If you are having problems cutting and pasting, try using this line:

*0038-2F14-1150-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0004A INSERT TEXT HERE*
Once you cut and paste that into notepad, replace the text and then delete the two *'s.

Hope that helps. If there are question, just ask.

Did you know.....

.... you can type /camp desktop to fully camp out with the 30 second timer but EQ will quickly exit? Where as /q will leave you LD in the game. Did you know that /camp server will take you to the server select?
#136 Dec 27 2007 at 7:28 AM Rating: Good
2,605 posts
RE: Chat Links

Nice write up Rundle -- but you negelected one thing.

How do you get the link codes?

Also -- I assume those who use the fancy text also use this same method?

#137 Dec 27 2007 at 11:32 AM Rating: Excellent
4,596 posts
Dead Ends

There is also a dead door in echo caverns, one in the old bazaar, and a hallway in the nexus that used to have NPCs excavating it, at some point the NPCs were removed, but the hallway was never finished.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#138 Dec 27 2007 at 2:24 PM Rating: Excellent
There are 2 doors in Blackburrow that you cannot go through. One appears to be just a door in the wall, the other definately has something behind it since mobs can run through it. Maybe someday I'll bring a character that can Bind Sight and chase a mob through the door to see what's on the other side.
#139 Dec 27 2007 at 2:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Do you know .. ?

What RAMPAGE and ENRAGE and FLURRY and other melee messages mean?

Rampage – Mob does a 200’ range attack on the one (player or pet) that has been on their agro list the longest, and is not currently at the top of the hate list. Example: Monk pulls, warrior tags, group assists, warrior keeps top agro but every time mob Rampages the monk takes damage no matter what position they’re in as long as within 200’ of mob. Example: Warrior pulls and tanks, Enchanter Tashes on inc, group assists, enchanter is now Rampage tank and will take damage every rampage when within range.

Flurry – mob gets extra melee attacks on their target. I think up to 6 extra swings. It can be a real damage spike.

Enrage – Mob will Riposte (deflect and counterattack) 100% of melee attacks from the front. Look for the message and TURN OFF ATTACK unless you are behind the mob.

There is now an AE Rampage ability, called WILD RAMPAGE. I do not know the specifics for certain on this one. Does it hit all players within range, or only those on the agro list? Is it AE 360 degrees or front only? Is the range to target the same as single target rampage? Anybody know?

What other NPC melee special attacks are there?
#140 Dec 27 2007 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
did you know.....

the absolute best spot to level from 13 to 18 is eurids island? even today, you can sit on the shore and cast on the sharks, they all gather in one spot, and kill them without being attacked? perfect for anyone with a ranged attack/.

Don't you have to be underwater with the sharks to cast on them?


about a level an hour with a naked enchanter. would be quicker with a dps caster/ there are a couple killer sharks around level 40ish? you can camp too, but only two sit by the shore.
#141 Dec 27 2007 at 8:56 PM Rating: Excellent
Did you know .. ?

Necro AA ability Wake the Dead is fun. They get it at level 61. When activated, a zombie of sorts is created from the corpse nearest the necromancer. The corpse can be any NPC or player corpse. Since it uses the corpse closest to you, you need to be careful if you are trying to raise a particular one. Stand on it if you have to.

It creates a pet with the same abilities the creature had when alive, but without player limitations. Wake the corpse of a dead enchanter player and your new pet can charm things the player could not. This can lead to unexpected results and usually necro are better off Waking only melee mobs, or a nuking class, but they sometimes root.

I believe when created, the pets will automatically attack your current target, if a valid target. After it dies I think they act like enchanter pets, where they only attack in response to you being attacked.

The pet lasts a minute at first and longer with more levels of the AA. The AA creates pets of a set level. The dead mob or player can be any level and the raised corpse will be roughly the same level as your level 65 pet, Child of Bertox. Posts indicate WTD pets hit for 70-90 dmg a swing, with about the same HP as CoB.

Wouldn’t it be great if wizard pets would randomly TL people to various places? Probably not.

Does anyone know how far away a corpse can be and still be raised?
#142 Dec 28 2007 at 8:12 AM Rating: Excellent
Well, I found something. I don't like it, though.

This article mentions how IGE bought every MMORPG related community site they could get their hands on, through somewhat sneaky "We hope no one sees us pulling the strings behind the scenes" kind of ways. Then the company ran into trouble.

I don't know what became ultimately of IGE or the subsidiary they created to buy the other sites, RPG Holdings. Alla was purchased along with many other sites at the time and is now part of the "Zam network" or something, but it appears that many websites got tossed in the dumpster when IGE ran into trouble and had to divest some of its holdings.

I'm not clear on what really happened, I just know I'm very upset that a HUGE source of information and walkthroughs appears to have been nuked.

Did you know .. ?

I wrote half the rpgexpert stuff :p

RPGExpert was always a mysupersales property. Payments initially even came from sales@mysupersales. They started it with the idea of being able to compete with Alla etc, I believe.

I retained publication rights to everything I wrote for them; I'll see if I can dig some of it up when I get home. I'm not sure how much of it would be useful for today's game, but it can't hurt.

I'm not sure what exactly happened to rpgexpert, but I know that when Zam was initially acquired, Alla specifically said that it wouldn't be becoming part of the Zam network. I have a feeling its content has been lost to the ether, since it was never incorporated in to Zam and IGE's been sold off to someone else since. Which is actually a bit of a shame, because Recycle had a nice writing style.

Edited, Dec 28th 2007 11:12am by Groogle
#143REDACTED, Posted: Dec 28 2007 at 8:49 AM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) It creates a pet with the same abilities the creature had when alive, but without player limitations. Wake the corpse of a dead enchanter player and your new pet can charm things the player could not. This can lead to unexpected results and usually necro are better off Waking only melee mobs, or a nuking class, but they sometimes root.
#144 Dec 28 2007 at 9:39 AM Rating: Excellent
Rpgexpert had alternate quest walkthroughs, explanations of factions in various expansions, guides to particular dungeons and camps and more. Sometimes you would find nice maps and screenshots in the writeups. These maps of dungeons and instructions for camping specific mobs were far more detailed than what is on EQAtlas or what you would find in the mob entry in the beastiary, and quest walkthroughs were usually easier to work through with screenshots right there with the writeup.

Now, of course, I wish I had copied all the pages I bookmarked. That wouldn't help me find new stuff, but I would have felt a little better. I wonder if the Wayback Machine can help.
#145 Dec 28 2007 at 10:52 AM Rating: Excellent
271 posts
mfbrownbear wrote:
snailish the Irrelevant wrote:
Ldon spells were made tradeable and researchable. You can buy spells with your old alt that has 1000s of points to help others (or yourself) out.

Yup, everything but Remove Greater Curse. That one still requires 800 points from the North Ro LDoN camp. Since that was already a droppable spell, and researchable at that point too, they kept the LDoN version no drop.

Did you know . . . this is not true?

I made the spell last night. Here is the new recipe.

mfbrownbear wrote:
Anyone know the maximum length a /pause can be?

MorningTheft the Silent linked me this site which claims that 600 (60 seconds) is the limit per pause command.
#146 Dec 28 2007 at 11:24 AM Rating: Excellent
What is not true? I said it was already researchable. They may have changed the recipe when they redid research recipes but there has been a researchable version since at least 2005.

Thank you for the info on the /pause command.

Also, thank you Novar and Rundle for the info about the /disc command. Thank you Rundle for the writeup on turning chat text into fake links.

Thank you GOMN for that picture of the Cat Room. I wondered what it looked like.
#147 Dec 28 2007 at 12:12 PM Rating: Excellent
271 posts
mfbrownbear the Ludicrous wrote:
What is not true? I said it was already researchable. They may have changed the recipe when they redid research recipes but there has been a researchable version since at least 2005.

Forgive me and my misreadings.
#148 Dec 28 2007 at 2:49 PM Rating: Excellent
113 posts
GOMN wrote:
RE: Chat Links

Nice write up Rundle -- but you negelected one thing.

How do you get the link codes?

Also -- I assume those who use the fancy text also use this same method?

actually if you ;t<item link> in game(ex. ;tell<Venesh's Purevine Wristguard>) it'll give you item code in chat window like Invalid Command: t00D0960000000000000000000000000000000000008B413BF2Venesh`s
As far as finding a item code for a link to an item you dont have or someone else hasnt linked to you, I'm not sure where you'd find it, hope that helps =)

Edited, Dec 28th 2007 4:50pm by Kaiena
#149 Dec 29 2007 at 1:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Did you know .. ?

Quiver and Bandolier / Bandoleer containers lower your delay on ranged attacks. It acts as stacking haste. That’s why there are special containers for your ranged ammo. I think the haste is 1/3 of the Weight Reduction of the container.

The best quiver in the game is the player made Fleeting Quiver with 60% WR for about 20% haste when using archery attacks. After that it's Magician summoned Quiver of Marr (temporary), then the quested Jeweled Quiver of the Hand. There are a couple of others with around 30-33% WR. Unless there are newer one's I'm not aware of.

The best throwing ammo container is the Magician summoned Bandoleer of Luclin with 100% WR for about 33% haste. That is only Temporary though. I think the only other WR container for thrown ammo is the Crude Fur Bandolier.

Edited, Dec 29th 2007 7:17pm by mfbrownbear
#150 Jan 03 2008 at 4:19 PM Rating: Excellent
Did you know .. ?

There are even containers that will reduce the weight of your carried coins. It makes monks and silk wearers happy. Heck, anyone that is farming long enough will enjoy not having to destroy all their copper and silver if it is not weighing them down as much.

Coin Purse Reduc 100 is probably the best one around. I have no idea where they come from but someone linked me one in game before. There are actually a few items with that name listed in Alla but none say where they come from.

Frizznik's Endless Coin Purse comes from a PoP progression quest.

There are small, medium, large and very large coin purses. I think they all drop in Skyshrine but only 2 have drop info.

There is a gem pouch that drops in Crypt of Nadox.

I'm sure there are others too.
#151 Jan 05 2008 at 2:19 PM Rating: Excellent
mfbrownbear wrote:
Size: Tiny
Vision: Ultravision (excellent night vision)
Starting City: Grobb/Gukta
Experience Modifier: 0%
Classes: Cleric, Paladin, Shaman, Warrior, Wizard
Racial Abilities: Swimming skill starts at 125

With a note that Frogloks start in Mtns. of Rathe and can be Necromancers, Shadowknights and Rogues now. I'd also contest that they are tiny but perhaps for game coding purposes they are.

I now am sure they are not considered tiny by the game code. They can be shrunk twice. Which would make them medium size. Wolves and gnomes cannot be shrunk, so they are considered tiny. Unless pet wolves can be shrunk with Tiny Companion.
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