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#102 Dec 21 2007 at 3:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Do you know .. ?

What happened to The last few times I've tried to bring up my bookmarked walkthroughs from that site it has been unavailable.

How do you get in and out of the Plane of Mischief?

The Plane of Mischief is controlled by Bristlebane. There are 2 entrances that I know of. One is at the far south end of the river in Great Divide. The river goes into a cave at the south wall and inside that cave is a doll house looking castle. Click on the castle to enter PoM. The other entrance is reportedly in the northern wing of the Temple of Veeshan (NToV).

I have never found a zoneout in PoM, but I have heard of certain trees in the forest that are clickable zoneouts. Like, there's supposed to be one at neg 1018, neg 366 that drops you in Cobalt Scar according to a post under the PoM zone description here on Alla.

Does anyone know of any other zoneouts in PoM? A map would be awesome.
#103 Dec 21 2007 at 3:52 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
mfbrownbear wrote:
Do you know .. ?

What happened to The last few times I've tried to bring up my bookmarked walkthroughs from that site it has been unavailable.

How do you get in and out of the Plane of Mischief?

The Plane of Mischief is controlled by Bristlebane. There are 2 entrances that I know of. One is at the far south end of the river in Great Divide. The river goes into a cave at the south wall and inside that cave is a doll house looking castle. Click on the castle to enter PoM. The other entrance is reportedly in the northern wing of the Temple of Veeshan (NToV).

Yup. IIRC, the original (and only) entrance to PoM was through ToV. I actually don't remember which wing it was in (North or West, but North sounds righ). I do remember being warned not to drop down into something at one point cause it would send you to PoM. Can't for the life of me remember where, but I do think it was near one of the NToV named spots.

They added the castle to the end of the river in GD much later.

I have never found a zoneout in PoM, but I have heard of certain trees in the forest that are clickable zoneouts. Like, there's supposed to be one at neg 1018, neg 366 that drops you in Cobalt Scar according to a post under the PoM zone description here on Alla.

There is a big tree pretty much straight from where you zonein. Click it and it takes you out (to CS). When they added this to GD, it became a common method for folks that had become KoS to Skyshrine to get to CS (if you couldn't find a porter). Of course, that route is pretty irrelevant now that you can simply port there from your own guild hall.

Does anyone know of any other zoneouts in PoM? A map would be awesome.

I have no clue where my map(s) came from (I think a member of my old guild made and/or assembled them from various sources). I think my in game PoM map shows the zoneout spot, but it's been a long time since I've looked. Have you tried mapfiend?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#104 Dec 21 2007 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
Gbaji, I'm intentionally leaving some questions open in hopes that others will decide to jump in on this thread. I want to share the excellence.

I could go to mapfiend, and I've even come across an old website that's still up called, but I felt a little lazy today and didn't want to dig around to find the map I was hoping for. It's also been unusually busy at work today so there's less time for me to slack off and post here.

Open questions and requests:

A more complete list of run speed mods, including mounts and new AAs.

Does anyone know what is the Treasure Chest (Looks like a bag/ground spawn) at 3868.18, -1687.28, 7.57 on Spectre Island for?

How do you get in-game chat text to show up as if it's a link?

How do you make that chat actually link a pre-set item?

Do classes that have innate crit abilities still gain them at level 12?

What is the percent of the innate healing boost granted to the Cleric class?

What happened to rpgexpert?

Does anyone have a link to a good map of Plane of Mischief? It's been revamped a couple of times, so a recent map would be preferred.
#105 Dec 21 2007 at 8:57 PM Rating: Good
3,362 posts
mfbrownbear wrote:
Do classes that have innate crit abilities still gain them at level 12?

I'm 99% sure that the ability to crit for those who have it begins at level 1. I've seen warriors crit at level 1, but I'm not sure as far as rogues/monks/clerics go.

Edited, Dec 21st 2007 9:57pm by Quadkit
#106 Dec 21 2007 at 9:05 PM Rating: Good
1,074 posts
The med book was through level 35. What a royal pain.

What do you mean?

When I hit level 50, I still had to watch my spellbook.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#107 Dec 21 2007 at 9:33 PM Rating: Excellent
1,074 posts
Alas, the South Qeynos message board is no more. Unless of course, I'm at the wrong one. I just ran my Iksar Monk into SQ to the Lion's Mane Inn, down by the docks, and there are two message boards, neither do anything when clicked, or when the "U" key is pressed near them.

There was also a message board upstairs in the casino in Highhold Keep. I should go check...
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#108 Dec 21 2007 at 10:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Did you know?

When POM first came out, EVERY caster in the game wanted the one-groupable ft2 robe from ample ape. Back then, ft was golden and hard to come by in the chest slot. Down in alice in wonderland, 3% aaxp per was way better than BoT's 2, and no trains. Killing bunny behemoth got ya 10%.Elementals was 4%, but only a few were there since guilds could c*ckblock progression.

To enter POM,
There are invisible ramps (2 or 3) that you can walk up to the parapet wall, across the moat. The easiest one to remember; walk straight towards the fake ramp from the entrance. Before you try to go up and fall in, turn right. Follow the moat down, until you reach the point where the moat makes its first turn. At this junction( slightly to the left), there is a invisible ramp that you can walk UP to the wall, and gain entrance. To go deep, AiW or the Theatre, you really need a map, oh and named see invis. Have fun.
#109 Dec 21 2007 at 11:08 PM Rating: Excellent
Do monks get any innate melee crits? With kicks or something?

Can warriors go berserk, granting them more crits and crippling blows when they fall below 35% health, from level 1?

Did you know .. ?

Any class, of any level, can melee crit and double attack if they have the proper focus item equipped. Items with Cleave and Ferocity normally increase your base chance of performing a critical hit or a double attack, but they will actually grant you a small chance to do these things if you couldn't otherwise.
#110 Dec 21 2007 at 11:22 PM Rating: Excellent
3,362 posts
mfbrownbear wrote:
Can warriors go berserk, granting them more crits and crippling blows when they fall below 35% health, from level 1?

Again, I'm 99% sure they can on this one.

A very nice thread you started here.
#111 Dec 22 2007 at 5:24 AM Rating: Excellent
In Grieg's End you can look into Servitor's room if you are in the safe hall next door to him and on a mount. Just jam your nose into the corner and you can look in the room and see if he's up or not. You can target him too.
#112 Dec 22 2007 at 11:07 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
mfbrownbear wrote:

Any class, of any level, can melee crit and double attack if they have the proper focus item equipped. Items with Cleave and Ferocity normally increase your base chance of performing a critical hit or a double attack, but they will actually grant you a small chance to do these things if you couldn't otherwise.

Did you know telling me stuff like this gives me really silly ideas of gear choices to pursue on my casters...

I've probably learned more from this thread than all my solo research attempts combined.

Did you know: (and long-time players will)

You used to have to run all over the world and/or do research and/or pursue specific mobs for many, many spells 16-50?

Many changes simplified this:

Plane of Knowledge Library reduced the need to visit most starting city spell vendors.

Abysmal Sea spell vendors collected the vast majority of spells not available in PoK including some that were a bit of a pain to acquire in the past.

You still have to go to Thurgadin or the Pirate Gnomes in Iceclad for some spells. They are around level 34 and are not expensive --though in baz they tend to be.

Legacy of Ykesha spell quests (i.e., Temperance) must still be done to obtain the spells.

Ldon spells were made tradeable and researchable. You can buy spells with your old alt that has 1000s of points to help others (or yourself) out. The Ldon trap lines of spells do work in Ldon... but the reward is generally not worth the bother (or reagent)... and you need all 3 types of trap-breaker to ensure you will be able to deal with the chest.

Level 59-60 spells will be priced way higher in baz than 61... loot drop (of places few hunt) vs. planar turn ins.

Recent research revision allows all researchers to do all the different class basic spells (there does seem to be some class-specific combines still but the ones I looked up were all quest-connected). If you hunt the hides/papers the rest of the materials should be vendor sold (Crescent Reach is good for this buying).

Training up research under the new system is an entirely different matter (stuck at 65 myself due to lack of hides --would love some tips on this if anyone could help).
#113 Dec 22 2007 at 11:38 AM Rating: Excellent
snailish the Irrelevant wrote:
Ldon spells were made tradeable and researchable. You can buy spells with your old alt that has 1000s of points to help others (or yourself) out.

Yup, everything but Remove Greater Curse. That one still requires 800 points from the North Ro LDoN camp. Since that was already a droppable spell, and researchable at that point too, they kept the LDoN version no drop.

When they made the spells tradeable I blew all my extra points on copies of group Temperance. I gave a couple away and sold a couple. Of course, now I wish I'd saved those points for spells my alts need.

Do you know .. ?

How chat windows work?

You start out with only one chat window, the Main Chat. All chat, combat spam, casting messages, tells, system messages, skillup notices, /random rolls, bard songs and etc. go to the Main Chat window.

You can use the Options panel (CTRL+O) to cut down on the spam by selecting items on the Filter tab, but be aware that these filters apply to every character you play. Some characters need to see the combat spam and some need to see the casting messages, so there are sometimes better options than just filtering it off completely. If you decide one day to just filter off pet melee messages completely, then one day you decide to make a mage, his pet melee messages would be filtered off too.

You can create new chat windows by right-clicking on the title bar of the Main Chat window. Right on the part of the window where Main Chat is written, when the cursor turns into the 4-way arrow indicating you could left-click and hold the button to drag the window around. Right-click there and a menu pops up with options like how transparent you want the window to be and what language you want to talk in and New Chat Window. You can Rename each new window as well to help you find the messages you're looking for.

You can make it so that the chat window practically vanishes unless you move the mouse cursor over it, so having multiple chat windows does not have to totally clutter up your view. This is the part on the popup menu labeled Alpha --> Normal/Faded where Normal is when the mouse is over it and Faded is how it looks the rest of the time.

When you have multiple chat windows you can send all these dozens of different types of messages to whichever window you want, using the right-click popup menus from the title bars, under the Filters section.

In the default UI the chat windows have an X and an O on the title bar.
The X closes the chat window, and you would have to right-click on another window’s title bar to create a New Chat Window to get it back. Except for the Main Chat window, that one does not have an X. You cannot close that one, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to get it back without reloading the UI.
The O in the title bar will shrink the chat window to just show the title bar, hiding the chat area completely. Clicking it again will restore it.

A better option than turning some spam off is to create a chat window to filter it to and then just shrink it. Each character of yours could have a chat window where all the spam they don’t need to see would go to, and remain hidden in the shrunken window. One problem can be finding the tiny title bar if you ever want to see the chat though.

Each window can be set to a different channel like /group channel, /say channel, /ooc channel. So anything you type in that window will automatically go to the channel the window is set to without you needing to specify the channel when you type each line. The default channel is /say.

You can set each chat window to a different language as well. The default language is Common. You can either use the right-click menu in a chat window or type /lan 1-25 in that window to set the language for it. If a window is set to a language, then any chat you type there will be in that language, even if you specify a channel that is filtered to another window. Answering tells from your Group window set to Dark Speech will answer them in Dark Speech even if it shows up in your Tells window that is set to Common.

Socials / Macros / Hotkeys always act as if they were typed into the Main Chat window. When trying to use hotkeys to spam languages you will need to change the language of the Main Chat window. Including lines in the macro to change the language will change the language of the Main Chat window. Specifying a channel in the social will still act as if typed in the Main Chat even if another window is set to that channel.

You can use the Options panel --> Colors tab to change the color of each kind of message. Red and Yellow are very noticeable colors so people like to set what they consider important to those colors, but when they are all in the same window you can’t easily tell what kind of message it is at a glance, but having one type of Red or Yellow chat in each window works pretty good.

Soon you’ll have a Zen awareness of all that is going on around you as you begin to notice more things and can act on them.
Smiley: schooled

Would anyone like to describe optional chat channels and the autojoin button and how to use the autojoin commands? Actually, does anyone know the allowed commands for chat channel moderation in EQ and how to use them?
#114 Dec 22 2007 at 2:15 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Did you know...
snailish the Irrelevant wrote:
Level 59-60 spells will be priced way higher in baz than 61... loot drop (of places few hunt) vs. planar turn ins.
...Sebilite Juggernauts are one of the place places to obtain lvl 55-60 Kunark era spells? There's a bunch of them as you near Trakanon's lair and they often drop 1-4 spells. Bring lots of bag space!
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#115 Dec 22 2007 at 4:18 PM Rating: Excellent
Do you know .. ?

How to make macros and what commands are good to use in them.

I use the terms Socials and Macros interchangeably usually. For purposes of this discussion they both mean only the socials you make on the CTRL+O pages of the actions window, and by using the /hotkey command. I consider true Macros to be from 3rd party software that can do things that the in-game commands cannot.

Actions window (ALT+M to toggle your Actions window) contains the pages with your abilities, combat actions and socials. Socials can contain anything that you could type into the chat window. You cannot map keyboard shortcuts into socials unless they are already accessible through some /command.

All six buttons set on the CTRL+A (Abilities) page and the last 4 buttons on the CTRL+C (Combat) page can be used with the command:

/doability 1 through /doability 0

If you have more abilities than you can fit on those 10 buttons then you will have to choose which ones you want to access the most. The others can still be used easily if you map them to one of those buttons and then left-click and hold the button down on it until a new Hotkey of that ability appears on your cursor. You can place that hotkey on any of your 4 bars of hotkeys, on any of their 10 pages. Then you can map the Actions page button back to the ability you want to use with socials in the /doability command. If you only have one hotkey bar then find the big, fat EQ button and click on it, under Actions --> Hotkeys 1-4 to get more if you need them. It’s more convenient than changing pages on the hotbars usually.

This is very convenient for when doing monster missions or shrouding, to create a hotbar page just with the abilities you otherwise don’t have available. So you don’t have to remap a Taunt or Kick key every time you do a Dain mission for example.

You can only perform one / command per line in the social setup box, with the exception of /pause. There are 5 lines available in the social edit box.

There is no command you can type or put in a social or link into it in any form that activates your hotkeys. The 1-0 and any of the other hotkey bar keyboard shortcuts you have mapped and the mouse are the only way to directly activate those. Otherwise you could link them in an infinite loop, which is bad, programming wise.Smiley: yikes

/cast 1-0
Casters often will put 2 or 3 lines in their social all in a row to cast the same spell if they use hotkeys, just to account for possible fizzles. Especially healers during raid situations when they should be using hotkeys to announce and cast to stay coordinated with other healers.

/memspellset <name>

/shield <target or name> (warrior only)

/altactivate # (triggers any activated AA you have available if you know the #)

/bandolier [add/delete/activate] <name>

/potion [add/delete/activate] <name>

/pause #
This command works in 1/10 second increments. /pause 10 would be 1 second.
You can include this to set pauses between the actions taken in the macro you set up. If you set the first line of your social to /cast 1 then you will have to include a /pause to wait for the casting time to finish before you will be able to use any other commands, though you can script chat text to spam while you’re casting. Without the pause you would get a message that you can't do that right now.
You can put the /pause on its own line after the ability or you can include the /pause command on the same line as one other command. In that case, it’s used BEFORE the action in your social setup, with a comma and a space separating it from the command you want to pause after.
/pause 30, /cast 1
Will cast and then pause. Wacky, I know.

Pally/SK tanks can have one social to make sure they’re ready when they get to a camp.
/bandolier activate <name>
/pause #, /memspellset <name>
/pause #, /cast #
/pause #, /potion activate #
/group Ready to tear into ‘em!!

You can set up a Fishing macro to fish if you have it set to one of your ability buttons.
/pause #, /doability # (fish)
/pause #, /doability #
/doability #

Warriors could have a social to cycle through their abilities during combat:
/doability # (bash or slam)
/doability # (kick)
/doability # (beg) {edit: oops, can't beg while attacking}
/doability # (disarm)
/doability # (intimidate) if you’re into that.

Rangers could have the MA targeted and:
/cast # (snare) or /altactivate # (snare)
/pause #, /autofire (this will turn on ranged attack for X amount of time, then do the next command, then return to autofire)
/pause #, /cast # (nuke, and you want to make the pause be as long as you want autofire on after this cast)
/attack on (quit standing back there with a bow and run in and fight!)

Anyone know the maximum length a /pause can be?

Is there a /command to use Disciplines?

What are some other good commands to script into socials?

Does anyone have a link to a complete list of AAs accessible through the /altactivate command?

Edited, Dec 26th 2007 8:53pm by mfbrownbear
#116 Dec 23 2007 at 6:04 AM Rating: Excellent
Did You Know....
There were 2 versions of Mistmoore the original which is now back and a higher lvl revamp during and for a long time after the War event between Fironia and DE Nys'tval(I think and it looks mispelled)

There were 3 versions of PoM the original and second when they added the other entrances and a 3rd which I think they then reverted back to the 2nd Version.
Yes the original 1st Entrance to PoM is still in NtoV behind a door in a little room near the very end of the wing and its still there.

Temple of Droga and Mines of Nurga also have gotten revamped to higher lvl zones and the named from these 2 zones that were part of quests or hunted for drops have been moved out into a cave in Frontier Mountains.

Sirens Grotto has also been revamped with most of its inhabitants being raised in lvl as well as some old and New named being added or moved.

Before they revamped the bind system that allowed casters to bind anywhere, you could bind in the castle on the Cracked balcony before the locked door in the Plane of Disease and due to the pathing kite mobs by just doting them and stepping from oneside of the crack to the other as the mobs wouldnt cross over it but instead would walk all the way back to the end closest to the door before then walking back towards you on the other side of it.(the xp was so good that a necro friend did lvl 60-65 in little over 4 days solo there after following a raid thru the inside of the castle on its way to Grummus and why the resulting nerf to where casters can bind in alotta zones)

That in some zones that have quest locked doors/walls you can drag a corpse across the locked entrance even if they arnt keyed(Lower spires of Dreadspire Keep and (I believe) the invis wall of Akeva come to mind.

more when I have time and can think a bit more Smiley: smile

Edited, Dec 23rd 2007 9:05am by Arslayn
#117 Dec 23 2007 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
did you know.....

the absolute best spot to level from 13 to 18 is eurids island? even today, you can sit on the shore and cast on the sharks, they all gather in one spot, and kill them without being attacked? perfect for anyone with a ranged attack/.
#118 Dec 23 2007 at 9:26 AM Rating: Excellent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
shadowrelm wrote:
did you know.....

the absolute best spot to level from 13 to 18 is eurids island? even today, you can sit on the shore and cast on the sharks, they all gather in one spot, and kill them without being attacked? perfect for anyone with a ranged attack/.
Don't you have to be underwater with the sharks to cast on them?
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#119 Dec 23 2007 at 10:04 AM Rating: Excellent
There are environment variables, normally you can't hit anything in water unless you are also in water, and have line of sight to them. Some mobs are flagged to not be able to leave their water environment to pursue you on land, but pathing sometimes allows them to appear out of the water anyway. I imagine it's a scenario where the shark is glitched to appear above the water and then you can attack it without it coming on land to get you.
#120 Dec 23 2007 at 4:26 PM Rating: Excellent
56 posts
Did you know ...?

-- In the early days of EQ, the winner of a duel was announced server-wide. A number of players were well known simply for their constant dueling.

-- The /consent command used to grant the consented person full ownership of that corpse, including the ability to loot it. This became a common trick for selling no drop items; you would bank all of your gear, duel the person and let them kill you, then consent them so that they could then loot the no drop item from your corpse.

-- Travel between continents required waiting on boats, that had very "realistic" game travel times. The boat between Butcherblock and East Freeport took 20 minutes each way, and there was only one boat. If you just barely missed the boat, you had to wait 40 minutes to get back on it, and then 20 minutes to get across.

-- The boats used to be social havens. Since people spent so much time on them, with nothing else to do, it was common to teach each other new languages while fishing.

-- The boats used to be extraordinarily buggy. It was very common to zone while on the boat, only to learn that you were at the bottom of the ocean and the boat was half way across the zone.

-- There used to be "Guide"s as well as GMs. The guides were volunteer players with no real power. They were often sent out to teleport players across the continents when the boats would break.
#121 Dec 24 2007 at 1:20 PM Rating: Excellent
Did you know .. ?

Taking a moment to answer a question is nice.
Taking a minute to summon some gear or do a combine for someone is very nice.
Taking a few minutes to help someone find something or help with a quick kill is downright neighborly.
Giving away gear to needy lowbies rather than trying to get the best price in bazaar is pretty classy.
Taking half an hour or more to help someone clear / farm / camp something will make you a saint in their eyes.

How many times has one of these things happened to you? How many times were you grateful or happy? Have you ever thought after another player helped you out in a big way that “Wow, there are nice people in EQ after all. I wish there were more people like that.”?

Most people get a little kick out of helping others. Seeing someone happy makes us happy, at least a little bit, especially if you know you are partly responsible. Maybe it’s selfish, and those people just like to show off and feel good about how uber they are, but if they are helping others does their motive really matter?

Some people remember who was nice and who was a troll puck. I have lost count of the times I have received help from players that would say “No charge for buffs, you helped my alt with that camp in Velks” and “I remember you, I can do that combine for you at Main Bank” or similar expressions.

I urge everyone to pay a little more attention to the younglings in EQ. Answer their questions. Help them find their way around Norrath and beyond. Be the demi-god you appear to be to them. Be a kind and generous one. Share the wisdom of your experience. Try to help them learn from the mistakes you’ve already made. Show them secrets of the trade.

Karma may not be a listed stat in Everquest, but it’s out there. Don’t ever forget it. The level 12 magician you help today could be boxing a level 80 shaman that will drive-by buff you whenever he sees you. The lowbie monk you couldn’t find time to buff may not find time to rez you on his cleric the next time he sees you begging in guild lobby.

Did you know .. ?

It's Christmas Eve and I'm at work. Smiley: disappointed
#122 Dec 24 2007 at 2:11 PM Rating: Excellent
mfbrownbear wrote:
Do you know .. ?

What happened to The last few times I've tried to bring up my bookmarked walkthroughs from that site it has been unavailable.
Well, I found something. I don't like it, though.

This article mentions how IGE bought every MMORPG related community site they could get their hands on, through somewhat sneaky "We hope no one sees us pulling the strings behind the scenes" kind of ways. Then the company ran into trouble.

I don't know what became ultimately of IGE or the subsidiary they created to buy the other sites, RPG Holdings. Alla was purchased along with many other sites at the time and is now part of the "Zam network" or something, but it appears that many websites got tossed in the dumpster when IGE ran into trouble and had to divest some of its holdings.

I'm not clear on what really happened, I just know I'm very upset that a HUGE source of information and walkthroughs appears to have been nuked.
#123 Dec 24 2007 at 4:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Did you know .. ?

They sell Instant cast Gate potions at potion merchants in some hometowns, and in Plane of Tranquility.

Vial of Swirling Smoke costs over 1k plat and is lore, so you can't carry more than one.

They sell an Instant cast Shadowstep potion too. Shadowstep teleport you a short distance away, but always within line of sight, and I believe it also lowers your agro if in combat. The line of sight bit lets you sometimes use shadowstep to pop through locked doors or into other inaccessible areas if you manage to get a line of sight into the area.

Murky Vial is only around 10 plat and stackable.
#124 Dec 26 2007 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
2,605 posts
There used to be a lot of players who set up a toon as a "link bot" -- that you could send a specially worded tell to and get an item link back. Recipes too.

You could then relink the links.

They ARE against the rules and Sony does shut them down. I don't know of any Link Bots any morE.

However, there is an in-game link bot, in a way, for most items that are NOT No Trade.


Bazaar of course!

Go in Buyer Mode, look it up and you can link it from there!

#125 Dec 26 2007 at 12:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Yup, the /buyer tool is a great place to get links to items. There are conditions though. It will only show tradeable items. It will only show items that actually exist on YOUR SERVER. If your server has never had a manastone on it, your /buyer tool won't give you a link. Tradeskill items that no one has ever done on your server will not show up. Drops that have not dropped on your server yet won't show up.

I used to use it to get links to things that no longer drop in game, just to tease people.

Locket of Escape

Staff of Forbidden Rites

Stuff like that. Then I'd have to answer umpteen tells letting them know I don't actually have the item. That got old quick.
#126 Dec 26 2007 at 1:00 PM Rating: Excellent
2,605 posts
Did you know there us a completely free way to get all your skills to 54?

Just do the TS quests in Abysmal or Crescent. All the stuff you need is given to you free. Just do the combines and turn ins.

The Abysmal quests give you the added advantage of being able to refind raw GoD materials.

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