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#52 Dec 19 2007 at 5:12 PM Rating: Excellent
This doesn't work anymore (hasn't for a long time) but you used to could charm a bat or wolf in Greater Faydark and have it attack the Priest of Discord. When the Priest fought back the guards standing close to him would attack him. It was an epic fight to watch and sometimes the guards would win and sometimes the PoD would win.

I had seen it done a few times and thought it rocked. Then I tried it once and a GM got on to me about it. I didn't know what a GM was at the time and told him to mind his own business. Needless to say he let me know who/what he was in a hurry and I apologized big time!

Not long after that they made it not work anymore and the guards wouldn't attack the Priest.
#53 Dec 19 2007 at 5:28 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
GanMarduk wrote:
Pottery to 199 by making unfired Casserole Dishes.

Finished mine to 199 exactly that way. Did all my pottery with the nice halflings in Shadowhaven --who sold everything I needed except for water flasks iirc (got them off another npc near the area).

Firing pottery to skill up (especially 1-199) was unnecessary. I made the cheapest item I could for each trivial bracket. If plat saving isn't important then all casserole dishes works too.

If you really want to save plat and have lots of time you can hunt the muddites in King Xorbb's Gorge for clay. I wouldn't necessarily recommend this (make 200p and buy the clay makes alot more sense time wise --see below).


The best lowbie money-maker seems to be still be spiderling silks. Every server I have played on the average selling price is 10p per silk. Some on my current server want 30p per but I don't see the silks selling. 10p silks don't last 3 days on my trader and I don't go out of my way to get them anymore.

Best places I like for spiderling silks:

Everfrost (take Halas PoK book)
Feerott (take Oggok PoK book and circle the area east of the druid ring on the map)
Crescent Reach (the level 2-5 area at the bottom of the east stairs, spiderlings here drop alot of silks and respawn very fast in a tiny area)

Higher level people can also kill the big spiders in Goru'kar Mesa that often explode into 4-6 spiderlings (with 1-4 silk on each). If the big spiders give you xp this is not a bad hunt --though you would likely make faster plat killing bears and wolves for their vendor drops.
#54 Dec 19 2007 at 6:21 PM Rating: Excellent
1,344 posts
You can bank in Runnyeye regardless of faction. Mine can't get any worse and I cash in my change all the time while hunting there.
The Guards outside Thurgadin don't like wolf form either unless you have good faction.
In the Old World dropped weapons pointed North and clouds all blew West.
Using an /emote SoandSo has pickpocketed you for "X" amount of Platinum... really pisses people off. Even though you cannot pickpocket players they will swear you stole from them and their Platinum is missing.
There are quests out there that people used to sit for hours/days waiting for a mob to spawn ie Dyllin Starsine for the Testament of Vanear and Gynok Moltor for the Paw of Opalla.
Miranda and her sister are children in Stone Brunt Mountains.

Does anyone know what is the Treasure Chest (Looks like a bag/ground spawn) at 3868.18, -1687.28, 7.57 on Spectre Island for?

Edited, Dec 19th 2007 9:28pm by Merf

Edited, Dec 19th 2007 9:39pm by Merf
Alliance Artisan Demonicspawn Dealerofdeath, Scoundrel of the Oathbreakers
Ogre Shadow Knight
Tunare - The Seventh Hammer

Ascending Angels on Beta
#55 Dec 19 2007 at 6:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Wow, I am not old school enough to have heard about Shainai's Nightie before, but I can totally see the fun in that. It's an ALL/ALL robe .. and the item lore .. "You beat up a little girl for this" Smiley: lol. I love the screenshot, someone wearing a robe and carrying a giant 2 handed lance.

Pottery is pretty cheap in general just to skillup, but that recipe is the sort of thing I'm looking for. One recipe with cheap components to jump your skill level to where you can start the real work.

Smithing: Enchanted Velium Bits

Requires a skill of 165 before you can attempt it though. It's one of the few minimum skill requirement recipes. Trivial is 222 and for smithing it's very cheap when you farm your own velium. I think I'll be able to farm velium and crystalline spider silk at the same time for smithing and tailoring Smiley: smile.
#56 Dec 19 2007 at 7:24 PM Rating: Excellent
More uses for Shrouds:

Already mentioned were shrouding when you log to save buffs and your pets gear and buffs.

Already mentioned was using shroud to quest the Worker Sledgemallet. You have to "unlock" one of the enchanter shrouds that is able to Charm, since that quest requires an amiable faction turn in, and Puppet Strings are expensive.

Rogue shroud is very convenient, it allows for any class to do certain quests or tasks that would be otherwise impossible to solo.

Slipgear's Gem is fantastic, no level restrictions, and is easily quested using a rogue shroud.

Wanderlust Guild Lodestone is nice too, and you can use Rogue shroud to do much of that too.

The master key to the dungeon Howling Stones (Charasis), Hand of Glory, is soloable as a rogue shroud. There is a great post on how to do this:;page=1;howmany=50#m1153421200283884117

The first rogue shroud you have access to is a goblin. There is another that is a kobald and has a "play dead" ability like FD. I imagine that would be safer for doing some of these but you'd have to unlock that one to use it.

Edited, Dec 19th 2007 7:30pm by mfbrownbear
#57 Dec 19 2007 at 8:26 PM Rating: Excellent
I just discovered something new. For me anyway.

Often I leave my trader logged in overnight and come back to find the server went down or sometimes my connection gets interrupted. I hate when I load back up and see money on the trader and I can't figure out what was missing from the inventory.

So I finally decided to track down that bazaar activity log I knew must exist.

I found mine at
C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest\Logs

in a file named
bzrlog_servershortname_charactername.txt in this case bzrlog_bertox_Wolfar.txt

I have yet to find the file with the prices for my bazaar merchants. Is that server based?
#58 Dec 19 2007 at 11:13 PM Rating: Excellent
82 posts
Arrows can get lost. This is usually a pain, but can be used as an exploit. I would invis up, enter the Rygorr fort in Eastern Wastes, target the Chief, then go back outside behind the Keep by the CC zone. I'll autofire arrows at the Chief, but nothing would hit. After around 20 arrows, I'd cast snare on the Chief. He'd warp to me, and those 20 arrows would instantly finally get to him. At least one would headshot, and he'd be dead. I've done it in Velks also, where my arrows would get lost for awhile, then finally find the target all at once.

Arrows also travel slower across rough terrain. I've outrun my arrows to targets before while in wolfform. I think they've fixed this one, though.
#59 Dec 19 2007 at 11:19 PM Rating: Good
I'd like to post a request for information.

Do you know .. ?

How to get chat text to show up as if it's a link.

How to make it actually link some pre-set item, like Can o` Whoop ***, or Official Warning.
#60 Dec 20 2007 at 12:56 AM Rating: Decent
You can learn one point higher in a language then the person teaching it to you, but you had to zone before you could teach with your new level. This is actually how many people learned languages back in the day (before zillions of people had 100 in tons of languages). You'd have two characters in a group. One would spend one point on half the languages, the other would one point on the other half. Then you'd make hotkeys spamming some random stuff and hang out right next to a zoneline. You'd each spam the other in each language until each had reached level 2, then zone, switch the language list (cause now character1 had 2 skill in the languages character2 originally trained in, and vice-versa) and repeat the process. 99 zones later, you'd both be 100 in all the languages...

I used to do this, but now its changed. You can skill up more than one point by speaking a language without needing to zone. Skillups only happen in group-speak; You can't get skill from /gu, /ooc, /say, /tells etc.

Your Bazaar merchant prices are saved in the EQ root folder in a file named BZR_<Char_name>_<server>.ini
#61 Dec 20 2007 at 12:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Hah! I watched a few of those big guard vs PoD slugfests in GFay!

Supposedly the PoD can be killed, and he does drop a stupid staff with a skull on it - with horrible stats - and it's not the one that drops in... Naggy's Lair? The skull staff w/ the damage proc (which back in the day was an uber item for bards!).

Did you know summoned items used to be bankable and they didn't rot in the bank? You could keep summoned junk forever and pull it out and use it when you needed.

Oh, I was gonna talk about the holes in the world! Did you know there were holes in Norrath, big ones?

Either before Neclo or after they nerfed it, I made a DE Enchanter to make money by running the Stein of Moggok quest. I didn't even know I could pay for teleports - so I just ran the dumb quest: Misty/Rivervale for the Jum, Qeynos for the fish, Erudin for the tonic, bank for the kiola nut - then gate back to FP to get the book - then run to Oggok to get a stein.

Well, that was a long run - espeically aaaalllll the way across W Karana - until - I foung out about the "hole" or free TP. If you zoned into W Karana at the shore, entered the water, went under, and swam back the way you'd come - there was a "hole" - and you got a message that read something like "player under the world - moving to safe location." !!! And it moved you to Brother What's His Name's spot, the prayer bead guy - all the way across W Karana very near the zone to Q Hills! A free TP across the zone!

There was a way to TP across E Commons too when entering from the W Commons on the north rim.

Anyway, that was really cool til they fixed it, and you only teleported back to shore or back to where you'd zoned into the commons. Sigh.

The "holes" may still be there. Next time I'm in Karana I'll check - er - the Commons were redone - can't imagine that the old Commons hole is there (or where it could be).

It was common for Wizards and Druids to become "taxis" and port people around for money. If high lvls were late for a raid, they'd pay crazy money for ports - 50, even 100 plat! Wizards and Druids were more "afk" and/or "anon" than Clerics back then; these classes were constantly asked for teleports.

Did you know where "kiting" came from? In the first year or so of the game, Druids could either snare or root - but iirc not both (one overwrote the other). Also, DoTs did FULL damage if a mob was chasing the caster. I used to watch Druids DoT targets and run, literally like a kite trailing behind them on an unseen string! Thus, kiting - which sort of became an all purpose word for soloing.

But it was actually mobs chasing druids (or shamans or necros w/ jman boots or whatever). This was nerfed - one of the big, mean early bad nerfs - and what they did was to lessen the damage DoTs did if the target was pursuing (but not if it wasn't moving or running in fear). Well, Druids could charm animals, or root and be very hair trigger on the re-root - and then quadding was discovered (and then they decided to allow us to snare AND root at the same time, so root rotting became safe).

Now, it seems to me that DoTs do full damage even if the target is chasing you. The damage reported on my chat bar doesn't go down. Back in the old daze, dots iirc didn't report damage AND didn't tell you when they ended. Most people recast dots way, way too often. I'd sometimes try to count the seconds in my head. Sometimes you could see that hte target's health bar wasn't going down, so that meant recase the dots. Finally they changed this.

Why did druids back then "kite" often without snaring (before the nerf)? That's a good question. I typically saw druids kiting UNsnared targets - like Ogre bouncers in the Feerot. The druids just dotted several targets and ran around the edges of the zone. Maybe snaring used up mana and was unnecessary. Maybe the snares had worn off. Maybe the snares were resisted a lot. I dunno. I just know what I saw (I assume snares were perfectly okay to use) - but we all did have small mana pools compared to now. So who knows? I did see druids kiting snared victims, too - and kiting applied to either situation. Shamans kited unsnared victims, of course, cuz they have no snare (unless they worship inoruk and got hte clickie, but that didn't exist back then).

Gosh, any time I ran the Stein of Moggok quest, I hoped there was a raid on Oggok. Good chance you could pick up a free Crude Stein for some charisma. But they were lore, iirc, so you had to get rid of your stein - or park alts in or near oggok.

And to transfer stuff - did you know we didn't have shared bank accounts bakc then? People often went into an "unused building" and dropped items and/or money on the floor, where they'd parked the alt moments before. You logged in and hoped no one had seen you - or that there wasn't some crash - or you'd lose it.

Did you know you can't drop money any more because there was an exploit. It was reported that in the old player bazaar, people would trick others into putting money into a window at a campfire - but the fire graphic caused them to drop the money on the floor. The other guy would pick up the coin and then say "hey, you wanna buy it or not? I'm offering you a very low price!" The duped person would wonder why their 100 plat just vanished! I'm very glad I was never hit by this trick. Not sure if it was true, but lots of people said it was (maybe even verant/sony - my memory's fuzzy).

We could make things back then and sell em for a profit. Fish rolls! Bat wing and a fish. All sorts of crafted items could be made and sold to npc venders for a profit. I think most or all of these got shut down, people started botting them, or so the rumors had it. And there were lots of rumors. We had no ooc medding, so we sat around speculating and guessing a whole lot between fights.

EDIT - did you know there's a story to our term "nerfing?" Supposedly in some other game (an earlier MMO), an overpowered sword was accidentally put into the game. Then, they weakened it in a patch. Someone who had the killer swords said it was as if his mighty sword had been swapped for a "Nerf bat" - the child's foam toy - (this is why some people still say "the 'nerf bat' swingeth" or some such). I can't remember the game, though. Ultima Online?

Edited, Dec 20th 2007 4:02am by IponemaGirl
#62 Dec 20 2007 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Wizard 1.5
PITA to do this part
#63 Dec 20 2007 at 1:38 AM Rating: Excellent
There’s a place in Timorous Deep called the Firepot room that lets you port to all the starting cities available from the Kunark days. I have heard about it but never been there.

The clicky 'Firepots' were actually the lightsources from the city they would port you to, i. e. if you knew what the light looked like in the city you wanted to go to, you knew which firepot to click on.
#64 Dec 20 2007 at 2:59 AM Rating: Excellent
1,074 posts
Most people know about the city of Thurgadin but Kael and Skyshrine are also fully equipped cities as well with bankers, merchants and quest givers. You just need the faction to utilize these places.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#65 Dec 20 2007 at 3:34 AM Rating: Excellent
Did You Know...

--There once was a major battle in Kithicor Forrest...actually a long GM-event, which is why it is haunted by undead at night. In the old days, you would usually see groups of players sitting at the entrances, waiting for dawn to break, as crossing it at night was almost certain death.

--The Green dragon Trakanon used to be a much revered member of the Ring of Scale. He was banished, however, when he went against the will of the rest of the Dragons of Kunark, and made a direct assault on the expanding Iksar Empire, killing Emperor Rile Sathir. This event caused an almost 50-year civil war amongst the Dragons of Kunark.

--Kerafyrm, also called "The Sleeper", is the illegal child of 2 Dragons of opposing elements (Some say Vox and Nagafen, but this is not clear). Veeshan had decreed that 2 dragons of opposing elements were never to mate, as the resulting creature would be an abomination. When this happened anyway, King Yelinak, and his closest advisor Arch-Priest Kildrukaun decided that it was the will of Veeshan, and that this new creature was to be their greatest weapon in the war against the Giants of Velious. Kerafyrm was raised to be a great general, but eventually the chaotic energies in him drove him mad, and warped his body.

--The Expansion-pack "Gates of Discord" gave players access to the new-found continent of Taelosia. However, Taelosia had actually been planned for an expansion as far back as when the first EQ-expansion "Ruins of Kunark" came out several years before. If you take a look at the globes in Skyfire Mountains on Kunark, you can clearly see both Velious and Taelosia.

--The Sarnaks of Kunark are not really an indigenous race. They are a race of creatures orriginally created by the Iksar Emperor Atrebe Sathir, by mixing Dragon and Iksar. They were held as slaves untill the fall of the Iksar Empire, at which point they escaped. Atrebe also created a creature called the "Sokokar", which was a powerful flying mount used in war by the Iksar. No Sokokar are known to have survived to this day, however.

--The oldest "Unused Zoneline" (That is, a place which is obviously a door or a zone-line to a zone that has not been created yet) in the game, is almost as old as the game itself. At the bottom of "The Hole", also called "The Ruins of Old Paineel", is a gigantic seal, guarded by a huge Black Guardian. It is theorised that this doorway was orriginally intended to be the entrance to the Plane of Underfoot, but the doorway has never been used.

--Akhevan, as spoken by many mobs on Luclin, IS an actual is not just gibberish. Each word corresponds to an word in English, and numerous people have tried to comprise an entire dictonary of the language.

--Tserrina Syl'Tor, the vampire Witch who inhabbits the Tower of Frozen Shadow in Iceclad, was once the lover of the Vampire-Lord Mayong Mistmoore. He spurned her when his ambitions grew, which drove her into depravity and madness. Some say that the undead wedding-ceremony that is re-enacted over and over again in her Tower, is her wishful thinking of her union with Mayong. In the DemiPlane of Blood, Mayong Mistmoore carries an earring called "Glimmerice, Tserrina's forgotten Ardor" (Ardor = "An intense feeling of love")

--Newbie Iksar Monks have a quest-series to gain a set of ceremonial shackles. These shackles are worn by the Monks to comemorate the time when the Iksar were the slaves of the Shissar.

--Kwinn the Outlander is a character in Firiona Vie that is needed for the Monk Shackle Quests. When killed, you can loot his decapitated head...however, a skilled Rogue can actually manage to pick-pocket his head, without him noticing...which is rather well done.

--Deep within Droga, there is a place where you can under certain circumstances poke your head through a wall. When you do so, you will see that there is a wall covered with a hidden texture. This texture is a photo of one of the devellopers' cat...

--The 3 Gods referred to as the "Triumvirate of Water" are Povar, Tarew and E'ci. Their names are actually anagrams of the form of water that they represent: Povar => Vapor, Tarew => Water, E'ci => Ice.

--Mobs that Deathtouch were introduced with the Ruins of Kunark-expansion. The reason for having DeathTouch in the game was to remedy the fact that due to the chosen integer-type in the game's data that represents hitpoints, the highest number of hitpoints that a mob could have was 32,000, so another way was needed to increase difficulty. This was later changed, after the introduction of the Wizards' Mana-Burn AA, since this AA essentially allowed a group of Wizards to nuke any mob from Kunark to death in a few seconds.

--Firiona Vie, the scantily clad Elf that features prominently on the cover of most EQ-expansions, is depicted in clothing that would make you think she was a caster of sorts. However, according to the orriginal game-Lore, she is actually a Paladin.

Edited, Dec 20th 2007 12:38pm by Niteklaw
#66 Dec 20 2007 at 5:14 AM Rating: Excellent
1,074 posts
If you type /gems in game, you can play a Tetris like game. This mini-game was added because increased mana and HP pools made downtime extremely long, up to 5 or 6 minutes for some people.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#67 Dec 20 2007 at 5:22 AM Rating: Excellent
Did you know?

You used to med by sitting and looking at your spell book, which took up the whole screen so you were forced to listen to footsteps approaching and hoping it was another player and not a mob. You got to see when you were medding after level 20 I think.

The interface originally had an option to use full screen or a window which had the spell gems down the left side and about a quarter of the screen in the center where the game play happened. I always had some confusion about the con system at the time. If you were in full screen and conned a mob the same level as your self it conned white like it does now. If you were in the windowed version it would con black.

Last names were bestowed on you by a GM after a petition upon achieving the lofty level of 20. My shaman was one of the last to be named by a GM on Cazic-Thule.

In the original game when the top level was 50 your experience bar filled beyond what you could see. One cleric in our guild was trying to kill a mob in the Mountains of Rathe and left 20 unrezzed bodies before his experience bar showed any space in it. SOE addressed this just before Kunark came outl.

When Kunark came out SOE mailed the CDs out to the folks that preordered it. I was kept out of the expansion for a week because the postal service in my area was slow. EQ would not patch in new zone files at that time and you had to have the media along with the key. A guildy gave me a key to use, to be repaid when I got my media, and I dinged 51 on the next mob. (still couldn't go to Kunark but had a buddy bring me my new slow spell).

When Planes of Power was released and you installed from a CD, it could put the files in the wrong directory and you had to manually move them to the right place.

Edited, Dec 20th 2007 9:15am by Shadrak
#68 Dec 20 2007 at 8:57 AM Rating: Excellent
1,906 posts
Saeel wrote:
I have a habit of rating posts...not a premium member either.
So where did my drop down menu for rating go?
#69 Dec 20 2007 at 9:13 AM Rating: Excellent
22 posts
The med book was through level 35. What a royal pain.
#70 Dec 20 2007 at 9:15 AM Rating: Excellent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
bbot wrote:
Saeel wrote:
I have a habit of rating posts...not a premium member either.
So where did my drop down menu for rating go?
No more drop down menu. you get red or green arrows...over on the right side of each post.

Edit - Feel free to test the green one out on this post. Smiley: wink

Edited, Dec 20th 2007 6:16pm by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#71 Dec 20 2007 at 9:37 AM Rating: Excellent
22 posts
Do you know that when Velious first came out, you could only port to the iceclad port? To use any of the other ports, you needed to loot a "soul-bound key" from each port. And when you died, the key was the only thing you had at your bind point?
#72 Dec 20 2007 at 11:39 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
bbot wrote:
Saeel wrote:
I have a habit of rating posts...not a premium member either.
So where did my drop down menu for rating go?
It was replaced by the green and red arrows on each post. You don't rate Awful-Default-Decent+, etc any longer. You just rate "Yay" or "Nay"

Edit: I somehow missed that Elinda answered this two hours ago.

Edited, Dec 20th 2007 1:39pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#73 Dec 20 2007 at 12:06 PM Rating: Excellent
another child mob....froglok tads in Feerott...much fun as low lvl ogre....
#74 Dec 20 2007 at 12:53 PM Rating: Excellent
Let's see, more banks:

Home towns:
Every home town has a banker, as far as I know. Including, now, Rathe Mountains since it is the Guktan hometown.

City zones, XP/City zones and other:
Gloomingdeep Mines
Clan RunnyEye
Highpass Keep {edited in}
Jaggedpine Forest
The Outpost in The Overthere
The Outpost in Firiona Vie
Kael Drakkel
Crystal Caverns
Shadow Haven
Katta Castellum
Sanctus Seru
Shadeweaver's Thicket
Grimling Forest
Echo Caverns
Fungus Grove
Plane of Knowledge
Abysmal Sea
Guild Lobby
Guild Hall
Corathus Creep
Sunderrock Springs
Katta Castrum

I have not personally seen the bankers in Echo Caverns or Fungus Grove but they are listed on Illia's.

There is one more zone listed with a banker, but that zone is not accessible to players. Sunset Home is supposed to be a GM hangout.

Edited, Dec 20th 2007 3:30pm by mfbrownbear
#75 Dec 20 2007 at 1:43 PM Rating: Excellent
mfbrownbear, how could you forget Highpass Keep!!
#76 Dec 20 2007 at 2:27 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
There's a pretty easy quest you can do in Thurgadin to make a gate potion. Very handy for melee classes. It's technically part of the Coldain Shawl progression, but this one part can be done completely independently of the rest. You just keep the vial of velium vapors instead of handing it to the NPC. The potions themselves are lore, but you could keep the components in the bank one step away from finishing. It requires a pottery skill (low 100s to trivial IIRC), but that's really cheap and fast to get. The gate takes you to Thurgadin, which is a short run to PoK, so that's handy as well. Once you have the components the only NPC you have to deal with is *also* in Thurgadin, so when you used one, you could just run to the bank, grab the components and make another one so you'd always have one available.

I found that quest to be incredibly useful until I got my 8th year vet award. Hell of a lot cheaper then buying gate potions...

While this wasn't a "hole" in EQ, you used to be able to "ghetto succor" in Siren's Grotto. By pushing as far into the wall just after the zone in from Cobalt Scar as possible, you could log out and back in and the game would detect you were in the wall and port you to the safe point. Which happened to be right next to the far zoneline to Western Wastes. This was a *huge* deal back when we were raiding ToV and DN. Arranging for druids/wizards to port people through SG was a pain. Most folks could get through this way instead.

Unfortunately, SoE "fixed" that bug. It's not as big a deal now that the level range is 20 levels higher fortunately. SG used to actually be quite difficult to run through back in the day...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
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