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Did you know ... ?Follow

#1 Dec 17 2007 at 1:42 PM Rating: Excellent
With the recent posts on Alla about "What I've leared from EQ" and "What I'm not allowed to do" and the "EQ Memories" thread, I wanted to do something to get in on the action too.

So, here's a place to post your little known EQ facts, game lore, tricks, tips, easter eggs and observations about the game.

Did you know .. ?

There's a bank in Runnyeye. For the newer players, did you even know there's a zone called Runnyeye? No, it's not just north of Runnynose.

There’s a place in Timorous Deep called the Firepot room that lets you port to all the starting cities available from the Kunark days. I have heard about it but never been there.

How to get in / out of Inner Acrylia in Acrylia Caverns? In AC if you work your way to the castle courtyard and go into the room with the big pool of blood and a statue of Khati Sha, when facing the pool of blood you turn to your right. Go through that door and click on the smaller statue of Khati Sha in that room. Now you’re in Inner Acrylia. To leave you have to go through the Cauldron room. There are two cauldrons in Inner AC, you want to find the one larger one that is upstairs. At the far end of that room you need to click on the wall hanging at the opposite end of the room from the entrance. This zones you out to Grimling Forest right at the AC entrance.

You can change keyboard commands by remapping them to other keys in your Options window. The default of CTRL+S for Sit right next to CTRL+D for Disband is just silly.
I have mapped: Sit = S key, Interrupt casting = D key, Duck = SHIFT+D, Disband = CTRL+D, Open Spell Book = B, Bandolier = SHIFT+B. That's most of the non-standard key mappings I have besides setting alternate key combos for some things.

There are features available that do not have key combos mapped by default but are really handy. Toggle last 2 targets, cycle nearest NPC / PC targets, open/close all containers in inventory and more.
I have mapped: Since TAB is default for toggle between yourself and your last target I made SHIFT+TAB toggle last 2 targets. Since F8 is default for target nearest NPC I made SHIFT+F8 cycle through the nearest NPCs, and since F7 is default for target nearest PC I made SHIFT+F7 cycle through the nearest PCs.

You can run faster if you Jump. Unless you're levitating and can't jump then you should cover more ground with a running jump than by just running. Try racing someone with a similar connection speed and see if you don't outpace them if you keep jumping.

There used to be 2 other languages in game. Giantish and Kobold were replaced with Combine and Elder Teir’Dal.

I'll add more later. I'm sure there's pages and pages of stuff we could think of relating to this game that's not covered in the manuals and guides and tutorials.

Edited, Dec 19th 2007 10:45am by mfbrownbear
#2 Dec 17 2007 at 2:24 PM Rating: Excellent
Did you know .. ?

There's a PvP arena in the City of Mist.

You take more damage from falling the more you weigh, and the faster you’re moving.

Your nightblind race doesn’t have to be if you adjust the gamma setting on your options panel.

The breakdown of Run Speeds: {edited to read easier}

Run3, Shrew, Feral Pack = 30%
Journeyman Boots = 35%
Illusion: Scaled Wolf = 45%
Fabled Journeyman Boots, Run5 = 50%
SoW / Bih’Li = 55%
SoE, Share Wolf Form = 60%
Share Form of the Great Wolf = 62%
Run7 = 64%
FoE = 65%
Scale of Wolf / Spirit of Scale = 70%
Spirit of Cheetah = 115%
This list is missing some AAs and mounts. Anyone want to make a more complete one?

Edited, Dec 17th 2007 2:33pm by mfbrownbear

Edited, Dec 17th 2007 2:33pm by mfbrownbear
#3 Dec 17 2007 at 2:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Did you know .. ?

Ogres love wolves. The ogres on Ogguk faction won’t attack you in wolf form unless you’ve really screwed up your faction.

Brownies in LFay have merchants you can use when in wolf form also, unless you’ve killed brownies around there and lowered your faction too far.

Gnomish pirates in Iceclad do NOT like wolves.

PoJ is another bad place to be in wolf form. I know the rats will agro and I think the guards too.

PoV the frogs will agro you in wolf form.

Anyone else want to chime in with known good / bad places to use wolf form?
#4 Dec 17 2007 at 2:56 PM Rating: Excellent
Let me take a stab at this.

Back in the old daze we often hunted things we shouldn't have - the game was very small (just Faydark, Antonica and Odus) - and it turned out certain "civilians" and guards gave great experience (and if camped, they respawned very fast).

CitizensOfKaladim - there is no way to repair that faction. They still attack one of my chars - eep! Hehe, it's not a big deal, there aren't many of them. But still, I feel guilty (burp, dwarf meat tastes g- TERRIBLE, and I never ate any - never!).

Anyway, it was common in FP (and other cities) to see people hunting guards. I used to hunt FP guards (hey, they're BAD - we'd just pull a gaurd to a N FP zone to fight - and escape to zone if the fight went bad - solo or duo usually) and while doing so a necro (of course) taught me how to get up on the walls (very naughty - but fun for a moment - don't worry, I realized very soon this was wrong and stopped).

Up on the wall, this necro said - okay, cast swarm on that guard. The guard was RED RED. Like 10 lvls above me. He said to do it anyway - cuz swarm is hard to resist. It landed on the guard. He turned and said something angry - and didn't move! He died like 6 swarms or 8 swarms or 10 swarms later - but the exp was amazing. His loot was killer. And there was no way I could die.

(edit, this was a horrible exploit - the guards couldn't path to players up on the walls - again, this dawned on me very quickly - this "Pinnochio" escaped from his necro-led experience on Pleasure Island unscathed and a tad wiser)

Well, I stopped doing that - cuz I realized if caught I'd lose my account (risk of losing account vs risk of dying in game - that was an easy calculation - plus I didn't feel right - it was wrong to do). But, from hunting FP guards I was very KoS there. If I lost invis going past the BIG city guards, I'd get killed. FP used to be an important place, in the old game. And I could do HHK quests (orc scalps and whatnot) to repair reputation with them - but that'd take 80 hours or something crazy!

So... I did a little research... and went to Erudin!

Erudin? Yes! There is an NPC there (who wasn't always spawned) named Slansin. If you handed something (a note, iirc (edit, no - how could I have forgotten - an INERT POTION! Heh!) from him to an Erudite upstairs (in the palace iirc), or from the Erudite to Slansin, you got a teeny amount of FP guard rep(and no negative hits, iirc).

Well, the quest gave such little rep that running back and forth was silly. So... attacked Slansin w/ a lvl one spell and got him to chase you upstairs, right next to the Erudite. You root him, then log out. WHile logged out, your friend hails Slansin over and over to keep him in place. You log back in (Slansin stupidly fails to recognize you as the person who just zapped him, and he gives you the quest), and you become a note passing machine between these two - doing the quest zillions of times - until you get sick of it! Anyway, in about 30 or 40 minutes, I got my rep in FP from deep KoS to only apprehensive or indifferent! Hah!

Keep in mind, even after Kunark and Velious - there was a lot of business in FP done. The player bazaar was in the commons, there was no PoK or baz. So I was goint to FP all the time.

(the firepot room was killer (it's still there) - but every once in a while, the sea dragon would be nearby - you'd gate there and - OH CRUUUUUDDD! So there was a price for the convenience. Still, it was the "first PoK," if a tad dangerous)

Edited, Dec 17th 2007 5:59pm by IponemaGirl

Edited, Dec 17th 2007 6:08pm by IponemaGirl

Edited, Dec 18th 2007 3:30pm by IponemaGirl
#5 Dec 17 2007 at 3:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Okay, so now I know:

There is no known way to raise Kaladim Citizens faction.

A nifty trick to cut down on the time it takes to repair some shady Freeport factions.

I had heard about the wall exploit but that was way before my time. I never liked hunting guards anyway. I like to be able to stroll into any town and order an ale without looking over my shoulder for the "welcoming committee".

Moving on, Did you know .. ?

In any chat window you can SHIFT+ArrowUp to cycle back through your most recently typed chat from that window. Useful for repeating instuctions or spamming language lessons.

Only rogues get notified when Hide does not work. Any non-rogue with the ability to Hide will appear to be hidden to themself, but can still be visible to players and NPC if hide failed. You have to /con a creature that is not normally indifferent to check if Hide worked, making sure Sneak is off since this will make them indifferent if you are behind their line of sight.
I've met many people that did not know that their Hide skill of 50 wouldn't work every time they used it. You will always have parentheses around your name ( ) when you use your Hide ability, whether it succeeds or not. A universal rule of thumb for EQ is to /con everything.

Also, only Rogues can Sneak while hiding. Any other class that tries to move while using their Hide skill will have their Hide drop. Halflings get innate Sneak and Hide abilities, and can use them both at once, but not if they try to move, then they will just be sneaking.

There are /Target and /Loot commands.
You can target without using the mouse or F7 / F8 keys. The command is /Target <name> or just /Tar and when trying to target a creature whose name has spaces you use an _ underscore _ in place of the space. Like /tar a_moss_snake and then you can loot with the command /loot even if the body is in a wall or in the floor. Also handy for targeting and dragging corpses through walls or in lava or like that.
#6 Dec 17 2007 at 3:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Did you know .. ?

Single target Pacify / Harmony spells are usable through walls and around corners. No line of sight required. Only the AE Pacify like Wake of Tranquility requires you be able to see the target.

Pacify / Harmony spells do not always work, even when not resisted. Sometimes the spell lands on them but their reaction radius does not get lowered. It’s very uncommon but it happens.

If a Pacify / Harmony spell is resisted the game makes some rolls to see if the creature will agro you. Your CHARISMA is used in this formula and the higher your CHA the less chance you will get agro from a resisted Pacify attempt.

Changing camera angles is one of the best scouting / pulling tools available. Stand in front of a doorway and switch camera angle to the one where you can use the mouse to swing the camera around to in front of you, then zoom out and you will be able to see a fair bit of the inside of the room usually. This coupled with Bind Sight makes it very easy to target mobs to be pacified to get single pulls.
#7 Dec 17 2007 at 4:06 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Shiny Bob (Chanter Pet) was always in my way. So I used a social:

/target a

/pause 4


and made a hotkey I put on my tenth hot button. Made my life easier.
#8 Dec 17 2007 at 4:12 PM Rating: Excellent
I learned about the /tar and /loot commands on my enchanter as well, but that enchanter name began with A so it would always target myself when I tried what you did. I had to type "/tar a_" or "/tar an" to get the corpse, unless the name didn't start with either of those of course.

Did you know .. ?

Another neat targetting trick is to target a pet and assist it to get a corpse target. The pets will keep the corpse of the last mob targetted as their target focus until they agro something else. So next time you can't target a corpse just assist a pet that helped kill it.
#9 Dec 17 2007 at 4:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Did you know .. ?

Gravity Flux used to be a lot of fun. This spell used to throw you up into the air a good ways. Players were using it to bypass certain dungeon areas since it would throw you up to the floor above you if the ceiling wasn't high enough. Rather than fix their zone coding to make the floors impassible or to limit the function of the spell within the zone, SOE decided to nerf the spell as a quicker way to fix it now and forever. Maybe they were doing other things with the spell too, but I only saw folks skipping a dungeon level.

They added a StopCasting function so you don’t have to duck to interrupt casting anymore. I believe you have to map it to a key before you can use it. This still does not work while mounted.

Everquest lore contained a reference to a deity of lust, or carnal desires. This was Tholuxe Paells. When the servers merged, the gods of lust and of disease (Bertoxxulous) were put together in a darkened room with some mood music. The result is the new combined server of STDs. Not really. I like the community on the server, I just find it too amusing that those two gods ended up together.

You can actually loot a baby in the game. Baby Joseph Sayer. Stuff him in your backpack, throw some swords and knives in there, dump in some heavy blocks of ore, maybe a jar of acid or some poison vials .. he’ll be fine I’m sure. Who says parenting is hard?

Vampyres on Velious are a variation of undead that have normal vision. They see through Invis to Undead but not normal Invis or Hide, they are affected by all undead only detrimental spells. The reason I believe is the lore states they were transformed into “vampyres” by exposure to Akheva blood, not the Norrathian way that “vampires” are created.

Unless you are an Innoruuk worshipping Shaman or Cleric there is no item with unlimited clicky snares available that I know of that you can use. The Regent Symbol of Innoruuk does not seem to be usable by Frogloks however.

Edited, Dec 19th 2007 7:41pm by mfbrownbear
#10 Dec 17 2007 at 5:01 PM Rating: Excellent
Did you know .. ?

There is a command to commit suicide and respawn at bind point without losing xp. It’s /selfkill and mainly meant for if you are stuck somewhere you cannot get out of any other way. It appears to be broken at the moment but it shows up in the /help normal list.

You can get a shawerma sandwich in Shar Vahl. It's a middle eastern style sandwich wrapped in pita bread. I've had them from street vendors in Europe and New York. They resemble gyros but are supposed to have different ingredients and meats.

You can’t fish while in the water, or while floating over water, which I find odd.

How do you use the /loc command to make your way around?
X, Y, Z
#1, #2, #3
North-South axis, West-East axis, Height axis
Usually you only need to use the first two numbers. 0, 0 should be the geographic center of the zone, but some zone layouts are strange. +100, 0 would be slightly north of center, while -100, 0 would be slightly south of center. +100, +100 would be slightly north and slightly west of center, while +100, -100 would be slightly north and slightly east of center. The numbers follow the Western Civilization standard of top-to-bottom (north is positive – south is negative) and left-to-right (west is positive – east is negative). The 3rd position being height, obviously positive numbers are above ground level and negative numbers are below ground level.

Rechargeable tinkered items now can only be recharged by non-tinkers if they use a new Gnomish Recharging Kit or Deluxe Gnomish Recharging Kit. The old toolboxes that were used before can only be used by gnomes now.
#11 Dec 17 2007 at 6:24 PM Rating: Excellent
Did you know .. ?

This site uses a karma based posting / rating system.

You have to be registered to post, but you don't have to be a premium member or anything. Premium gets you a lot of extra stuff on the site but for posting it only means you get to upload a picture for your posting avatar.

Registered users can post anywhere on this site, on any forum I think. There's a lot of forums on this site too. However, you don't start off with the ability to rate posts. Other registered members, that already have the ability to rate, will read what you post and if they are moved enough by what you had to say, good or bad, they can rate your post up or down.

All posts start off with a Score: Decent until someone rates it. A downrate makes it change to Default. An uprate changes it to Good. I think the order goes: Sub-default, Default, Decent, Good, Excellent. Normally the forums won't even show you the posts and threads rated as Sub-default, which is how the karma system is supposed to work, by filtering out the garbage.

When your posts have been rated up enough times you will get a Title under your posting name and your name and title will be in a bolder color, and you'll then be able to rate others. The first Title is Scholar. Above that there is Sage and Guru. I'm not sure if there are any others besides Administrator. You can get rated right back down to sub-scholar and lose the ability to rate again, but you will always be able to post unless an Admin takes some action against you, but in that case .. what did you do?

I haven't seen a lot of rating activity on much of the threads in this forum, except for the downrating. Members that post wrong information or the never-popular "EQ is dying" threads deserve to be sub-defaulted and they do get filtered out, but no one usually rates up stuff that was actually useful or informative or even just funny or friendly.

I've resolved to get in the Frostfell Spirit and start rating more myself. I'd like to see some more Scholars making noise in here. I am only rating posts that I actually think deserve some sort of recognition, not just every post. For example; in this thread about the Frostfell quests I rated up 2 of marvinprobot's posts, one from jeffgb and one from Jonwin. In this thread, I actually have rated up every post I could, but that's because there's only 2 and they both had exactly the kind of thing I was looking for in this thread.

So, start posting those tips and tricks and neat little bits of information about Everquest here and let's see how many Scholars and Sages we can make. Am I wrong or was marvinprobot a Scholar just yesterday?
#12 Dec 17 2007 at 6:37 PM Rating: Excellent
Marvin was a scholar yesterday, but he already had the karma to hit sage -- he just didn't have enough posts. Scholar takes 15, sage takes 50, I forget how many guru takes.

I love this thread, although I have to admit I haven't read it all yet, I slack.
#13 Dec 17 2007 at 6:39 PM Rating: Excellent
820 posts
mfbrownbear wrote:
Did you know .. ?

You can actually loot a baby in the game. Baby Joseph Sayer. Stuff him in your backpack, throw some swords and knives in there, dump in some heavy blocks of ore, maybe a jar of acid or some poison vials .. he’ll be fine I’m sure. Who says parenting is hard?

Heh, I just rescued lil' Joseph last night....who then spent the next day or so (game time) in a backpack filled with fireworks, rusty weapons, and snake eggs as I went about my other business for the Gnoll Slayer quest. Perhaps I should have delivered him back home first, but im sure he'd had his tetanus shots, right?
#14 Dec 17 2007 at 7:21 PM Rating: Excellent
3,212 posts
It was always fun, when camping in runnyeye to put stuff in the bank. Of course the banker used to attack you and you had to kill him. No matter he did respawn quickly.
#15 Dec 17 2007 at 7:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Groogle, I love that you love it. Smiley: clap

Oh yeah, another thing Premium gets you is smileys.

Saeel, thanks for reminding me the baby was for the gnoll slayer quest. Here, give him a Smiley: cookie to settle him down. That leads me to ..

Did you know .. ?

You can use 'Spirit Shrouds' available from certain NPC in PoK if you have Depths of Darkhollow expansion to "shroud" to a monster form. The monster forms are from a set list of creature types you get to choose from. There is an Elemental line of shrouds, an Animal line, Nature Spirit and others. They are also set class types, you do not keep your own class or any of your spells or abilities when you shroud. Think of it like Astral Projection. Your spirit leaves your body and enters the empty shell of a shroud creature.

While your spirit is in that body you have that creatures abilities. You do NOT have your own gear, in fact you can't wear any gear but what you come with, which is usually nothing. You don't have access to your AAs. You get to choose any level for your shroud to be up to your own that is an increment of 5. If you are 43 you can be a level 40 shroud or 35 or 30 or like that.

Shroud abilities are all activated with hotkeys you have to make or set up depending on the class type. Warrior shrouds will be able to kick and taunt but if you are a spell caster that shrouds to a warrior you will have to find and map those abilities to a Hotbank. All spells and disciplines for shrouds are also only available through hotkeys you will have to create and put on hotbanks from the Monster Ability window that will appear when you shroud.

Your own body, with all your gear, your buffs and your AA, everything is held in suspended animation while your spirit is in the shroud. Any xp you make while shrouded is saved up and given to you when you remove the shroud. The suspension is not just like the buff timers stopping as in Guild Hall and now Guild Lobby. It's a more thorough freeze and it includes your PET and all their buffs and gear as well.

People would hang out in PoK in shroud form to save their buffs while they LFG if they didn't want to stay secluded in the Guild Hall, until they stopped buff timers in Guild Lobby too. Pet classes discovered that if they shroud while they have a pet, and log while shrouded, the pet will not poof away. In fact, the pet still had all its buffs and gear, even the TEMPORARY stuff, when they removed the shroud and returned to their own body. One important note is that any temp stuff in your own bags will still disappear if you log for long enough even while shrouded, only the pets gear stays.

So, if you are a WAR PAL RNG SHD BRD or ROG do the Gnoll Slayer quest and you can get a clicky wolf pet and keep him for as long as you can keep him alive if you shroud before you log each time.

Edited, Dec 17th 2007 8:08pm by mfbrownbear
#16 Dec 17 2007 at 7:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Jonwin wrote:
It was always fun, when camping in runnyeye to put stuff in the bank. Of course the banker used to attack you and you had to kill him. No matter he did respawn quickly.

Hehe, well that's gonna happen when you try to cash a check at the store you just robbed. I don't think they start out KoS but they get there fast. That's where being able to Sneak comes in reeeal handy.
#17 Dec 17 2007 at 8:16 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
mfbrownbear wrote:
There’s a place in Timorous Deep called the Firepot room that lets you port to all the starting cities available from the Kunark days. I have heard about it but never been there.

You also used to be able to bind yourself there. Which meant that casters could use it to effectively port anywhere back before there was a PoK. Gate. Run into correct pot. Poof! You're near wherever you wanted to go. For some time after they flagged the area no-bind, some players continued to keep their bind locations there. Of course, there was always the risk of the dragon wandering by and camping you into a death-loop, but for some, this was worth the risk.

I would assume that no one uses it anymore because with the PoK books, it's just not needed.

You can learn one point higher in a language then the person teaching it to you, but you had to zone before you could teach with your new level. This is actually how many people learned languages back in the day (before zillions of people had 100 in tons of languages). You'd have two characters in a group. One would spend one point on half the languages, the other would one point on the other half. Then you'd make hotkeys spamming some random stuff and hang out right next to a zoneline. You'd each spam the other in each language until each had reached level 2, then zone, switch the language list (cause now character1 had 2 skill in the languages character2 originally trained in, and vice-versa) and repeat the process. 99 zones later, you'd both be 100 in all the languages...

You used to be able to swim into boats while they were moving. It was *very* hard to do, but basically, if you swam in front of the boat you'd be "scooped up" and end up inside the hold. It was usually easier to just swim to wherever the dock was, but sometimes you'd be heading there, see the boat, see it start to move and if you were somewhere in front of it, you could still catch it. Given the time delay between boat arrivals, it was worth at least attempting.

mfbrownbear wrote:
Pacify / Harmony spells do not always work, even when not resisted. Sometimes the spell lands on them but their reaction radius does not get lowered. It’s very uncommon but it happens.

If a Pacify / Harmony spell is resisted the game makes some rolls to see if the creature will agro you. Your CHARISMA is used in this formula and the higher your CHA the less chance you will get agro from a resisted Pacify attempt.

I've heard this a zillion times. Either it's a myth, or it's something that only occurs with *some* pacify/harmony spells, but not all. I can say with absolute first hand experience that I've used the paladin "pacify" spell probably 10s of thousands of times over the course of my EQ career, and I have *never* seen it fail, nor ever experienced the so-called "critical failure" where you'll actually get agro using the spell. Not once. If I don't get a "this target unaffected" message, it always works. Back in the day (before pretty much every mob in any zone I'm hunting in became too high level to be affected), I used to paci-pull for groups for hours at a time, day after day, week after week, though pretty much every expansion content.

I've just never seen this happen. I've *heard* about it happening. But always third hand ("I knew a guy who said it happened to him"). I'll certainly admit that maybe some of the spells have this chance. But not the paladin line (and I'm pretty sure not the chanter or cleric versions either). Maybe the druid/ranger lines have this chance? Dunno. It's just that if this was a feature/risk of pacify spells in general, then the chance of it happening must be so absurdly low as to not really be worth mentioning.

Now, they *used* to be broken such that you could get agro from using them (which is why no one used them for a long time. That and variable duration such that they'd randomly wear off faster then you could make use of them). But since they fixed the spells (back during Velios I think?), I have never seen one fail. The spell either reports that it wont affect the target, or it casts. If it casts, it either fizzles or lands. If it lands, it always "works". It's quite possible also that at some point (before they fixed the spells), the spell would allow you to cast it even on an opponent it couldn't affect, resulting in agro. Currently, it wont even cast if that's the case.

I just really think that this is a holdover from a long time ago when these spells were actually broken that people have kept alive in a kind of "EQ legend" sort of way. If the rate of failure I've observed is normal, I'd suspect that those reporting failures and critical failures are far more likely to themselves have done something wrong (or had some random agro issue occur) that had nothing to do with the spell itself. Click the wrong gem when you think you hit paci, and you might think "OMG! I just got agro from using my pacify spell!!!".

Heh. Heck. I actually did that myself semi-recently. Almost didn't notice it though. I was pacifying a couple trash goblins in Veksar (cause it's less annoying then fighting them and I'm not going to waste an invis potion getting past two grey mobs). But I accidentally clicked my IVU instead (and just plain didn't pay attention). When they agroed on me, I looked back and realized I'd clicked the wrong gem. I can certainly see someone thinking that their pacify failed in a case like that...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#18 Dec 17 2007 at 8:24 PM Rating: Excellent
Crit paci fails (e.g., resists that aggro) do definitely happen. I've gotten them on clerics, enchanters, and druids.
#19 Dec 17 2007 at 8:55 PM Rating: Excellent
Pacify type spells are sort of unique. You can cast them on players, but they're not buffs. They do have resist checks.

I can guarantee that the paladin pacify spells are also liable to the same resists as the others. It's actually the same spell as the chanter / cleric one, they just get it later. I have cast Pacify on a mob, not gotten a resist message, and still gotten agro from pulling a nearby mob. I have cast Pacify and gotten resisted many times, only occasionally getting agro.

I find it truly hard to believe you've never gotten a resist or agro using these spells, but I suppose it's statistically possible.

I used to see far more resists and far more agro from such during Hard LDoN adventures on my enchanter and paladin. Now the mobs in LDoNs are too high for your paladin to use anyway otherwise I'd recommend trying one to see.
#20 Dec 17 2007 at 9:13 PM Rating: Excellent
820 posts
I recall a critically failing Pacify (may have been the spell Lull then) It was in the 30s-40s in an ldon and my memory is extremely fuzzy on it, but I do remember some sort of resist/fail message and getting charged by a roomfull of angry mobs. That said, its the only time I ever recall it happening, ever.
#21 Dec 17 2007 at 10:21 PM Rating: Excellent
They added a StopCasting function so you don’t have to duck to interrupt casting anymore. I believe you have to map it to a key before you can use it. This still does not work while mounted.

Did you know that not being able to use the StopCasting function while on a mount is actually part of the game design? It's the trade off in exchange for the ability to be medditating while still in a casting position.

Did you know that you can map some windows to a hotkey even if they don't have an ALT-O -> Keys entry?

To map the Skills window (the button you normally press while viewing your inventory) to ALT-I place this line in your eqclient.ini under [KeyMaps]


(Sorry, that's the best I can come up with right now, dead tired... I'll try to come up with some more tomorrow.)

[Edited to make better sense the first time you read it! :) ]

Edited, Dec 18th 2007 10:01am by Rundle
#22 Dec 18 2007 at 12:15 AM Rating: Excellent
Did you know .. ?

How the melee skill Intimidate works?

Based on my observations:

The short answer
This skill is safe to practice for skillups on anything out of melee range or that is not attackable, and not a good idea to practice in groups without telling them. It makes you do a series of combat / casting moves, like shadowboxing. When done there is a skill check and if you pass you can get a skillup and if you fail then you just aren’t scary enough. If your poses were magnificent enough and your game face was menacing enough you pass the skill check and you try to send your target packing with an automatic Kick to the hindquarters. You don’t even have to have the Kick ability as long as you have the Intimidate skill. It will trigger a Fear proc if you actually do Kick them, meaning you make your skill check AND you don’t miss with your Kick. The Fear proc can be resisted though even if you pass the skill check and land the kick. If you’re not close enough or your target is not attackable you only get the skill check and possible skillup, nothing else happens if you are unable to melee attack your target.

The long answer
You can practice Intimidation skill on Players and their pets as well as NPC and get skillups, even corpses and some interactive objects like containers you can open with the /open command and some other objects that have no /con status. You can get skillups from any level creature. You can only get skillups on successful attempts to Intimidate, whether you land the Kick to attempt to Fear them or not does not matter for skillups.

You have to have a valid target to begin, and you have to keep a valid target. You can change targets, but only the creature targeted at the end of the shadowboxing will be considered for the Kick / proc attempt. You can’t start Intimidation and then ESC to clear target, or TAB to target yourself or it will stop and give you a message that you can’t intimidate yourself, likewise if your target dies before you’re done showing off. A failure will yield a message that you’re not scaring anyone.

Successful intimidation does not mean the creature will run, it means you now get a chance to cast a fear spell on them via a proc that is triggered by the Kick. So if all goes well it would be 1) Intimidate attempt 2) Success 3) Kick attempt 4) Success 5) Fear proc 6) Success 7) Mob runs. They can resist or simply be immune to fear, and a successful attempt does not trigger the proc unless all conditions are met.

Each successful attempt to intimidate will trigger a single non-melee attack for minor damage, independent of your normal attacks (my rogue would Kick on a successful Intimidate attempt, and rogues don’t get that ability). I believe this is the delivery mechanism for the fear spell / proc. I do not know if a player’s Kick skill is checked to see if it lands or if it checks other skills. Successful attempts will do melee checks on the target, resulting in “Cannot see target” and “Target out of range, get closer” and “Can’t hit them from here” messages if applicable, and will not trigger the melee strike which delivers the fear proc unless all melee checks are passed.

One of the melee checks is whether or not this is a valid combat target. If practicing on a corpse or player or their pet (on blue servers) or on an NPC in a zone where fighting is not possible then there will be no message given or action taken upon successful Intimidation attempt other than a skillup check. It’s safe to stand in front of Guardians or Merchants in PoK and swing knives at them, succeed or fail you won’t be able to try to Kick them to trigger the proc. If practicing on an interactive object, be aware that the Kick will do damage and LDoN objects at least can be trapped with nasty stuff, if the Fear proc triggers you’ll get a message that “Your target is immune to fear spells” and “Your target resisted the Fear spell”. If the non-melee strike misses the target then the proc does not trigger, even if you get a skillup and there was no message saying you weren’t scaring anything and did not get a resist message or any other indication that it failed, other than a missed Kick if you haven’t got those filtered out.

You can perform the skill while running since this is not an actual spell cast but rather an instant triggered fear proc when it works. You can Intimidate while invis or hidden and a success will not break invis / hide, even when the non-melee attack hits the target. Though you will get agro whether you hit or miss or the proc is triggered or not, as long as all the melee checks were passed and you tried to kick ‘em, but invis won’t drop until they cast / melee on you or you do likewise.
#23 Dec 18 2007 at 7:38 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
You also used to be able to bind yourself there.
You can bind there again now. They re-allowed it after PoK made the restriction moot.
gbaji wrote:
I've heard this a zillion times. Either it's a myth, or it's something that only occurs with *some* pacify/harmony spells, but not all.
It's not only true, I've even quoted the developer comments regarding Pacify, Charisma and critical resists on these forums and you've responded to those quotes.

Did you know that alchemy shops in towns sell Harvest and Spring crystals? Both are clicky items which summon one bread or water per click. If you're not a shaman, you might not have noticed them before. Back before foods had different durations and everyone stocked grub that lasts for hours, they made a nice stop-gap when you had just traveled for 45min to your adventure destination only to get the "You are low on drink" message.

Edited, Dec 18th 2007 9:41am by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#24 Dec 18 2007 at 8:18 AM Rating: Excellent
56 posts
Actually, you can fish while you're floating above the water. There was a tournament in Dagnor's Cauldron on Saturday (maybe Sunday), and those that could cast Levitation did and were fishing where I was casting since I was land bound.
#25 Dec 18 2007 at 11:04 AM Rating: Excellent
I had a critical failure on a pacify last week and again yesterday. Both were with the new 76 bard lull songs. When using the one-step and the two-step lower lvl pacify songs, I have never had a critical failure. So it depends on the spell/song I suppose.

I used to have them quite often during the year of the LDON with that expansion-appropriate pacify.

Plus this new one is resisted quite a lot more than the old one. I used both paicifys at the buried sea, named pirate camp, on Blacksail island and with the lower lvl one the dogs are almost always pacified on the first tick of the song. When using the lvl76 song, they often resist the first tick of pacify and then rarely, gain and pass agro with all mobs and charge to attack.

-Did you know that us ppl who were in Qeynos/Surefall as starting cities couldnt pay for a port to ecom-bazaar, so what we did was leave messages of buying/selling on the note board inside the tavern in South Qeynos. You clicked on the board and typed your message and read what others had to say.

- It seemed like in every city some guard likes muffins and some other guard likes bones chips?

Edited, Dec 18th 2007 11:05am by kirbyramz
#26 Dec 18 2007 at 12:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Did you know... that the original intent was to have players gain an additional benefit from camping out in an inn? That's why they sell room keys in places such as Highkeep despite the room doors being unlocked. It never made it into Everquest but you see the "extra rest bonus" principle for using an inn in games such as WoW.

Did you know... that there's an unreachable Plane? The Plane of War was intended to go live with the Planes of Power expansion. You probably even have zone files for it in your Everquest directory, viewable with a 3rd party zone viewer. But there were too many exploitive issues with pathing, etc too close to release and Sony made the decision to move Rallos Zek to Plane of Tactics and never released the Plane of War.

Did you know... that Veksar was another zone like Plane of War except that it was redone? The original intent when Kunark was launched was to have an underwater zone where Veksar is now. But pathing issues combined with the unpopularity of Kedge Keep made the developers scrap the zone before the Kunark launch and a "new" Veksar didn't go live until years later. The old Kunark era Everquest guides by Prima mentioned Veksar -- having been written during development and before the zone was scrapped.

Did you know... that ChardokB and SolusekC were intended to be temporary zones for a limited time basis? But Sony never did remove them and they exist still today. For that matter, did you know that there is a ChardokB & SolC?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
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