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Frostfall is coming - the Ogre's getting fat!Follow

#1 Nov 28 2007 at 5:25 PM Rating: Excellent
It's beginning to look a lot like Frostfall! Ok, wishful thinking here. I don't know about all of you but I can't wait to see what Santug will bring me this holiday season! Will there be a cool stocking again this year? (Personally I thought those who ignored the prequests should have been left in the cold...the whining that went on when they discovered that the end result was a really nice sack with 10 slots and 100% wt redux, not to mention the unique graphics, was about as annoying as <insert your favorite annoyances here>. Hey, you snooze, you loose! Yeah yeah, that's not the spirit of Frostfell...but heck!)
I loved the celebrations...ok, the quests could have been more restricted to places with snow, but they were still fun!
I especially loved the graphics of the steins the revelors had, with their drink sloshing around. Any chance of us getting those steins this year? Sure beats the empty-mug look we carry already.
I'm already getting my fishing skills up just in case they bring that quest back, and I'll have to work on the other skills as well.
What say you all? Are YOU looking forward to frostfell? Have you been good? Save me some eggnog, will ya?

#2 Nov 29 2007 at 2:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,906 posts
Hey, no jokes on Ogres here... :-P

Halloween ist just over, and you're already talking 'bout Frostfell? ;-)

Looking forward to the festivities, I may get the stocking for some of my alts (if the quests are up again)...
#3 Nov 29 2007 at 6:13 AM Rating: Decent
647 posts
Bringing the real world into Norrath = teh sucks.
#4 Nov 29 2007 at 7:34 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Whitman wrote:
Bringing the real world into Norrath = teh sucks.
We don't have Frostfell around here. Really, I can't imagine a long-running MMO such as EQ without some fun seasonal diversions.

I will be looking forward to some winter questing, see what they have new to offer. I think I'm gonna get the bag too, and may even die my skimply lil outfit red and white.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#5 Nov 29 2007 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
1,504 posts
As so long as the verdor's in POK dont have x-mas music playing allready im ok with it.
"If you ask me, we could do with a little less motivation. The people who are causing all the trouble seem highly motivated to me. Serial killers, stock swindlers, drug dealers, Christian Republicans"

George Carlin.

#6 Nov 30 2007 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
'Tis the season to be jolly.....

Up on the rooftop....

Grandma got runover by a reindeer....

#7 Dec 06 2007 at 5:08 PM Rating: Good
<insert heavy sigh here>

So, no word on any Frostfell activities yet????
#8 Dec 12 2007 at 6:52 AM Rating: Excellent
I saw him this morning walking down the road outside Kaladim in the Bb mountains.
He rooted , mezed, snared and blew me back 50 yrads , complaining that I had been a bad boy this year.
I found one of the quest gobbies in Pok and started the quest.
They want you to find clues why he is acting so strange, and tell you to find the clues spread out over 5 zones.
I found out real fast that the Imps Santug is pooping out as he is walking arround have the clues.
I though you had to vist each zone to get a new clue .. you dont.
All you have to do is kill enough of the imps to get a complete set of the clues.
Then turn them in to any of the gobbie quest givers.
they give you the next step of the quest to find Grinnuch and convince him to let their Santog go.
It looks like there are 5 steps after you find Grinnuch. I already know a lvl 30 cant kill him .. so I am hopeing I wont have to try.
The pay off for the clues is an imp disguise w/ levetation.
the pay off after you complete the whole quest is the Giant 10 slot 100% weight reduction boot.
Sory I diont know how to make liks to objects or npc's
someone please clean this up and add them.
Happy EQ Frostfall

Edited, Dec 12th 2007 9:52am by jeffgb

Edited, Dec 12th 2007 9:53am by jeffgb
#9 Dec 12 2007 at 6:02 PM Rating: Good
Thanks for the info Jeff, rate up!
#10 Dec 13 2007 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
update to my previous thread.

First off, and I hope this isnt to much of a spoiler, You dont have to kill the Grinnuch.

And, oops #2 I did finish the quest. But, I recieved a tiny 2 slot sock with an explination and a little lore behind it. "hold on to it it gets bigger"

The "BIG" payoff comes when Santug settles down in all the major home citys later in the season. I am assuming that the pay off is going to be the giant 10 slot 100% bag at that time.

Happy EQ Frostfall.
#11 Dec 13 2007 at 1:35 AM Rating: Decent
820 posts
Grandfather jeffgb wrote:

I am assuming that the pay off is going to be the giant 10 slot 100% bag at that time.

You would be correct in that assumption.
#12 Dec 13 2007 at 6:14 AM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
That is how it worked last year. After about a week santug ended up in pok handing out quests, the more you did the larger the sock becomes. Im already dusting off my baking supplies.
Dont forget to hail the gnome at OT stone for the gemstone quests from 2 years back. Patch notes said he would be back as well.
#13 Dec 13 2007 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
264 posts
If someone where to dig up a link to the quest and read do the quests..would it be counted if he got the quest after he looted, made, killed, etc everything?

I have 6 toons I wish to do this for, and time is of the smallest amount this season. Inciddently, the sock thingy.... one my beast its only like 40% done, will I be able to finish it or would I need a do-over.?
#14 Dec 16 2007 at 1:49 PM Rating: Excellent
So far it's just like last year. I found it's easiest to go to Everfrost since Santug walks right by the POK Book there. Start killing Imps (piece of cake really, newbie level) and there are 5 items. You can find the quest here in Allahkazam for details. Be sure to get the quest from the goblin first.
Caution - Santug is kind of mean right now, and will mezz, root, and fear you into the guards, especially if you're not of a friendly race to Barbarians there. Otherwise he's ok.
After you turn in the items ask about the Grinnuch guy. He's located not far from Megan's tower in Everfrost, just North east of there. Don't talk to him, talk to the Goblin hiding near the water. You'll need a stack of those white with green ribbon presents you'll find on just about everything in Everfrost (I looted a stack from Spiders and Skellies while killing Imps). Basically you'll be giving him the presents until he gives you an item called a "Red Sled" (looks like a silver shield icon). That's what you give to the Grinnuch.
The stocking is a two slot number...HANG ON TO IT!!! Last year there were people who didn't want to bother doing this quest because they didn't see a two slot item woth it. BUT, as the Goblin says, HANG ONTO IT! Those who didn't hang onto it, or didn't bother doing the quest, almost missed out on the rest. There was a huge whine from them and the powers that be gave them a second chance at a stocking after Christmas (which in my opinion wasn't right. Hey, I missed out on getting a skelly clicky mask last year!!!)
After "Christmas" Santug will be in POK, along withb other quest givers. There are a bunch of other quests that will be given, and each of those will increase the stocking size and wt redux. The end result is a 100% wt redux 10 slotter.
The quests are easy IF you try them. One requires fishing, one requires baking. Both of those can actually done by someone else and the stuff given to you to turn in. Last year on another server me and a friend of mine collected enough to give over half the guild the stuff to turn in.
Another quest requires a bit of running around Butcherblock, but once you know where to run it's a piece of cake.
The imps should be back also on a quest for Santug's list, and they were invisible last year, so they might be again this year, so if you aren't a magic user get a friend who can cast see invisible or an item that does so. You can do that one at the same time as the Butcherblock quest. Those invisible imps tended to hang out at the POK book there, and up and down the road.
There's also a fireworks one, but from I understand that while it's level based (the higher the level the harder the quest) you can shroud to make your life easier.
Do these when Santug's in town and turn in your stocking and you'll end up with a very nice bag with a unique graphic icon.
Also, there's a gnome and a big clockwork guy next to the GD portal in POK. He gives a quest that'll get you a really nice clicky rock that has an unlimited charge of fireworks on it. Very pretty, and the stats aren't bad.
Happy Frostfell!
#15 Dec 16 2007 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
If you say "list" to Santug, you get a quest to find his missing list parts. Grimps have stolen it.

They are easily found near the PoK book in Butcher - but it helps to have See Invisible. I found that I could NOT track them. Without See Invis you will see very few of them. They seem to be all over the road there.
#16 Dec 17 2007 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
I just found out about this yesterday (12/16) and another player said it was too late to do the stocking quest. Do I have to wait till next year?

#17 Dec 17 2007 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
It's like this ..

At the start of Frostfell season Santaug is seen roaming around newbie zones in a rather unjolly mood. There were two quests to find clues about what was up with him and then rescue him. Those two quests are unavailable once Santaug is rescued on the server.

Doing those quests granted the player a stocking that could be upgraded by doing future quests related to Frostfell.

Then Santaug starts hanging out in starting cities and PoK offering more quests after he's been rescued. If you missed the first two quests you can still get the stocking by doing any of the 5 quests offered by Santaug or his helpers.

Speak to the goblin helper to get a stocking or to upgrade yours after doing a quest.

You have to complete 5 quests to fully upgrade the stocking. There are 5 quests available from the current Frostfell groups. Santaug offers 2, Hargar the Vellium chef offers 2 and the fireworks engineer offers one. The two original ones involving Santaug were originally intended to be required to fully upgrade the stocking but then I think they added the Hargar fishing/baking quests to allow those that missed the first two quests to still get their stocking upgraded.
#18 Dec 17 2007 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
I did the Santug's List...where you collect the 10 pieces of his list from grimps and I turned them in and got a red chest plate looking thing that was good for illusion: ogre 1 charge. No stocking. Is there something I did wrong?

#19 Dec 17 2007 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
I haven't seen any goblin helper...any idea where I can find him?
#20 Dec 17 2007 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
He's in PoK south of the main bank, with Santaug and the chef and the fireworks engineer. You talk to him and he mentions he can upgrade your stocking if you've been helping with the preparations. Then if you follow the prompt he says something like "Oh, it looks like you've been helping but don't have a stocking. Here's a spare one I had." That stocking will be already upgraded to whatever level it should be at depending on how many quests you have done. If you do all 5 quests before visiting him you should get the completed 100% redux stocking container.

That Illusion: Ogre item is TEMPORARY I found out. I did not use it right away and it poofed when I next logged in. I was a little disappointed, I like to packrat things away for "someday", but hey, it's all in the spirit of the season.
#21 Dec 17 2007 at 6:12 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Yup. I'm building up my stocking. Did two of the quests last night (got the list and the clockwork-dolly). I'm working on the fireworks one. For the naggy's lair portion at least, it seemed that the lava critters had them (lava duct crawlers, lava beetles, lava guardians). Heading to OS and Chardok to finish this. I imagine that the mobs you have to kill will pretty much always be something that's a bit deeper in (so you can't just duck in, kill a few and duck out). Fortunately, the drop rate on the "right mobs" seems to be pretty high (about 80% of them had the firework).

Since I'm a paladin, I'm obviously also a master fisherman (duh!), so I'll be doing that one after that. My baking is pretty horrible, so I'll have to figure something out for that.

Pretty fun little quests really. And the reward is quite nice.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#22 Dec 17 2007 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
I'm going to try to make the definative list. Bear with me.

Santug Claugg is repeating the appearance he made last year, with the same series of quests they had then.

When he first appears there are two quests you could do while he was roaming around the newbie zones being a sourpuss.

Christmas #1: Frostfell - Searching for Clues
Where you whack grimps in all the zones Santug was in and get clues, and at the end of the task you are offered a second task.

Christmas 2006 #2: Frostfell - Saving Santug
Where you find that Santug is being controlled by the Grinnuch and you have to kill mobs around Everfrost to loot enough gifts to find one to make the Grinnuch happy.

That resulted in a Santug's Stocking 2-slot 20% weight reduction bag .. err, stocking.

As marvin mentioned, at the time it first came out people didn't know there would be more quests to upgrade the stocking. Many people saw the reward and didn't bother doing it or got the reward and tossed it. Then when Santug came to settle down in the starting cities and PoK to give out more quests to upgrade the stocking there was much petitioning and venting since the quest was no longer available to get the original stocking. They shortly changed it so the goblin would give you a stocking for doing these other tasks.

Santug offered two quests to help him keep up with his workload.

Christmas 2006 #3: Frostfell - Santug's List
Which was just whacking more grimps that were still around in the same zones but now dropping List pieces.

Christmas 2006 #4: Frostfell - A Gift for Tinam
Where you run around Butcherblock in a quest similar to the PoK quest Willamina's Needles

And of course the quests from Hargar the Velium Chef

Christmas #5: Frostfell - Fishing for a Feast
All of the fish needed are tradeable but rare.

Christmas 2006 #6: Baking for a Feast
All the food needed is tradeable and the highest trivial item is 155. The only part that needs to be farmed I think would be Brownie Parts. Some foraged bits are needed. {Edit: Oh yeah, eggs. Eggs need to be farmed to make the dough for all these recipes}

Then there is the quest from Fireworks Engineer Fabdabus.

Christmas 2006 #7: Frostfell - Fireworks (LOW) and (HIGH)
Where you are assigned dungeons to hunt in to loot and bring back fireworks. You can shroud for that one to get lower level dungeons.

You can give your stocking to the goblin whenever you finish a quest to get it upgraded until you've done them all and have the 10-slot 100% weight reduction Santug's Stocking. The stockings get lighter in weight until the final one is only .5 weight.

Edited, Dec 18th 2007 9:44am by mfbrownbear
#23 Dec 18 2007 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
I'm expecting the New Years quest to be reactivated soon too, so here's the info on that.

The Clockwork Party Machine

With the reward of Emerald of the New Year
#24 Dec 19 2007 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Question about the Santug quest - I did it, I remember doing it, it says I did it, but I don't have the stocking anywhere in my inventory.

I can't seem to get the quest again.

...anyone know of a fix?

mfbrownbear wrote:
I'm expecting the New Years quest to be reactivated soon too, so here's the info on that.

The Clockwork Party Machine

With the reward of Emerald of the New Year
There is also:
Bauble of the New Year
Gemstone of the new year, and,
Jadestone of the New Year

The quest you're given (and the reward you receive) is dependent on your groups average level.

Edited, Dec 19th 2007 5:33pm by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#25 Dec 19 2007 at 1:26 PM Rating: Good
1,906 posts
Just did the new frostfell tasks, writeup here.
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