dieselious wrote:
As such, I am planning on doing alot of the quest in the zones for the various toons, and I do have one spot available for a Drakkin. I would like to know some of the "better" quests would be for the expansions above DON.
DoDH, PoR and TSS all have quests where you just have to explore zones - hitting 'update' spots. I always do them. It's fun, you're forced to run around a whole zone and reward is usually some xp and decent loot.
In DoDH the exploring quest is multi-part and yeilds a nice aug. I haven't done many DoDH quests. There were a whole bunch of Monster Missions with DoDH though, they're fun to do once or twice. Rewards for them vary, but some are decent.
In PoR you've gotta do the Cloak quest. It needs a group but it's a good quest and an awesome cloak. There is an earring quest in Relic that was a lot of fun. You have to do the 'kill x number of mobs' part, but then you also have to snatch a book off a desk while the guardian golems have their back turned (ten times). It's a test of patience...but something different and kinda fun.
In TSS there are quests for levels 1 to 75. Loots are good. There is one that you have to collect 'items' from level 1 areas up through end-game raids. You turn the items into the Librarian and your aug will keep growing stronger. I've had fun working on that one. There are also some quick easy group quests that yeild decent loot - the bear pelt bracers and the iceborn aug come to mind.
TBS sounds like you're gonna need to do some factioning, but I've seen some awesome stuff. Haven't really tapped into it yet.