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Whats your opinion on the level cap becoming 80?Follow

#1 Oct 08 2007 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
Hello all.

As many of you know, the soon to be released SoF expansion is upgrading the level cap to 80. I for one think its a nice concept for thoes who are already level 75 and have nothing else to improve except gear. It Shows many good ideas, but also some bad ones:

For one thing, level 80 will make people even con'ed to once raiding material (PoP, etc.) and although it might be interesting to see what comes out of it, it might also be a problem. Even at level 75, some of the year's old raids still required a force, but this new increase has potential to make it simple. Not that im saying it shouldnt be simple after that many years of progression, but it could still cause some problems and skipped content.

One of the good things i think it will do is help people achieve greater things. Back at level 70 you had to be in a "High end raid guild" to even consider raiding things such as Anguish and 2.0s/some 1.5s. But since they moved it up to 75 there has been more open activity and ability to do such things without raiding 24/7, and with it becoming 80 it can open doors to things people only dreamed of being able to do but didnt have the time.

So heres the question: What do you personally think will be good and bad about the new level cap, and do you think that it will help players overall?

#2 Oct 08 2007 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
The final encounters in Gates and OoW will likely become single-group content. Already, people farm augs in Anguish against some of the former raid encounters there. I'm sure that a lot of PoP content can be soloed or grouped, which truly depresses me.
#3 Oct 08 2007 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
NaturesParadox wrote:
The final encounters in Gates and OoW will likely become single-group content. Already, people farm augs in Anguish against some of the former raid encounters there. I'm sure that a lot of PoP content can be soloed or grouped, which truly depresses me.

I trioed a named BoT boss (the ones in the towers that can drop BP molds among other things). He /conned blue to me (and I'm only level 70), but still had the "would take an army to defeat" message.

I guess this was more directed at the OP. The fact is that the reasons he gives for thinking it might be a problem (raid content /conning even) is already a fact in the game right now. There's no more reason not to do this then there was the last 4 times they did it (raised the level cap). It always trivializes the lower level content, but at the same time makes it potentially doable by smaller groups, and even solo in some cases.

IMO, that's not necessarily a bad thing. It allows folks to progress through older content quicker if they want to, but leaves the truly "top end" stuff hard. There's lots of other economic effects as well, that are IMO much more significant. Honestly though, the top and near top end of EQ isn't really the part that's "broken". It's everything below about mid 50 that is (for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with level increases).
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#4 Oct 08 2007 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
231 posts
I dont really suport it.

If it follows past level increase then it will take about 200aa of exp to go from 75 to 80 60-65=25aa 65-70=50aa 70-75=100aa 75-80=200aa. The above are guesstimates but im sure there close to the true numbers.

I should be level 80 in a week are two tops but for anyone returning to EQ the fact that they may need 350 aa to get back to max level in a game where grouping is required by most classes but there are not many groups for below level 75 will in my view send most returning players right back into retirement.

For existing players level 80 is just a time sink that makes old content easier but also less valuable. It also requires allot of effort to reinvent the wheel as level 75 and below spells are turned into level 80 spells this takes money and time away from building actualy new things into game.

I would prefer they just added about a 1000 new aa and a few new tricks for every class and kept the game at level 75 max.
#5 Oct 08 2007 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
I guess this was more directed at the OP. The fact is that the reasons he gives for thinking it might be a problem (raid content /conning even) is already a fact in the game right now.

Indeed, But the difference is that there was still some limitations, Everything from pop to anguish raid wise was given a very small margin for level cap increase other than what was already made in thoes expansions. Level 80 is going to make people even con to some of the toughest bosses in EQ wheras 75 only opened that door slightly.
If it follows past level increase then it will take about 200aa of exp to go from 75 to 80 60-65=25aa 65-70=50aa 70-75=100aa 75-80=200aa. The above are guesstimates but im sure there close to the true numbers.

True, but with all the posibilities to get double exp (lon potions, hot zones) it shouldnt take that long. I found 70-75 much easier than say 65-70, but mabey that was just me.

In honesty i can see where it could help and could be problematic, it does give a fair shot to players who dont have 24/7 to get gear and 2.0's or such. But noone will care to raid some of these things anymore, and some are pretty fun and create quality experience during leveling.

#6 Oct 09 2007 at 6:20 AM Rating: Good
epic 3.0 please :P
#7 Oct 09 2007 at 6:53 AM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
I think there would be nothing wrong with implementing level caps to certain older zones or mobs the way they did with Nagafen et al. so that a level would prevented from doing content that is trivial to them.
#8 Oct 09 2007 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
If the game is to continue to offer up more and harder content, it's inevitable that the level cap increase.

As far as the pre-fifty game, locking out content to levels, trivialized quests and rewards, etc, etc, are all seperate issues that are not likely to be dealt with in a manner that is pleasing to all.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#9 Oct 09 2007 at 7:50 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Aside from Nagafen & Vox, SOE has shown unwilling to put maximum level locks on any of their content in response to rising level caps. If they wouldn't do it for 65, 70 or 75, I really doubt that 80 is the magic number.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#10 Oct 09 2007 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
Aside from Nagafen & Vox, SOE has shown unwilling to put maximum level locks on any of their content in response to rising level caps. If they wouldn't do it for 65, 70 or 75, I really doubt that 80 is the magic number.

your right jophiel.
Im not saying that the level cap should not increase, but imo they need to do somthing (either lockout or raise levels) about older raid content, it will just cause confusion and constant fighting (Think of 2 people fighting over soloing a god or another raid monster). But i know its far too much work for EQ to completly revise old raids from start to finish, but it would be nice.
#11 Oct 09 2007 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
This is going to be a stunningly mudflative expansion. Top end single group gear is going 550 hp base, top end raid gear is going to be over 1000 hp base. We're looking at 50khp buffed tanks here. The gear increase, hp % wise, from TBS to SOF is going to be about the same as the increase from pop to endgame TSS! This is not going to be little changes like being able to kill jelvan with 6 people instead of 9. I would suspect some anguish mobs -- at least ture -- will be soloed in the next expansion. Guilds are in demiplane now will be able to easily leap to TSS (dev quote.)
#12 Oct 09 2007 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
Think of 2 people fighting over soloing a god or another raid monster

Pretty much every POP god short of the elemental planes has already been soloed, and every god has been grouped.
#13 Oct 09 2007 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
4,580 posts
Played off and on for 5+ years and would now be considered casual vs. raider:
(Long response so please bear with me or skip past)

I support the level cap increase. I hope they have sketched out a vision to go to level 100 (means the game is being worked on well into the future...). While on one hand I lament old content becoming trivial it's in the best interests of the game to offer new stuff for end-game players of all types.

TSS gave the 1-65 crew valid new content to gear up (or to stall and AA for a bit) so there is little reason to add under 65 (70...75?) zones. Some well-thought adjustments to old zones are okay though (i.e. make the armor drops decent for the level of the zone)but don't make the Castle Mistmoore mistake (which would have been solved by putting an NPC outside in LFAY saying "don't be fooled by Mayong, I will take you to the real Castle" and have that NPC send you to the retooled high level version. Win-win as you'd get retro high level content without erasing the old stuff (bring back original Mischief too --if any god deserves multiple planes its the jester come on now...).

I don't mind the world changing and evolving but I recognize not all were happy with the more recent revamps [if they made Najena level 80 I'd probably be annoyed too as that is my favourite zone to level in, though maybe it would push me to get 80 hmmm].

I like playing alts (tend to take them to 50s then move on). As that kind of casual player Kunark isn't trivial unless I let it be (though one isn't wrong to do the TSS route instead --depends what is fun for you and your goals in the game). If I chose to not work on an Epic 1.0 till level 75 then it should be easy compared to the original epic struggle it was. [I know people that have done the 1.0 at 75 just because]

I agree that adding many AA's would be a good idea. Throw some bones out there, for example let those with all the other tradeskill AA's open up taboo to their race/class skills (dark elf tinkerer/alchemist anyone?). Alot of AAs could be made available earlier too. Does it really matter if level 50s characters can become overpowered to what was intended 4 years ago? If it keeps the casuals/latecomers moving along why not?

I don't even mind farmers (often cited as the big evil of level cap increases). Plane of Fear (for example) needs an adjustment to make it viable for mid-range guilds that want to do 1.0s but can't get the spawns due to the farming (as long as your drop isnt MQable or sellable this isnt an issue either if one is polite to the farmers). Or alternate routes to certain quest drops need to be implemented (summoned Fay comes to mind, so help necros etc. out).

Most of the PoF issues would be gone if they put a notrade illusion skelly item in the new expansion. If i was a sarcastic developer I would make it the reward of a lame running between npc hailing to get to know the new zone city quest.

So yes, I like the level cap increase and hope they attend to the under 70s issues that are easily fixable with intent and effort.
#14 Oct 10 2007 at 5:41 AM Rating: Decent
This expansion should be a boon to all the L75 characters in the game. At the same time it should put more nails in the coffin for those who are not. Those who are returning to the game will have even a higher mountain to climb to boot. More nails for there coffins too.

You win big if your L73-75 with one, or more toons. You will lose big if your not. This should further increase the burnout effect, for the new, returning players to EQ1. Damn hard now to play catchup. This will only grow worse, and if new blood cannot get there. Old blood looses in the longterm as well. There will fewer to replace you when you leave.
#15 Oct 10 2007 at 6:56 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
HealerMedic wrote:
This expansion should be a boon to all the L75 characters in the game. At the same time it should put more nails in the coffin for those who are not. Those who are returning to the game will have even a higher mountain to climb to boot. More nails for there coffins too.

You win big if your L73-75 with one, or more toons. You will lose big if your not. This should further increase the burnout effect, for the new, returning players to EQ1. Damn hard now to play catchup. This will only grow worse, and if new blood cannot get there. Old blood looses in the longterm as well. There will fewer to replace you when you leave.
With this kind or reasoning you could say the level cap should have stayed at 50 because there are some players who are struggling to get to 50...or 60...or 70...or any level.

Why does having a level cap increase adversely impact the game for those who are not yet level 75?
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#16 Oct 10 2007 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
Groogle wrote:
This is going to be a stunningly mudflative expansion. Top end single group gear is going 550 hp base, top end raid gear is going to be over 1000 hp base. We're looking at 50khp buffed tanks here. The gear increase, hp % wise, from TBS to SOF is going to be about the same as the increase from pop to endgame TSS! This is not going to be little changes like being able to kill jelvan with 6 people instead of 9. I would suspect some anguish mobs -- at least ture -- will be soloed in the next expansion. Guilds are in demiplane now will be able to easily leap to TSS (dev quote.)

I don't know about 50k tanks... that's a little high. I'd say 25k-30k tops. Only the very top end warriors in the entire game can break 20k at this point in time.
#17 Oct 10 2007 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
I don't know about 50k tanks... that's a little high. I'd say 25k-30k tops. Only the very top end warriors in the entire game can break 20k at this point in time.

There are already 25k tanks, and the HP on gear is literally doubling with this expansion. A demiplane geared tank can break 20khp buffed. The highest warrior on the EQP leaderboards currently has a tid bit under 24k unbuffed; that translates to very close to 30k already.
#18 Oct 10 2007 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
Take a look around. Why are people doing dain1, and hotzones so damn hard? Why so many Nercro/druids? why so many multi-boxers? There is a lot of people playing who don't think this game starts until L70, and they are busting there **** to get there, if they were not here all along.

L50 is one thing, L60 is one thing, but L75, and 500-2000AA is another thing. L80 and more AA, more flags, more this, more that. On the raiding front topend guilds want L75, 400-800AA, and all your flags/epics/signets and so on, and so forth, done already. Not happening when nobody is really doing that stuff as much as was done in the past. And even less here in the near future.

L80 cap raise is going to further that along. Make that even harder to ascertain. People playing 6-15 hours a day, 5-7 days a week to catchup they just burnout. I can count 14 now that have burnout/or left for other reasons, and are no longer in EQ, since first of april. I got another 35ish who I have no clue were they are. I only get that person is not online when I type there name from the friends list.

Elinda in your world EQ working fine, but I am not seeing that at all on 3 differnet servers, in the non-raid mid/upper tier guilds. New people, returning people, cannot get into those guilds if they don't met the min. requirements. The minimums are just going to keep going up.

Not even going to bother with all the ANON farmers humping grey content. Not even going to bother with why is everyone muliboxing, or playing Necro's/druids. Not even going to bother with the HP/AC, mana requirements for even looking at the new incoming expansion.

Edited, Oct 10th 2007 3:26pm by HealerMedic
#19 Oct 10 2007 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
223 posts
I'm looking forward to it.

An earlier poster said something about CoA augs being easily one grouped? They always have been extremley easy, a group with Praetorian gear could easily take them all out. I prefer the DPoB ones, except the having to beat encounters to get to them.
#20 Oct 10 2007 at 7:24 PM Rating: Default
902 posts
Healermedic=shadowrealm? Smiley: sly
#21 Oct 10 2007 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
820 posts
My natural reaction is to despise the change, I will reserve truly judging it until I see it in action though.
#22REDACTED, Posted: Oct 11 2007 at 6:58 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Healermedic=shadowrealm?
#23 Oct 11 2007 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
I won't likely be playing in the new expansion. I've not yet started in on TBS myself. Gripes, it sounds like I'll be working on sigs for OoW. Smiley: grin

...and the question for the post was about the level cap and not the expansion. I won't have a toon that's 75 before it happens, but I fail to see how it impacts me.

I also fail to see how anyone can expect a game to continue on without there being new and harder content as well as continued character progression.

Do you think EQ would still exist if the level cap had remained at 50?
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#24REDACTED, Posted: Oct 11 2007 at 8:45 AM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) Take a look around. Why are people doing dain1, and hotzones so damn hard? Why so many Nercro/druids? why so many multi-boxers? There is a lot of people playing who don't think this game starts until L70, and they are busting there **** to get there, if they were not here all along.
#25 Oct 11 2007 at 10:13 AM Rating: Excellent
I enjoyed karma-killing that shadowrelm post way more than I should have.
#26REDACTED, Posted: Oct 11 2007 at 10:27 AM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) karma killing is like power. an illusion.
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