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Returning to EQ and need some helpFollow

#1 Sep 14 2007 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Hello all, my friend and I are thinking of returning to EQ1 after a year for me and about 4 years for him off of it. Was wondering what a great duo would be in your alls option. Looking for a duo that is good from lvl 1-70. I have thought os a few options and I know that shaman and monk are the common duo that most people do. Lol but I dont want to go there, for me I need snare hated running after mobs. I have been thinking of a few and I will list them below. If I could get some input and a few suggestions that would be great, Thanks

Mage-Cleric (no snare i know)

Neighter of us really want to roll a shaman, mainly due to them being over played.
#2 Sep 14 2007 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
820 posts
If you're wanting to duo and don't want to include a shaman in the mix, the only other obvious class to add a lot of power to the duo would be a Necro in my opinion. Gives you your snare and a load of ability to deal with non summoning mobs.
#3 Sep 14 2007 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
Shaman (and Clerics) that worship Innoruuk can get an unlimited clicky snare item from a quest.

Regent Symbol of Innoruuk

This may change your mind about shaman for duos.

Also Beastlord-Necro or Mage-Necro are good choices for pet combos.

Paladin-Enchanter can handle quite a lot of content but dps is pretty low unless you use charm, which if done right would make this one of the best duos.

Maybe specialize in charming. Enchanter-Druid then, or enchanter-ranger.

Any duo without slow available will suffer A LOT at higher levels. Even pet combos won't last long on unslowed high level mobs unless you are kiting. Snare is great but root and stun can work too.
#4 Sep 14 2007 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
703 posts
Out of the combos you listed, I would go with zerker & druid. I tank with my zerker all the time and she does amazing DPS. The druid not only gives you heals, but DoTs, ports and DS. The DS on an unslowed mob does good damage. I think you would fair pretty well with that pair.
#5 Sep 15 2007 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,252 posts
Greetings and WB :)

out of the combos listed I'd go with "BL-Zerker" or "Zerker-Druid". where the druid combo has a decent healer...

would you consider a BL/Druid combo too?

I have a Pal/Wiz combo, which does very nice against summoning mobs. BUT, that only works, as long as I can kill the mob fast. selfhealing in between gets pretty inefficient over time (the Pal can be a real mana sink).

one of the criteria for your setup which you might want to consider too: how easy is it to form a group with other players? Mage/Cleric would be great i.e.
Still a noob. :-P
Characters on Drinal, Povar, EMarr, Firiona Vie.
#6 Sep 15 2007 at 5:53 AM Rating: Default
you must have heal and you really need a tank unless you want to chase the mobs or be chased and have more isues with adds.

at higher levels, especially level 60 and up, you NEED slow, again, unless you plan on aggro kiting and i only say aggro kiting because most everything from this level and up is immune to fear, and most resist any type of root too.

shaman and sk. sk for snare.

you can make do with anything really, you will just be limited where you can hunt. and once you get past the 60s, you really need raid gear. the mobs quad for 500 to 700 and bazaar gear just doesnt do it any more. thus the NEED for slow.

enjoy. its funny how you see all these posts about how to SOLO or double/triple box in a grouping game. too bad SOE cant see it.
#7 Sep 15 2007 at 10:14 AM Rating: Default
If you're wanting to duo and don't want to include a shaman in the mix, the only other obvious class to add a lot of power to the duo would be a Necro in my opinion. Gives you your snare and a load of ability to deal with non summoning mobs.

my main was a necro.

the only thing a necro is good for is aggro kiting in out door zones. the dots take time to work, and some, like the darkness and pyro series generate a ton of hate. they CAN be used as a healer up untill 50ish i would say, and quite effectively, but after that, unless you can replace 3000 to 4000 hitpoints quickly, you just cant keep up with the damage output from mobs at higher levels.

necros are masters of.....not dieing. thats their claim to fame. feign death, fear, snare give them much more surviveability than any other class in the game. but soloing or double boxing? only if your aggro kiting in out door zones at higher levels, or fear kiting in pre level 50 zones. pretty much everything after that is immune to fear. yep, right after you ding level 57 and get your shiny new fear spell, trepedation, just about everything level 60 and up is immune to fear. EQ has always been the masters of delivering something just this side of useless. wait till you get dire charm, and find there is maby one dungon you can use it in, and your pet will outdamage it because you can only charm mobs significantly lower than you will be fighting. that 115 a pop bonie you charmed isnt going to hit anything 10 to 15 levels higher than it.

not dieing is why they are so popular. that and because they CAN solo all the way to the top aggro kiting. past 60, if you dont have a healer AND slow, no class that gets hit can solo anymore.

at lower levels, 50 and below, anything will work. 60 and up, you need slow and heal unless you want to find the 5 or 6 sweet spots to sit for the rest of your characters life in an outdoor zone where adds are controllable and you can aggro kite.

anything will work pre 50. 60 and up though, your probably going to have to decide weather to start raiding for gear that will let you contunue without being one shoted by a common yard trash mob, or you MUST HAVE slow and a good healer. a mob quadding for 500 to 600 a pop at 60 will shred a warrior with the best bazzar gear really quick. faster than you will be able to get a CH off.

after 60, you start another toon, start another game, or start raiding. anything else is just soo painfully slow and tedious that only the most sever casses of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder types can bare to keep playing.
#8 Sep 15 2007 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
And when looking for real advice from people who play EQ ( not WOW ) DO NOT LISTEN TO ANYTHING SHADOWREALM SAYS. He is a known idiot who needs to go back to the WOW boards and leave the real EQ players alone.

The other advice was good...welcome back and good luck
#9 Sep 15 2007 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Thanks for all the advice all, you have been real helpfull. Now lol I do have another question if you all would care to enlighten me a little. I have narrowed it down to zerker (played them before and love them) and eighter a druid/BL/ or cleric. BL because of there added dps and there abliity to slow, but can (when slow sticks) they keep someone alive with there little heals and pots? We both are old world players, I started EQ before kunark came out and took a long long break and came back for a little while (lol this is my 3rd time playing) my friend started after kunark and left after PoP like so many others, so our focus will be on the old world mobs for a while. Keeping that in mind and there low hp and dps can a BL be counted on to keep the zerker alive? Can a druid keep the zerker alive at the high end game without slow? And if we roll cleric is there enough dps to take the mob down without draining a ton of mana so we can chain pull?
#10 Sep 15 2007 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
I have a cleric and a wiz playing at 58 and 60, and we can fight mobs without slow ( with the cleric tanking) I have never played a druid, but from what Elinda has said, I would think that you could keep the Zerker alive without too much trouble.

And with old world mobs, it would be even easier.

The BL would be a little harder, but they do get a slow ( albeit a weaker one than Shamans) and I think that would mitigate the damage some. Plus, the pet could tank and the pet heals a BL has are much better than their regular heals

But as most will tell you, go with what you think you might have fun playing. I have seen almost every type of combination work, so just go for it.

And again, welcome back.

Edited, Sep 16th 2007 12:58am by yenwangweh
#11 Sep 16 2007 at 7:09 AM Rating: Default
Can a druid keep the zerker alive at the high end game without slow? And if we roll cleric is there enough dps to take the mob down without draining a ton of mana so we can chain pull?

below 50, yes.

60 and up, not without raid gear. like the poster above said, a cleric for a tank would be better than a bezerker tank. then you have to watch aggro. your bezaeker to seriously outdamage the cleric.

i dont think you fully understand the problem. a raid gear BL, rogue, any melee class has around 20k hitpoints, and all the right AA points on top of that. thats not exagerating. an average bazzar gear melee class has around 4k to 5k hitpoints, really poor AC compared to raid gear, and probably only a hand full of aa points.

your average level 60 mob has almost as many hitpoints as Vox or Naggy. quads for 500 to 600 a pop. thats around 2000 to 2400 damage per round of melee. every 3 seconds. without some serious damage mitigation via massive AC and or massive AGI, the only thing you will be chaining is the heal button on your healer for some massive aggro.

the problem comes in because SOE ASSUMES an average player level 60 will have a certain level of gear. so they build the encounters to challenge a person with this assumes level of gear. the assumption being you will have ATLEAST the best non raid POP gear, and mabe even some time gear.

and for the most part, they are corect. a raid toon CAN solo just about any non boss level 60 mob without much of a problem reguardless of class. and the majority of players still plaing EQ ....riad. so its not an issue.

an example.

my necro with some really good bazzar gear has almost 4000 hitpoints unbuffed. my bros mage, with raid gear, has over 10k hitpoints unbuffed. over 15k buffed. my level 65 COB pet hits for around 76 damage with a 12 point damage sheild. his level 60 epic air pet quads for over 80 points of damage with a dd prok and has significantly more hitpoints.

there is a HUGE differance between bazzar gear and raid gear which is mostly no drop. and the mobs are geared for people with raid gear because EQ is primarlly a raid game now.

a level 60 mob will shred your bezerker like it was a grey mob too you. there wont be any chain pulling even with a healer without slow.

no slow, no soloing past 60 unless you play a class that doesnt get hit ie aggro kiting.

anything will work before that. SOE just assumes everyone will have POP gear atleast by this point. coarse, they also assume people still group. their assumptions are why EQ has over 300 totaly empty zones.

you need a slower if you plan on soloing/double boxing past 50. or you need to plan on aggro kiting.

Edited, Sep 16th 2007 11:09am by shadowrelm
#12 Sep 16 2007 at 10:00 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
shadowrelm wrote:
my main was a necro.

the only thing a necro is good for is aggro kiting in out door zones.
Wow. You must have sucked at playing a necro if that's your opinion Smiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#13 Sep 16 2007 at 1:21 PM Rating: Default
902 posts
Joph +1 Smiley: sly
#14 Sep 16 2007 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Husband and I have leveled up a BL and a Druid. Anything old world was pretty much a piece of cake.

We still are fairly successful at 71 but can't do much in the way of named mobs +70. Currently we duo pretty easily in RCoD, Steppes, Arc and Relic (just near zoneline though eh).

BL heals may serve you ok, if as you said, you're ok investing lots in hot pots. Their best heals of course are for their pet. If you needed to let pet tank, however, there'd be little for the zerker to do.

If you want a healer to go with a Zerker, I'd go with Shammy or Cleric. I think the slows will serve you better than druid snares and ports. Cleric can provide additional tankage, undead dps and of course awesome heals.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#15 Sep 17 2007 at 5:52 AM Rating: Decent
1,504 posts
My wife and I recently leveled a BL and Shammy to 50 wit no issues at all. I cant comment past that as they joined a 50 Pally and 50 Druid.
"If you ask me, we could do with a little less motivation. The people who are causing all the trouble seem highly motivated to me. Serial killers, stock swindlers, drug dealers, Christian Republicans"

George Carlin.

#16 Sep 17 2007 at 6:06 AM Rating: Decent
647 posts
Since it seems you are starting over completely, what I would suggest is that you roll various 'random' combinations and try them out in the relative saftey of the Mines of Gloomingdeep until you have found some characters that you like to play that work well together, then (this just because I am an old git) delete them all and roll a couple of new toons and start them in their relative home towns instead of in the mines.

This approach could take a while, but you might end up with something you would never have thought of yourself that way, and besides, this isn't a race ;-)
#17 Sep 18 2007 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
Quoted from Saeel. "If you're wanting to duo and don't want to include a shaman in the mix, the only other obvious class to add a lot of power to the duo would be a Necro in my opinion. Gives you your snare and a load of ability to deal with non summoning mobs."

The Shaman is one of, if not the most potent duoer. As Saeel stated, if your going to pass on that class, you might want to go with a Necromancer. Post L60, and post Kunark/Luclin, those mobs can tear ya a new one fast.

You have been out of the game only a year, but your buddy been gone a longtime, lots of changes inc. for him. TSS/PoR/DoDH/TBS are no walk in the park. Even the DoN missions get harder, when the average level is above L62/63.

Paladin/Necro Maybe?
Necro/Necro Maybe?

Will you be grouping at all? Only time will tell that, I guess. Well goodluck on whatever you both decide.
#18 Sep 19 2007 at 8:12 PM Rating: Default
you play a necro post 60, you will be aggro kiting in outdoor zones in a hand full of sweet spots where you can controll adds. you add it to a duo, you will be doing the same, because after 60, necro heals just not cut it.

there wont be any boss mobs or dungons past 50. there will only be aggro kiteing.

i love the necro. in velious, you could play healer and cc and still add damage. even past 60, your darkness line still works which is why you can aggro kite still. fear doesnt work past 60, so its aggro kiting or mabe root cooking really lower level light blue mobs......again.....unleess you have some raid gear that gives you incredable man regen and a friggin huige mana pool. but your not going to do that with bazaar gear.

you have been warned.

1 to 50, especailly in the old world, necros rock. you can make anything work 50 and below.

play what you like. the post 60 game is for multi boxers and raiders because grouping is dead pretty much, even at higher levels. if you understand that, your group could have a blast with anything you want to play if you have no asperations of going past 50.

if you want to go to the top, and sitting in some corner aggro kiting for weeks and months just for the almighty level doesnt appeal to you, better get SLOW and a TANK. some cc ability would be nice too, mabe a sk with FD, but at higher levels, they tend to remember you more and your little sk will probably hve to spend the entire fight laying down so you dont get adds and a wipe.

the game past 60 is designed for toons with 15 to 20k hitpoints, a 10k mana pool, and insane stats and aa abilities. you cant get there with bazaar gear.
#19 Sep 20 2007 at 5:47 AM Rating: Default
902 posts
See Joph's reply above for this,another crappy, fact less post by Shadowrealm.

Edited, Sep 20th 2007 9:47am by yenwangweh
#20 Sep 20 2007 at 10:19 AM Rating: Default
See Joph's reply above for this,another crappy, fact less post by Shadowrealm.

honestly, i dont really care what you think. just trying to save the poor guy from making a mistake that could cost him months of his playtime.

but you can find out for yourself. just do a search for high level necros and look where they are fighting. wont be hard, there are a ton of them. they are about the only class in the game that can still solo well via aggro kiting past 60 without raid gear.

but make no mistake, aggro kiting is just about the only thing a necro is good for other than added DPS in a tank/healer/slower group. and unless its undead, thats all you will get from the necro, and you could fill that spot with any other dps class. a wizard would add more dps, a mage abut even, only more of their damage is from their pet so necros will draw more aggro. their pets tank better too, and they have a much better pet heal too boot.

but check for yourself. do a search and look for yourself. infact, you can do a search on whatever class you are thinking about and see......for yourself.....which classes are in dungons and which are not.

tanks, healers, dungons
casters and pet classes.....not unless they are just added dps then it doesnt matter what class they are.

but play what you like. thats what its all about. if you focus on the top level, the game is EverGrind, not EverQuest.

but if you PLAN on soloing, and double boxing is just another way to solo, why are you tyring to pound a square peg into a round hole by playing a grouping game? i find that courious. more posts in here about how to solo and play by yourself than about grouping.

the good news is, Gods and Heros is going to let you solo a group. bad news is, it wont be any more popular than any of the other grouping games out right now.

Edited, Sep 20th 2007 2:20pm by shadowrelm
#21 Sep 20 2007 at 9:39 PM Rating: Default
902 posts
Seriously, SHadow, go away. You are not telling anybody the truth, and I am really not sure that you ever played a necro, or EQ for that matter.

You are saving no one any trouble...but you might encourage someone not to play for all the wrong reasons...

So shut up, go back to the WOW boards, and stop trolling here, cause no one wants to hear your lies.

Thank you
#22 Sep 21 2007 at 3:41 AM Rating: Decent
1,504 posts
Guys...knock it off....if I want to read bickering I will lurk in the OOT.
"If you ask me, we could do with a little less motivation. The people who are causing all the trouble seem highly motivated to me. Serial killers, stock swindlers, drug dealers, Christian Republicans"

George Carlin.

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