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The Awesome Weekend Update - July 30th, 2007Follow

#1 Jul 30 2007 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
1,906 posts
Morning everyone! I had an awesome time in EQ last week:

Thu: Weekly session with friends, we went to Goru'kar Mesa to fight some centaurs and potameids. After about 15 minutes, we got an invite from our guild leader to come and join in to the Trial of Execution in PoJ. First step to planar progression! :-)) When the trial was done (mostly soloed by our leader), everybody flagged and the free AA in PoK claimed, the group agreed to do some scout fights for my epic 1.0; we killed the alligator and the spider, and I got the first two wrapped totems! :-)))) Other scouts weren't up, so I logged and went to bed. This was one of the most amazing EQ evenings ever!

Fri: Celebrated the 30th birthday of a friend of mine. We're getting old, mine is waiting on the doorstep...

Sat-Sun: Visiting my parents, eating a lot, sailing with my father, eating a lot, visiting my girlfriend's family, eating a lot...

Did you enjoy your weekend as much as I did? :-)

Edited, Jul 30th 2007 7:42am by bbot
#2 Jul 30 2007 at 5:11 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
EQ is not cooperating with me at all. I've done everything I could think of to 'fix' the graphics problems I'm having, short of re-formatting my machine.

Heck maybe it's just the heat... made for little EQing this weekend. Attended an Emoush raid Friday night (we got it down to about a 35min raid), and last night did a bit of xping in Icefall.

No worries bbot, 30 is NOT old.

Yesterday we had some friends over for a bbq; I ate alot too.

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#3 Jul 30 2007 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
231 posts
bbot me and your friend were born on same day but I have seven years on him trust me when you get to 37 you wont think 30 was old at all. Now thinking about 40 comeing up will make you feel old and never want to have another birthday again.

Saturday another queen sendaii raid this time she died and we didnt wipe to adds =) so now ive finished all the blood trials.

Sunday spent day doing DSK mission finaly got deserting the ranks finished now onto DSK part of demi flagging.

Also hit 1500aa on Sunday now well see if I can hit max aa before next exspansion arvies in november.

Edited, Jul 30th 2007 3:30pm by SiddarA

Edited, Jul 30th 2007 3:40pm by SiddarA
#4 Jul 30 2007 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Nice start to the weekend. Grats on the epic totems.

My niece had her baby shower this weekend, and we had alot of people in from out of town, so not alot of EQ.

But, got my rogue from 23 to 24 in about 35 minutes in Sol A. Great exp, but not a great place for a young rogue, cause it is hard to stop runners, and I died once to an amazing train. Smiley: grin

Still alot of fun.

Also, I am on the doorstep to 40 years, and the 30's are really a blast, so enjoy ( when you get there )

Edited, Jul 30th 2007 5:24pm by yenwangweh
#5 Jul 30 2007 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
820 posts
Elinda, are the graphical problems you're describing, a sort of random "speeding up" effect when running? As well as a glitch with the running animation that makes you appear to be just sliding around while standing still?

I've been having this happen when attempting to play. Though I had been hoping it was just happening due to playing on a near nonexistent internet connection.

Speaking of which, I spent all stinkin weekend attempting to play on a very weak wireless signal (ahh, hotel life) only to crash out of the game constantly when zoning. Ordered a nifty looking wi-fi antenna ( )

Hopefully it works as well as advertised, between a broken and now replaced laptop, having my old game card run out and not easily finding a replacement for 2 weeks, and now this, I'm about to go loopy if I don't get to actually play the game soon. o.O
#6 Jul 30 2007 at 5:22 PM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
Friday was the first day off for me in a week and a half. Elne Clare and I went to the movies in the afternoon. I wanted to see Potter, but she wanted to laugh so we saw the Simpsons. Before movie went around the mall and bought anniversary pack for my birthday gift.
Logged in that evening, no raid forming so I checked back out, killed haddon. shrouded down to hunt spiderlings, then logged and started patching Pro Ro and TBS from pack. Watched tv while it was going on. TCM for the win!
Logged on around midnight. Had a few kills in AC with winjon. Logged for good.
Saturday was working on the ship. Logged on in evening again no group so I again went with winjon to ac. Soloed more, and helped a group of guild allies, by using Pacify to single pull mobs for them.

Sunday was my birthday. Went to work doing trolley tours, had a visitor on the second tour who was also celebrating his birthday. Both tours lively and fun. Tips were very good. Wanted to go to the tatoo ceremony at Ft. McHenry, but I have had enough of the rain. Came home and got into nice BOT group with courtin. Earned an AA and one yellow of exp. After dinner logged on ranger to help track quilmane for Fortis. No luck for an hour. Logged out when the very nice GIN and tonic started me nodding off.

Today more shroud work for spiderling silks, have to keep my supply up. Also more solo work with winjon in AC.

#7 Jul 31 2007 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
1,906 posts
Happy birthday, SiddarA and Jonwin! :-)

Another little update: Logged in this morning and got the message that there would be the closing ceremony of the Festival of Might (anyone knows what this was?) in the Arena. A senior guide asked me if I was ready to be summoned to celebrate, and I thought "Well, why not?". Although I hadn't participated in the GM event itself, it was nice to join in to the ceremony - althouth none of the three winners showed up! :-)) We were seven characters in the Arena, the ceremony master handed out Slices of Taelosian Wildberry Pie, and finally the guy who made the third place showed up. Prices were Farwalker's Hoop, Totem of the Lost and Gold Ticket, and the first one got the title "the mighty".

It was fun just watching and having the feeling that SOE (or at least the guides/GM's) are still caring for EQ.
#8 Jul 31 2007 at 5:14 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Double post

Edited, Jul 31st 2007 3:41pm by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#9 Jul 31 2007 at 5:18 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Triple post........

Edited, Jul 31st 2007 3:42pm by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#10 Jul 31 2007 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
bbot wrote:
Happy birthday, SiddarA and Jonwin! :-)

The ceremony of the Festival of Might (anyone knows what this was?) in the Arena.
It went on for the last 3 weeks I believe and was a tiered event of EQ Lore. Contestants were asked to answer EQ trivia questions and eliminated or advanced as the answered correctly or not. I listened in one night...the questions were pretty tough.

HappySmiley: clapBirthday guys!!

(this is my third attempt at trying to post this...awaiting the triple posts to pop up...Smiley: eek)
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#11 Jul 31 2007 at 5:31 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Saeel wrote:
Elinda, are the graphical problems you're describing, a sort of random "speeding up" effect when running? As well as a glitch with the running animation that makes you appear to be just sliding around while standing still?
Yes, for the most part I start out fine, but it doens't take long before my characters legs stop moving while running/walking. Before long though mobs battle graphics are gone, spell effects flash and strobe rather than sparkle and float.

There have been some humorous moments though; The other night in the Ascent, Gnomer was floating up and down the tunnel (had levi on) about 7 or 8 feet in the air, but he was in the sitting down position. So he kind of just was gliding along on his knees. Sunday night, similarly, the charmed orc was battle polar bears while sitting.

Mostly though, it get progressively worse until the games unplayable. A couple times the game as been running so fast that when I camp I get my camp messages like this:

It will take you 30 more seconds to make camp
It will take you 30 more seconds to make camp
It will take you 30 more seconds to make camp
It will take you 30 more seconds to make camp
It will take you 25 more seconds to make camp
It will take you 25 more seconds to make camp
etc, etc

This, to me, says the game is moving 4 times faster than it should be...Smiley: lol.

Anyway, I'm getting more and more convinced that SoE did something, tweaked some code, added a new processor...I dunno, but others seem to be having the problem as well. I had almost identical issues when I first got a dual-processor. I got an optimization patch from AMD and that fixed it. The game ran like gold for quite some time. stinks.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#12 Jul 31 2007 at 7:03 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
That is not good news, cause I did the same dual core fix, and have been fine till recently, but as soon as I start to glide I immediately camp out, and when I log back in I have been fine.

Any hits about this on the official forum or tech forum.

I am sure this is just a new nerf for you treehuggers Smiley: sly
#13 Jul 31 2007 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
199 posts
Spent most of the wekend in Hate trying to help a friend get his Shattered Emerald of Corruption killed minis that drop it all weekend but didnt get one to drop :(
Dyfast Rezneeded - 90 Ranger / 95 Woodworker
Slayan Darkworshiper - 91 Shadowknight / 95 Weaponsmith
#14 Jul 31 2007 at 8:21 AM Rating: Good
615 posts
Thanks Jonwin for spending part of your birthday lending your tracker to my Quillimane hunt.

That was pretty much my weekend - running around the splitpaw area without track or sow attempting to guess pop times and trying to extend my far clip plane as much as possible.
#15 Jul 31 2007 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
A brief comment on the Festival of Might. I logged in one day when there was an announcement about the Festival of Might in the Arena. Curious, I decided to run on over there and check it out. They were coordinating a horse (actually any mounts, but I'll just call them horses) race event. They separated people in several groups (heats) according to what type horse they had, then sent them to an instance of the Arena for their race. Absolutely no movement modifiers allowed, etc. Anyway, since they sent the racers to an instance, I couldn't see much more and decided to head out.

Many people were complaining about one thing or other, such as "I headed over as soon as it was announced." in response to them telling him registration was closed. He had actually headed over after they said "5 minutes to registration closed." He just wouldn't stop complaining about it. Another guy was complaining about something else, too. It's too easy to let the bad apples leave a bad taste in your mouth. Geez, you didn't get to race your horse, live with it. Anyway, I'll stop my rant.

In closing, it looked like it would've been fun and exciting for those who have been around longer than I, and it's great that SOE is still doing stuff for EverQuest.

Edited, Jul 31st 2007 1:33pm by ShaunLankford
#16 Aug 01 2007 at 6:26 PM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
I particpated in two of the events with my ranger. In hindsight it would have been better to have logged on courtin for both.
First was the trivia contest. I did fairly well ended up 3rd of about 9 players. Received 5 FoM points and 5 blue diamonds.
Second contest was Fishing contest. Took range with skill of 99 and lost badly to a player who had a skill of 195. (Included skill ups while fishing.) Courtin would have started with a skill of 192.

For the trivia, the way it was set up you could raise your hand and if your machine was fast enough flip to the map or allak site to try and grab the right answer. That was not forbidden in the rules so I joined in the fun.
I was also told the questions were the same from last year. So those who particpated last year had a slight advantage.

#17 Aug 01 2007 at 10:45 PM Rating: Decent
201 posts
Elinda wrote:

Saeel wrote:
Elinda, are the graphical problems you're describing, a sort of random "speeding up" effect when running? As well as a glitch with the running animation that makes you appear to be just sliding around while standing still?

Yes, for the most part I start out fine, but it doens't take long before my characters legs stop moving while running/walking. Before long though mobs battle graphics are gone, spell effects flash and strobe rather than sparkle and float.

Are you guys running EQ on a dual core machine? Here are answers, scroll down to the Dual Core part. (because the link code wasn't working on preview).

ETA: another thread on the subject in Tech Support.

Edited, Aug 2nd 2007 2:55am by Lognakaiser
#18 Aug 02 2007 at 7:37 PM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Lognakaiser wrote:
Elinda wrote:

Saeel wrote:
Elinda, are the graphical problems you're describing, a sort of random "speeding up" effect when running? As well as a glitch with the running animation that makes you appear to be just sliding around while standing still?

Yes, for the most part I start out fine, but it doens't take long before my characters legs stop moving while running/walking. Before long though mobs battle graphics are gone, spell effects flash and strobe rather than sparkle and float.

Are you guys running EQ on a dual core machine? Here are answers, scroll down to the Dual Core part. (because the link code wasn't working on preview).

ETA: another thread on the subject in Tech Support.

Edited, Aug 2nd 2007 2:55am by Lognakaiser

Saeel, your trick worked..Smiley: grin. But I'll be checking out the links too, should be someway so that you don't need to manually disable that 'affinity' thing eh.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#19 Aug 03 2007 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
820 posts
Yeah, I havent managed to find a way of permanently making the computer stick to a single processor core in the affinity settings. Tried one method that didnt work after an hour of tinkering, gave up after that.
#20 Aug 12 2007 at 5:23 AM Rating: Decent
Are you running dual quad? I was and had to patch EQ because of that same problem.

EQ doesn't like the dual processor system from what I hear.
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