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#1 Jul 24 2007 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
I'm planning on leveling up a Necromancer and a Ranger, both on seperate accounts.

I have access to a 75 Cleric on a third account for PLing. My question is whether or not these two will be a decent pair at later levels. Will they be able to complement each other in a duo situation. I was thinking of kiting with the Necro and just having the Ranger /autoshoot most of the time.

I was also wondering what sort of twinking would be worthwhile on this pair. With the 75 Cleric, what level will gear start making a difference in leveling (like what's the highest PLing will be worthwhile, so I can know what range of gear to get). Also, anyone have any general advice as far as to where to level or what strats to use with this pair?

Also, I was wondering what duo would be the most capable of killing things/ getting exp. I was thinking things that are caster/ranged oriented, since Necro's can solo things above their levels while classes that have to get in range generally get eaten.

Also, just any duo advice in general!

Thanks for any imput =)
#2 Jul 25 2007 at 4:29 AM Rating: Decent
1,252 posts
Necro and Ranger sounds good to me. :)

also a viable option for killing stuff might be, to have the ranger keeping aggro (with flamelick no biggie) and the Necro simply sicks pet and dots the heck out of the mob... could be more efficient than the other way around (of course depending on lvl/gear/AA...)

for duoing per se: hotbuttons help a lot, like one for the Necro:
/Pause 5, /assist ranger
/pause 15, /cast dot1
/pause xx, /cast dot1
/pause 15, /cast dot2
/cast dot2

where xx is a value depending on the recast time.

and another one
/pause 5, /assist ranger
/pet attack

just a few bits, but I still hope it helps :)

P.S. haven't really duoed in a while, but I did it using two puters with two screens. I imagine it's easier than tabbing in and out...
Still a noob. :-P
Characters on Drinal, Povar, EMarr, Firiona Vie.
#3 Jul 25 2007 at 5:33 AM Rating: Decent
318 posts
If your cleric happens to be a tradeskiller, I'd make the ranger and necro the same race as the cleric. Masters level DoN tradeskilled stuff is quite nice.

If that's not an option, I'd keep the pair in quested armor till the late 60's and start farming the TSS molds, most of the mobs are soloable/duoable.
#4 Jul 25 2007 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
I really appreciate the advice =)

I have a game pad with macroing capabilities, so I can put those hotkeys to very good use. (i.e. just hit one button for the whole sequence)

As for the second post, the Clr is a High Elf and I won't be keeping the same race for em, but as for the quested armor, what armor is that exactly? I've been in/out of EQ since 2001, but mostly out, so I'm not really up to date on a good bit of the stuff post-PoP. How do I get that armor and what's required to get em?

Thanks again for the input guys =)
#5 Jul 25 2007 at 12:03 PM Rating: Default
would be a horrible combo IMO.

the ranger will get aggro by outdamaging the necro unless you aggro kite and really stack the dots on. aggro kiting is not very effecient mana wise, and you will have to use the mana to outdamge the ranger and keep pet from getting aggro.

forget about dungons at higher levels. the cleric will be able to keep them alive in low and mid level dungons however.

cleric is good. necro is a waste pretty much unless kiting is all you want to do and dont care to see the inside of a dungon. and if your counting on pet damage, you would be better off with a mage or beastlord. you need a slower. one of them should be either a shamen or beastlord. the third best option would be a tank of some sort. pali, sk, warrior.

you need healing, slowing and a tank for an optimum set up. you can make do with less, but those three things will be mandatory at higher levels, especially if you want to see a dungons. and a necro/ranger combo is about the most useless combo you could create. no tanking. no slowing.

1. cleric since you have one.
2. beastlord or shamen or chanter.
3. some kind of tank.

for double boxing,
1. shamen
2. some kind of tank.

without slow, you will be sucking wind at higher levels. without a tank, you pull more than one, your done unless you have room/time to root and move. and in the 60s, even one mob will shred a ranger if you dont have any raid gear, especially without a slower.

any combo will work fine with the 75 cleric untill you get to the high 50s and beyond. after that, gotta have slow and tank. my main has always been a necro, but i cant fathom how a necro would ever be a viable option for a double box. mabe a triple box of you had a 75 shaman for slows AND heals, and all you needed was added dps and save the last slot for the tank. could use the necro to pull. but even then, a monk would be better.

#6 Jul 25 2007 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
I disagree with the above post. A Ranger and Necro is my main duo pair. For really tough mobs, I simply bring both of my toons to a group. Otherwise, we are owning Jewel of Atiiki, where the exp is pretty good, and the TBS hand augment quests are pretty much cake with this pair. I pull with my ranger using Earthen Shackles (will eventually re-snare using AA ensnare), and pile on the dots with necro, she then FDs. Once aggro is lost by her, she sits down and meds, then re-dots. VERY quick kills. I will admit, I dont stand toe to toe with mobs, but use root and shoot, or just kite. This is by far my favorite pairing. The hot keys mentioned above are a must. Instead of moving from one keyboard to the other on my two comps, I use an USB keypad, to control the other toon. Positioned right next to the one on my keyboard, I never have to even look at the other comp (unless I have to type in dialogue).

I also duo using a shammy/ranger pair as well. Hunting that way allows me to hunt mobs that summon, but the kills dont come as quickly. My ranger is level 75 and the necro is almost 74, whereas the shammy is only level 69, so that has alot to do with it. My cleric is level 70, but I prefer to use the shammy.

Another duo pairing I have used is a pally and druid.

Anyway I would stick with the ranger/necro pair. There are other, equally fun pairs, so you might also want to experiment.

#7 Jul 25 2007 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
In response to Shadowrelm, I guess I should have specified a bit more about what my intentions are and what I already have.

I already have a monk, and my friend (who also has a monk) will be levelling a shaman. The thing is, I'm not looking for a "group" (i.e. heal/slow/tank) type set up. It's always been my perception that in order to actually be taking dmg from the mob (such as having a tank) requires a lot more gear/AA's than it does if you have a way to kite the mob.

It's a friends Cleric, but I've bot'd her in MPG before and seen how well a good tank/healer combo can do, even without a slower (I'm aware that MPG is prolly not really supposed to be hard for that kind of player). But when the tank went afk, a level 70 stepped up to the plate to tank, and I saw a dramatic increase in the need for heals/attention. It went from a single HoT+ maybe a promise to actually casting heals.

Ever since my monk got up to 66 (91 AA's) (95% solo btw, woot 4 monk powa) I realized that taking dmg from the mob is just not going to cut it without a full group arrangement.

So I've pretty much resigned to having the Monk in use only for when I have groups available (or the occasion AA exp) and mainly playing some sort of duo the rest of the time. Having felt that actual tanking wouldn't be wise for a pair of boxed (and not uber gear/AA'd, seeing as I'm just making them) toons, I decided to try and base it off of someone that can solo.

Seeing as Necro's are (for the most part, or so I've been told) the best soloers, I tried to think of something that would best complement a necro. So far I've seen a few options: another necro, a mage, wizard, shaman, ranger.

Having 2 necro's would be boring. My friend is making a shaman (and I can just bot it if he's not on), plus Slowing/healing is only really helpful with a tank. leaving Wizzy, mage, Ranger. As for wizzy/ranger, I prefered the ranger for a few reasons. I don't really like the /cast nuke XX style of the wizzy. I prefer the option to play different styles, which a ranger can do. So it's really between Ranger and Mage. Mages have a lot of neat utility such as Great pet, and summoning toys. Rangers seemed to have a bit more versatility though. Aside from just having the mage pet tank, I can't really see a situation where a mage>ranger would help a necro more, aside from toys that I can already get (my friend w/the cleric has a mage so that I can get toys).

Correct me if I'm wrong, but given the stipulations that I just mentioned, would the ranger not seem to be the best choice? Keep in mind that I don't intend to play the cleric aside from a babysitter/PLer more towards the beginning. Just a simple 2 toon set up.

Also, anyone able to comment on the quest armor that was mentioned? I don't really know what it is.

Thanks again =)

Edited, Jul 25th 2007 5:15pm by Reculpine
#8 Jul 25 2007 at 5:33 PM Rating: Default
taking damage from the mob is no biggie if you have slow. i agree, unless your wearing top end raid gear, its more trouble than its worth to tank anything past 55 or so.

but with slow, all things are possible.

necros solo fine if you stick to outdoor zones and aggro kite. but aggro kiting creates alot of donwtime as opposed to slowing a mob and beating the tar out of it while your healer is sitting on his butt medding.

and if your only concern is kiting in differant places, the necro is fine. but keep in mind, unless you find a undead camp, thats what you will be limited to. aggro kiting. fear doesnt stick on anything past level 50. and alot of level 60 mobs cannot be rooted to cook down.

with slow and a tank, you can hunt anywhere with less downtime.

not saying it cant be done, just saying it is not the most effective combo.

as for best soloer.....not any more. while you can fear kite, nothing beats them, but once the mobs cannot be feared, after level 50, they are not effeciant at all. they have just as much downtime as a mage then, only a mage can again, fight anywhere because of the aggro their pets hold, and their pets are stronger and have significantly more hitpoints.

same with beastlord, and beastlord not only has a better pet, they have SLOW. slow lets them fight anywhere. and they can get in, beat the tar out of it, pull back adn heal, and go in again. at lower levels, my beastlord was fighting 2 and 3 blue mobs at a time, something i could never do with the necro. they are much better soloers at low and high levels. and a slowed summoning mob isnt scarey. try aggro kiting one.

necros are not the best soloers. nor are they a good choice for a double/triple box. they do good damage, but draw alot of aggro and their pets cant tank anything at all if it isnt slowed.

you can make anything work. especially at lower levels and a 75 cleric. but choosing a necro is going to seriously limit where and how you do the grind.

for instance, i took a level 65 cleric and a level 35 sk with bazar gear into sol-a. came out a week later just playing a few hours a night at level 50. i was fighting 3-4 and sometimes 5 mobs all at once. the xp just rocked.

there is no friggin way in hell i could have done that with a necro. it would have died faster than i could heal it. even at lower levels, you are limited to fighting one mob at a time. with slow and a tank, you can fight many at a time at lower levels.

another good example. a 65 druid and any tank. at lower levels, thorn his butt and pull a train. OMG, you cant touch that kind of xp kiting. not even as a wizard quad kiting.

again, you can make anything work. but trying to powerlevel a caster is a lesson in pain. you have to fight mobs one at a time. and you have to kite them. you might as well be soloing and just have a tag along toon to do a little addition damage. but no way in hell are you going to get the type of xp you can with a tank and a slower.

it is not a good combo. not saying you cant make it work, but take your cleric and any tank class with bazaar gear into a dungon and pull a train with no downtime and you will see, casters are not for powerleveling. they are for grinding out mobs ONE at a TIME. and necros in particular are very limited in where and how they can hunt. atleast a wizard can quad kite below 50. stick c3 or c4 on him, and your little necro will be schooled. mages kill much faster too. i know, i used to hunt with my bro, he had a 65 mage and i had a 65 necro. my pet never got hit. ever. his air pet would shred mobs in a hurry. add a chanter or shamy with a speed buff, and OMG, it was a shredding machine AND it could tank. not to mention they get a significantly better heal for their pet than necros do. instant heals, not the pathetic heal over time crap that drains your hitpoints.

necro is not the best soloer by a long shot. and other than a wizard, i couldnt think of a worse class to double box. but try it for yourself. take your cleric and buff up any tank class and go to a dungon where mobs are blue to him and start pulling trains. you wont understand what im talking about untill you do. in the time you pull, kite/kill, and med that little necro, your tank/cleric combo would be non stop shredding mobs 3 to 5 at a time wothout stopping untill you get to higher levels.

i like my necro, it will always be my main. but it never got me invited to groups, was never invited to a AOE group, and was never powerleveld. you COULD buff the pet and put a DS on it, but it kills stuff so pathetically slow, it wouldnt be worth the effort.
#9 Jul 25 2007 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Do you still play anymore? I so disagree with necro's not being good soloers, and while my opinion may not mean anything to you ( I am sure it doesnt)but there are millions of posts saying just the opposite of you...that necro's are the BEST soloers.

By the way, it is also very possible to tank ( i have a warrior ) past 55 without slow, and I get great exp.

I do not know about powerleveling a necro, but you really dont need to because they do kill so faast, especially with the lack of downtime now. Any other necro's out there find this to be true?

I think the Ranger Necro combo would be good, cept I really hate treehuggers. Smiley: dubious

Edited, Jul 25th 2007 11:55pm by yenwangweh

Edited, Jul 25th 2007 11:57pm by yenwangweh
#10 Jul 26 2007 at 1:05 AM Rating: Decent
Necro's can out DPS a full group. 7 guildees were pulling the bears in icefall, the necro outside the group pulling for us and kiting adds. Warrior, cleric, beastlord(me), 2 rangers and a druid. Half the time the necro was KS'sing us without even trying. It was a welcome relief when the druid had to log and we could get the necro in our group :) To hell with the ranger, just solo the necro or use it to level the ranger :)). Most ranger/necro duo'ers I know use the ranger's snare and the necro to kite and have the ranger autofire just like you wanted to. A better duo would be necro/wizard and then at least you have ports.
#11 Jul 26 2007 at 4:25 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
The Honorable yenwangweh wrote:

I think the Ranger Necro combo would be good, cept I really hate treehuggers. Smiley: dubious

Smiley: motz
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#12 Jul 26 2007 at 5:36 AM Rating: Default
Do you still play anymore? I so disagree with necro's not being good soloers, and while my opinion may not mean anything to you ( I am sure it doesnt)but there are millions of posts saying just the opposite of you...that necro's are the BEST soloers

yes, been playing my necro infact for the last couple weeks.

i never said they are not good soloers. please dont put word into my posts that are not there. they are good soloers. i said they are not the best soloer. and i stand by that.

it is a very popular class. and people will vigoriously defend their choices. if they really like class xxxx, then by god, class xxxx is the bomb. hell, a necro has always been my main. and they can solo better than a ranger, warrior, sl, pali, monk, rogue hands down. i agree with that.

but....they do not solo as well as a beastlord, wizard till 50, mage, druid, shaman. c3 and c4 are the great soloer equalizer. a chanter is a pretty good soloer too, and has the ability to controll crowds, slow mobs and speed pets.

as far as double boxing, again, you can make anything work. even a warrior rogue set up without a healer. and as long as you have a suppy of healing potions, there will be very little downtime atlower levels.

i AM saying there are much much better set ups for double boxing or triple boxing. and if you look at the posts defending necros, all of them illude to aggro kiting. and THATS my point. necros are very very limited in how they can solo, especially at higher levels. you dont need a healer to aggro kite. you dont need a second toon for that matter. but if you are going to use the necro as your focus, you are going to be limited to aggro kiting unless you can find an undead camp somewhere.

and you know what you are going to do in that undead camp? slow mobs and pet tank. something shamen, chanters, and beastlords can do with ANY MOB, ANYWHERE, other than boss mobs, ANYTIME. box a mage and a healer. would be more effective. not because mobs die faster, but because you are not limited to one type of fighting.

let me tell you something about aggro or fear kiting. you need a place you can run around without aggroing adds. SOE went to great efforts to make sure there are not very many places to do that. it can be done, but there really isnt alot of places you can do it. and once you find that sweet spot, that sweet spot is where you will be sitting till the mobs dont give xp anymore. yawn.

with slow, you can fight ANYWHERE. and thats my point.

as far as powerleveling, you cant powerlevel a caster. well, mabe at low levels, buf them up, thorn them, then chain heal them. but eventually, thorns will not be that effetive, especially when mobs start having 3000 hitpoints abd higher. then its massive downb time because you have to use your mana to kill. and there is no class that has a complete heal for mana. hit points are easily replaced however. massive down time. not to mention, you get to mid 30s, and have more than one mob hitting your little less than 1k hit point caster with no ac, your ch will be a waste of mana and probably take longer to cast than it will take those adds to kill your caster.

you want to powerlevel, you need ac and hitpoints out front. slow and heal in the back. then you can take 2,3,4,5 mobs at a time till you leave antonica atleast, then 2 to 3 at a time WITH NO DOWNTIME. its an xp generating machine.

the only way to get that type of xp with a caster is an AE group. and SOE again went to great efforts to make sure that doesnt happen by limiting the number of mobs you can aggro to 5. again, it can be done, but.....NOT BY A NECRO. their AE undead spell is a joke, and they dont have an AE to everything like druid, chanter, mage, wizard have.

they can not be powerleveled. they are not the best soloers.

again, you can mke it work, but you would be much much better off with a tank/heal/slow combo. and again, you will not understand untill you try it. roll a tank class, and drag him to the orc camp in the commons. 4 to 5 at a time with no downtime. your only limitation is finding enough mobs to feed to your machine. and with slow, again, you can fight ANYWHERE. not just that hand full of sweet spots you can find favorable pathing to kite.

yes they can solo well. no they are not the best soloers. yes you can make a due boxing a necro. no they will not be very effective and infact, very limited in where and how they fight. certianly not the best options for multi boxing.
#13 Jul 26 2007 at 5:58 AM Rating: Decent
Not going to flame you Shadow. It would be silly since your experiences are different than mine. I will simply say I disaggree and leave it at that. At least you have played a necro and are speaking from experience unlike others who would just go by what they were mistakenly told. I will agree whole heartedly with you, that you can make any pair work. Just takes some ingenuity, and persistence.

#14 Jul 26 2007 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the advice guys =)

I'm definately reconsidering using the necro in a duo situation since they can solo well.

One thing, Shadow, concerning casters. i'm not worried about the PL abilities. Although it's true that a melee can be Pl'd much easier, I know that it'll be easy enough to PL as high as I want. So take that part out of consideration. As far as duoing is concerned, I'm only wanting to know about which pair will be able to get the best exp and kill hard named mobs the best.

Now, concerning the make-up. it seems that for duoing, everyone has suggested Slow and tougher pets or a tank are necessary.

Comparing as far as that situation is concerned, what would be a very good set up? I have a Monk, as stated before, would it be best just to PL a shaman up to 60 or so then just duo with my monk? What sorts of mobs would they be able to kill once they're on even footing? I'm assuming that set up would be better than a cleric/monk.

What about the beastlord set up? Who would duo best with a beastlord. Or a mage? Would a Bst/Mag duo be good? Shm/Mag?

I saw Enchanters mentioned. But I hear horror story upon horror story from enchanters about dying a lot. And that they're one of the most complex to play.

with Slow being necessary, it would seem that (excluding Enchanters) I'd have to include at least a Shaman or Beastlord into any set-up I'd be considering. If I use a beastlord, I'd guess DPS would be the counterpart, b/c otherwise, some abilities of the Bst would be lost with a shaman due to redundancy. And with a shaman, it seems that you can have pretty much anyone else as long as there's something there that does dps and can tank.

So I guess considering the options, which would be better? Beastlord or Shaman, and with either choice, what would be the best kind of class to pair it with? A pet class of some sort, a dps, etc.?

Thanks again in advance for the advice =)

Edited, Jul 26th 2007 12:13pm by Reculpine
#15 Jul 26 2007 at 8:38 AM Rating: Decent
Okay guys, I've been thinkin about it and come to one final decision.

I'm going with a Shaman, all I need to decide still is whether or not to put him with a monk or mage. Hopefully this will allow people to make more precise evaluations. Remember, don't even worry about the pre-60 situation. Only take into consideration 60+.

The mage/shammy set-up seems a bit more unstable, seeing as their both squishy. And aggro will be tougher to watch. pulling seems like it'd be a ton easier with the monk. The thing is, I've only ever seen a 75 mage in a group, heard their pets can have 19k hp and seen 10k nukes. I've never seen a 75 monk in a group. I don't know how much dmg they can take or their real dps. Also, mages can help heal their pets a bit, right?

Also,would it be a lot more trouble to level a mage than a monk? Considering that I've heard spells can be a lil' b*tch to get. I'll already be dealing with getting the shaman his spells. The monk wouldn't really need any spells, right? Aside from a few discs.

What sort of advantages does one set-up have over the other? Who will have more downtime? Be able to take tougher mobs? Will the monk require more AA's/Gear than the mage until he's able to tank comparably with the pet? Who'll be able to get better xp/hr? Anything at all about this that you'd like to share with me?

Thanks in advance guys =)
#16 Jul 26 2007 at 9:15 AM Rating: Default
again, the only way you will even get to, much less kill hard or named mobs is,

1. when you are a high enough level they are light blue or green to you, or...
2. you have some way to slow them.

and most named mobs summon. cant kite a summoning mob past 50. i have fear kited a few though. kind of excieting wondering if fear is gona break and if you will survive to cast it again. but mobs past level 50 can not be feared.

there are no dungons outside of antonica that have 100 percent undead in them. so a necro getting down to a named in a dungon is an adventure in itself. alot of root cooking. and after level 60, some mobs can be snared with darkness still, but very few can be rooted.

if you want to work to a named or want to be able to fight a mob that is still dark blue, you will either have to kite it as a necro, or slow and tank it.

a good example. i dont have any raid gear, so my 65 necro self buffed has about 3000 hitpoints and a 500 hp damage shield, with around 4000 to 4500 mana. in the stepps, a blue elemental i was aggro kiting quads for 400 to 500. thats anywhere from 1000 if he misses to 2000 damage in one round of melee. that gives you 3 seconds after the first round of melee till you see "loading, please wait" on your way back to your bind spot.

with horror, pyro, splurt and darkness and my pet of coarse, it was taking about 5 rounds of darkness to finnish a mob. thats about 5 minutes of kiting. when darkness broke early, i died. if i got an add, i died unless i could get fd off without an interuption AND is was sucessfull.

if i was sucessfull, i would end up with less than 1/5 mana using arch lich, and had to spend another 3 minutes or so medding back to full. thats about 8 to 10 minutes per monster not counting manuvering them for the pull to avoid the adds. thats about 5 monsters an hour, not counting a death. almoist a full blue bubble an hour. painfully slow.

if i died, it would take, even after a rez in the guild lobby, and the run back, a good 3 or 4 mobs to get back the lost xp. basically, if i died, the hour was wasted. and i died. usually about every 6th or 7th pull darkness would break and the first round of melee would have me spinning stunned, the second would finnish me.

you would do better soling light blue to green mobs. the xp is much slower, but atleast you didnt spend your hour or two of playtime going backwards. some nights you win, some you loose.

a shamen doesnt need to worry about snare breaking. and a slowed mob with his additional ac and hit points will let him stand up to alot more beating. slow the mob, dot it, beat the tar out of it. back off and let dog get aggro, heal yourself, go in again. summoning mobs, no problem. boss mobs, no problem. working your way down to a dungon, time consuming but no problem.

and thats solo.

add a tank with some real hp and ac, a cleric with CH, and adds wont be a problem either. let the shaman debuff, slow, then buff and speed the tank, and i guarentee you, not only will you have less deaths, you will be able to kill higher level monsters.

same with beastlord. their slow is only 50 percent till really high levels, but their pet is significantly more powerfull then a necro pet and has a ton of hitpoints. not to mention they have good healing ability both for themselves and theri pets.

do a cleric, beastlord and a tank and you would have a serious shredding machine that can fight anywhere.

bottom line, if you want higher level mobs and dungons, you need slow and a tank. you can make other combos work, but the better your tank, and the weaker the mob is made will = more killing and less dying and killing tougher mobs.

you could work a necro in as DPS if you had a high level shaman to both heal and slow and a tank on a triple box. necros do good dps. but they cant take a beating unless you have some really nice gear. and good DPS means mobs beating on you. thats why they kite. but you would need to triple box, and your third spot would have to be a healer/slower as opposed to one or the other. and you would need a tank that can hold aggro.

the best double box combo would be a shaman/warrior-pali-sk.
the best triple box would be a shaman/warrior-sk-pali/DPS

you already have a nice cleric. working in the cleric is not a bad thing, but it does mean you will hae to sacrifice some DPS for the all important slow. slow is not an option at higher levels, it is as important as healing.

so, cleric/slower/tank

you could sacrifice some slowing ability for additional DPS with the beastlord. their pet is really just awsome. especially at lower levels. almost overpowered.

you could also ballance out the missing DPS with speed for the tank with a chanter or shaman who can also deliver some dps as well as tip the scales with buffing the tank and slowing the mob.

1. cleric/beastlord/warrior-sk-pali
2. cleric/shaman-chanter/warrior-sk-pali

1 would give you more DPS, 2 would give you better high level mob ability. when you get to bosses quading for 1000k a pop, your gona want them slowed or no amount of healing is going to help you.
#17 Jul 26 2007 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
I guess we need to decide what best is. I have a 63 beast and a 66 necro, and my necro is way easier for me to solo.

The problem with the beast ( and mage, although I have only played one to 50 ) is that adds will wreck you. At least the necro can slow adds down and use the darkness and fear line to get themselves out of trouble. Obviously FD helps too.

I did not find that mobs over 50 cannot be feared.

In a dungeon, I have to agree that necro's are not quite as good soloing, but beasts( from my experience ) fair about as well. And my little experience with mages led me to die alot in dungeons.

Then there is the question of knowing how to play classes. Maybe I just suck at Beasts. I have found that my cleric ( only 57 granted ) is the one class that I have the easiest time soloing with, even against non-undead. The pacify, and heals make it real easy to solo pull and heal.

Now, to the question the OP put forward. I agree with shadow, that if you box, you cannot go wrong with a shaman. The slows, buffs, and dots make them a great addition to any tank. I think that the three box needs the cleric ( yes it cuts dps, unless tooling around the undead ) because they make it so easy to solo pull in dungeons.

The more I thought about it, the more I would have a hard time boxing with a necro, cause I know when I solo I am always doing something. I would think that would make it hard to box with a bard also ( course, i guess you can Macro them)

And as Shadow said, you can probably make any combo work, there are some that will be easier than others. I have known friends that box a chanter and a wiz, and got them to 75 and would wreck named mobs. Whatever. Where the heck is Sakreats, he boxes more than any other poster I know

I respect your experience Shadow, and when you post on things like this I usually learn a few things, I just disagree about necro's. But then that is the fun of this game, playing it the way we like and making it work for ourselves.

p.s. Elinda, i love your treehugger, and I am glad you are not on zek cause I am sure she would wreck me Smiley: sly
#18 Jul 27 2007 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
You can't go wrong with Monk/Shaman. Great combo!
#19 Jul 27 2007 at 8:06 AM Rating: Default
The problem with the beast ( and mage, although I have only played one to 50 ) is that adds will wreck you. At least the necro can slow adds down and use the darkness and fear line to get themselves out of trouble. Obviously FD helps too.

aye, FD is a get out of death free card. one of the reasons necros are soo popular. monks too for that matter.

with a beastlord, you have to know when to run. sic your pet on the add, slow the add, then try healing the pet. if you cant keep up, run while pet still has aggro. with 4 to run speed, you shouldnt have a problem getting away unless pet died adn mob is a summoner. then its over. no get out of death free for you.

but an add even with a necro at those levels is a FD and start over situation. the only differance is you dont have to run for the zone. so, no better or no worse there. the big differance is how you fight. not having to kite lets you fight anywhere.

this is why necro has always been my main. working your way to a camp takes time itself. having to do that all over again when something stupid happens like an early break on darkness or an add is time consuming and fustraiting. jitting FD and relogging wipes any aggro and leaves you right where you want to be. savea a bunch of time.

that said, with slow, it doesnt realy matter, because you can fight anywhere.

i never played a beastlord 50 or higher. i would assume like all melee classes they are very dependant on equipment, another reason i liked the necro. if your not getting hit, you dont need raid gear.

all i can say is atlower levels, with the pet procs and pet and self heal and slow, adds were just more xp level 40 and below. sick pet on add, when he gets aggro, put pet back on origonal mob and slow the add. run in and take the beating while your pet is attacking adding some melee damage to the origonal target, then back off, heal yourself, then run in again to take the damage. makes your pet last longer. when your pet gets low on hp, run in again to take the damage, and heal pet. back off, heal yourself, rise and repeat.

might be a totally differant story in the 60,s where mobs are hitting for 400 a pop and up, some quadding for that much and more. not going to last long intercepting damage even from one mob, much less two. i dont know, never played a beastlord to those levels. at that point, like all classes, it is about equipment not the classes. i know a rogue friend with 15k hitpoints, im sure you could get a beastlord to the same point.

without equipment, no class really solos well from the mid 60s and up. you can still aggro kite with a necro, but like i said, those spots are few and far inbetween, and with mobs those levels, its a flip of the coin weather you get Fd off and it sticks or weather you get stunned and die with the second round of melee. and an add, if you dont see it BEFORE it hits you is instant death.

the shaman with 70 percent slow is the best bet. i dont know when beastlord gets the 70 percent slow. but at that point, i think the beast lord with additional damage would be a better bet since you already have heals covered.

if you are going to double/triple box, three things will get you farther than any thing else. heal/slow/tank. how you get it isnt important as long as you have it. any other combo is going to be less effective and more restrictive. but you can make anything work. it is more important to LIKE your toons than have the most effective combo. having fun trumps uber gear every time.

so play what you like. cause of you dont like it, you probably wont be playing it long. and you can find a way to make anything work. just undestand the trade offs of your choices.
#20 Jul 27 2007 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Great post. The beast after 55 is tough, as you said, cause even with the slow ( underpowered compared to Shammie) mobs do work you.

But as you say, play it your way...otherwise you gonna leave the game.

Happy Hunting.

Edited, Jul 27th 2007 2:49pm by yenwangweh
#21 Jul 27 2007 at 11:40 PM Rating: Good
The peak to a beastlords power is in the low 60's when they can still tank, and the pet is a decent offtank. After that, the pet gets weaker and weaker compared to mobs of similar levels. Also, slow becomes less of a factor at about 66 when you start running into mobs that mitigate slow. At 70, the 65% beastlord slow is mitigated down to about 28%. It kinda sucks, especially when the mobs hit harder and the beasts AC really starts to show it's shortcomings. Beastlords excel at killing mass amounts of low level mobs for experience at about the same rate as the necro solo'ing reds and yellows.

Necros come into thier power at about 70. They become the best, fastest killing machines on Norrath against non-summoning mobs. Against summoning mobs, it get's riskier, but still doable. Shadowrelm doesn't know the potential of his necro yet, or he just wants to avoid nerfing the necro class :))

Mages also do well solo'ing low level mobs. They have the best pets of the three primary pet classes, but they share the necro's fragility without FD. Mage would be a good duo with necros because most of the int casters can't take hits, so they kite. It's a worthwhile strategy, you just have to pick the places you want to kite.

Druids do well in duos with beastlords because thier buffs and abilities match up so well together. Druid attack debuffs plus beastlord's slow makes beastlords better tanks, mana and hitpoint buffs stack, debuffs stack and Druids have enough healing to make it worthwhile, plus they can do decent damage.

The choice is up to you, just make sure you enjoy duo'ing with whatever combo you decide.

Edited, Jul 28th 2007 3:42am by Wiestrum
#22 Jul 28 2007 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
I play a Beast/Cleric combo or a Beast/Cleric/Mage trio and I have had no problems killing most mobs I run into other than in the really high end zones. I eat up Katta missions and DoN missions with them.

The Beast is my main (13khp 2.3k ac unbuffed) and the cleric and mage are just quested geared up (TSS mostly and some TBS drops). I got the slows and snares with the beast. Heals from the cleric and nice HP buffs. With beast buffs and cleric buffs I get to about 17khp. The mage is nice dps and a good offtank if a roamer comes in.

To pull singles I use either Cleric paci or snare/CoTH pulls. I just finished a Origins of the Curse in 40min just using the CoTH pulling (some really nice trains before the CoTH landed :) ).

Soloing at high levels I agree the beast is not great, you can do it under the right conditions but not viable for good XP.

Edited, Jul 28th 2007 5:22pm by Gohmur
#23 Jul 28 2007 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Nice post, thanks for the info.
#24 Jul 29 2007 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
I have a great deal of fun with my ranger/necro team. As far as solo-ing goes, I can kite just about anything, and if there isn't room to kite, like a dungeon, I can root rot the hell outta stuff. I can kill quick as hell too. When I group with guildies, they like for me to kite around them while they pull and kill in the traditional methods. In that setup, we keep rather even as far as who kills first, and we rake in the xp.

As far as boxing goes, I just set my ranger up in a corner, and kite around in front of him. He fires his bow, dots, and nukes, while with the necro I pile on the dots. If I'm lazy, I just turn on the autofire, and kite with the nec. Between the 2 of them, I've gotten around 500 AA and a bunch of levels. Yeah, summoners can be a pain, and I generally stay away from them, but there is plenty of non-summoners out there that drop some really great gear, to the point where I've gotten a lot of people in my guild and even strangers some really nice upgrades. My only complaint about playing a necro is that there are raid leaders who still ask me to twitch, and I'm not even gonna get into that cause this is about class duos. Ranger buffs, especially the strength and attack buffs, do wonders for pet DPS, along with heals and regen. /shrug Mostly up to how you wanna play I guess. I know there are more powerful pair possibilities out there, but I wouldn't trade in the setup I'm currently running.

Edited, Jul 29th 2007 3:59pm by winchester
#25 Jul 30 2007 at 10:16 PM Rating: Good
I was thinking about how much lobby rezzes have changed the game recently.

Once upon a time a necro/ranger combo would have been considered plain stupid, but I can see, with virtually no down time for CRs anymore, maxing DPS and pulling ability makes some sense. Smiley: dubious

I wouldn't say that I like it, but I can understand it.

P.S. But you are only using 50% of the ranger's DPS by using archery.
#26 Aug 01 2007 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
Oh yeah, that's just when I'm lazy. If I need to burn something, I start nuking and DoTing, as well as popping discs and AA abilities. If the area is big enough that I can run my necro a good distance from the mob, I'll even take control and melee with him. It's why I like the combo, I can be lazy or really kick some ***.
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