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Can I really be this stupid?Follow

#1 Jul 23 2007 at 7:58 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Ok, I have done some really dumb things in the game, but I really screwed up this weekend.

Was getting the baby cleric temp, and it had been 2 years since I had done the quest, but I figured it would come back.

Got the quest fine, even got lucky in Dulaks as on the 6 crewmember the emblem dropped, so I am thinking sweet... here we go.

Go back to the beach, find the right skele, and start killing ( anyone see the problem yet Smiley: sly )

So one kill and the spirit spawns ( no way I am that lucky ) and I hand it the DEEPWATER emblem, and it says, "I cannot use that Arkadii" and I think damn what is that...

Here is where it goes terribly wrong. SO I think, wait, maybe I need to kill this spirit to get the right one to I do...Smiley: banghead

Now short of epic mobs maybe, where at this level especially, do you kill a mob to spawn a mob to kill to get the right mob...NONE.

I needed to go back to Milius ( sp?) to get the other emblem to hand to the spirit.

To make a long story short, it took a full 8 hours to get the spirit to spawn again. Smiley: motz I cannot believe that I was that stupid as to kill the spirit, and I felt that the 8 hours was the correct punishment. ( the only good thing was that I got a 2 levels while waiting for the spirit to spawn)

I was hoping that the rest of you might make me feel better by sharing some of the dumb things you have done in game.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2007 11:59pm by yenwangweh
#2 Jul 24 2007 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
It might of been the wrong spirit, theres one for pally spell and cleric spell
#3 Jul 24 2007 at 4:35 AM Rating: Decent
This thread would be to long and my day is to short to list all the stupid things I have done. I can give you a lil taste though, many years ago I was going to show some bard friends and a couple of other guildys of mine a killer xp zone in frontier mountains, the mines of nurga. Back in the day that was a sweet spot to grind. Well we zoned into OT and I told them to auto follow. One of them hit selos and I took off running towards Frontier Mountains. Well my thirst was getting the better of me, so I hit num lock and proceeded to the fridge to get a cold beer. Heck my buds wouldn't even know I was gone.
Well I ran back to my seat to notice there was no running going on and my group window was full of nice tells of why did you do that, Tau your an idiot, ect, ect, all in a joking matter cause they new me all to well. I finally got a chance to look at my screen and noticed all 5 of us dead. I was really confused, I had run this zone many times with no problems, why today. I hit backspace and SHA ZAM, I figured out the problem. I had set auto piolet straight towards Frontier mountains perfectly, what I didn't take into consideration on my short afk was the huge damn hole in the center of OT and ,,, yep, I ran the whole group to a 20k drop. About 3 beers later we did manage to retrieve our corpses and hit the mines for a couple hours.
So I learned my lesson right??? HA I am not so easily tought. The next week, some of the same friends where grinding in the mines and asked me if I wanted to join, I said sure, send me an invite. I started the run, zoned into OT pointed myself to Frontier Mountains, hit num lock and ran to the fridge to grab a couple of beers. On my return to the computer, I looked and just shook my head. I need not go any farther I am sure you can figure the rest out but can for close to 4 years I have not been able to forget about that, some people still remind me!
#4 Jul 24 2007 at 4:54 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
I've done too many dumb things..Smiley: cool

The wrong turn-in's to the wrong NPC's at the wrong time, giving pets stuff, targetting the wrong mob, snaring myself while hostile mobs are breathing down my neck, etc, etc.

My biggest mistakes, though, and ones I'll like make again; trusting peeps that didn't deserve it (yeah, sorry, downer kinda stuff Smiley: tongue).

example: my first toon was an Ikky Warrior, when she was level 9, some guy offered me 40pp to help him out with something (40pp at that time was substantial cash). He ported me and bound me in Surefall Glades at the druid spot. Of course I was slain instantly by the druids. After the third death I realized I was stuck in a death loop. I contacted a GM who moved my re-spawn point. Out of embarrassment and disgust, though, I deleted that toon, and then made my Ranger Elinda (so, a happy endingSmiley: smile).

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#5 Jul 24 2007 at 6:32 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts

It was the right spirit,just the wrong emblem, dammit. Smiley: grin
#6 Jul 24 2007 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
LOL. I use TAB to switch from my target to myself, so I can heal myself. A few years ago, I had a bad habit of forgetting to hit TAB again, to retarget the mob, and would then cast root, with the expected results of rooting myself. A few deaths due to this, has trained me to make sure I hit that darn TAB key again to retarget the mob.

Last week I really screwed up. I was on a raid, and was using assist just like I should. I saw a group member getting low on health, and saw that our healer had cast a CHeal on someone else. I figured I would cast my little ranger heal on my group member to tide him over till he can get a real one. While I was healing him, the mob we were killing was killed by the raid. My auto-fire was still on. Our next target was the boss mob. While the raid was medding, rezzing, and so on, I decided to pre-target. I targeted the mob, and loosed that arrow. An hour later, I am still apologizing for wiping the entire raid. Assist is your friend.

Harrington Ranger 75th Level Raid Killer.
#7 Jul 24 2007 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
and it seems i was stupid enough not to read the whole thing :)
#8 Jul 24 2007 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
329 posts
Years ago...

1. As a newb paladin, fell down the well of Befallen. Died horribly.
2. Later...same character fell down the well in Icewell Keep. Died horribly.
3. Druid alt tried attacking crocs in Oasis with fishing pole. Survived that one.
More recently...
4. With Necromancer encountered Blackfall Borer...said to self, "It cons blue, I can take it out." Died horribly.
5. With same Necromancer, fell into water in...Barindu I think...couldn't get out. Ukuns saw through invis. Managed to FD. Still couldn't get out of water. Finally had to Levant out and upon zoning back in met a Kyv that was waiting for me. Managed to FD in time.
6. Necro wandering through Western Wastes...saw Dragon...Dragon was pathing away from another one. I attacked. Dragon summoned. Nearby Dragon noticed and attacked. Pet died quickly...Necro died horribly soon after.

Edited, Jul 24th 2007 12:34pm by Marres
#9 Jul 24 2007 at 9:02 AM Rating: Good
703 posts
One of my silly mistakes is also one my most cherished memories. Back when I first started playing in 2001, my first character was a human paladin. After doing some research on the interwebs, I decided to make a halfling druid. Once I was high enough for camo, I made the run from Rivervale to Qeynos. I hunted there awhile and made some friends.

Then what I had waited for finally happened! I hit level 14, SoW at last!!! I ran into Surefall Glade, bought the spell, memmed it and TADA! I can run really fast now! How cool!

Being that I had received many drive-by SoWs in the past, I couldn't wait to find someone to SoW. I ran out of Surefall Glade and standing right there was a level 2. I thought how delighted he would be to get a SoW! I targetted him, cast ..... and BAMMM! The guards killed me!

Did you ever notice on the old UI how SoW and Snare had the same gem icons? And guards don't take kindly to snaring other folks.
#10 Jul 24 2007 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
hahahah...great stuff. Mandie, that story is awesome...

I too have rooted myself on too many occasions...

The falling in OT on autorun, that is priceless...

I have fallen in the well in Befallen also, but was there the other day and fell in the hole by the first SK you need to kill, which put me in the basement and no key...sweet, me and my damn memory Smiley: dubious ( or lack of same)

The firing the arrow on the raid, wow, that would be easy to do, and yet I am sure that that was fun to try to explain

and Wuvarien, that is soemthing I do all too often Smiley: sly

Thanks all, at least I am not alone. Smiley: wink

Edited, Jul 24th 2007 3:51pm by yenwangweh
#11 Jul 24 2007 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
ok, i think i beat you all, since i got my entire group killed lol. It was a late night and i had no coffee. I was pulling in a creator DoN mission and we had just cleared the first part of the hallway, as i ran in i told my group to go left. I suddenly saw their health bars drop within seconds, i looked around, and too my horror i realised my mistake, it was the right side that was clear, with the left side still full of mobs and i had sent them in the wrong direction. The group found it funny though.

Edited, Jul 24th 2007 4:20pm by wuvarien
#12 Jul 24 2007 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
Reading some of the responses after mine has made me have some flashbacks. Falling down the well in Befallen....been there, done that, and have gotten stuck down there for quite a while. The one that really embarrases me is falling in the blood pool just inside the entrance to the castle in Crushbone. Or falling in the water there, and getting killed trying to get the heck out. Unrest also has a blood pool that I have gotten stuck in.

And yes the spell gem for SoW did used to look amazingly like the one for snare. I did that little boo boo outside the Qeynos entrance.

Then there is the imfamous trying to talk to a NPC, and hitting the default attack key.

I once tried to train a monk that had ninja'd my kill in FM. Killed everyone there, but him.

I am sure as this thread continues, I will remember things that I have mentally blocked.

Harrington, 75th level Ranger Cannon Fodder
#13 Jul 24 2007 at 6:28 PM Rating: Default
my very 1st character was a rogue. i had no friends who played this game. so knew nothing about it. an i dont even recall how i got into it. only thing i had to compare it to was old school D&D on paper rolling dice. so im pretty sure it was either freeport, or qeynos i started in. im all cool, lookie me im a rogue. check the ole inventory i got a dagger.... daggers suck. thats like 1d4 in D&D land. so i walk out of a building an see a guard brandishing a sword. im like cool, thats 1d6-ish. just as i notice my backstab hotkey. or maybe i just thought i'd hit em from behind. so i sneak ( hide in shadows) get right up behind em an wham... loading please wait.... this concluded my attempts at melees for years. my next character wouldnt be a push over. so i made the biggest mother F-er i could... that could heal. so then im happy as a clam leveling my ogre shaman all the way to level 17 in the feerot. i had figured out how to murder different lizzy camps. an get my own single-able lizard to murder by rooting him, an training his buds to the gaurds. an then going back an kicking his singled but.i recall a few death runs from some evil skellie that would only sometimes find me, or those dam alligators. or how about the gaurds walking the riverline that would come an kill steal me.
an then 1 day i got a lesson on the server i decided to pick.... Rallos zek. i just liked the name, an the fact it was different from the other 1s. with the whole pvp. lol..... it was a sad day. i had pimped myself out with all kinds of leather, an FINE steal weapons. when this miniture ogre flew past me on a lil pony. i was cracking up. he looked ridiculous... then came kill #1. lil phucker stole my tunic.... i was sooooo pissed. i go an loot up, an get over it pretty easily. then bam... thats a weird spell... i dont recall the lizards shamans casting that. why is my movement slowed? then whack, whack, whack.... im dead again #2.... i dont recall what he took each time. but he even got my friggin finesteel mace.... so then im back down to basically spells. an not even all of them, cause the bastards in oggok dont sell em all. i had poked my head into rathe mountains. an the run to a mob was so bad i didnt explore there. an then 1day i decided to click on that lil book, i kept seeing. an i was welcomed to POK. jesus christ. lookit all the peeps! wholly crap there goes superman (bard). an my EQ life was changed forever.... so about a year later i had figured it was a SK who was camping me. an he had just noticed that i was in range on his way to rathe to go pvp or kill a giant or something. an this is how most peeps on rallos were. if yer not in my group/guild your fair game. so i learned to never have gate not mem'd. an they totaly cheesed my shaman on pvp. cause his dots wouldnt let me loot. so i retired his fat ***. an made a happy lil halfling druid. where i got a lesson on rangers. thanks "ubbersneaky", guy was twinked out the wazoo an i had even turned myself into a tree trying to hide from him at 1 point. got me in misty, lavastorm, an on my way to oasis. i was a gimp lil leather wearing biotch. completely green. an got worked like a fresh fish in prison, by bio orb'd,fungi rangers... SON weilding SK's on 100k ponies... it was a fun time though. i will say that. ohh an i never begged...well for gear anyways..... ohh yeah, an some mage in the baz. guy hands me a bunca levi rings. an im like sweet, he's nice. finaly i found a person with some compassion. then he invites me into a group. i accept. an then 2 seconds later. im summoned to the arena. an mauled by his pet. he looted me, an i kept his rings corpsed on my body for like a month when i logged. he'd start in with me through tells. an id link him his rings in an effort to save a lil face.... ahhh i miss EQ.....
#14 Jul 25 2007 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
820 posts
I'd like to have an actual count on how many times I've used Lay Hands on the mob(s) killing me/groupmates.

Even was lucky enough one day (was level 61 or so at the time) to pop back on my feet from negative health, only to waste my unused lay hands on the mob in a panic.
#15 Jul 25 2007 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
I started playing back in 2000.. my son( 16 at the time) got me into it.. as soon as i popped up in qeynos, he said ' mom, target the guard and hit A' i did as was told and while i was loading please wait, i thought my son would laugh himself to death.. that one was his fault.. now for mine...on my cleric back in the day when medding with an open book in front of me was the ultimate in boring, i used to chat to pass the time... clerics need to be watching health bars lol... three members of my group were dead before i realized what happened.
i have tried healing mobs, nuking players, and one of my fave was binding my self in an unsafe spot and getting in a death loop to the tune of 3 lvls;( this was back in the day when it took a month to reach lvl 20.. glad to see im not the only one with bad days lol.. im sure there are loads more dumb things i have done.. but i cant remember em..prob due to self preservation lol
#16 Jul 25 2007 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
Well let me tell you a week ago i zoned into wos for a group. Well i had to cast DMF on myself but i switch spells and i targeted myself and had to wait till it came up so i could cast it on myself..Well i clicked on my lich mode spell and i noticed my hit points started going down. What i had come to relize is that i had click on my horror spell and that is what was causing my HP to go down..I started laughing so i thought ill just click my lich on and fix it but i clicked again and my hp started going down again to my suprise i had clicked on horror am such an idiot...well i hope i dont do that again...i guess the secret is dont put 2 spells togeher that look the same...well ill keep you posted....
#17 Jul 27 2007 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
231 posts
Lost my Cleric Epic in a forge.

Was converting FS weapons for some reason and hit combine button and nothing happend. So I thought ok need to go buy some more water and headed to the merchant to buy some. Didnt close forge just walked out of range and it closed its self I left the FS weapon in forge figureing it will still be there when I get back. I buy some water head back and open forge to find FS weapon gone I think some noobie has come along and snagged it well no big deal finish converting FS then head to pok someone needs a rez so I go to equip my epic and I cant find it.

It takes me about 10 minutes of searching to finaly figure out what totaly stupid thing I had done. So I fill out a petition and send it in then sit at docks in qeynos for next day as I wait for a response.

I here from one GM who says that he needs to check logs and will be back to me. After about 8 hours I here from anthoer GM who asks a bunch of questions then says he will be back to me soon as well. Six hours later a third GM comes and asks me another bunch of questions before giveing a new cleric epic.

A few weeks after that they changed how Forges worked to have them kickback nodrop items into inventory if you left range of forge. So my mistake may well have been stupid enough to cause a change in how game works.
#18 Jul 27 2007 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Oh my GOD Siddar, that would have been the worst. Glad you got it back.
#19 Jul 27 2007 at 2:37 PM Rating: Excellent
Baqck when I played - running a lvl 9 barbarian shaman through Kith (before PoP and RoK expansions) without sow cause I was bound in Kelethin (I think thats the elf starting area right?). Then dying over and over trying to do the run at night not realizing that I could wait until daylight. Lost a full level til some Ranger took pity on me after watching the same n00b go in and come back...
#20 Jul 27 2007 at 8:04 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Ok, my Barb made the same run, from Halas to butcherblock, and I was so proud to group with my friend who had made a dwarf cleric that I forgot to bind, and died (Actually got pked) ( I was level five, so no sow yet )with all my stuff ( leather and fine steel Smiley: grin )

God, between the run through highhold, and Kithcor, and the boats, almost just rerolled my shammie

Edited, Jul 28th 2007 12:05am by yenwangweh

Edited, Jul 28th 2007 12:06am by yenwangweh
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