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How Sony Treats Loyal CustomersFollow

#1 Jul 19 2007 at 9:20 PM Rating: Default
to all who read my opinion major corporations like SONY have completely forgotton the first rule of customer service...the customer is always right!!! I fully admit that I might have made a mistake and not clicked the right button online but I can honestly say that I thought ,that after three years of enjoying this game and the people that played it, that I had cancelled my account. What a slap in the face to go from one Sony product to another and then be told that your years as a loyal customer don't matter....In my oppinion I would never give this company any of my financial information ever, because lord help that you might not have the same e-mail that you signed up with or thought the matter was resolved so didn't keep track of your cancellation notice. I hope this doesn't ever happen to any of you Refund Discussion Thread Customer 07/19/2007 09:47 PM I do not consider this matter to be solved. Due to the buisness practices that your company engages in I will be contacting my congressman as well as the Better Buisness Bureau and my states Attorney General about how I was treated by your company. I will also make it my goal to tell as many people as possible how your company operates with regard to loyal customers and make sure that I never buy a Sony product again. Please start browsing the online forums where you will begin to see my oppinion posted as many places as humanly possible. I hope this was worth the $100 your company was able to keep. Response (Lyman Tuttle....)07/13/2007 01:42 PM ,

Unfortunately our records do not show any cancellations prior to the charge. Our system does send out email confirmations to the email address on file when the user cancels their subscriptions. If you can obtain that email confirmation as proof of your cancellation, we will provide you a full refund of all charges made after that cancellation. Please use this email as confirmation that you will no longer be charged on this account. I'm sorry but, we will not be able to provide you a refund on this account. If you have anymore question or concerns, please let me know.


Lyman Tuttle
Accounts Administrator
Sony Online Entertainment Customer 07/12/2007 02:30 PM Dear Mr.Tuttle,
I understand that mistakes can be made by Sony or myself(such as when Sony shipped several entertainment CDs that downloaded programs on their clients computers that made them vunerable to hackers) and I understand that according to your records you feel that you have every right to keep my money. I have to ask you though do you think it is ethical or a good buisness practice to alienate a good customer of Sonys who has refered your company several quality customers over the years? I am not asking you to refund money because I have gotten cold feet over a decision that I with full knowledge made for a product that I have used recently. I am asking you to refund money for a product that I have not used for several months and will not use fully believing that this product was cancelled. Please Mr. Tuttle do the right thing and refund my money. This will keep me a loyal customer of Sonys and keep those referrals rolling in.
Response (Lyman Tuttle....)07/12/2007 09:11 AM xxxxxxxxxxxxx,

Unfortunately our records do not show a cancellation prior to the charge. We appreciate your request for a refund, however we will not be able to process your request as all pre-paid fees are non-refundable as explained in Section 5 of the End User License Agreement (copied below) as well as when you register with your billing information.

5. We describe our fees and billing procedures at, which are incorporated by reference. All fees are stated in U.S. Dollars. All fees are prepaid and non-refundable. Upon your acceptance of these terms, we will automatically charge your credit card the Account fee plus any applicable taxes we are required to collect, and you authorize us to do so. Thereafter, on the applicable anniversary, we will charge your credit card the then-current renewal rate plus any applicable taxes we are required to collect, and you authorize us to do so. If we are unable to process your credit card at a renewal period, your account may be immediately terminated.


Lyman Tuttle
Accounts Administrator
Sony Online Entertainment Customer 07/11/2007 07:47 AM Dear Mr. Tuttle, I have still not received a reply or been contactacted and was wondering when I could expect to be? Customer 07/03/2007 02:40 PM Dear Mr. Tuttle,
My name is xxxxxxxxxxxxx and yesterday I noticed that $99 was debited to my account by Sony. I was very surprised at this since I am quite sure that I opted to not renew my Everquest account in September. I have not played for several months so I was very upset when the money came out of my account that I keep for making my online payments. I had printed out the page that my confirmation number was on but in the process of my wife's and my move must have lost it. I apologize for any inconvenience on your part but I would like my money back as I am no longer using this Sony product and have no intention of doing so. I have been a good customer of Sony's over the years and have spent several thousand dollars with your company, in fact the reason I am no longer playing Everquest is I bought a PS3 and have been happily playing on my 51" Sony HD television. I have never had a complaint about your company before and hope to never have one again. Please credit my account as soon as possible or let me know why you can't do so, so that in the future I can continue to enjoy the high quality products your company provides and can continue to refer customers to Sony. Have a great day!!! David VanWeerdhuizen
#2 Jul 20 2007 at 12:42 AM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
So basically you have no proof that you canceled the account and want your money back anyway even though it states that the payment is prepaid and nonrefundable.

They then offer to refund your money if you can provide proof which you admit to losing. By no means an unreasonable request and shows an effort made on the part of SOE.

So basically your badmouthing a company who was willing to work with you and blaming them for your lack of bookkeeping.

I love the cheap shot about the security breach with the entertainment CDs that I am sure had no direct detrimental effect on you whatsoever.

The BBB, Attorney General and your congressman are all going to tell you the same thing I am. Deal with it.

I love the title of this post though.

How Sony Treats Loyal Customers

They made a reasonable attempt to resolve the issue, did they not?

Our system does send out email confirmations to the email address on file when the user cancels their subscriptions. If you can obtain that email confirmation as proof of your cancellation, we will provide you a full refund of all charges made after that cancellation.

Sounds like an attempt on their part to me.
#3 Jul 20 2007 at 5:15 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
I'm not sure I understand what happened but it sounds like you cancelled an account with SoE but then were still billed later on???

It's nice to think that big multi-national corporations would treat us all like individuals, but they won't. Really, it's not gonna make any difference if they lose one or a small number of customers to some kind or policy or procedure. They are about maximizing profits which often times means keeping the masses satisfied at the risk of losing of few.

But yeah, while I can understand that it's frustrating paying out money you didn't intend to, I don't see that SoE was at fault, nor, as you pointed out yourself, obliged to give back your money based on only your word.

That'll teach ya to hang on to them confirmation emails and numbers eh. Smiley: wink
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#4 Jul 20 2007 at 6:26 AM Rating: Default
SOE has always had the "my way or the high way" attitude. one that has driven away alot of potential customers.

they dont care. dont waste any time getting aggrivated over it.

on the bright side, you should try cancelling AOL sometime. SOE has nothing in these vermin.

what i suggest for everyone, something i have learned from subscribing to many online games, is use a credit card you do not use for every day needs. do not use a debit card. and when you cancell, call up your card company and tell them you lost your card.

in a few days, you get a new card at no charge to you, and i guarentee you will not be charged again by a gaming company or anyone else you give a monthly charge too. works every time. i even had a nasty gram e-mailed to me from AOL saying if i didnt pay them for two months IMEDIATLY....they would cancell my account.

hahahaha, this after spending 3 days and 6 or 7 phone calls trying to cancell to no avail. i use it as my prefered means of cancellation now. YOU have the power. they can only try and take it away from you. power to the people.
#5 Jul 20 2007 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
actually Raolin I did admit that I might have made a mistake and my beef isn't with the fact that they may or may not have the "legal' right to keep my money my problem is that even they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I no longer use the product they are unwilling to work with a customer who has spent thousands of dollars with their company. They couch there auto renewal policy as a convinience which if they are not willing to refund money for a product not used it most definately is not. In my eyes it just shows that modern corporations are more concerned about pennys than the dollars they will lose when they won't work with a customer. Oh by the way yes their CD fiasco did affect me and infect my computer and I held no grudges as I did think their company had the right to protect there copyrighted material.

Edited, Jul 20th 2007 1:23pm by DutchVW
#6 Jul 20 2007 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
DutchVW wrote:
actually Raolin I did admit that I might have made a mistake and my beef isn't with the fact that they may or may not have the "legal' right to keep my money my problem is that even they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I no longer use the product they are unwilling to work with a customer who has spent thousands of dollars with their company. They couch there auto renewal policy as a convinience which if they are not willing to refund money for a product not used it most definately is not. In my eyes it just shows that modern corporations are more concerned about pennys than the dollars they will lose when they won't work with a customer. Oh by the way yes their CD fiasco did affect me and infect my computer and I held no grudges as I did think their company had the right to protect there copyrighted material.

Edited, Jul 20th 2007 1:23pm by DutchVW
Meh, you're just pissed cuz you're out your money. I don't blame ya for being bummed, but there's no way you can, with a straight face, call foul on know as well as I do they're a huge corporation with headquarters half way across the world from us. If you expect service above and beyond what they give the other millions of people who use and buy their product, service such as you might get at your corner market, well, then you need to take off them tinted glasses.

So, you gonna sell that big ol Sony TV and PS3 now?
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#7 Jul 20 2007 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
Nothing new here. Not something limited to Sony. If you are going to stop doing business with a company based on this, you might want to move to the mountains and become a hermit.

If you were aware of some of the scams customers try on these companies, including Sony, you would understand why they demand proof of prior dealings. I deployed to Iraq for a year. Prior to deploying I asked Verizon to suspend my cell phone account. They said sure, fax us a copy of your orders sending you to Iraq. My word wasnt good enough. Ok, so I sent them a copy. A year later, when I get back, I am surprised (shouldnt have been) by a HUGE cell phone bill. Upon calling them, I find out they are claiming to never have received the fax. I fax them the print out my fax machine does upon successful transmission, and they say they will forgive me the monthly charges, but not the late fees. I am now with Cingular. Didnt lose my mind, just cancelled my account in the same phone call.

The number of companies that I have heard horror stories like this are too many to count. Why is it like this? Because they are ran, staffed, owned, whatever by human beings like you and I. They are your fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, and children. If they are greedy or selfish, then its because of they way you raised them, or failed to influence them. Just out of curiousity, when you pay your taxes, do you fudge them? If a store clerk makes a mistake on your change, and gives you too much, do you correct her/him? Might be small potatoes, but if your children are watching, what are you teaching them.

Forgive the rant.

Ooops, forgot to say I am gonna continue to enjoy my game time on EQ.

Edited, Jul 20th 2007 4:49pm by Harrington
#8 Jul 20 2007 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
297 posts
I am still confused by this after reading it a few times.

If I am reading this correctly, you are mad because Sony won't give you a refund for something that you purchased from them? Even though you know that it is non-refundable service (or at least should have known).

To throw out another cliche: "Buyer beware".

While automatic payments are a convienience, it is the buyer's responsibiliy to ensure that they are cancelled properly. I have received the cancellation email everytime I have cancelled my four accounts (16 total emails at this point). Since it is an automated system, I have my doubts that it was bugged and didn't send you one.

Perhaps you will learn from this an sign up for the monthly payments, and you would have only be out $15.
#9 Jul 20 2007 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
DutchVW wrote:
my problem is that even they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I no longer use the product they are unwilling to work with a customer who has spent thousands of dollars with their company.

EQEULA wrote:
5. We describe our fees and billing procedures at, which are incorporated by reference. All fees are stated in U.S. Dollars. All fees are prepaid and non-refundable.

LymanTuttle wrote:
Unfortunately our records do not show any cancellations prior to the charge. Our system does send out email confirmations to the email address on file when the user cancels their subscriptions. If you can obtain that email confirmation as proof of your cancellation, we will provide you a full refund of all charges made after that cancellation.

Please explain to me how thats not attempting to work with the customer? The EULA states No Refunds but they are willing to refund the money if you can provide proof of the cancellation which you admit to losing. How is that SOEs fault?

DutchVW wrote:
In my eyes it just shows that modern corporations are more concerned about pennys than the dollars they will lose when they won't work with a customer.

No, actually it shows that they are more concerned about staying in business and not getting screwed over by every customer that makes a claim with nothing to back it up.
#10 Jul 20 2007 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
Well having been in customer service dealing with customers that purchase big ticket items over the last 13 years, you folks are right there are alot of customers that try to rip off companies. The only problem I have is that Sony can verify that I had not logged on for several months(in other words had not been using up there bandwith or clogging there servers). So going to my original point which was that if you are not using something (i.e.-an intangible)and the company in question can show themselves that this service hasn't been used(login records)and that has to be paid for in advance, why would you not believe or give the benefit of the doubt to the customer. I admit that I am an idiot for not keeping every scrap of paper for every cancellation I have ever made(and I actually thought that I had this one) and sorry that I switched internet providers so that I know longer had the same e-mail address(whoops:) so Sony is techinally right if they don't have any records of me cancelling, I understand that, but from a good customer service standpoint and a good buisness standpoint(whether a multinational corporation or Mom and Pop corner mart) when you can verify 95% of what a customer can tell you make a compromise I mean I would have been happy with them saying well we have to charge you for a month but will refund the rest of your money but to charge someone for a full year for a product they are not using??? and that you can verify they have not been using???? well doesnt seem above the board or ethical to me.
#11 Jul 20 2007 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
1. did you check you bank statement the month after the cancellation.

2. If having noticed the continued payment did you contact the bank and have them stop any further trancactions?

3. If this failed to resolve the problem did you change your credit card thus preventing them from taking any more money.
on the bright side, you should try cancelling AOL sometime. SOE has nothing in these vermin.
Same applies to AOL if you ask the bank to refuse continued payments to AOL then you have no problems.
#12 Jul 20 2007 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
Their is nothing unethical or immoral about it. Hell, I wouldn't even call it bad business.

Their is a difference between providing customer service and allowing your company to be ripped off.

If you were charged for something you didn't order wouldn't you want the company charging you to show proof that you ordered it? So how is it unethical to require proof of your cancellation?

Whether or not you logged in has no relevance on whether or not you canceled your account. I say you planned on playing but something came up and you never had time to log in and forgot about it after a month. No? You canceled your account? Ok, just let me see the cancellation confirmation and we'll take care of it. You lost it? How convenient.

As I said before, they made a reasonable attempt to accommodate you and by your own neglect could not provide the information they asked for. You fault, not theirs.

Maybe getting one of the many free email accounts that aren't tied directly to your ISP like Hotmail or Gmail would be a good idea. Getting a file cabinet to keep your receipts, cancellation confirmations, payment confirmations and other important paperwork in would be another good idea.

A bad idea would be to post potentially detrimental comments about a company who has made an effort to accommodate you but could not do so due to your own neglect, then claiming "bad business" and threatening legal action against them if they don't allow you to strong arm them with blatantly ignorant comments to get what you want.

That would be a bad idea because thats the type of thing that causes companies to enforce the same type of practices that your whining about.
#13 Jul 20 2007 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
DutchVW wrote:
The only problem I have is that Sony can verify that I had not logged on for several months(in other words had not been using up there bandwith or clogging there servers). So going to my original point which was that if you are not using something (i.e.-an intangible)and the company in question can show themselves that this service hasn't been used(login records)and that has to be paid for in advance, why would you not believe or give the benefit of the doubt to the customer.

How many people out there pay for their account but don't actually log in due to real-life obligations? Someone on the board posted a few weeks back that they have like 8 accounts they pay for but don't use. Just because you don't use something is not grounds for a refund.

DutchVW wrote:
...when you can verify 95% of what a customer can tell you make a compromise...

Not logging in = 0%
No confirmation email = 0%
Your word that you canceled = 5%
The fact you didn't cancel = 95%

I believe they proved your 95% and is thusly denying you a refund...
#14 Jul 20 2007 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
Actually Baron I allways payed for my account by the year. If I had been doing it monthly I probably would have just let it slide and even the $100 dollars wasn't that big an issue(am not going to starve or anything:) Its just having been a loyal customer for so long( I mean from walkmans to discmans to PS to PS1 to 3 years of Everquest to 2 PS2s, PS3, TVs.well the list goes on) Ihave literally spent thousands of dollars on Sony products over the years and up to this point have allways recieved excellent customer service. As you can see from the earliest e-mail(and that was after dealing with 4 different people at there call center in I'm assuming India) I was polite, tried to be positive, and respectful, but after having told them I didn't have any proof (over the phone ) and then getting the stonewall on a product I NEVER USED!!! Yes I got irked and still am:) Am not mad at anyone who has an oppinion just trying to vent about what I believe is a sneaky buisness practice(how hard is it to send an e-mail notification BEFORE you charge someones account) lol
#15 Jul 20 2007 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
Well Aardvark I can understand your cynical view of human nature but unlike alot of other people this was my only account and just because they say I didn't cancel doesn't mean I didn't (ie- the AOL stories from above) just because there a multinational corporation like AOL for instance,or Enron, or Tyco...need I say more. Corporations are run by people and people make mistakes and if this was a cookie that I had taken a bite of and then tried to return Well then you have a point but this was my only account I contacted them within 2 buisness days from finding out about the charge and have been a good customer for several years(no complaints, paid like clockwork LOL) anyway I can honestly say that I very well could have made a mistake(am human to just like all those CEOs now in prison) But after three years of active play on one account and having no other ones (which SOE can verify by the way)I thought I was entitled to some slack from a company THAT I HAVE NEVER COMPLAINED TO BEFORE!!!
#16 Jul 20 2007 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
Well Raolan, this is a section from SOEs termination policy"You may terminate this Agreement at any time by not using The Station." hadn't been using it for three months:)
#17 Jul 20 2007 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
Raolin here is a section from SOEs termination policy"You may terminate this Agreement at any time by not using The Station." seems clear to me that they do consider non-use to be cause for termination
#18 Jul 20 2007 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
Also plaese show me where in SOEs terms of service they talk about automatic renewal...I can see where they say they wont refund your money when you make a purchase but no where in there terms do I see anything about auto renewal. Please I may be wrong as the print is fairly small.
#19 Jul 20 2007 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent

This Web site (referred to as "The Station") is offered to you, the user, by Sony Online Entertainment LLC ("SOE") conditioned on your acceptance, without modification, of the terms, conditions, policies and notices contained herein. Your use of The Station constitutes your agreement to all such terms, conditions, policies and notices (the "Agreement"). The Agreement is applicable only to The Station and its subsites and not other sites on the World Wide Web owned or operated by Sony Corporation, its subsidiaries, affiliates and related entities ("Sony Family"). SOE may change, add or remove any part of this Agreement, or any other terms associated with the use of The Station, at any time, by posting a notice of such changes. Any changes shall become part of the Agreement and shall apply as soon as such a notice is posted. By continuing to use The Station after the notice is posted, you are indicating your acceptance of those changes.

Either SOE or you may terminate this Agreement at any time. Fees paid for any subscription term or pay-per-use are paid in advance and are not refundable in whole or in part. You may terminate this Agreement at any time by not using The Station. We can terminate the Agreement by asking you to stop using The Station, and, if necessary, by preventing your access to The Station. Upon termination of this Agreement, you shall have no further rights to use The Station or its services. Your only right and remedy with respect to any dissatisfaction with The Station is to terminate this Agreement, including, without limitation, any dissatisfaction with (i) any terms and conditions of this Agreement, or any policy or practice of SOE in operating The Station, (ii) content available through The Station, or any change therein, or (iii) the amount or type of fees or billing methods, or any change thereof. Without limiting the foregoing, SOE shall have the right to terminate this Agreement with you, effective immediately, and/or terminate or temporarily suspend your access to all or any part of The Station, without notice, in the event of any conduct by you which SOE, in its sole discretion, considers to be unacceptable, or for conduct that SOE believes is a violation of the terms and conditions contained herein or any policies or guidelines posted by SOE on The Station, or for other conduct which SOE believes, in its sole discretion, is harmful to SOE, other Station Members or other users of The Station. SOE reserves the right to deny registration of any individual as a Station Member and to deny access to The Station to any individual. All of the Sections of the General Terms and Conditions of this Agreement survive termination of this Agreement.

This info that you posted is for use of The Station, not Everquest.
#20 Jul 20 2007 at 8:29 PM Rating: Default
Thanks Aardvark, I didn't know that:) like I said I'm really not trying to be a butt (won't use the other word as I don't want to cuss on the forums) I have always believed Sony has a great product which is why I have bought almost all my electronics from Sony. Like I said it just bothers me that after being polite(read my first e-mail) and polite on the phone (even though I had a hard time understanding British English) that so many people assume that I am just trying to rip off a company(I didnt shoplift here). What happend to giving folks the benefit of the doubt? Do you really think that I would go to all this trouble after buying so many products from this company if I didn't honestly believe I had cancelled this account...hindsight is 20-20 and I would like to know how many people read the terms and conditions every time they log on(even though you can't sign in unless you say you agree and Sony says they can change them at any time.) If you do I applaud you Aardvark because you have more patience than I do:) Satliren Soulborrower Lvl 70 Gnomish Necro by the way
#21 Jul 23 2007 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
68 posts
I realize this thread is a couple of days old but I was just curious, wouldn't it be possible for SOE to check their records to see if they indeed sent a cancelation confirmation email to the email address? I'm sure the answer is yes, but they're thinking is why should they have to prove they need to refund the money, we'd rather keep it and make you do the leg work.
#22 Jul 23 2007 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
1,504 posts
Caeadiel wrote:
I realize this thread is a couple of days old but I was just curious, wouldn't it be possible for SOE to check their records to see if they indeed sent a cancelation confirmation email to the email address? I'm sure the answer is yes, but they're thinking is why should they have to prove they need to refund the money, we'd rather keep it and make you do the leg work.

I was holding back on commenting on this thread, as I just came back to EQ after a year off and dont want to think about the billing issue that helped make 80% of my decision to leave.

I found Sony to be compleately unhelpful and unwilling to listen when I had my issue. I recieved many cut and paste responces that didnt deal with why I was contacting them in the first place. By the time I got the issues resolved ( 6 months of effort ) I was too disgusted to work with Sony anymore.

I hate to say it but I doubt that have improved the customer service since I left.
"If you ask me, we could do with a little less motivation. The people who are causing all the trouble seem highly motivated to me. Serial killers, stock swindlers, drug dealers, Christian Republicans"

George Carlin.

#23 Jul 23 2007 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you, finally I don't feel like a total heel:) I'm really an easy going guy its just after dealing with the way corporations are saying ***** you to there bread and butter and are so completely lacking in customer service I just have hit the end of my rope lol They say that one person cant make a difference and the difference that I make might just be a drop in the bucket...but if they want to keep my $100 dollars for a product I am not going to use and haven't been using Sony as a whole will lose as least that much just from me never shopping with them again(by the way I did get ahold of the attorney generals office and they told me this was not there first complaint about Sonys billing procedures)
#24 Jul 23 2007 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
68 posts
Hey Dutch, have you tried contacting your credit card company and see if they can back out the charge? Tell them it was for a product you never received, which is for the most part true.
#25 Jul 23 2007 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
Tell them it was for a product you never received, which is for the most part true.

And watch yourself get slapped with a fraud charge. SOE and other MMO companies have done it before.

This is nowhere near true. Not receiving and not using are two very different things.

Hey, look, yet another reason companies are so harsh when it comes to billing, refunds and money matters in general.
#26 Jul 24 2007 at 1:32 AM Rating: Decent
DutchVW wrote:
(by the way I did get ahold of the attorney generals office and they told me this was not there first complaint about Sonys billing procedures)

lol, do you know how many times my company has been taken to the BBB and AG? It doesn't make a difference how many complaints are supposedly on file, the AG only cares when it comes down to major lawsuits for companies who break federal law...the AG/BBB is just a whine-fest for slighted individuals...
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