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Paladin classFollow

#1 Jul 07 2007 at 4:29 PM Rating: Default
I have a bit of a gripe here.
I am a casual player. I have a 75 Paladin with good ac and hp. maxed ATK and have spent over 300 AA in offense, defence and S/U.
My G/F is a casual player, has good ac/hp and has spent a few AA in offinsive.
If perhaps Sony can answer this question...
Why can she
1, grab agro from me
2, kill mobs faster
3, kill bigger mobs
and WHY does S/U proc about once a fight?
A cleric is supposed to be a healer and the Paladin a MELEE.
Undead laugh when a paladin walks into the zone. Lets face it pallies are supposed to be undead slayers but our procs dont, we dont use S/U nukes because it LOWERS our DPS. In other words we suck as a melee suck worse as a healer and really suck as a tank
We went to PoStorms and she got on one giant and I got on another. I had mine down to 50% when she killed hers.
I'm using my 1.5 and she has a silly hammer bazaar bought.
I know I know ya'll think..."Great now Sony will nerf the clerics. HEY SONY Here's an original idea..... POWER UP THE PALLY. At least make us able to solo Light blue cons for SOME xp. Make us undead slayers...In other words MAKE US OUR CLASS.
You notice NOONE uses pallies any more?
Theres a reason for that
#2 Jul 07 2007 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
171 posts
Humm... my cleric paired up with a pally from levels 50ish all the way to 75. It took a while for me to learn the timing of casting heals .. then had to re-learn after the medding patch, but the pally was for the most part able to hold the aggro mostly by chain stunning,taunting, and other myterious pally stuff. Basically, if I got aggro, it was because I misjudged the timing of the battle.

Some of the tactics that worked for us were...

1. Land a HoT on the pally just before he made contact with mob on a pull.
2. Med ( if needed ) until the pally needs a heal.. or starting timing the C-heal to land.
3. Wait until the pally has the mob down to less than 75% ( generally speaking ) before landing my undead DoT .. or a nuke, here, too is an opportunity to use the de-buff spell Annull.
4. Pally lands a little heal on me to get "healers aggro" back on himself.
5. If Pally trying to hold aggro on multiple mobs, use D-Arb AA (Divine Arbitration) ... then he would land his Group Heal on us
6. If multiple mobs or adds happen, I run up the Pally's back, root what I can, then scamper back to my spot out of range, and occasionally use Atone to make an Add Mob forget it hates me, especially if it can cast an area effect spell.
7. The cleric's pet hammer is a chain stun that will do a bit of damage, but I did not use it often, and never when there were multiple mobs in camp.
8. Very seldom do I sit or remain mounted. Much easier to duck out of a mis-timed spell to conserve mana or aviod getting aggro.

Also I try to use the Heal over Time spells at the onset of a fight, and hold off on using a big blast heal until needed. I have a clicky HoT item, and a Clicky undead snare, high charisma, and use my extended range tribute points.

I still like to group with pallys, but then all my AAs at the time were spent on healing, mana, and defense. I couldn't cross guildlobby without a bodyguard.
Good Luck with your Pally/Cleric combo. I am sure you will get your tacticts worked out.

P.S. I truly envy that battle cleric able to kill in PoStorms!
#3 Jul 08 2007 at 2:34 AM Rating: Decent
1. use stuns!
2. clerics have much better nukes against undead than pallies, i believe that S/U only has 10% chance of happening when we crit against an undead (stated on the pally boards)
3. i know a cleric that has solo'd AoW, i'll link the thread

slay rate and damage

Edited, Jul 8th 2007 6:53am by wuvarien
#4 Jul 09 2007 at 3:47 AM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
Hmm, at 54 and 55, (Jonwin, 55, being on an inactive account, winjon is getting the paly play.) my guys are doing ok. I can solo parts of ds thanks to Pacify, and can even help keep a group together as a healer there. (It was myself, a wizard and rogue)
For undead I have ghoulbane and Instrument of Nife. (I did kill for Fabled ghoulbane so my proc is a little bit better.) None of my clerics ever pulled aggro from me as I always have 3 stuns loaded and chain cast them. (See above post)
Clerics will do a lot less melee damage over an undead mob, on undead they do have an advatage due to dots, and low manna cost/cast time for the nukes.)
#5 Jul 09 2007 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
Stuns FTW !

If you are having problems keeping aggro off of the cleric, then consider hitting yourself with a HoT right before pulling, so she doesn't have to heal you as soon (and so less aggro).

But really, stuns are the best aggro weapon you have. Get a Chaotic Strike (or something similar) as an augment for your 1.5.

Paladin's have never been about DPS (though I agree, they should be the masters of slaying of the undead). They are there for BSG3 Smiley: grin.

#6 Jul 09 2007 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
449 posts
Around TSS the high level cleric got some tools that make them fun to play. See the following list of linkies to see why clerics are now kicking the crap out of your dps when tanking-
huge damage proc that has a HoT Recourse
new yaulp that increases proc rate
Defensive proc spell that damages you when you attack the cleric
and easy questable one hander that procs time lapse

My cleric can tank pretty well with these. Also I think slay undead is a bit too powerful. Tanks (especially ones that can chain stun and reduce a lot of incoming damage) shouldn't be able to hit for 16k and higher, even if it is just on undead.
#7 Jul 11 2007 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
820 posts
Honestly I don't see how a cleric could overtake a pally on aggro to the point where chain stunning wouldn't remedy the problem. At worst, the start of the fight should be the only time there's even a risk of aggro slipping. If someone's stealing your aggro, load another stun, go crazy with it. If you're stunning as much as possible and still losing aggro...ya got me, I've never had this problem, and my main is a pally.

Oh, and Srakeats, believe me, if stuns would actually land on a good number of mobs out there I would gladly trade in my Slay Undead.

Oh...and I use a pally still (main), and hardly find the weaknesses of the class to be such an unbalanced/unfair thing as the O.P. states.

Edited, Jul 11th 2007 7:31pm by Saeel
#8 Jul 12 2007 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
Know what pallies need....AE stuns muhahaha!!
#9 Jul 16 2007 at 3:57 AM Rating: Decent
My hubby plays cleric to my pally also. As everyone has mentioned here the key to holding agro from anyone is chain stunning. Never stop using cease and desist spells they are your friends. Not to mention if you are level 75 Shackles of Tunare (mini-root) and Wave of Forgiveness (group heal) will add to your aggro quite a bit. Holding aggro is an art form for a pally, it doesn't just happen because you are hitting it. It takes management from you and everyone in your group.

Everyone also has to do their part to not take the aggro, it isn't a contest to see who can get the aggro a good group knows who is supposed to have the aggro and they assist the tank in holding it anyway they can. It is a waste of time to group with people who consistently think it is ok to steal aggro, if they don't have any better playing methods than that you don't want them in your group. Your gf needs also to learn how NOT to get aggro (for instance HoTs do not grab aggro like a big single heal) as much as you need to learn how to hold aggro. It is a skill on both parts.

As far as your gripe about clerics being more powerful than pallies, I have to agree with you completely. It also ticks me off that a cleric can nuke the way he can. My hubby can throw a nuke out there for 4k every time you turn around, on any mob not to mention he has a 32k aa undead proc on a DoT. Wth should a cleric need with a 32k undead proc on a DoT?? Anyway we have this conversatoin a lot in my house, it seems insane to me that we are knights and our healers can do more over all damage than we can with the exception of our slays...well unless the big dot procs. Smiley: oyvey

#10 Jul 16 2007 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
At the end of the day, pallies are not dps classes, only good dps vs undead, but there are very few undead zones, so meh, doesnt bother me that much, i just tank :)
#11 Jul 16 2007 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
wuvarien wrote:
At the end of the day, pallies are not dps classes, only good dps vs undead, but there are very few undead zones, so meh, doesnt bother me that much, i just tank :)

Heh, me too my job is to hold the mob's nose nothing more in reality. Thing is I never saw the formal notice anywhere that said clerics were dps. lol


#12 Jul 16 2007 at 6:52 PM Rating: Good
I can only comment from a raid perspective, but paladins are more powerful now that they have ever been. They have gone from a class that was considered "not necessary" for raiding, to being a "must have" class and the more of them the better.

They are serious tanks now and Pallies and SKs do all of the crowd control and off tanking for us, (much to the annoyance of the warriors) the only time warriors OT is when we do not get enough Pallies on the night (which is way too often Smiley: frown

I'm no expert on Pally AAs but maybe you should take a look at the Magelo of some of the top end raiding pallies and see what they have concentrated on.

Even our rogues don't seem to pull aggro off our pally OTs and I can only do it it if I go stupid with Summer's Dew, so a cleric should not be able to pull aggro away from you once you've established it.

#13 Jul 17 2007 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
well if his cleric is doing more dps, then she is probably chain nuking, and if hes not using any stuns, bye bye pally aggro and hello cleric
#14 Jul 17 2007 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
317 posts
Wuvarien wrote:
Know what pallies need....AE stuns muhahaha!!

I think this would be a great idea. With all the "class" ability lines starting to blur, why not come up with something that is actually new? I mean, they gave Rangers an AE Root; SK's have an AE Agro; I think it would make sense for Pallies to have an AE Stun.

We tend to use our Pallies for OT duty also, because

a)having them soft tank doesn't take a lot of dps away from the raid
b)after our SK's get initial aggro from waves of adds, the pallies peel mobs with stun aggro, and keep the SK's from getting smooshed.
c)They are plate tanks , who can heal themselves (no-brainer, lol)
d) BSG is better than Spiritual Vitality and Strength of the Forest Stalker

Personally, as a Ranger, I love having a Pally tank for me. I don't grab aggro as much, meaning I can cast my nukes a little bit more. And if I slightly overdo it, then I am confident that between his stun and my jolting kicks, I am only taking one-round of aggro. I have had Pallies offtank my main mobs for 2/3 of my 1.5 raids, and having planned it that way was one of the keys to me winning those fights.
#15 Jul 18 2007 at 5:36 PM Rating: Default
I can hold agro all day if all i want to do is stun stun stun....That doesnt kill the mob.Yes I can grab and keep agro off of almost anyone including a 75 ogre SK with over 1K aa...That STILL doesnt kill the mob.I can even keep agro off the chain healing chain nuking cleric...but it still doesnt kill the mob.
YES pallies can stun a mob and root it and group heal for agro. But what about KILLING THE MOB???
It is VERY frustrating to go from being a - paci pulling tank - to a - hold the mob here and try to stay alive- toon.
We cant pull anymore because we cant paci...when we DO get a new stun the mobs that will give us XP are immune.
Pallies get Yaulp IV
Clerics get Yaulp VII
Pallies get a 1K nuke undead Clerics get a DoT AND a gawdalmity nuke
Pallies get holyforge that when parsed ACTUALLY LOWERS the S/U proc
C'mon gimme a break here. Pallies are Plate class knights that can't tank anymore. Why does Sony think NOBODY but newbies makes them anymore?
Yes I like my Paladin and will continue to run him. Getting bypassed in levels and AA's by everyone in the game because noone wants to group with a Paladin.
#16 Jul 19 2007 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
I can hold agro all day if all i want to do is stun stun stun....That doesnt kill the mob.Yes I can grab and keep agro off of almost anyone including a 75 ogre SK with over 1K aa...That STILL doesnt kill the mob.I can even keep agro off the chain healing chain nuking cleric...but it still doesnt kill the mob.
YES pallies can stun a mob and root it and group heal for agro. But what about KILLING THE MOB???
It is VERY frustrating to go from being a - paci pulling tank - to a - hold the mob here and try to stay alive- toon.
We cant pull anymore because we cant paci...when we DO get a new stun the mobs that will give us XP are immune.
Pallies get Yaulp IV
Clerics get Yaulp VII
Pallies get a 1K nuke undead Clerics get a DoT AND a gawdalmity nuke
Pallies get holyforge that when parsed ACTUALLY LOWERS the S/U proc
C'mon gimme a break here. Pallies are Plate class knights that can't tank anymore. Why does Sony think NOBODY but newbies makes them anymore?
Yes I like my Paladin and will continue to run him. Getting bypassed in levels and AA's by everyone in the game because noone wants to group with a Paladin.

i dont understand your argument, first to say to can hold aggro and tank, but complain it doesnt kill the mob, then you say pallies cant tank.
Pallies are NOT dps, pallies = dps, not happening, pallies are one of the best tanks, and proven, due to their abilities. If something goes wrong i can get aggro quicker than most other classes with one click on the mouse.

Pallies were never meant to pull, if you want a puller get a monk, bard or ranger. At higher levels Yaulp becomes usless.

undead nukes? how many undead zones are, hardly any!

Personally i think you made the wrong class, pallies are not dps, nor pullers, we are tanks and when the player knows what hes doing then were one of the best by far. When ever i put up LFG i usually get a tell within a few minutes.
#17 Jul 19 2007 at 11:03 AM Rating: Default
Well maybe I need to transfer to Stromm server because judging from your magelo you need 5K more HP and about 200 more AC to even have a chance at getting a group on Saryn server. The server worlds are different I guess.

"If something goes wrong i can get aggro quicker than most other classes with one click on the mouse."
I said I can get agro when I want. But to be a good tank we need to be able to DAMAGE the mob.

"undead nukes? how many undead zones are, hardly any!"
I kinow this and when they do introduce undead as in TBS expansion Paladins are a joke going against them.

"Personally i think you made the wrong class, pallies are not dps, nor pullers, we are tanks and when the player knows what hes doing then were one of the best by far."

Maybe I'm too old school but I remember LDoN and before Pallies were paci/pulling/tanking gods. After LDoN we got cut off at the knees and it has gotten worse. A Paladin in an LDoN was the favotite of any class to be in a group.
#18 Jul 19 2007 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
words wrote:
Well maybe I need to transfer to Stromm server because judging from your magelo you need 5K more HP and about 200 more AC to even have a chance at getting a group on Saryn server. The server worlds are different I guess.
Wuvarians stats seem to be right in line for tanks that are in big demand for grouping on Stromm.

Pre 55 LDoN's were indeed Paly's castles, specially the undead one. I had a Paly and loved doing LDoN's with her,,she lulled, pulled, tanked, healed and rezzed if necessary.

Now she's my baker......
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#19 Jul 19 2007 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
words wrote:
I said I can get agro when I want. But to be a good tank we need to be able to DAMAGE the mob.

Not really, that is everyone elses job while we have the mob's attention.

#20 Jul 19 2007 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
317 posts
Seamy wrote:
words wrote:
I said I can get agro when I want. But to be a good tank we need to be able to DAMAGE the mob.

Not really, that is everyone elses job while we have the mob's attention.

Exactly, Seamy. A Tank's job is to TAKE damge, NOT give it. Why do you think they call them Tanks, instead of something like Artillery?

Words, I think everyone here is telling you the same thing. You just refuse to believe it.

DPS Classes (GIVE Damage):
Ranger, Necro, Rogue, Zerker, Monk, Wizard, Mage, Bard (fit better here than in other groups)

Tank Classes (TAKE Damage):
Warrior, Paladin, SK

Healer Classes (HEAL damage):
Cleric, Druid, Shaman

Caster Classes (GIVE Damage):
Enchanter, Mage, Wizard, Necro

Understand what your class does, before you start whining about it not being fair. Paladins have NEVER been the High-Armor-DPS-Machines you're trying to become. Maybe in LDoN, Pally's were a little over-powered, and "gods" of the Mistmoore dungeons, but that's nothing to compare to because LDoN as a whole was not that hard of an expansion (only the Raids were difficult).

I stand by my previous statement: Pally's are NOT broken, and are, in fact, working as intended.
#21 Jul 19 2007 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
Just for the books, my magelo is out of date by far, cant be bothered to update it atm :p
#22 Jul 20 2007 at 5:55 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
Sheesh. If you don't like Pallys DPS in eq1 then you would really hate them in eq2!!

My job in EQ2 is basically to hold aggro while everyone else beats the hell out of it. I probably knock off 3% of the total Mob HPs during a fight, but can keep him/her/it beating on me all of the time. This enables everyone else to cast their nukes and eliminate the mob as efficiently as possible. It works very well and I could care less how much damage I do, as long as the mob stays on me.

Start another toon and use your pally and GF's cleric to Powerlevel him. Simple as that.
#23 Jul 20 2007 at 7:42 AM Rating: Good
615 posts
You might like a zerker. They are pretty good tanks for a duo.
#24 Jul 20 2007 at 11:24 AM Rating: Default
I am a casual player. I have a 75 Paladin with good ac and hp. maxed ATK and have spent over 300 AA in offense, defence and S/U.

pssst. little side note. your not a casual player. very few casual players would ever make it to 75. fewer still would ever see 300 AA points on top of that. and none would have a single piece of raid gear.

how about, im a hard core player, with uber stats and stuff, and my GF hard core player has a toon with a little less than i do, but does better with it?

that will keep true casual players from responding to something they could not possibly know anything about.
#25 Jul 20 2007 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
shadowrelm wrote:
I am a casual player. I have a 75 Paladin with good ac and hp. maxed ATK and have spent over 300 AA in offense, defence and S/U.

pssst. little side note. your not a casual player. very few casual players would ever make it to 75. fewer still would ever see 300 AA points on top of that. and none would have a single piece of raid gear.

how about, im a hard core player, with uber stats and stuff, and my GF hard core player has a toon with a little less than i do, but does better with it?

that will keep true casual players from responding to something they could not possibly know anything about.
You couldn't be more wrong. Most of the people I play with are casual players, 2 - 3 hours per session maybe 4 or 5 times a week..casual. Some of them have been growing the same toon for the last six years. They're geared well, level 75 and some with 1000+ AA's...yes casual.

How about this Shadow: "I'm a jaded returning eq player who can't seem to make a go of it this time around, so I'm going to blame everyone and everything else for my ineptness."

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#26 Jul 21 2007 at 8:42 AM Rating: Decent
Started my toon almost 3 years ago, just when OoW started out. I had no clue what was the best class to play, but have always liked the role-playing of the Knight in shining armor, Arturian legend theme. So, I made a paladin, not knowing what I was getting into. Once I bumbled through to level 25ish, I started doing LDoNs and quested for my ghoulbane. Once I got it, I thought I was immortal (mwahaha). Took my time to 55, and had a BLAST paci-pulling, tanking, healing my group, adventuring, etc...

When I past 55 I hit a HUGE bump in the road. No more pulling, and could not tank for crap. The mobs just became so much tougher. Died countless times to trash. I was frustrated to say the least. But I put so much time and love into the pally, I pushed forward. Hard to get groups outside of my family guild. About the time I hit 65, I was saved. DoN came out, and I did Creators for the crystals and xp til my eyes bled. Upgraded nearly all my gear and became a sufficient tank. Joined a raiding guild, upgraded more gear over time. Not until I hit 70 did I truly GET what being a pally was all about. We are NOT dps (unless it is undead). We are NOT warriors. We ARE the BEST at snap aggro and holding aggro. Period. We group heal when the SH@# hits the fan. We are emergency rezzers when the cleric dies. We cure the group of most detrimental spells.

AGGRO is an art form. Like stated in previous posts here, a group should understand their role in NOT getting aggro, or at least, how to let the tank reacquire the aggro should it be stolen off the tank. Puller pulls one lets say. I hit my best 1 second stun before it gets to camp. As long as the puller pulled with a low aggro tactic, I have aggro immediately. I stun a second time before it reaches me. Now the slower can do his bit, melee goes in and sets up, nukers start at like 92% or less, and I RARELY ever lose the aggro I start with. I don't "chain stun", I get my hits in, stun on occasion, sometimes quick heal myself for more aggro, taunt if necessary, etc.. If the mob is undead, I stun less and let my slay proc go to work. 17.6k slays seem to get the mobs attention /wink. (and to answer the OP's question, I average 2.8 slays per undead mob when I solo the Nest undead side or Direwind Boneyard).

I am now 75 with my 2.5 epic, over 2000 aa. I have to say, Pally is NOT a broken class by ANY standard. I am very functional as OT on raids, and keep eye on my groups HP's. Several pallies on a raid can make the difference in some encounters where the AE's are flying. In groups, I am just as capable as any other good tank for any content. Sure, warriors and SK's out-DPS me against non-undeads, but I bring other things to the group than they do. I say Other because each tank has their strengths and weaknesses.

Question to the you have Ward of Tunare? That makes ALL the difference in the world when you go to solo undeads. AND, if you are NOT soloing undeads, you are in the wrong zone (assuming you are xp-ing for AA, that is). And just to clarify, clerics are a PLATE class. Clerics can be ok tanks when needed. They just are not in the top 3 choices for tank, it is a poor use of their primary focus. Recently they upped their ability to dps, and gave them a bunch of other neat spells. They needed to do that to keep clerics playing their class. W/O clerics, raids would never happen. Keep the clerics happy I say, I love em all.

NOONE uses pallies any more? Hmmm, I disagree there. Maybe fewer people are leveling newer pallies, because the tank class is the most gear dependent role out there, and with today's content, it takes forever to make a sufficient tank. And pallies definetely have a HUGE road block from 55 to 65ish. Just my 2cp there...
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