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best place to hunt at 65?Follow

#1 Jun 29 2007 at 8:09 AM Rating: Good
been gone awhile. a LONG while. since the launch of pop i think.

what are the best places to hunt in to solo grind, or solo quest at level 65?

i would like to group, but i know getting a pick up group was difficult before i left, and probably much worse now. has the grouping situation changed? i dont play long enough at a time to raid, so im looking for zones to solo exp/explore or a place to do quest that can be completed without a group or double boxing.

i have the aniversary edition, so i think i have everything. great price BTW for what you get. its like 2 bucks an expansion.

i see they butcherd freeport, oot, and combined oasis of mar with commons. too bad. granted it was abandoned content a long time ago, but it is still abandoned only now its also dissapointing to see for someone looking for a trip down memory lane.

any help would be appreciated.
#2 Jun 29 2007 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
Depends on what your class is, as to where to solo. Also depends on what your class is if you will have a hard time finding a group.
#3 Jun 29 2007 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
Well first off I agree completely about the old zones being ruined. The only traffic they ever got was from people going to remember their old days there but now thats all ruined so meh.

Now for grouping your best bets are to put your lfg up and then write "dain" in the comments and that sometimes will get you some easy exp (and maybe a few friends which is always good). You can also go try and find your way to WoS (Wall of Slaughter) cause I see some grouping happening there since its a hotzone now. Finally depending on your class the places to go for soloing are Griegs End on Luclin and my personal favorite Plane of Hate.
#4 Jun 29 2007 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
I'm levelling a wizard right now. He's currently 66. Nobles Cause is great solo and WoS, being a hotzone, is great in a group.
#5 Jun 29 2007 at 1:13 PM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Hey shadowrelm,

As others mentioned, depends on your class, also your gear. You might want to check out TSS zones as they have mobs for all levels where as some of the other expansions are geared for higher levels.

Something to keep in mind too, is the con system changed. They added 'grey' mobs (they're no xp mobs or the old 'green' mobs) and so bumped the colors up, it's not unusual to be fighting LB mobs for don't let that bug ya.

Wall of Slaughter is a hot zone right now; meaning you can get groups there pretty easy, Draniks Scar as well if you find WoS too tough.

What server you on?

Good Luck. Smiley: smile

Edited, Jun 29th 2007 11:19pm by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#6 Jun 29 2007 at 2:23 PM Rating: Default
on rathe,

been messing around a bit. i play a necro and i dont have any raid gear from any expansion. about 2500 hitpoints and around 4000 mana.

seems anything light blue to me cannot be feared. get a message that says "this creature is too high in level to be feared, your trepedation spell was resisted" even with the level 57 trepedation. almost everything summons in fear and hate, so im not really sure how anyone cept mabe a shaman is soloing in there, or mabe a raid equiped melee with 20k hitpoints and insane DPS.

went to WOS. mostly double and triple boxers, not really any groups, however i did see some asking for more once in a while for an "anguish run". i might try that. see people asking for one or two more for "dain" too a couple times a night.

fear kiting is over apparently at 65. aggro kiting as well, its hard to out run a mob that summons. i tried root cooking, but guess what, not only can they not be feared, they cant be rooted at that level either.

did find a light blue in skyfire, named, that did summon but he could be feared atleast. i tried to fear various mobs in POD, all resisted and said the same message about level. the little floating mushrooms, the little dog/lizard looking things. all light blue. didnt try a blue mob. both of the light blue mobs ate my pet even with me healing it. dots stuck, but even with 3 dots and my pet, i only took off about 20 percent of the hit points before i had to fd.

atleast fd still works.

darkness line did stick in POD, if there was some place to run them around for 5 minutes or so, i could probably aggro kite them if they didnt summon. dont know of they summon or not. i was carefull to make sure pet kept aggro with timely fd,s. but even the light blue ones shaved 25 percent of my hit pointrs off in one round of attack. would probably be a 50/50 thing on living or dying.

too friggin much work for too little gain IMO.

ill keep looking for a bit, have a free 30 days. but its not looking good. will have to double box if i want to continue. seems to be what everyonse else is doing.

i think they need to combine the servers a couple more times. even at night, there are only about 40 people in POK, and the only zone i found with any people in it at all was WOS in POD, 13 peeps. mostly, if not all double boxing. didnt see a single camp with more than 2 or 3 peeps. and the tale tale, one person running out and no one else moving at all, even when the pull came back.

just guessing, but i would bet big bucks there was less than 100 people on durung prime time. 200 tops.

they absolutly butcherd the old zones IMO. combined the commons and made them smaller. same with north and south roe. even shortened the tunnel. bet shady is pissed about that.

all of the old world zones are totally empty. the wandering sand giants in oasis and south roe? they all stand on top of one hill now in a little camp. still drop good coin though, heh.

they use some kind of proximity thing to populate the zones too. ran half way across skyfire without seeing a single mob. stopped for a couple minutes in the center of the zone and they started poping around me.

quest system still sucks. hailing various NPCs to get something that soon or later requires a group that doesnt happen any more to complete.

gona quietly finnish my tour of the old stomping grounds and let my 30 days fade away i think. or mabe start a new toon and do the old world, but not real sure how long i could tolerate playing in a totally empty zone with no one to keep me company but the desert madman.

its sad.

i dont understand how they can continue to let it slide away like this and not recognize that they need to focus on the low end game and non-group content if they want to breath some life back into it. i dont see how they can afford to continue to create expansions for such a small population.

well, weather i start another toon or not, this one is done at 65 i think. no uber gear means light bules are 50/50. and no fear and summoning mobs means necros need not apply.

will have to go through blackburrow though. just incase they forgot my name.
#7 Jun 29 2007 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Lol, you're stats suck. Smiley: wink

The TSS expansion is very soloable. Thing is you'll likely need to start low to get geared up. Green mobs now give xp though, so you'll get something. There are lots of quests...look them up here. The gear you get from quests that are geared lower than your level will likely still provide you upgrades.

Go to the lower level hot zones and get the augs. Do the quests while you're there. At level 70 I still have augs from 50's hot zones on my gear. You should be able to solo most all the lower level ones.

If you do find yourself thinking about coming back, I'd recommend finding an active guild.

Forget 'old EQ'. It's gone and it aint coming back. However, the game is still the most involved and challenging one there is (IMO..Smiley: grin).
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#8 Jun 29 2007 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
Get buffed up with FoE, Druid skin and symbol and spell haste from a cleric and then take my advice above and go to Nobles Causeway. When you zone into NC from Dranik Scar go down into the trench on the left. Move up the valley and you find murkgliders that are around level 60. They DO NOT summon and can be easily single pulled. You should be able to snare one and drop dots on it and kite it around no problem. This is what I do with my wizard only I'm blasting instead of dotting. Your mana might be a little low. With only bazaar bought items and self looted items I have 6k mana unbuffed at 66 so definately get in the bazaar if you have any plat. If you are low on funds go to east karana and kill spiders and loot their silks. They sell well in the bazaar and are an easy source of cash. Of course you can always go really old school and kill the giants in Rathe for plat too.

The "Anguish Run" you heard people talk about is required level of 69 or 70 and you have to be flagged through a series of looting 8 signets from different mobs in the OOW expansion. You can look it up here on Alla's to see what it takes.

The advice about finding an active guild is really the best advice. Finding the right guild makes ALL the difference in the world. I was about ready to quit EQ back in February until I joined my current guild. I've accomplished more in the last 4 months than in the previous 2 years and I really enjoy EQ again.

#9 Jun 29 2007 at 7:28 PM Rating: Default
ill try TSS. herd it was for level 70 and up though, but ill check.

WOS is the "hot zone" for my level. didnt work out. funny, mobs seem to go from grey to light blue to red. havent seen a green mob there, but ill go look again. the next lower one is a dungon. unless i can root cook them or pet tank, there is no dungon soloing for me.

honestly, it doesnt matter. if im relegated to sitting in a totally abandoned zone to painfully slowly grind out exp on green mobs in some corner all by myself, i wont do it. would rather play a console game.

but ill check. dain, WOS, and TSS are the only places i have seen floating around in chat. dain isnt going to get me any equipment upgrades, my necro already has the pants and robe from the quests there. that was back before POP.

i think mabe some people are confusing "soloing" with "double boxing". i see people "double boxing" in WOS, i dont see ANYONE soloing all be it they are playing alone technically. and even if i had twice the hitpoints and twice the DPS, i dont think i could solo a blue mob there without kiting it, and so far, it doesnt look like they can be kited.

honestly, its way way too much work. work being the operative word. there, ive talked myself right out of it. just gona explore some old places while tagging myself LFG and whatever happens happens, and what ever doesnt, doesnt, and leave when i run out of places i want to revisit. thats what i came back for, i should shoot myself for trying to turn it into something more. reasons i left are swiftly flooding back.........
#10 Jun 29 2007 at 7:37 PM Rating: Decent
Dude, call me a d-head, but your posts are like these black holes of negativity-- seems like you already have a pessimistic outlook and are determined to find that very next reason to quit. If your attitude here is a mirror of your in-game persona, it's no wonder nobody will keep you company... especially in old world zones 95% of the EQ population abandoned 258 years ago.

I'm on The Rathe. I'm pretty sure there are more than 100-200 people online during prime-time hours. The best thing you can do is to join a small family guild where they can fill you in on what you missed or are missing.. and for Tunare's sake, go to some TSS zones.
#11 Jun 30 2007 at 5:52 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
shadowrelm wrote:
ill try TSS. herd it was for level 70 and up though, but ill check.

WOS is the "hot zone" for my level. didnt work out. funny, mobs seem to go from grey to light blue to red. havent seen a green mob there, but ill go look again. the next lower one is a dungon. unless i can root cook them or pet tank, there is no dungon soloing for me.
I'm not sure where you're getting your info??

The Serpent's Spine (TSS) was the expansion that they introduced a new class - The Drakkin. Along with this they put in a starting city and an entire range of zones to level up from 1 to 75. They also made much of it soloable.

Wall of Slaughter (WoS) should have no grey mobs to you. I would also doubt you could solo much of anything there. My Druid, level 70 and geared respectively can hardly solo there. It is a hot zone though, and at least on Stromm it's pretty easy to find a PUG there.

dain isnt going to get me any equipment upgrades, my necro already has the pants and robe from the quests there. that was back before POP.
When you hear people talking about Dain they are talking about a Monster Mission that was released with Prophecy of Ro (PoR). There is not much gear to be had...a nice ring, a shield and an aug that gains stats as you complete more of the sequence of missions (there are three). Xp is incredible in the monster missions, but you are foregoing any skill-ups as you are stepping out of your character and into a 'monster' character.

i think mabe some people are confusing "soloing" with "double boxing".
I doubt it, most people know the difference between soloing and boxing. Smiley: oyvey

honestly, it doesnt matter. if im relegated to sitting in a totally abandoned zone to painfully slowly grind out exp on green mobs in some corner all by myself, i wont do it. would rather play a console game.

honestly, its way way too much work. work being the operative word. there, ive talked myself right out of it. just gona explore some old places while tagging myself LFG and whatever happens happens, and what ever doesnt, doesnt, and leave when i run out of places i want to revisit. thats what i came back for, i should shoot myself for trying to turn it into something more. reasons i left are swiftly flooding back.........
I agree with Soberdk. If you are already convinced EQ is not gonna provide you with any fun, why are you even making the attempt? As I mentioned before, EQ is not the game you left. In my opinion it's a better game now than 4 years ago when I started playing.

Edited, Jun 30th 2007 3:57pm by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#12 Jun 30 2007 at 7:18 AM Rating: Default
agree with Soberdk. If you are already convinced EQ is not gonna provide you with any fun, why are you even making the attempt? As I mentioned before, EQ is not the game you left. In my opinion it's a better game now than 4 years ago when I started playing.

im not convinced. thats why i am here trying to find info. especially in light of the total lack of info ingame. thats one of the biggest pet peeves i have always had with EQ. if you dont go to web sites and put up with the "LOL, you suxor, go cry somewher else" crap you get on all web sites, you cant get any info.

turns alot of people off. even the adventures disk set came with no info. just a quick start guide. and they wonder why there is no low level game. they come, they cant find out how to do anything or where anything is, they leave.

Dain, for instance had a whole differant meaning 2 years ago.

ill try TSS. thanks for the info. up untill now, TSS could have been any of a dozen zones.

but yes. when i want to play, i want to play. not surf web sites trying to find that one or two sweet spots out of over 300 zones where i can sit in some corner doing a solo grind. its just not my bag. too slow, too much work for too little gain. i have a job. dont need another one.

on the bright side, i did find a green dire wolf in mistmore last night. fear even stuck. turned out to be part of an epic for shaman. made a couple hundred plat in an hour too running through the zone. would like to see mistmore pop just once though. not bad enough to camp it though.

unrest is next. then gona head over to permafrost, work my way down to the 4 level 50 giants and see of they are green still. then head under the ice in everfrost to the caves and see if my 65 pet can take the 100 percent magic resistant level 50 necro wandering around down there.

sitting in a corner grinding is just not my bag. never was. i dont play long enough to raid, and there isnt a whole lot of grouping going on here. the game got alot bigger. and im sure that means alot better for the people who enjoy the game play here. but so far to me, its just bigger.

wont bother you again here. came looking for info, and i found it. thanks.
#13 Jun 30 2007 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
Soloing in WoS is actually not too bad at that level. What you'd want to look for are the undead murkgliders up in a cave near the NC zoneline. You cannot snare these, so you'll have to do a lot of running. Fortunately, there is a large area right outside the cave with no mobs that you can run back and forth in. If I were in your situation though, I'd definitely start in one of the trenches in Noble's Causeway.

I spent a long, long time in this zone and made some fantastic plat while grinding here. I actually found a trench near a named bazu that I never once found anyone else in. It does take a little bit of work to get there, as some mobs see invis and there's kind of a "hallway" that the Packmaster named runs through. If he's up, I wait for him to go all the way to the end of the "hallway" and then run halfway down until I get to an alcove with some Dragorn. I stay there until the named wanders back the to the other side and continue on my way. I've made it to the trench with several level 20ish melee toons, whenever the no-drop cloak dropped, so you should be able to do it as well.

The trench I soloed at has enough mobs that you'll never be waiting for a pop. They also drop Discordant Scoriae, which at the time I was grinding there, sold easily for 65k plat each. I was averaging one almost every day. I actually did quite a few AAs here so that I could build up some plat from those and the various augs the murks dropped.

Once closer to 70, I spent a lot of time doing 69.1s, listed in the zone guide as The Hive: The Lost Notebook. Fantastic xp and AAxp, as well as some great drops. A couple of things to note though, you'll need 3 people averaging level 61+ I think? Can't quite remember but someone might be able to add that info. The other 2 people don't have to come in with you and likely they'd just get in the way if they did, unless they were kiting classes too. I had a few accounts that I could log on to create the necessary party, but when I didn't feel like doing that, I just asked guildies. It wasn't too hard to get the mission. The first pull is a pain and you don't want to be going to far into the towers unless you have to, but other than that, pretty easy once you get the hang of it.

Icefall Glacier, a TSS zone, is also great once you hit level 67+, maybe a bit earlier. There is a camp filled with "an icefall crawler" mobs which will all be red to you, however they are still pretty easy to snare and run unbelievably slow. They do have a ton of hps, so it might be rough on your mana pool at first. But through bazaar gear and various TSS upgrades from easy quests, you'll improve rapidly. Lots of times there are kiting parties at the spiders, so that might help at first.

Lastly, here is a link to a 61-70 suggestion guide from, one of my favorite necro specific sites.

Don't give up, it will get much easier in a level or two for you, with much better spells and gear!

#14 Jun 30 2007 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
If you're a necro, go check out for places to hunt. Just about the best necro resource on the net. And Aggro kiting is all you do at your level. And you don't try to kite mobs that summon obviously. I'm currently 72 and most of that xp was got solo. As a necro, you are a solo-ing machine. Just go look around the necrotalk boards and you will find all sorts of great info.
#15 Jun 30 2007 at 4:01 PM Rating: Good
1,166 posts
What you'd want to look for are the undead murkgliders up in a cave near the NC zoneline. You cannot snare these, so you'll have to do a lot of running.

I snared these undead murks all the time on my Druid from 60 to 67 when I stopped hunting them. There are few drops, but xp is damn good at your level.

Good Luck.
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#16 Jun 30 2007 at 4:14 PM Rating: Good
Heh, sorry, guess maybe those ones could be snared but they were still bloody fast regardless!
#17 Jun 30 2007 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
alwayslost wrote:
You cannot snare these, so you'll have to do a lot of running.

I snared these undead murks all the time on my Druid from 60 to 67 when I stopped hunting them. There are few drops, but xp is damn good at your level.

Good Luck.
Yeah, they're snareable. They're about the only mobs I can solo with any success in WoS.


wont bother you again here. came looking for info, and i found it. thanks
Aww, come on Shadow. Questions are what people around here are best at. Smiley: wink

Edited, Jul 1st 2007 2:30am by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#18 Jun 30 2007 at 10:33 PM Rating: Decent
2,689 posts
I used to duo with Necros kiting in Halls of Honor at the zone in. They could easily solo it, but would allow me to tag along for a little extra dps and more importantly company. At 65, HoH is excellent experience. It wasn't even bad at 75 last time I was there, but definitely not great.

TSS might not be the best place to work on gear at 65, but considering what you posted as stats, it still might be. The only armor I'm aware of from TSS that's below 65 for required level is the 45 level stuff from Scout Madu (search him in the beastiary to see his quests). The Omens of War expansion Tier 1 armor would prob be better suited with a 60 level requirement, or go with the lower TSS stuff till you get to 71 for the way better TSS gear. Only problem with OoW Tier 1 gear is you'll need help with it, as many of the drops are from summoning nameds that would tear thru a 65 necro. Of course the same is true of the 71 TSS armor, but people still camp those spots alot and even announce it rotting /ooc sometimes, though they usually have a friend or an alt available to come loot it if no one in the group needs it.

The NE murk tunnel in WoS is awesome experience if you can get your root to stick, or kite them around once you clear to the first room. Can't really kite that well in the tunnel leading to the room, unless you drag them all the way out, due to it's very narrow and misshapen passage way.

Here's some links to what I mentioned:
Scout Madu
OoW Tier 1 armor (Silk)
TSS 71 Basic Armor (Tier 1 Silk)
TSS 71 Upgraded Armor (Tier 2 Silk)

If you decide to go with any of those, you should check the zones for quest NPCs with similar jewelry quests.

Yther Ore.
#19 Jul 01 2007 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
231 posts
NC and HoH would be normal spots for necro at that level. WoS as a hot zone would make trying those murks a great solo spot if you can handle it.

Also you can just forget about fearing mobs at that level they will ether be immune are it will ware off in a few seconds are it will last and mob will find some company to agro on you as it runs away. Its all about agro kiteing at that level snare mob and dot it as it chases you around in circles until it dies.

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