Boxing these two and looking for a nice place for exp. Not able to hunt in the level 50 Hot zone Dranik's Scar per pvp issues, looking for other options for tanking with a 50 warrior. I've only done Velk's lab so far.
I'm assuming you want off-the-beaten path type zones since you mentioned PvP issues. Skyfire is nice and big so you'd have lots of out of the way places to hunt. Sebilis and Karnors might be good if you work your way deeper in. Griegs End would be OK experience. Try The Deep. I doubt PvPers would look there.
That's just a few ideas to get you started. Good luck!
The Hole perhaps? Entrance mobs will be even con to the shaman. Snare or root is vital there. If your shaman is an Innoruuk worshipper (troll) an easily quested item will give you a clicky snare.
Yes I am looking for off-the-beaten path types places, exactly. I use to level in com back near 50 but I think that may be a bit low for the warrior..maybe not. Thanks for the help, any other suggestions?
Check out Frontier Mountains. If the mobs are too easy, then you can move into Mines of Nurga. Similarily you could check out Grimling Forest, if the mobs are easy you could attempt Acrylia Cavern. Go to Dulaks and you can also utilize Torgiran Mines. Hunt the Dreadlands and pop into Karnor's Castle to see how it is.
There're more...look up zones by level on this site.