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June 20, 2007 Devs Stratics ChatFollow

#1 Jun 23 2007 at 4:58 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts

<Destinova> Welcome to today's House of Commons chat with the developers of Everquest!
<Destinova> To submit a question type /msg [QT]LBeff My question here! - questions sent to the developers will not be answered! We'll be doing a general chat today so any questions on the game are welcome.
<Destinova> We'll begin with a brief introduction from our guests and then jump straight into the questions. The full logs will be available at shortly afterward.
<Destinova> Also, feel free to join #everquest for open chat.

<Rashere> Good evening everyone and thanks for coming. I'm Travis McGeathy, lead designer for Everquest.
<Nodyin> Hello everyone, my name is David Ford and I work on the Alternate Advancement (AA) system.
<Vahlar> Good evening all, I'm Holly Longdale, assistant lead designer of content!
<Ngreth> Hello! I am Adam "Ngreth" Bell, Game designer specializing in tradeskills.
<Merloc> Hello, I'm Keith Turkowski, in charge of items for EverQuest.
<Prathun> Hello all! I'm Jonathan Caraker, the EverQuest designer responsible for spells and melee abilities.
<Maddoc> Hey everyone, I'm Jason Mash, one of the Assistant Lead Designers on the EQ team, handling most of the systems side work! Welcome to the chat!

<Destinova> *Nattican* Greetings. I'm sure you are all aware of the recent problems with servers and zones crashing constantly. Are there fixes in the works to remedy this?
<Rashere> Our code team is well aware of the problem and has been working on a solution, but the root of the problem has been very difficult to track down. Once they’ve got that nailed down, we’ll be able to get a fix in place.

<Destinova> *Nolrog* When are we going to see an update to the new human models out on test?
<Rashere> We don’t have an ETA for another rev on the human models. We aren’t operating under a set schedule for getting the models done, so will just be putting out new revs when we feel enough work has been done on them to justify it.

<Destinova> *Nolrog* Are there any plans for any new servers in the future? (new progression, "classic", discord, or something new?)
<Vahlar> We are always looking for ideas to change things up and add fun new features and even new servers with interesting rule sets. The idea of doing another new rule-set server has come up but we don't have any immediate plans to launch one.

<Destinova> *Lighteagle* the Pathing and Critter warping in new zones (The Serpent Spine and later) is still very bad- can we expect any improvements in this area?
<Maddoc> I investigate pathing issues almost every day, many of which come from bug reports. If there are any areas that are most notably bad, feel free to /bug the issue with the location and a detailed description of the issue.

<Destinova> *sneakattack* Will there be more bank space added in the next expansion , please say yes.
<Rashere> Sorry, we’re not planning on adding more bank space with the next expansion.

<Destinova> *Tharkis* Are there any plans to fix harfange so that he isnt powered up before you engage him without having to sacrifice players to get him to reset?
<Destinova> [18:08] <Zatozia> okay mister funny man 8)
<Nodyin>I just spoke with the designer who created the Harfange raid and that issue is fixed and should already be on Live. Let us know if you're still seeing the issue.
<Vahlar> Ya...what she said.

<Destinova> *Ivor_the_Mad_AB* Hi Question for the team - Will the next expansion have raids for all levels of guild as opposed to concentrating on top level guilds?
<Rashere> The majority of raid content with the next expansion will be aimed at players who have exhausted the current raid content in the game. There are some raids that will be doable by mid-tier guilds as well, but those guilds have a lot of older content still at their disposal so it’s less of a focus.

<Destinova> *Lighteagle* It see,s the Jonas Dagmire aug quest is missing an overarching storyline- was this an oversight, or are we just expected to magically have known why were were collecting all those bones and how to glue them back to gether (or did I just miss the lore part)?
<Merloc> Jonas Dagmire met with an ill fate... unfortunately no one survived to tell the tale of exactly what that fate was; however, we are quite certain it was ill. Figuring out how to join the bones together was meant to be an intuitive puzzle for players solve without any clues.

<Destinova> *Xislaben_The_Rising_Sun* Ngreth - Will we see tradeskill combines with critical failure that do neato things in the near future?
<Ngreth> Unfortunately with salvage the "Alternate Failure" is not currently a good idea for me to use. Since the game treats it as a "Failure" the salvage AA triggers... so you could recover your parts, AND get the item... not good. At some point I will pursue a code change that will make it usable again, but I have not put it as a priority at this time.

<Destinova> *ABInstancesWRU* Any chance of an early Beta (possible Alpha) to try and get some of the issues resolved at an earlier rate?
<Rashere> We're shooting for a longer beta this time around, likely starting sometime in August. It's still in planning, so could change, but that's the goal.

<Destinova> *KyrosKrane* If you could go back and change one thing about the foundations of EverQuest, knowing what you do about the game now, what would it be?
<Rashere> The wonders of hindsight… EQ was really breaking new ground when it came out and there are a lot of things that, given our knowledge today, we’d have done differently. The majority of them focus around systems that were built for the level 50 cap the original game had and weren’t really set up to scale.
<Rashere> As the game has grown, they’ve caused problems because of it. So, given a chance, that’s where I’d focus changes: building those original systems to scale as the game grew.

<Destinova> *Nattican* Are there any current plans to tune Solteris events to bring them more in line with the average guild composition?
<Nodyin>We don't have any plans to retune the Solteris events. Our target was to create challenging raid content and I feel we did very well. We're looking into some tweaks for some of the items in Solteris as well as some minor changes to how some of the items are distributed but overall we're very happy with the zone.
<Nodyin>I get an email every time anyone completes an event in that zone and I've seen a steady rise in the number of servers completing events in that zone and there is steady progress on a number of servers.
<Nodyin>I only expect that trend to continue as we head into November and beyond.

<Destinova> *sneakattack* Any chance of giveing titles to people who have played sense the game started ? or perhaps a special AA ?
<Maddoc> We do reward players who have been playing for lengthy periods of time via the Veteran Reward system, which gives players access to one new ability for each year that they've been continuously playing the game. We currently have no plans to give out titles, but that's something we could do for a future reward.

<Destinova> Send your questions to [QT]Lbeff now as they will be answered in the order they are received! Use /msg [QT]Lbeff My Question Here to submit one.

<Destinova> *QuinnotetiquanBrell* Any update on any ideas to make Beastlords Ferocity useful?
<Prathun> Most of the effects that can increase melee effectiveness are now capped, offer diminishing returns, or don't work for all melee.
<Prathun> It will be difficult to approximate the kind of impact that attack power originally had when Ferocity was introduced, without some serious code / system intervention.
<Prathun> But I will see what we can do to make the Ferocity line, and other spells like it, useful.

<Destinova> *sneakattack* TBS gear has type 13 aug slots, will these type augments be going into the game anytime soon
<Merloc> Type 13 and 14 augments will be going into the game with the next patch.

<Destinova> *Selerra* Since mid-tier raiding is a big topic, is there any chance of mid-tier raiding being part of active progression for the next expansion to avoid the requirement of going through some of the previous tiers in order to reach newer content?
<Rashere> We’re taking a “one step back, two steps forward” approach to raids in the next expansion. The raids will essentially start one “step” back from the current high end and then progress forward so there is a bit of a ramp for mid-tier guilds to use to get into the top-tier areas.
<Rashere> In addition, we’ve got some plans for the single player game that will make transitioning from a primarily single group player to a raider considerably easier. That should go a long way toward helping those mid-tier guilds out.
<Rashere> I'm doing well with black squares tonight

<Destinova> *Nolrog* Will we see more success caps on "the best" (tm) tradeskill recipes in the future to temper the benefit of max skill, aas, and modifier?
<Prathun> They're white squares with my settings.
<Ngreth> I have no plans for the systematic use of success caps on tradeskill combines in anything I have planned for the reasonable future. That said, I reserve the right to continue to use it in specific flavor combines such as the jewelers glass lens and the Sporali skin paper.

<Destinova> *Tamm* Ive seen alot of board discussion re Demi backflagging. Your thoughts on this matter?
<Prathun> I'm planning on adding a backflag to Hatchet and Redfang for the current raiding guilds progressing through Demi-Plane.
<Prathun> This should make it in time for the upcoming patch.
<Prathun> But if it doesn't it's the type of change that's fairly easy to update on the fly.
<Prathun> Thank you for the feedback we've received on the matter. It warms my heart to know that Demi-Plane is still widely used content. =)

<Destinova> *Xislaben_The_Rising_Sun* Any ETA on fixing AE's like Stich's which now both ignore dot shielding and can crit for double the base damage?
<Prathun> We'll take a look into that and have a bug put it on it when we find out what's wrong. Thanks!

<Destinova> *Keluian* Regarding demi Plane. Since it is the only source of epic Pages for 2.0 upgrades. is there any chance of making either Tier 2 DP more accessable or adding the pages to more NPC's?
<Merloc> We've discussed it, and for now there are no plans to make epic 2.0 upgrades easier to get. We are still considering different ideas for the future.

<Destinova> *Aelfin* any chance the druid spell Lunar Light is going to be adjusted any time soon to be worth taking up a spell slot for druid's with reasonable foci?
<Prathun> It's something I need to look into more closely, but assuming it wouldn't break the game I'd be OK with that heal being more effective than it is, currently.

<Destinova> *Nolrog* Any plans for an upcoming tradeskills quest which draws on multiple (possibly every) skills? (e.g., Coldain Prayer Shawl, Protection of the Cabbage (though I'm not sure why the cabbage needed protecting in the first place) and the Aid Grimel Earring.)
<Ngreth> Yes, there actually is. And while I have not finalized my plans, it does include the use of all seven of the main tradeskills.

<Destinova> *Haiden* Any plans to increase the effectiveness of the shaman direct heals?
<Prathun> I've no issues with the healing classes being interchangable in most situations such that the value of a cleric is close enough to a shaman and close enough to a druid that each are considered "healers".
<Prathun> With variations in utility and delivery methods to distinguish them from each other.
<Prathun> However, that's easier said than done and something that will require a lot of time and attention.

<Destinova> *KyrosKrane* On behalf of the entire EQ community, and tradeskillers in particular, please wish Ngreth a happy birthday! Yes, it's today. And we want to thank him for giving us this wonderful gift of a new TS quest! =)
<Ngreth> \Tank yu... i am one.... two... uh... two... ... ... ...
<Ngreth> TWO!

<Destinova> That will wrap it up for tonight. I'd like to thank the developers for coming! The log for tonight's chat will be up shortly on the website.
"Citing your sources isn't spoon feeding, it's basic 101 if you're making an argument."-Jophiel
#2 Jun 23 2007 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
Here is some more chat info that wasn't posted on HoC, but by Jyve on the EQ forums:

Chat from #everquest.

[20:08] *** Dor changed topic to Please join us now in #StraticsHoC for this month's chat with the developers of Everquest!
[20:10] <Merloc> What's a discord server?
[20:10] <KyrosKrane> It was a server that was introduced when GoD was launched
[20:10] <Tharkis> that was the one that was made off test server log in, that was 1 death only
[20:10] <Findlen> discod = die you start over
[20:10] <KyrosKrane> PVP, and each kill drops you to level 1
[20:10] <Nolrog> That was the discord server. I dropped that one into my question, along with the classic server, new progresison or something new.
[20:10] <Tharkis> think the highest person on the server got to around 40 something boxing a whole group to protect himself heh
[20:11] <Nolrog> LOL. Nice.
[20:11] <Findlen> I wish theyd make a new server im getting bored lol
[20:11] <KyrosKrane> They only had it up for a month or so, and the person who was highest for the longest period got some sort of reward
[20:11] <Tharkis> they need to drag Eric Coskey back to keep working on pathing, heard he wasnt working on eq code at the time
[20:11] <KyrosKrane> Either an artifact, or an item named after him. I forget the details
[20:11] <Tharkis> know he used to have a lot of neat least cube algorithms and stuff, i talked with him tons at a few fan faires
[20:11] <KyrosKrane> Grumbuk, right?
[20:12] <Tharkis> i forget his avatar
[20:12] <Tharkis> grumbuk sounds right though
[20:12] <KyrosKrane> What I loved most was his long and detailed posts on the EQ boards
[20:12] <ABInstancesWRU> bet my question won't get answered "why can't we get our money back? Why pay you anymore money when you can't fix your own servers. trouble finding the cause? 16 months of a broken server"
[20:12] <ABInstancesWRU> Idiot management
[20:12] <Merloc> You can't have your money back because we spent it in Vegas.
[20:12] <KyrosKrane> Yeah, but that was an easy one to answer =)
[20:13] <Ivor_the_Mad_AB> Just need to wait for the question server to come up
[20:14] <KyrosKrane> Did you win anything there, Merloc? =)
[20:15] <Knytul> i was just curious on when the new GM cult recipes takin effect
[20:15] <Ormus> slot 13 augs going in on the next patch?
[20:15] <Stomplebane> is it hard to return to everquest?
[20:15] <Repthor> depends
[20:15] <Repthor> its not hard
[20:16] <KyrosKrane> If by new you mean the level 75-80 cultural, most likely with the launch of SoF
[20:16] <KyrosKrane> If you mean the revamps, we're looking at a late July to early August timeline
[20:16] <ABInstancesWRU> That your best answer Merloc? We can't have out money back 'cos you spent it in Vegas? Well, that's just great
[20:16] <ABInstancesWRU> You think that's the way to answer people who haven't had a working server for 16 months?
[20:17] <Ormus> what does merloc have to do with AN instances?
[20:17] <ABInstancesWRU> And Zatozia, you've been remarkably quiet on the problems AB server has had, why aren't you giving us any feedback?
[20:17] <Ormus> he is the items guy
[20:17] <ABInstancesWRU> Yeah, when I asked for money back, he said he's spent it in Vegas
[20:17] <ABInstancesWRU> Great answer to give to people
[20:17] <KyrosKrane> Would you ask the accounting guys to debug C++ code that powers the servers?
[20:17] <Repthor> ABInstancesWRU how about u talk to someone that sin charge of the things ur trying to get answers for geez
[20:17] <KyrosKrane> If not, why ask an items guy about accounting issues?
[20:17] <Dor> I know that. I thought he was remarkably restrained Smile
[20:17] <ABInstancesWRU> No, I'd not expect a SoE rep to laugh about the problems an entire server has had
[20:18] <KyrosKrane> I'd expect him to give the best answer he could, which is "I don't know, it's not my department, chat with the folks in accounting -- then THEY can tell you we spent it in Vegas" =)
[20:18] <Repthor> and his a game designer not a refound company
[20:18] <ABInstancesWRU> Disgusting, truly disgusting
[20:19] <Dor> AB, I would suggest that you may get better answers by being a bit more courteous
[20:19] <ABInstancesWRU> If he can't help, then he should shut up, not rub it in how useless they all are
[20:19] <ABInstancesWRU> We did that, ooo, about a year ago
[20:19] <ABInstancesWRU> and we've still got a broken server
[20:19] <ABInstancesWRU> with Devs laughing about it
[20:19] <KyrosKrane> I ask again. Would you ask an accountant to debug the code that powers the servers?
[20:20] <ABInstancesWRU> if an account laughed that he'd spent the money on Vegas instead of returning it for a broken game, yeah, I'd be annoyed, wouldn't you?
[20:20] <Merloc> Which server is crashing?
[20:20] <Ormus> all
[20:20] <ABInstancesWRU> ALL OF THEM!!!!
[20:20] <ABInstancesWRU> AB hans't worked right for 16 months!
[20:20] <Merloc> Well, I don't have anything to do with production.
[20:20] <KyrosKrane> All servers have been having near-daily crashes for the last couple of weeks. AB has apparently had excessive problems with instances
[20:20] <Zasbus> only with spending Smile
[20:20] <Anon740> Actually, there was an issue with nameless a few days back
[20:21] <ABInstancesWRU> No, you're too busy laughing at us that you spent our money at Vegas.
[20:21] <Merloc> 8(
[20:21] <Anon740> went down for a number of hours with no GM support or explanation.
[20:21] <ABInstancesWRU> Idiot
[20:21] <Zasbus> merloc's answer was funny, and i play on ab...
[20:21] <Repthor> ABInstancesWRU yeah and your to busy askign the wrong ppl about your issues
[20:21] <Ormus> calling devs idoits is not the best way to get help...
[20:21] <ABInstancesWRU> Who should I ask?
[20:21] <ABInstancesWRU> the entire server's being ignored atm
[20:21] <Merloc> I actually wasn't in Vegas... I was working.
[20:22] <Dor> Any more name-calling, and you'll be due for a time-out, AB
[20:22] <Repthor> Merloc omg u lied now im really mad at you !
[20:22] <Tharkis> honestly i really think they need to mvoe AB back to the states, the extra 30ms lag > not having a working instnace server for over a year =(
[20:22] <Merloc> Well, the servers are handled by a different team in another location.
[20:22] <KyrosKrane> So I guess I gotta ask then. Did the accounting guys win in Vegas? /grin
[20:22] <Tharkis> and the ab server isnt even handled by /that/ team
[20:22] <Merloc> Is AB the euro server?
[20:22] <Tharkis> yeah
[20:22] <Ormus> yes
[20:22] <Ivor_the_Mad_AB> the accounting guys blew the budget on blackjack
[20:22] <KyrosKrane> Yup, Antonius Bayle
[20:23] <Anon740> I have a question... As it stands the server populations are extremely low, specifically on the nameless. I've heard rumors of a server merge in November with the new expansion, but I'm afraid we're losing more people daily. What is the status on server merges as they stand now? When can we expect it?
[20:23] <Ormus> they most the times have issues with the instance load timers, can take 30min to an hr to start a new instance
[20:23] <Merloc> I can look into it, I would imagine it's handled by the branch of SOE over there.
[20:23] <Tharkis> AB really needs to be moved back to the states because it gets neglected by the sony euro ops, they average what? 30+ minutes to get an instance after you start clicking? at least?
[20:23] <ABInstancesWRU> SOMEONE needs to look into it, 'cos everyone else we ask ignores us
[20:24] <Repthor> ABInstancesWRU well u coul dask in hoc chat byt u chose to ask for beta or altha instead
[20:24] <ABInstancesWRU> Zatzozia ignores us, devs ignore us, eqcs emails get ignored, /petitions get ignored, there's /bug reports going back over a year. Yes, perhaps someone /should/ look into it
[20:24] <ABInstancesWRU> asked a whole bunch of questions, most of them about getting AB fixed
[20:24] <Zatozia> Zatozia ignores who?
[20:24] <Tanecho> bets on Removing complete heal for answer to that one!
[20:24] <ABInstancesWRU> All the PM's we've sent about AB not working?
[20:25] <Nolrog> That's a good question KK.
[20:25] <ABInstancesWRU> not read any of your PM's about the AB server STILL not working after 16 months?
[20:25] <KyrosKrane> I figured it might inspire a bit of discussion
[20:25] <Ivor_the_Mad_AB> hopefully regrest putting asslings in game
[20:25] <Merloc> I probably skipped over it, I get a lot of PMs, and I tend to focus on the ones that are in my area.
[20:26] <Ormus> halfling > all
[20:26] <Zatozia> That's not true. I have responded to many of the PMs I have gotten about it and have responded to the thread several times. Its not always possible to respond to every post and every pm though.
[20:27] <ABInstancesWRU> Last time was in May, you thought it was close to being resolved, we've not heard a thing since, and the servers are still broken
[20:27] <Ivor_the_Mad_AB> I thought focii came in later than level 50?
[20:28] <KyrosKrane> I believe focus effects were originally from ... Velious? Luclin at the latest
[20:28] <ABInstancesWRU> the game isn't playable most evenings, why isn't this a priority to be fixed?
[20:28] <KyrosKrane> But I don't recall them being on original-game items
[20:28] <KyrosKrane> Though admittedly, I didn't play then
[20:28] <Zatozia> As I mentioned before there isn't an easy fix for it. They were able to resolve it temporarily at the time but it occurred again. They are working on plans for the future though.
[20:29] <Zatozia> We'll try to get some official news about it as soon as we can. It was actually a topic of a meeting today.
[20:29] <Nolrog> Even with level 80?
[20:29] <Zatozia> We aren't ignoring the issue.
[20:29] <Tharkis> heh, even if they dont retune fights, i hope they fix some of hte tons of bugs with solteris fights
[20:30] <KyrosKrane> Nolrog, my guild was clearing Anguish at 70, except OMM. We couldn't beat him till 75.
[20:30] <KyrosKrane> So yeah, I'd give it another year or so before TBS falls due to levels
[20:30] <Repthor> i just hope for more mod 2s on the items in solteris other then that i like the events i have done
[20:30] <Ivor_the_Mad_AB> solterius is hard some raids need huge dps
[20:30] <ABInstancesWRU> What plans are being worked on, and why aren't you telling us about it?
[20:30] <Merloc> I'm putting in some major changes to Solteris items next patch.
[20:30] <ABInstancesWRU> And to be fair, you've said that before, and it's still as bad as ever
[20:30] <Nolrog> My guild should be moving towards Anguish over the summer.
[20:30] <Ivor_the_Mad_AB> some guilds have like 54 in raid and swapping in 15 others outside for each event
[20:30] <Tharkis> every event excetp one in solteirs is dps dps dps dps dps dps (little bit of healing and tanking)
[20:31] * Repthor hugs merloc
[20:31] <Knytul> long story short
[20:31] <Knytul> when is SOlteris gonna receive its 1st of man revamps?
[20:31] <Ivor_the_Mad_AB> ha ha ah ferocity useful good one Smile
[20:31] <Knytul> just like all the other events in eq have
[20:32] <Merloc> A bunch of players gave me detailed feedback on mods and spell effects, and I'm making almost all the changes they suggested.
[20:32] <Zatozia> Unfortunately, I can't go into details about it right now but I'll try to get that official word as soon as I can.
[20:32] <ABInstancesWRU> PLease do, 16 months ofa broken server is a joke
[20:32] <ABInstancesWRU> compensation would be appreciated
[20:32] <ABInstancesWRU> and not a double xp weekend that only makes things worse
[20:33] <Zasbus> make it half exp weekend, that way it's easier to get an instance :p
[20:33] <Repthor> no more exp weekends
[20:33] <Repthor> exp comes fast enough as it is
[20:33] <Zasbus> i said half exp Smile
[20:33] <Beezer> Considering you have people on your server to group with /cough.
[20:33] <Avalin> hey ive got alts to level !!!
[20:34] <Repthor> Beezer i box
[20:34] <Repthor> and when i dont box yes i group
[20:35] <Knytul> hey merloc
[20:35] <Beezer> Aye, but boxing takes the fun out of the game imo.
[20:35] <Knytul> why does the items in Solteris seem like the mods are worse than TSS ones...or lacking
[20:35] <Ivor_the_Mad_AB> I find boxing like playing a spreadsheet
[20:35] <Zatozia> Hey, here's a question. Anyone in this room listed on the Hall of Fame thus far?
[20:35] <Zatozia> I know of 2 here that is hee
[20:35] <Ivor_the_Mad_AB> not looked
[20:35] <Cinexa> am I ?
[20:35] <Cinexa> =p
[20:36] <Beezer> On the nameless, our server population is lower than I've ever seen. Guilds are folding left and there *is* no general population.
[20:36] <Tharkis> you are cinexa
[20:36] <Cinexa> wow
[20:36] <Tharkis> everyone with a special title awarded by gms was entered as the first round
[20:36] <Zatozia> you'll be listed again once I get the item list. Gotta put that artifact you received down
[20:36] <Beezer> I keep hearing rumors of a server merge, but, to be honest, I'm not sure waiting til november will leave anyone to actually merge.
[20:36] <Avalin> type 14?
[20:36] <Tharkis> 14 = 13
[20:36] <Nolrog> Rumors from where?
[20:36] <Tharkis> but for raid gear
[20:36] <KyrosKrane> Knyt, Merloc just said he's going to be upgrading those anyway =)
[20:36] <Avalin> ahh ok
[20:37] <KyrosKrane> And the actual focus effects are Prathun's department, I think
[20:37] <Knytul> aah
[20:37] <Knytul> not just focus
[20:37] <Knytul> mod2's
[20:37] <Knytul> they lack hard
[20:37] <Repthor> theres comming in new focus effects to thats beeing added to solteris items
[20:37] <Repthor> not new but more of them
[20:37] <Merloc> Yeah, mod2s were way to low in Solteris.
[20:37] <Merloc> They are getting a big boost.
[20:38] <Tharkis> oh side note if you read this merloc =D Disease focus on solteris arms for shaman is just as bad as the + combat effects on all the shaman class gear =)

Edited, Jun 23rd 2007 9:33am by Addikeys
"Citing your sources isn't spoon feeding, it's basic 101 if you're making an argument."-Jophiel
#3 Jun 23 2007 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
And the rest with some edits:

[20:38] <Repthor> wtb fix to defensive proc
[20:38] <KyrosKrane> I thought they already had a fix lined up for that?
[20:38] <KyrosKrane> Or was I thinking of something else?
[20:38] <Knytul> 1 more question devs (and if u could pass this on tho whoever actually does it)
[20:39] <Knytul> when is the knights offensives gonna goet a makeover to be more useful
[20:39] <KyrosKrane> Someone tell Rashere to turn off Smart quotes and smiley auto-correct in MS Word
[20:40] <Nolrog> They're black and white squares on mine.
[20:41] <KyrosKrane> I like Ngreth's answers
[20:41] <Merloc> I think disease focus is removed, if not PM me and I'll remove it.
[20:41] <Merloc> It's not taking the place of another focus though.
[20:41] <KyrosKrane> Yee-haw!
[20:41] <KyrosKrane> Err
[20:41] <Ivor_the_Mad_AB> woohoo god move
[20:41] <KyrosKrane> Yeehaw at Prathun,, that is
[20:41] <KyrosKrane> Sorry, Merloc
[20:42] <Merloc> I thought someone was happy with me for a second.
[20:42] <Repthor> im happy with you as long as item gets tweaked
[20:42] <Ivor_the_Mad_AB> oh can we get some more poison focii for bst too please, just hard to find any except top end rading
[20:42] <KyrosKrane> Well, I'm sure Tharkis is
[20:42] <Tharkis> im very happy with your atiki quests and the result
[20:42] <KyrosKrane> But I'm not a shaman
[20:43] <Merloc> I'm not really doing any quests this time, but I'm making some cool items.
[20:43] <Ivor_the_Mad_AB> about 8 guilds on AB doing DP atm, when can get in Smile
[20:43] <Tharkis> more clickies please !
[20:43] <KyrosKrane> LOL. I've been having fun with our Demi raids
[20:43] <Repthor> Merloc cool items yay. clikies i hope
[20:44] <Tharkis> you'd seriously make a LOT of players days if you took the 'raid only'illusion items there are right now, high elf, iksar, mushroom, andput them o lower content so that more can get them
[20:44] <KyrosKrane> I've been having fun casting that whenever I see a guild or two, usually including mine, forming in Dreadspire
[20:44] <Ormus> we love clickies, guktan pls!
[20:44] <Merloc> They will be clickies with complex scripts.
[20:44] <Tharkis> fun items = people will persue that content years after the rest of the expansion is obolete
[20:44] <Ormus> ya
[20:44] <Tharkis> heck, more people go to lguk today STILLL for woodelf hat than any other reason now heh
[20:44] <Merloc> I made one for another designer that's a combination that you have to decode by clicking on the item.
[20:45] <Ivor_the_Mad_AB> yes but why do some classes get a lot of illusions, and some have very few?
[20:45] <Merloc> It's a simple puzzle, but I'm doing more along those lines.
[20:45] <KyrosKrane> ... because it's part of their class description?
[20:45] <Ormus> bic type quests as well pls!
[20:45] <Merloc> Because the ugly races get more illusions so we don't have to look at them.
[20:45] <Ormus> with a one year expansion cycle, need some long quests to keep us busy
[20:45] <KyrosKrane> Enchanters, rogues, and bards have disguise and deception built into their class, in both lore and function
[20:46] <Tharkis> i think to make players AND enchanters happy, take the 'raid' only illusion clickies make them more avialable
[20:46] <Tharkis> and then take a bunch more of the global races and make spells for chanters
[20:46] <Tharkis> like raptor, evil eye, fairy, mushroom
[20:46] <Ormus> guktan tharkis...
[20:47] <Repthor> Merloc who to pm to adress some annoyences with drakkin ?
[20:47] <KyrosKrane> One great idea would be impressive-looking items, weapons and such
[20:47] <Tharkis> anyone can do any of htose with a fellowship now anyways, but making things more fun for eveyrone in general would go a long ways to make people happy
[20:47] <Tharkis> people will carry fun clickies for years even after the stats are such they woudlnt even put them on a twink
[20:47] <Ormus> i loved the puzzle tasks that merloc made in the last expansion
[20:47] <KyrosKrane> There's a sword from TSS, a massive, glowy thing. It sells in the baz for about 500K -- and it has zero or trivial stats
[20:47] <KyrosKrane> People buy it just for the looks
[20:48] <Ivor_the_Mad_AB> Fabled sword from Seru was like that too
[20:48] <KyrosKrane> Wish I could remember the name
[20:48] <KyrosKrane> Drops from ... the named croc in Vergalid, I think
[20:48] <Knytul> the one w/ 5000 hp
[20:49] <KyrosKrane> Runic Green Legion Longsword, that's the one
[20:49] <Tanecho> I wish 2.5s weren't mob specific, melee ones seem a bit rare for some reason...
[20:49] <KyrosKrane>
[20:51] <Merloc> What annoyances with drakkin?
[20:51] <Tharkis> they're hideously ugly, no one i know will play one because of that unless they're /trying/ for goth emo person who cuts themselves
[20:51] <Merloc> I'm going to make some overpowered clickies.
[20:51] <Tharkis> they bob up and down more wolf form used to when they attack too
[20:51] <Merloc> And when they break class balance, I'll quit and go live on the beach.
[20:51] <KyrosKrane> The biggest fault I know of with drakkin is the bobbing camera perspective.
[20:52] <Knytul> i think they look kinda kewl
[20:52] <KyrosKrane> Randomly, when you run around as a drakkin, the camera perspective will drop to mid-chest.
[20:52] <Tharkis> just remember, not all clickes need to be endboss loot only, 'fun' clickes make the world go round
[20:52] <Ivor_the_Mad_AB> I like the drakkin hair, if dont look at them moving they look ok
[20:52] <Ormus> hmm, lunarlight is a very nice spell with the right focus
[20:52] <KyrosKrane> If you scroll back using the mouse, it's centered on the toon's chest, not the head like other races
[20:52] <Tharkis> that happens whenever another drakkin zones in KK
[20:52] <Ormus> not sure what his complaint avout
[20:52] <Merloc> There will be clickies at all levels.
[20:52] <KyrosKrane> Oh, is that what causes it? I could never nail it down
[20:52] <Tharkis> it's involved with the same bug that closes the /face window whenever anyone in the zone usses and illusion
[20:52] <Tanecho> can you make a monk 2hb and accidentally make it 1hb next expansion please, kinda like what happened with the Warweaver!
[20:52] <Merloc> I don't know about the drakkin bobbing, that would be an art question, you could post on the forums.
[20:52] <Merloc> Hahah, I hope not, Tanecho.
[20:53] <Nolrog> And Moonshadow too please.
[20:53] <Ivor_the_Mad_AB> well vah shir fem been running like they got a stick up their rears for years
[20:53] <Merloc> I'm going to start a thread on the forums asking for crazy click ideas.
[20:53] <Tharkis> they still run better than a lot of races
[20:53] <Ivor_the_Mad_AB> how about clicky instances Smile
[20:53] <Tharkis> and as far as body proportions go, vah shir females are one of hte best
[20:53] <KyrosKrane> Ooh, random thought that may be easier to fix.
[20:53] <Knytul> what about augs, most ppz are STILL using augs from like 4-5 expansions ago (DoN)
[20:53] <Merloc> I could make click instances. Cool
[20:53] <Tharkis> just some animation tweaking and they'd be perfectly fine fo ra long time
[20:53] <Repthor> Merloc love you
[20:54] <Knytul> any chance of upgradin to lifetap 3 or chaotic strike V augs?
[20:54] <Merloc> There are going to be tons of augs in the next expansion... I was stingy with them in TBS.
[20:54] <Knytul>
[20:54] <Tharkis> oh just another example of "fun clickies = content gets used" i still know people who spend tons of time in the DoD orb of subversion mission just camping water elemental mask, and a ton of people who spend time in poearth for the earth elemental orb
[20:54] <Merloc> There will be fewer augs dropping in raid content.
[20:54] <KyrosKrane> Here's an easy one for Merloc =) The item named Toy Eye Ball says "Charges: 3", but stacks. If you use it, the item poofs with a single use
[20:54] <Ivor_the_Mad_AB> yeah proportions good Tharkis, standing still look good, running a little wrong
[20:55] <Merloc> That's a code bug, I'll let them know.
[20:55] <Tharkis> aye ivor, one of the best proportioned in the game
[20:55] <Repthor> Merloc dont forget ac augs tho we tanks love em
[20:55] <KyrosKrane> Oh. I assumed the fix would be to remove the charges:3 from it
[20:55] <Merloc> Yeah, I have a sticky note to add more ac augs.
[20:55] <Knytul> can they tone the factions down a lil bit...TSS was WAY too much and burnt ppz out too fast on factioning
[20:55] <Ivor_the_Mad_AB> oh if you do ATK augs make them +200 because +25 does little
[20:56] <Repthor> its cap anyway
[20:56] <Merloc> There will be more factioning in the next expansion probably, but won't be as required.
[20:56] <Repthor> u can only have so much worn atk
[20:56] <Merloc> I want to do something more along the lines doing faction to unlock special items.
[20:57] <Tharkis> make sure that if there are 'oposing factions' or such, that there are ways to repair them / swap them
[20:57] <Tharkis> like with velious
[20:57] <Knytul> cuz like TBS...once u get solteris flag ur only goin ally just for ur spells...
[20:57] <Repthor> u dident need that many that was just us players doigng everything to find the path
[20:57] <Tharkis> and not like accidentally killing sirran in posky

Edited, Jun 23rd 2007 9:32am by Addikeys
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