well id go with a necro aswell an hell make em an ikky for forage. theyr'e not heavily gear reliant an any group would welcome their dps. i made a druid an leveled em to 65 before the level increase. an i farmed alot of stuff with em. but any group i tried to get into gave me grief for not being a cleric. so i cant suggest them. but if u do make a druid, theres halflings for the 100% WR bags, or a clicky tunare worshippers root necklace. also i loved the druid, but u cant farm crap from nameds with em. an then i made a shaman cause ldon cameout an i got tired of looking for a slower. shaman rocks, an as u level their playstyle changes keeping me interested. but if u make a shaman, i can only heavily suggest u make a troll inny worshipper. they get access to a clinging darkness clicky at level 15. "regent symbol of inny". so u can dot for free, an snare aswell. i made a crapass frog, an i gotta go find a snare proc'n weapon when i get back into the game. but i was able to solo alot of nameds that would've eaten my druid alive. an yeah, thats my 2cents. besides having shaman buffs for a group, or a slower in a pinch is always nice. i twinked out a SK an got to 35 with em quickly, but i was kinda bored with em. ohh an if u play on zek, it'll always be interesting.