I still see the enchanter as being your best puller. Sorry sue me. I understand that the ranger can pull and in lot of situations should pull but maybe I am reading it wrong and putting too much emphasis on the experience implied in getting the gear.
To me getting the hardcore gear means your really comfortable and skilled in your class. I still would want in the situation of the group given for every situtation where **** can go bad I can think of my group too look like I orginally said it would look.
I know some rangers that are awesome and can cover a lot of stuff but without me having faith in my CC a hardcore ranger + hardcore warrior means to me if I farg up and end up with 3 mobs instead of 2 or less someone is gonna die. Yes I know exceptions I know people who are causally geared and better players then the people in our top end guild on our server but generally if you give me X ranger in <Gnomes and Pie> or X ranger in <Fire and Fury> ( two guilds on my server one being our biggest most advanced) I am gonna think that X ranger in <Fire and Fury> will be because of gear and experience a better player unless I know them. Forgive me if reading experience level required into getting X set of gear was not meant to be taken into context here. I did it though and maybe that will shed some light on where I am coming from.