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#1 Jun 12 2007 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
231 posts
I was reading in the "Kill Shot" post that you can use a high level toon and a DS to PL a lower toon. Mention was made of a mage pulling in a lot of mobs ( 12 as I remember)at a time. Where can you suggest that this approach would work well. Would need to be a place where you can easily round up a lot of mobs and have a safe camp fot the low level toon to hang out. It seems to suggest outdoor spaces. I have a 71 mage and would like to play around with ths idea.

Would this approach work to get toons through the difficult 50's or would the mobs needed be too high for the mage to handle?

Thanks for your input. I love trying new things in EQ.
#2 Jun 12 2007 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
231 posts
Sorry, double post.
#3 Jun 12 2007 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
For the lower levels, unrest is hard to beat, alot of mobs,most of them undead ( so they wont run ) and you can go to the mid thirties here. ( using the mobs in the basement.)
After that, try lower guk and pull to the entrances, or Sol has worked in the past also.
#4 Jun 12 2007 at 9:17 AM Rating: Good
223 posts
the hotzones, basically.

Remember, never go anywhere where the mobs are more than 4 levels higher than the powerlevelee, because they loose exp that way.
#5 Jun 12 2007 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Ycir, sorry read post below...double post

Edited, Jun 12th 2007 1:23pm by yenwangweh
#6 Jun 12 2007 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
What do you mean. I have used a 55 Druid to powerlevel a level 1 warrior in unrest, and he got all the exp ( of course, we were not grouped.)

I guess I misunderstood your post.
#7 Jun 12 2007 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
223 posts
Say, your level on character killed a level 75 mob.

He would get the same exp as if he killed a level 15 mob.

It's just not efficient. To be efficient kill mobs that are just red to you, you get an exp bonus.

Edited, Jun 12th 2007 2:00pm by YCHIR
#8 Jun 12 2007 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
I did not know that. In unrest, you should be mostly in that limit, same in Guk.

Thanks for the info, YCIR.
#9 Jun 12 2007 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
My 56 Paly PLed her lil' sis Shammy from 25-30 in about 3 hours in Unrest. They sat down in the very bottum spot of the basement. The mobs just kept rolling in. It was fun.

Generally speaking hot zones are best xp, followed by dungeons, followed by open hunting areas.

PLing in dungeons is not hard with a higher level toon PLing. Just need to clear a spot and go at it. Have the higher level toon pull as many as you feel you can handle at a time.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#10 Jun 12 2007 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,074 posts
It was my post that you read about using a Mage to DS PL a new character.

Mention was made of a mage pulling in a lot of mobs ( 12 as I remember)at a time. Where can you suggest that this approach would work well. Would need to be a place where you can easily round up a lot of mobs and have a safe camp fot the low level toon to hang out. It seems to suggest outdoor spaces. I have a 71 mage and would like to play around with ths idea.

Indoor works fine as well. Get a feel for how much distance you can be from a kill to still get xp. I find I can park my PLee at the zoneline of most dungeons and still get xp while my PLer hits most of the dungeon.

You are 71 so get Tenacity. KEI is optional. Self buff with Prime Shielding and Phantom Shield. Cast Magmaskin and Pyrilen Skin on yourself and use Shaman made Distillate of Skinspikes potions. Obviously you don't summon a pet.

Would this approach work to get toons through the difficult 50's or would the mobs needed be too high for the mage to handle?

My Bazaar geared 68 Mage with 5k hps and 800 AC used this method in the level 55 Hotzone Acrylia Caverns so it is possible to hit 50-52 with this method. I did a Wizard to 53 in 21 hours played total.

At 53, I just grouped with my Mage. We moved in to the high level areas of Acrylia Caverns. Now you are able to cast your uber level 71 pet and go to town PLing with your PLee standing next to a wall doing nothing. (Of course you can use your PLee to contribute but I found my Mage and pet were massacre enough in Acrylia Caverns)

This is what I did. Tactics may vary based on individual circumstances.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#11 Jun 13 2007 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
231 posts
I am going to give Acrylia Caverns a try. Thanks for the suggestion.
#12 Jun 14 2007 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
703 posts
Acrylia Caverns is a good choice. Not only is it a hotspot for leveling quick, but you can make some really good cash just from the vendor drops and selling the acrylia in the bazaar.
#13 Jun 17 2007 at 8:39 PM Rating: Default
ok. so im a lil appalled that this is in here. cause im sure its going to be nerfed. but heres how i rolled, PL'n my buds an anyone who would've paid me like 1k per level. an more so at higher levels.... get a druid. mages are less efficient.... set up some hotkeys so u can assist the druid. druid pulls with snare ( huge aggro) if a spell casting class it works better. then u yell "%T is incoming tag em"... noober tags em for as lil damage as possible to avoid over aggro'ing the snare. an then druid goes an gets another an yells "tag" again. do this with private tells. cause if your grouped u aint getting any xp... all u need to do is 1dmg if your the PL-ie, an the Damage shield on the druid does the rest. i had to sit alot as a druid for some lower level mobs to even hit me. which meant full damage from mobbs an extra heals. but theres always the super Ds's a druid gets w/ AA's an i think they cameout with a spell to rock a good Ds too. but i stopped playing my druid pre DON cause shamans own. so id just sit in pok, auction off powerlevels. an head to unrest. cause if snares wear off, normal mobs run. some peole would ***** they were missing out on offensive skill ups. an would suggest themselves being the meat shields. i would tell these people they sucks at life an wont get everything for free. cause its annoying when they die, cause some pos level 10 mob managed to interupt me. an their way is slower... so yeah, hoped this helped.... also.... i suppose any class with a huge aggro non damaging spell could use this method. just support your shaman with buying some DS pots. =)
GL, enjoy being a level 50 sk, with skill level of 25 1hs/2hs. lol. an when yer done, u can go buy some plat too online... lol.
p.s. play your class, an stop cheating yourself from running from gnolls.

Edited, Jun 18th 2007 12:40am by thrakka
#14 Jun 17 2007 at 10:01 PM Rating: Decent
1,074 posts
I prefer a Mage over a Druid because once you become a level 50 SK with 1 skill in 1hs and 1 skill in Defense, you can /duel a Mage pet for no-risk skillups.

A Druid gets 1 pet so the level range which you can duel for skillups is limited.

With a Mage, you cast a pet that is ideally green or at most light blue to the toon you PLed. You /duel, send pet and just stand there for dodge, parry, defense, etc. skillups and /pet back off before the PLee dies.


You send pet and the PLee works on weapons skills and you stop attacking before the pet dies. Heal up and repeat. You can max every single skill in a couple hours even at levels 50+.

Edited, Jun 18th 2007 6:06am by Reyla
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#15 Jun 18 2007 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
Shadow Knight works very well for this also due to the agro ability.

We did this in City of Mist. Mobs don't run, except for a rare few. The perons being PL set a key to "rotate through nearest NPC"(something like that). Spell casters use that key and a AOE, they do need to shift around some to hit different mobs. Non AOE characters just use auto attack and the key to cycle through nearest NPC. You can go to 50 easy here very fast.

Edited, Jun 19th 2007 8:54pm by Kortt
#16 Jun 18 2007 at 7:05 PM Rating: Default
i played on a zek. so if anything the person was trying to manufactor a Toon to harrass others. or bypass the harrassors. so you would need a healing class(druid) to toss a heal in the case a griefer was trying to bother your payment plan. an if your talking about using a mages pet to give the lazy *** his skill ups... id tell the guy to get bent an sit at a zoneline an fight a mob there an zone when he was near death. an abuse the new ooc regen. or find a snare weapon an beat a mob till it ran, let it regen a lil, go back to beating on it with a rusty 1hs/2hs/1hb/2hb/pierce an so on till it was 2%. an he could get his offensive skill ups this way.
#17 Aug 14 2010 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
7 posts
Yeah, I find an SK is a perfect chioce to give PL's nowadays. With the agro they can generate without doing any dmg they are awesome. Pull a nice train with no DS up. Use a good AoE agro spell to really work up the train to hammer on Sk... then your new toon walks in and either casts an AoE dd spell (lower level the better to keep agro down) or if you have a melee class you are working on just have it walk in behind the train and rotate through the mnobs one at a time. 1 hit / mob is all it takes to get the exp for that mobs death.

Once your new toon has hit the mobs he sits back and SK pops a DS potion and just sits as fast as possible to slaughter the mobs quickly. I know you gotta sit over and over all the time but mobs die real fast that way. I strongle agree with the other posts as well... undead zones are by far the best for pl's. I love that undead's don't run away... if you are in a none undead zone you will likly need a toon that can root (snare doesn't work since mobs stop attacking at 20% then). I prefer to go into the largest zone the new toon can barely hit a mob in (but it's all personal preference). Larger zones if the new toon gets any agro they will likely die fast (so best to get a few buffs from a clr before the lil toon enters any big zones). I find the best starting zone is FoB up to lvl 4'ish, then kurns Tower up to lvl 15'ish. From there I box toons for pl's and use a dru to snare/root while sk tanks and small toons hit mobs. OT (at skyfire ramp) is good location after Kurns tower since rhino's and the cats don't run away.
#18 Aug 16 2010 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
317 posts

Necro Thread

Edited, Aug 18th 2010 1:50am by GreenShag
#19 Aug 17 2010 at 6:37 AM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
just one comment on this necro post. SOME undead do indeed run.
Ghouls, and the undead in Crypt of decay leap immediately to my mind.
#20 Aug 23 2010 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
86 posts
I have a 85 Bard. What do you all think a good toon for me to PL? Have 2 acct, and want to work a partner up through the lvl. In the acct in question, have a 68 Mage, 76 Shammy, 85 Ranger, 9 Monk, 76 Wizzy.......heheeee. My Bard has been my main for a bit (since laid off my 85 Necro....the uber of the acct in question). Just looking through Alla, saw the notes you all were making and thought I would ask. Throw in ideas please...alot of the time I am lfg and bored to tears. EQ is my haven! :-D Ya, I'm an addict!
#21 Jan 21 2011 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Best way to PL a toon is with a druid. Unlike Mage, he has heal as well as a DS.

From the beginning:

Create your new baby, don't matter what, and get him a tank merc.

Druid loads up SOW, nature skin, thorns, strength, regen and a small heal - the sub 41 version. Buff merc and baby.

Baby pulls with a punk nuke - gets evoc up. Baby can take lots of punishment with nature skin. Toss in a heal as needed.

Baby chain pulls 3 or 4 mobs at a time. Thorns kills mobs fast and you will ding every 10 mins at the start.

Use various weapons to get up 1HB, 1HS etc.

At the start, the Merc is only there to catch runners. at about level 25 he will take over.

Don't worry too much about gear. Buffs are good enough till 50. Use drops and cheap defiant gear.

Start in Crescent Reach do the cat, bear and undead caves till 20, then Blightfire, ents first and then rats till 30.

After that follow the Hot zones.

When baby turns green to the Druid, group up and use druid to zerg kill, Bloodfields is great for this.

Break every 20 levels to get your casting skills up.

Using a 71 druid I made me a level 60 Mage in a weekend.

Edited, Jan 21st 2011 8:28pm by biabeli
Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
#22 Jan 22 2011 at 12:12 AM Rating: Decent
166 posts
Pretty good write up biabeli. Once I grind out a few AAs, I might PL up my bard and mage tonight. They are both in their early 20s. Now I got an excuse to go into the bazaar when they need better gear. :D

Edit: The best i found was Lower Guk. I took my bard and mage there @ level 22. I got them to 35 in 3 hours. They were getting roughly 9-14% per kill. This was being PL'ed with a druid.

Edited, Jan 22nd 2011 1:18pm by WoodElvenDruid
#23 Jan 22 2011 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
For the lower levels, unrest is hard to beat

Paludal Caverns gives it a run for the money. XP there is fierce.
#24 Jan 22 2011 at 6:09 PM Rating: Good
3,362 posts
1. Pull mass mobs with damage-less spell or aggro on a druid who has a DS on.
2. AoE root
3. Damage each mob with PLee.
4. Bring druid to mobs, sit until dead.
5. Repeat.
#25 Jan 24 2011 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
166 posts
Lower Guk is great from 22-42. I PLed my bar and mage there from 22-40 until I could bring my necro in (my necro was already 40 and I like having my toons ding around the same time). I would mass pull on my druid (the PLer) into the safe hall. From there, I would let them go to town. At 42, there were some greens-whites, there weren't many red cons. Druid kept enough aggro from the pull to where the pets could beat down their own mobs without being attack in return. Bard would pull aggro from druid so I could DS them down. At 43, I moved them to Nadox. The mobs are harder to kill there, however, the exp is like 8% per kill for each person in the group. Mighty nice exp for a 3 box PL party. =)

To each is there own though, lots of people play solo or box, everyone prefers their own zone. I admit guk gets old, but the exp is damn worth it.
#26 Jan 25 2011 at 5:05 AM Rating: Good
150 posts
Did things change with getting XP? I remember you needed to do more than 50% of the damage to get XP. I remember PLing with my shammy and had pet up to take out the runners, but occasionally when shammy pulled aggro pet would attack and steal the xp.
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