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#1 Jun 06 2007 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
231 posts
What is the max number of AA's you can accumulate and not allocate? I seem to remember it was somewhere around 30 or 31. Is that still true? I once lost a few AA's because of the cap and don't want to ever do that again.
#2 Jun 06 2007 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
703 posts
I believe it is still 30.
#3 Jun 06 2007 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
449 posts
30 is also the number that sticks in my head, it's used frequently at EGN and
#4 Jun 06 2007 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
2,689 posts
It is 30, as far as experiencing goes, but of course, with patches / updates, and some AA getting removed and refunded, you can get way over 30 banked. In general, however, 30 is the limit.

Yther Ore.
#5 Jun 06 2007 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
1,074 posts
Maybe a silly question but why bank 20+ AAs? Buy something.

Why would you sit on AAs to the point where you lost some? I know people do it just before a new expansion with AAs comes out but that is in November.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#6 Jun 07 2007 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
703 posts
I spend mine as soon as I can. And then I want more!
#7 Jun 07 2007 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
" .. why bank 20+ AAs? Buy something."

AA have level restrictions. A lot of the better AA only become available at or after 65.

Let's say you level to the early 60s and start working on AA. You get to a point where you have the basics and look for the next good AA to get, but you see you have to be level 65 to get those. You continue to level AND build & bank AA so you can buy the new AA as soon as you hit the right level.
#8 Jun 08 2007 at 6:13 AM Rating: Decent
114 posts
" .. why bank 20+ AAs? Buy something."

Another reason people may have 20+ AAs saved up is because they are at max aas or nearly maxed other than tradeskill stuff. I usually have 27-29 aas saved up these days. When i get to 30 I buy an expendable aa then work my way back up to 30 again. Most of the times by the time that I near 30 again I have already spent the expendable whether it be at a raid or the rune aa when I try to solo yellow/red summoning mobs on my wizard.
#9 Jun 08 2007 at 7:06 AM Rating: Good
902 posts
I was banking Aa's on my warrior at 52 cause the hot zone was getting me about two an hour, and I wanted quite a few of the Level 55 AA's. So now I am leveling again to be able to use them, but i had found a great spot to Aa level, so made sense to save them.
#10 Jun 08 2007 at 11:34 AM Rating: Default
It has always made no sense to me on why ppl would stop leveling at lvl 52 to work on aa's instead of getting up towards 75 where they can contribute to the guild and have a much much easier time finding places to go things to do and ppl to group with.

There are so many zones that are totally inappropriate or flat out prevent players of too low a level from even entering. Someone who is lvl 52 and has 200 aa spent/banked is useless to just about every raid everywhere now-a-days. Unless your guild is raiding Kael for Velious armor drops, then you are just a better soloer is all. Soloers have a hard time and those extra aa help a lot. I am not talking about uber raiding guilds. I am talking about being a contributor to the community on the server. Even assisting pickup raids for ppl getting thru their steps for their 1.5's

It would be much better for that same person to be lvl 75 with 30 aa and be invited on practically every raid there is. Even the open-invite pickup raids in Time and Anguish and Theatre Blood are out of the question for somebody who's 52 but are perfect things for somebody who is 75 but happens to be lesser geared or has around 30aa and wants to improve their character or just have fun in a new zone. IF somebody who is lvl 52/200aa and sitting at the zone in to Time in Plane of Tranquility, and waiting for a push has up 'LFG for the Open Time Raid', then they will be told many times that they cant come or to just get lost. Same person lvl 70-75 with 30aa may get a push and also may get their time flag.

No sane minded guild will help getting the Anguish signets for somebody who is lvl 52 since you cant do the turn in until you can enter RSS at lvl 69. It boggles my mind that ppl just sit at lvl 52 or 55 and work up hundreds of aa thinking that they have to do that in order to be good. Just put 100% to exp and get your character a higher lvl as you work thru encounters and zones and you will see all that EQ has to offer.

I imagine it has to be extreemly frustrating and no fun at all just exp grinding the same old mobs in the same old zones and only getting aa's for it while you cripple yourself by chooseing to stay at lvl 52. Dont do it. Why do ppl even consider this?

I have heard ppl say 'well my tank is useless unless he has 300aa' I always say that your lvl 52 tank with 300aa is even more useless. Any lesser-geared/lesser-aa'd tank can get a push into the open Time raid and start getting some stuff to help him feel more useful. Of course your lesser aa'd tank wont be chosen to raid tank Hanvar in Anguish but at least he will be absorbing the hits from the dragorns that pop during the encounter and taunting those adds off of the heal rotation. Our healers love the fast and quick off tanks that quickly pick up the adds during that encounter. PLEASE please get yourself to a higher level and be a contributor to the community, and not waste time and effort and energy sitting at lvl 52 or 55 thinking that you need hundreds of AA in order to have fun.
#11 Jun 08 2007 at 12:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Kirby, this is not a flame, I just want to point out that your opinions and comments are based on a certain player-type's mindset. You sound more like the type that would say "The game doesn't start until 75" kinda player.

Well, it doesn't. Fun means different things to different people.

Raids and guilds are not the be-all end-all of EQ. We each pay our monthly fee and we all play the game our own way.

When you say "There are so many zones that are totally inappropriate or flat out prevent players of too low a level from even entering." well that argument can go the other way too. Someone who barrels straight to 75 will be totally innappropriate for any of the level 40-60'ish content that they blew right past now, except for PL'ing others. They would not have any challenge exploring the content they overlooked by levelling to the top immediately. I'm not saying you should stay a certain level until you have seen every level-appropriate zone, but many MANY people have a lot more fun challenging themselves with level-appropriate content than just "grind, grind, grind. Okay i'm 75 let's go raiding". These people that enjoy the challenge and are not just out to grind will probably be exploring some far away zone that today's breed of Monster Mission grinder wouldn't even consider joining if they couldn't get a port directly there.

Some people even like to get their old epic 1.0 still these days. Some people even like to get their epic while they are level-appropriate. Those people may be building AA while they stay in the low-mid 50's working on epic or other quests.

Basically I think there's plenty of reasons to spend your xp anyway you want and the high level raid content and guild pressure is a non-issue for many people. As I said before, we each play the game the way we want.

As for "PLEASE please get yourself to a higher level and be a contributor to the community" .. I have seen level 60 tanks that completely outtank level 70s, level really is the least important factor here. Gear and AA and knowing how to play your character help much more. There are also other ways to contribute to the community. I have a level 59 rogue tradeskiller that makes custom Omens augments for people and use him to help anyone needing a lock picked in Chardok or CoM or places like that.

Again it's about how you enjoy spending your time while playing EQ. One of my personal peeves is when people try to turn EQ into a high level only clique. I would actually support SOE in reducing xp gains in newer zones and removing hotzone xp modifiers to bring things back just a little bit towards the time when it actually required some effort and time to get your levels. Nowadays I hear things like "70-75 in 12 hours with double xp pots" and I am honestly more sickened than impressed. I know some of these people have likely leveled other toons the traditional way and want the fast track for their new main, but not everyone. Many characters these days seem to be rolled with a hidden "entitlement" stat that blinds you to anything but hotzones or dains, and causes you to not know how to use the Atlas or run anywhere more than 3 zones away.

Hmm, this was supposed to be about AA. Sorry for the rant.
#12 Jun 08 2007 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
902 posts
First of all, you can only bank 30AA's, so no one at 52 has 300AA's banked.

Second, you play it your way, I'll play it mine. I have never been in a rush to get to 75. I was one of the first Wizards on the Vallon server to 60 ( big F'in deal that was Smiley: dubious ) , and in that rush I missed alot of the fun that is Kunark. Now, I am going back on other characters to enjoy it.

Third, as I stated, I was in a great Aa exp zone, so it made sense to have fun hunting there and getting the AA's I wanted for level 55 ( the critical damage, melee mitigation...etc) I did this on my Cleric cause I wanted the Max extended enhancement AA, which was important to me.

The point is, you like to play your way ( uber raider guy Smiley: motz ) and I like to play mine. Your way ( rush to get the max level and raid ) would make me want to stop playing. I did it once, and am not in a hurry to do it again.

Enjoy playing, I know I do.

Edited, Jun 8th 2007 7:21pm by yenwangweh
#13 Jun 23 2007 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
Reading all the above brings up a point I have wondered about for years now:

At what level is it most experience efficient to level AA's rather than regular levels?

I hope the above question makes it more efficient, for instance, to put experience in AA's at level 52, 55 or 75, etc.?



Edited, Jun 24th 2007 1:37am by Shogunman
#14 Jun 24 2007 at 1:26 AM Rating: Decent
1,074 posts
At what level is it most experience efficient to level AA's rather than regular levels?

This really depends on your class and consequently your ability to solo.


The kinds of groups you can get. There are too many factors involved so there is no absolute answer. How fast you can kill, level of other group members, out of group help, etc.

At whatever level you can solo white cons or higher the fastest will be your most efficient AAxp return. There are not many classes who can do this though.

As a Necromancer, I am getting 18 to 20% AAxp per kill in Vergalid Mines at level 75 on level 76 mobs. Each kill takes under 3 minutes. This is without Lesson. For me, since I needed level 75 to get my best AAs (DoT crits) and the best stats from my gear (Req level 75) 75 has been most efficient for me.

Maybe others can share their specific experiences.

After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#15 Jun 24 2007 at 9:55 AM Rating: Default
Aye...I understand and agree with what you are saying, but my question was more of a ceteris paribus question...or "all other things being equal." So,:

Ceteris paribus, what level is most experience efficient to level AA's rather than regular levels?

I have just wondered this for years...I hope I am asking the question correctly now =)



#16 Jun 24 2007 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
317 posts
I can't speak for any other class, but for Rangers, there are a couple levels that they could stop and grind AA's with maximum efficiency:

*At level 54-58, it is really easy to fear kite the snakes, griffons, and panthers in Jaggedpine Forest. This is usually when Rangers will spend 6 aa's in the general category, then move onto spend 12 aa's in the archtype category. Once these are spent, a lot will bank up to 30 aa's in preparation for the early 60's when they can immediately spend them on EQ/AM3. JPF at this level makes an ideal place to bank some "quick" aa's. (Also at level 55 Rangers get Treushot, which helps a bit too).

*At level 62, once a Ranger has his archery aa's taken care of, this is a good time to pick up the first few levels of Headshot AA's (the ones appropriate to level 62), which allows him to go to zones like Nurga to farm more aa's, now with more efficiency since even the highest level mobs can still be headshotted, and still be worth worthwhile xp. (I believe at 65 and the next level of HS aa's you can move into Droga to headshot the mobs there. But I only stayed in Nurga for about 30-40 aa's before I decided to move on in levels, and didn't bother with the new HS aa's)

*At level 70, I spent some time rooting/kiting the entrance mobs in Vxed. This made for some good pulling practice, and at 6-7% aaxp per kill, the aa's really went fast

*Also at level 70 I was killing in Grieg's End a lot. The kills were fast and easy, and all the mobs were still light blue to me (before con colors change). This made an ideal place to get some tribute gear, as well as some coin and aa at the same time. I could spend 4 hours in GE, tracking nameds and killing only the mobs needed to clear and kill them, and I would walk out with 4-5 aa's, 2-3kpp and 20-30k in tribute gear. (If you get ALL of the LORE drops from the nameds, it totals +35K in tribute).
#17 Jun 25 2007 at 3:08 AM Rating: Decent
With the change of the AA mechanic that occurred with TSS, it's really up to the individual player whether to stop and AA or continue leveling. Used to be, when you were 52, and killed a mob, you got the same amount of AA or regular XP, whichever you had going. That made for a lot of people to just continue leveling and not hit AAs till max level or close to it, cause the AA came faster the higher level you were. Aint that way anymore. If you kill a white con mob at level 52, you will get roughly the same amount of AA percentage you would get at level 70 killing a white con mob. So if you find a "sweet spot" for AAs, at whatever level, stop and take advantage of it. I stayed at level 70 for a long time because I was wracking up the AAs in 69.1 with my necro. Once I finally had the ones I really wanted, I started leveling again. But I admit it was hard turning my back on level 70 and the mobs in 69.1. They died so fast and gave up such good xp.

Oh, and it is possible to get more than 30 AA banked. If you are PLing an alt, just shroud him and continue killing. The xp will only be added up when you un-shroud, thus making it very possible to store up more than 30. A lot of people I knew were doing this before TSS was released so they could have a truckload of AAs to spend on the new AAs that were released with that expansion.
#18 Jun 25 2007 at 6:25 AM Rating: Good
297 posts
It has always made no sense to me on why ppl would stop leveling at lvl 52 to work on aa's instead of getting up towards 75 where they can contribute to the guild and have a much much easier time finding places to go things to do and ppl to group with.

The first part of the response is...

If you kill a white con mob at level 52, you will get roughly the same amount of AA percentage you would get at level 70 killing a white con mob. So if you find a "sweet spot" for AAs, at whatever level, stop and take advantage of it.

At level 52, there are a lot of Old World or Kunark mobs that would be white or higher cons to a level 52 toon. Considering that the Old World/Kunark mobs are low HP, low AC, and hit like 2nd grade girls, you can mow through them much easier.

As Winchester pointed out, if you find that sweet spot, milk it for all that it is worth.
#19 Jul 05 2007 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
I still stand by my original argument. This is based on reality.

Unless you exclusively solo, and that is what a significant portion of the community does, then Dont stop at lvl 52 to get 300 AA. Exploring Kunark era zones while lvl 52 is fine and you are very welcome to do that, BUT, you wont be able to find a group to go with you. There are just basically not enough ppl of that level of the appropriate classes to get a somewhat balanced pick-up group together to go and do that.

You either have to make extensive plans with close friends to schedule group play time to do something, OR, you work on levels and get up to lvl 75 the best way you know how and then are now able to find pick-up groups at almost every time of the day. I am talking mostly about ppl who are not 'Hard Core Raiders' but about ppl who prefer to group and be social. Those ppl who prefer to explore and do things on their own are best if they do rack up lots of AA at lvl 52. This helps them do their own thing, but they will never be a part of the community.

I mean community, by the vast majority of players looking for extra people to fill their groups to go and do things in all 13 expansions not just expansion number 1. Many ppl havent finished up their access to Theatre of Blood or have several steps for the POR/Relic group quests still to go. These missions are a far cry from tough and dont require raid-geared ppl, just ppl who are at the correct level. All those ppl wanting to do those missions are forced to ignore any lvl 52 person who has 300aa. Just making yourself available to be invited to a group or invited to participate in a pick-up raid for fun is what I mean. You dont have to belong to a guild that raids often. Heck not even ever. Just a social one that likes to invite its members to do things together so they dont have to sit LFG for hours or days.

I have seen many times, over and over these past 8 years, where the soloer who stays at a low level because they want to be better at killing low level mobs, ends up putting themselves out of the social aspect of EQ. Sure its fine for ppl who prefer it that way, but for any class who's contribution comes through group interaction, its the deathblow.

I dont even consider myself a 'Hard Core Raider' since I enjoy tradeskilling and quests and only spend a couple hours three days a week raiding with my guild. I would feel extreemly left out if all my friends always grouped together or raided together, and Every single time and every single day, I was always left out of almost EVERY thing they did. I would only be left to hear the congratulations and good job and yeah for so-n-so over the guild chat. Every one of those low level ppl would be invited on every one of our raids and most every group if they had just worked on leveling instead of stopping at lvl 52 to get 300aa's.

People in general love to be social, and for the most part, respect the preference of others to be, in reality, anti-social. Soloing is a way to accomplish something and a way to sit back and relax and have fun. Some ppl turn that into a life/play style and thats fine with me if thats what they really want to do. I am speaking to those ppl who want to be social, want to be in groups, want to enjoy an occasional raid with 40-50 ppl to beat some big bad monster they always considered unobtainable.

To those ppl I say, dont make yourself unavailable by forcing others to see your level and immediately ignore you as someone to group with or to help them do some quest or mission step. I have been in the US Army for 26 years now, and my way of thinking is to put yourself in line so that when opportunities come available, you can take advantage of it. At this day and age of EQ, remaining at lvl 52, (NOT 60-70 like ppl seem to think I implied in my other post,) so you can get 300aa, is in reality, a decision to NOT participate with the huge majority of players.

As for seeing a lvl 60 person tank better than a lvl 70 one. Well, OK. Everyone plays differently and everyone has different gear and aa's. Better to some ppl is different than "Better" to other ppl. If you are considering a level dependant instance for group content then lvl 60 will be TOTALLY unacceptable, simply because it will skew the instance down so that the incorrect level mobs will spawn instead of the ones that drop the quest item you need from that mission. At least if the person was 70, the correct mobs would spawn and you could accomplish the mission with your so called 'Worse' tank. Here is a case where a lvl 60 'Better' tank is flat out inappropriate due to the game mechanics of instance zone spawning based on group members average level. Try that thinking with a lvl 52 'Better' tank who has 300aa and the thought now becomes IMPOSSIBLE because you cant spawn an instance with that much of a difference in levels. You get an error message. You see how the game mechanics not only discourage, but PREVENT lower level characters from joining many groups.

This is only one case but it is what I am talking about. DO NOT PREVENT yourself from being included with the majority of other players, UNLESS it is your choice, and you have made the conscious decision, to always do things solo on your own. OF COURSE you have your play style and I have mine. I am speaking advice to ppl who are thinking incorrectly and working against their own goals because they mis-understand the game mechanics.

I have been an advisor at the university for four years now, and have seen many many students who take their college career the same way. Choosing fun but the WRONG and unnecessary courses to graduate. Reality sets in at about their Junior year when they see they are three or more years from graduation and they come to see me to find out what happened. Their 'Play' style has now cost them not only time but extra semesters of tuition money. I spend a large amout of my time counseling these ppl to correct their path to be aligned with their goal of graduation.

Some ppl could care less about graduating on time, and NEED to take fun elective courses every semester in order to remain sane hehe. To those ppl, I always inform them of 'Reality' and make sure they know what their path is and where it will lead them. Once they are clear with that and they are happy with their progression, "All is well" so to speak.

Being informed and making the decision on what you want to do with your EQ play time is what it is all about. Being mis-informed and thinking that you MUST stop at lvl 52 in order to work on 300aa so that you will have a good character who can contribute to a group... IS WRONG! That path is for ppl who have decided to solo, so that they can solo better, and have more fun soloing.

You say I sound like the "game begins at 75" person. This is an incorrect statement. I say that I am two types of person.
1. The game begins when you can find other players to do things with.
2. The game begins when you can have fun and not frustration soloing.

The difference is the decision on which path you want to follow. Path one will always always allow you to solo depending on your preference and class. This can only happen if you put yourself in a 'groupable' situation meaning upper levels and NOT stuck at 52. Path two will be an amazingly difficult roadblock if you ever decide to find other players to group with on a regular basis but will be a great help if you always solo and explore zones by yourself.

Edited, Jul 5th 2007 2:29pm by kirbyramz
#20 Jul 05 2007 at 6:31 PM Rating: Good
902 posts
I am scared to find that you teach, because you are so off base. You are talking about YOUR "reality", not mine. I too have been a teacher for 22 years, and I stand by the fact that
1. You cannot bank 300 aa's ( even at 52. You keep saying that, but it is not possible, so get it straight, 30 is the most at 52)
2. I have no idea what server you are on, but I always find people to group with, even at level 52. And yes, that includes hunting in Kunark. ( Which, on a side note, seems to be one of the most popular places to hunt at the moment)

I banked a few Aa's on some mobs that were fun and easy to kill, and having some of those Aa's does make me a better tank ( NOw at 56, I crit all the time )

I really wonder if you have played the game for 8 years, because I am very much a part of the social aspect of the game, even though I am not the uber level 75 raider.

Under your "2" types of people, I am number one as I am always finding other peole to raid with ( actually was part of a pick up group to help someone I dont know to get pieces of the 1.0)and group with,and to pk with Smiley: sly
and type two because I rarely find frustration soloing.

There is still quite a population of level 50's around, so your whole premise that at that level I will hold other groups back or will not find them is crazy.

Your whole premise that by working on Aa's at 52 makes me an awful player is just silly. I do solo better, and it does make me more effective in a group.

And why does taking a little time to get some Aa's at 52 ( took me about two weeks to get 30 Aa's and get to 55) mean I am STUCK at 52. That part of your arguement makes no sense

Could I be good in a group without those Aa's, well of course. But I like being able to crit frequently. And for my cleric, having extended enhancement really helps, as does better heals.

I guess what I really dont like is your holier than thou attitude. You are this great military mind and because you advise college students you know the "right" way to play EQ. I am well informed about this game, and have played it since the beginning. I know alot about pvp ( being on Zek) and learn more each day. THis game really has no "end", so to say that to bank some Aa's is misinformed or makes me a bad player is just ridiculous.

I am sorry this turned into a flame, as it is just a game. But to read the garbage that you wrote about your way being the only right way is retarded. I hope you have fun, I know I do, and in the end, that is all that matters.

Edited, Jul 5th 2007 10:32pm by yenwangweh

Edited, Jul 5th 2007 10:35pm by yenwangweh
#21 Jul 06 2007 at 12:41 AM Rating: Good
647 posts
You need to listen to your own advice Kirby, particularly when you don't have your facts straight and put words into people's mouth. That's no way to argue in a friendly forum.

Some ppl could care less about graduating on time, and NEED to take fun elective courses every semester in order to remain sane hehe. To those ppl, I always inform them of 'Reality' and make sure they know what their path is and where it will lead them. Once they are clear with that and they are happy with their progression, "All is well" so to speak.

I'd say, this being a game, that ALL of us NEED to take the 'fun elective courses/path' through Norrath. And I'm not sure I care for your 'Reality'; to each his own, but don't expect to win too many fans to your view on 'reality' in a forum dedicated to a decidedly escapist activity.

There are a million perfectly valid reasons to take a slow route through Norrath - my favorite one is: I paid to see the show, why fast forward to the end?

You probably don't mean to, but you come off as someone who can really suck the fun out of playing.

Edited, Jul 6th 2007 10:58am by Whitman
#22 Jul 06 2007 at 12:48 AM Rating: Decent
2,689 posts
You can not bank or even have spent and banked 300 AAs at 52. There only a little over 100 available below 55 (Noting Winchester's exception method of shrouding).

And with the AA experience change with TSS, it doesn't take any time to make AAs at any level. And by all means tanks need to get the CA / CS line of AAs as soon as they can at each level upgrade. Other classes as well need to get certain AAs as soon as they can due to what they do. Like Silent Casting for casters and priests to lower aggro.

I don't anyone who would stop at 51 or 52 to get all the AAs they could, since about 85% of them are stat and resist boosts, and at that level and for many to come 255 is the max, and easy to get 255 with just equipment, let alone buffs. But stopping at 51 to get the 6 you need before you can get other ones makes perfect sense, especially when some of the most beneficial are available at 55 and 60, so banking a few is a good idea also.

Particular AAs and lines of AAs make a world of difference, especially the lower level ones that give the most bang for the AA buck, so ignoring that to just level is a bad idea, especially when it will definitely be noticed by others, unless you plan on playing solo. Even then you'll want them.

The reason to stop and get AAs is to make your toon better, so you are more desirable. It is noticeable when there's a tank, even with great gear at 75 and no AAs compared to one with moderate gear and all or even just most of the defensive AAs. It's a night and day difference. Other classes are noticeable also, if you pay attention, but they're often more subtle clues. Casters without Silent Casting draw aggro all the time, especially on criticals.

Yther Ore.

Edited, Jul 6th 2007 4:56am by Yther
#23 Jul 06 2007 at 1:35 AM Rating: Decent
Would you have a bard puller at 75 with no fade? A priest who blows through mana because they never crit heal? Caster who is always oom because they can barely nuke due to a lower mana pool because of unmaxxed int? Warrior who gets hits for so much because he had no def aa's?

Do you even play this game? I do not expect people to have max aa's by any means, but you can absolutely notice the difference even with an experienced player or non experienced if they have certain aa's to back them up.

I have many friends that lived in the 60's even with 75 as cap, because they wanted certain aa's. One warrior in particular comes to mind. I used to tank the groups I would do with him and I am a silk class. Now him at 71, I gladly invite him to tank things that are more towards my level and the time he spent doing the aa's on his way up, I have noticed the difference. If he was 75 and 0 aa's... I would still be the tank...

He also raids quite abit since he was in his upper 50's. Your arguments are so self centered and vision narrow it is a wonder if you have ever enjoyed a single thing in this game. I feel sorry for you as it sounds like you just have never experienced the actual magic of this game.
#24 Jul 08 2007 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
Wow, Kirby is just so wrong on how many levels?

I don't know of one endgame raid guild that would bypass a level 70 character with 500 aa's to recruit a level 75 character with no aa's. It's easy to get from 70 to 75, it's much harder to get the aa's needed to even meet the minimum requirements to app to a raid guild. It's much more efficient to get aa's at lower levels, than it is to rush to 75 and try to tank 4k quadding mobs with no defensive aa's or to try to heal that tank with no healing aa's. The end game is being balanced with characters with high number of aa's in mind so it won't be trivial content to endgame players. If you try to go from level 1 to endgame in 60 days, you are ruining your own EQ experience, and you wont' have fun when you are a crippled, useless, powerless character in the end.
#25 Jul 09 2007 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
Kirby I didn't like your first post, came off as elite. However your correct on your second better worded post, way more than people are realizing. Read what he wrote people. He is on base more than you think he is. His advice is not for everyone, and he stated that clearly.

However, the rest of you are not wrong either, again it just comes down to how you want to play. BUT, you gotta live with those decisions, no ******** then, his points are valid. My L52 cleric is not wanted as much for grouping, outside of a rezz, or for temp., than my L62 cleric is for grouping, better rezz and virtue. And that 62 cleric, is going to be passsed over for a L70 cleric, and so on. Makes sense! Gets to a point for all classes to stop and do certain AA's at certain levels. Beastlord and pet hold at L59 comes to mind. So on and so forth.

Again, nobody is wrong here, everyone is right. But Kirby's second post makes more sense than your giving him credit for. And that includes the college off-topic, on topic analogy.

Debate is about getting ALL angles and making a decision. Not excluding them, in the least bit. Some of you don't operate on that principle, and it can, and will, cost you.
#26 Jul 09 2007 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
HealerMedic wrote:

Again, nobody is wrong here, everyone is right. But Kirby's second post makes more sense than your giving him credit for. And that includes the college off-topic, on topic analogy.

Debate is about getting ALL angles and making a decision. Not excluding them, in the least bit. Some of you don't operate on that principle, and it can, and will, cost you.
Except that the OP was simply asking about AA storage.

Kirby's first, but hardly least, unfounded assumption was that this post was an argument about how many and at what levels any particular character should work on AA's.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
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