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Why does everyone think post POP sucks?Follow

#27 May 10 2007 at 5:28 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
ZoSoSwiM wrote:
sweet. Found my starting city then:)
If your going to start in Cresent Reach you should probably make a Drakkin (they're ugly but have some cool stuff).

Once upon a time in Norrath all new characters started and, for the most part, spent a great deal of time in their home towns; learning their trade, their history and some culture, practicing their skills, and questing/creating some armor that would serve them as they ventured further and further into the wilder parts of the world.

Thus the legendary newb armor quests of old. I did my first full starting armor quest for my Human Ranger in Surefall Glade. Wow! I think I'll never experience the feeling of accomplishment that I had when I did that final combine for the final piece of armor. My Ranger wore much of her bright green Pine Scout Armor well into her 20's. (memories...). Anyway, the quests were sometimes obscur, required rare and difficult drops and were not at all convienent to follow along. I had pages of hand-written notes.

Then the tutorial came along (actully the first tutorial was kind of a bust but the second was keeper). It was well done, offering fun, easy-to-follow quests giving good rewards in the form of gear. Once leaving the tutorial, you were directed to quest givers in pok. These quests too were much more modernized and provided some decent gear.

The home cities were utterly abandoned. When toons were told, at level 15, to return to their hometown to talk to so-and-so about joining the Wayfarer's Brotherhood, many people didnt even know what their hometown was. Smiley: frown

The latest home city, with fun cool quests is Cresent Reach. Enjoy it, but check out some of the old home towns like the Misty Thicket, Kelethin or Neriak...they have a ton of personality. Smiley: wink

On a separate but related note, I cruised around Goru'Kar Mesa last night for the first time. I made myself a griffin treat so I could get a griff ride to the other chunk of rock. I really hoped I would actually get a ride on a Griffin...but I knew better. Smiley: dubious

Edit: Oh, if you are going to start in Cresent Reach, you'll not be able to play on the Combine Server...I'd suggest Stromm or Povar for a server as they seem, to me anyways, to have the biggest and newest populations.

Edited, May 10th 2007 3:34pm by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#28 May 11 2007 at 2:20 AM Rating: Good
1,906 posts
Elinda wrote:
If your going to start in Cresent Reach you should probably make a Drakkin (they're ugly but have some cool stuff).

Don't agree here. I think that you should choose the race you'd like to play, and not take Drakkin because they got cool stuff. 'Cause fun is the only thing that counts.

Edit: not a native speaker

Edited, May 11th 2007 6:23am by bbot
#29 May 11 2007 at 4:30 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
bbot wrote:
Elinda wrote:
If your going to start in Cresent Reach you should probably make a Drakkin (they're ugly but have some cool stuff).

Don't agree here. I think that you should choose the race you'd like to play, and not take Drakkin because they got cool stuff. 'Cause fun is the only thing that counts.

Edit: not a native speaker

Edited, May 11th 2007 6:23am by bbot
Yeah, you should play the race you'll enjoy.

I just knew CR was the official starting city for Drakkins. Can other races start there as well?
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#30 May 11 2007 at 4:40 AM Rating: Good
1,906 posts
Elinda wrote:
I just knew CR was the official starting city for Drakkins. Can other races start there as well?

When you create a new character, you can choose between your "old" starting city (f.e. Oggok for Ogres, Ak'Anon for Gnomes, ...) or Crescent Reach.
#31 May 11 2007 at 6:11 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
bbot wrote:
When you create a new character, you can choose between your "old" starting city (f.e. Oggok for Ogres, Ak'Anon for Gnomes, ...) or Crescent Reach.

Is Gloomingdeep still around and an option for new characters?

Geesh, it's been a long time since I made a new toon.....
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#32 May 11 2007 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
Hey guys.. my box arrived today:) Shipped super fast from Amazon!

Anyhow.. here's my info so far

Stromm Server
CR for home
Drakkin Rouge

Name: Reazel

feel free to look me up if you're around:)
#33 May 11 2007 at 11:17 PM Rating: Good
1,906 posts
Welcome to EQ, ZoSoSwiM, and stay safe on your ways! :-)

Elinda wrote:
Is Gloomingdeep still around and an option for new characters?

Yes, Gloomingdeep is still around (that's why I wrote "After the tutorial (until lvl 10 or so)...". After the last step of character creation, you can choose to go to your starting city or to the tutorial in Gloomingdeep. From that time on, every time you log in you got the buttons "Return home", "Enter world" and "Enter tutorial" (this one gets greyed out at lvl 11, I think).
#34 May 12 2007 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
Its generally agreed that the whispers of EQs downfall began with the launch of Luclin (which is was created by Sony if you recall that far back). What really happened is open to debate but from what I saw personally I would have to agree with this. Luclin really did shake the foundations of the game and added a few new things that really challenged or destroyed the "old ways" of the game. For example the bazaar effectively destroyed the more personal trading system of the east commons and alot of people (myself not included) really resented that and I had good friends that quit the game with just that. People that had been at the height of their game were now being bested by afk traders. Another change with Luclin was the sudden regular appearance of the summoning monsters which really caused a powershift among the classes. Classes that had been on the very top since the beginning (such as druids) began to find areas that their class simply weren't capable of going. You might recall that wayyyyy back then everyone had a druid (or some other kiter/root rotter) either as a main or a high level alt and this change wasn't accepted too easily. Another problem with Luclin was Paludal Caverns which allowed characters to breeze through the lower levels without much effort. Even complete newbies, armed with a few platinum (which they begged for in the Nexus) worth of bazaar gear, and a fresh C3 (and later Virtue) could go from 1 to 50 in a few days. Once again this doesn't really pose much of a problem to me but I can remember alot of people complaining about it when it was happening and I can understand why to an extent (<Cough> Took me almost a year to get my first character to 24 and I think I was 30ish before I had my first Intelligence item and I was an Int caster). Luclin didn't bother me. I ignored it and it ignored me and we were both happy.The one thing that did annoy me slightly and soon became a trend of Sony was the rape of the storyline. In this case regarding the Shissar. It said right in the manual for the game that the Shissar had ALL been destroyed but then suddenly they came back to life and were just hanging out on Luclin all this time and never made any attempt to return to their old empire but instead let their slaves take it over for them. Now the newer manuals say that only MANY of the shissar were destroyed in a pathetic attempt to cover this up. PoP on the other hand was what really changed (or according to many, destroyed) EQ.

Even then EQ was still on the rise and not yet dying. More people were coming to the game than were leaving. But even I, who stayed in the older zones almost entirely, noticed the higher end game declining and alot of good people leaving and not coming back. First of all the summoning monster problem was enhanced. Nearly all of PoP was kiter unfriendly and ALOT of people who had been druids or wizards since the beginning found themselves unable to solo even a little bit and were understandly angry about this. A good chunk of these quit but some stayed on as Beastlords and even now you'll see high level Beasts that have an old level 60 druid tucked away somewhere. PoP also changed (destroyed) the world-wide travel industry. Druids and wizards found their porting spells next to useless. Once again newbies had it really easy which some people resented (it was pretty sad to see people in their 60s that didn't know the way between Felwithe and Kelethin even to me) and this was also a result of the travel being crushed, the bazaar, and the high level buffs that were available to everyone. Another problem was the faction system was changed (destroyed). Since the PoK was now a universal home city for everyone all the old home cities became useless and the factions that went with them were also useless. People that had actually put alot of thought into their class for faction reasons or had worked their factions at the cost of many hours were kicked square in the butt. Dark elves and High elves now strolled through the PoK hand in hand. What great story writing. Another problem that surfaced was the arrogance and "unfriendlyness" of the new breed of player. Thanks to various reasons I listed above alot of players really breezed through the lower levels and really had very little clue how to actually play. Overall this didn't bother me (live and let live) but with PoP the serious raiding guilds really started heating up and players that had about 3 months game experience and a character twice as good as people that had been playing since the beginning began pushing people around. You'd see certain guilds enter older zones and then either kill everything or just train you till you left without saying a word (except maybe an insult if you were lucky). And all because they had a funny name over their head and better gear they didn't have to treat you like a person. This really started with PoP and continues even now. Of course I could go on and list everything I can remember that was changed (destroyed) with each expansion launched by Sony but we'd be here for a long, long, time so I'll stop with that but that should answer a bit about "why PoP sucked" or rather why some people thought it sucked.

Now this is just a few things that I can remember from back then but I'm sure others have their own story of it. If you really wanted I could go into huge detail of what has all been changed and give specific accounts of the evil that is Sony and what they did to the people dumb enough to stay with the game (I'm still playing in case you're wondering) but once again that would take alot of time. What is important is that this all happened while the game was fully under Sonys control and they did nothing to stop it. Starting with Sonys takeover at Luclin the game began to decline and not long after PoP the player population also began to decline. This is a pretty old and tired subject and very little good can come of bringing it all up again but it did happen and I remember it and more and more I see people asking "why PoP sucked" so a little history seemed to be in order even though none of it matters much anymore.

PS. Every now again someone breaks down and pours their heart out like this on the forums because as hard as it may be for some of you to understand this game has really meant alot to some people and we're truly saddened to see it changed (destroyed) but whenever this happens there is always an endless list of people telling them to "Stop whining and quit" or "Leave and you'll not be missed" and this is just an example of how unfriendly the population has really become.
#35 May 12 2007 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
Wow.. very deep. More than i was expecting.

I can see the change and I've only been playing for 2 days. I hear about people saying that it took them months to save up a bunch of money.. I already have like 20 plat. now and I've played a little over 2 days.

Are things just crazy expensive instead? I'm not going to side with how I think the game is till i make it a little further.
#36 May 12 2007 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
2,689 posts
Personally, I consider 100,000p a minimum at high level. I've never had less 1,000p after the teens. But even 100K, won't buy alot of things, not even the fastest purchasable horse (black or white .. it will get the brown or tan though). But I see alot of people asking for money for summoning stones in the Guild Lobby, which for a 75 level are less than 300p. I don't know how people operate with that little cash on hand. Supplies get expensive as you level. But actually cheaper compared to the amount of money you make from adventuring.

That first 1K, I mentioned was almost all from just killing and selling to NPC merchants. It's much easier now with the bazaar to sell to players, while you're sleeping or what not, rather than wasting time, standing in the EC tunnels /auction-ing stuff. Adding links to items, really improved buying / selling also. It bit, having to make a trade with someone to see the details, or type them all out. Of course, back then, you didn't get see much of anything, but AC, stats, resists, HPs and Mana (no Endurance back then). Haste was just listed as Haste without a percentage.

There's another thread started by Warchief Kupo*, that lists good places to make money at. The start of the posts about where to make some money can be found here.

20p is descent when first starting out. When I start new toons on new severs, it usually takes a bit to make any money. I generally worry about getting up to around 20 or so first, and get some descent gear via quests, before I start farming much. I pay attention and save stuff that I know will sell, while I'm leveling, but don't rush to sell the stuff, other than the vendor trash. Many items that drop in CR sell for 10-20p to merchants, or used, I think they nerfed the prices a bit, prob more like 5-10p now. This is along with the items mentioned in the ilnked thread that sell exceptionally well to players.

Ok, I"m gonna stop now, getting too tired to think, since no sleep and raiding all day long :D

Good luck!

Yther Ore.
#37 May 13 2007 at 5:34 AM Rating: Default
by the time PoP came out verant was gone, luclin was the last expansion they were involved in. I dont think they did much with SoL expansion though. The reason why people say they hate post pop is mostly because of GoD, that really was the worse expansion ever released it was very buggy when it came out the zones all looked the same the fights were way to hard to the point where it wasnt rewarding to defeat the encounter you were just happy the named was dead so you have 5 days of not having to deal with them. Omens of War was a very well done expansion so was Dragons of Norrath I quit EQ after DoDH came out because I didnt like demi-plane of blood so i'm not sure what is after that for content.
#38 May 13 2007 at 12:40 PM Rating: Default
So.. an update..


I'm now a lvl 10 rouge and I've left the gloom mines and made my way to crescent reach. I Simply can't believe how vast the place is. The place is huge and I'm all lost. I've accepted so many quests and I don't feel like I've done anything yet.

Where should I go?! Obviously the lvl 1 quests and such aren't crap for me so I should focus on the lvl 10-15 stuff for now. Can I abandon quests if they're pointless to do?

Another thing.. Should I follow any certain quests for the storyline stuff?!

#39 May 13 2007 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
2,689 posts
As a drakkin you'll want to do these quests:

Vakk`dra's Shadow
Breath of Draton'ra #1: Strengthening the Blood

It's not listed, but I believe there is a pre-requisite to Vakk`dra's Shadow quest, or it's a co-requisite or sub-quest. Can't remember for sure now. I believe it is this one:

Welcome to Crescent Reach

Other than that, preview the reward, and if none listed, read up on it at:

Quests for Crescent Reach or
Creatures found in Crescent Reach.

You should also look at and work on the following quest, when you can, as you level up:

Charm of Lore

And start this series when you get high enough to start venturing out into the Moor's:

Wanderlust Guild Series

Yther Ore.

==== EDIT =====
Yes, you can select quests and hit the Remove button on the Quest journal (Alt+Q), if you decide they're not worth doing, or you won't be able to do them for a while. You can always get the quest again later on. There is also a limit to the number of quests you can have active in journal at once. You can only have one group (shared) task active at a time also.

Some quests that appear in the journal are designed to be like the older versions of quests that don't appear in the journal, where you all the items prior to getting the quest, then get the quest and do the turn-ins at the same time and finish it right then. In Crescent Reach, the most common of this type are the Armor quests. The first series is given by Kimem Saydel.

Edited, May 13th 2007 6:35pm by Yther
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