Had track meets both Friday and Saturday, but got a full day in on Sunday.
51 Shammie got his 5 and 6th AA's ( yeah, got the title )
52 Warrior went from 14 AA's to 20 in the Hole, fighting the destroyed constructs and gargoyles. Tough fights, but alot of fun. Also, got his 2 handed blunt maxed ( started at zero, that took awhile
Also, that same Ogre warrior got into a pvp battle with a 52 beserker in Paineel just before the entrance to the Hole. He was very good, and that DAMN stun of theirs really caused problems. I had my Tantors Tusk
, and was able to kill him but he got me down to 6%. One of the funnest fights in along time. Here's to that Beserker
( forgot his name, damn old age
Lastly, my 66 cleric got killed while powering my ranger, and I forgot she was bound in the OT ( A high level pvp playground on Zek) So, while under rez effects, I got killed a second time by a wiz, then agian by a beserker ( should have just stayed in shadowrest)
Anyway, on the 4th try a group got me to 4% before i made it to the book...stupid, but exciting.
Great time, just wish Rl would allow me to play more. Love this silly game.