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Poll: Battle of the Expansion RacesFollow

#27 Apr 16 2007 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
756 posts
Iksar by far! My very first guild was an all Iksar one on 7th Hammer. Venom Brood. Some of my best EQ friends came from there. Fun times back then.
#28 Apr 16 2007 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
Iksar-Well thought out race. The lore was great the city is great and the whole hated by all concept is very cool. Far and away the best and obviously dev spent the most time on them.

Vah Shir- Also pretty well thought out and another great city. The lore is a bit weaker (this was definately a pattern beginning) than Iksar. Newbie zone is nice but not as nice as FoB and the whole expansion does not connect as well as Kunark did. Unlike a lot of others I don't think PC is so great although I use it cause the experience so good. I think if experience was like other zones not so many would like it so much (this was also another pattern beginning-the dumbing down of EQ and pandering to the I want to be max level over night type people)

Froglok- I only rate third because Drakkin are a complete disaster IMO. Putting them in an already established city was kind of dumb and kicking the Troll's out was just rude to those that play them. Maybe should have made a city connected to Guk somehow would have been kind of cool. At the very least should have given them a new city and built around it like the former two.What they have now is just sad and not fair to those that play them. Original Frogloks looked cooler and since they are supposed to be related I don't get why they needed to look so different.

Drakkin- Total disaster, poorly thought out race and they look stupid. I read a post when they first came out that said the men looked like they should be walking out of a convenience store with a six pack and a handful of lottery tickets and I wholy agree. The breath weapon should not be since previous races didn't get much for special abilities particularly relating to damage. The city isn't bad and the newbie zones were the only really good part of them but the look is just too dumb and I want to laugh every time I see one.

I will add that I also was always disappointed they didn't make Orcs a playable race, could have done a lot with that.

Edited, Apr 16th 2007 7:27pm by Kulzip

Edited, Apr 16th 2007 7:34pm by Kulzip
#29 Apr 16 2007 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
5 posts
I voted for the Frogloks. Their animation is the best.
#30 Apr 16 2007 at 9:34 PM Rating: Decent
Voted the Kittie's.
Nuetral Race allowing freedon of movement. Illusions work decently on them as long as you don't ***** with faction too much. Brought the Beastlord class. Can look like a Persian, Bengal, or Black Tiger so loved very much.

Next would have to be Iksar, they look cool but until recently couldn't except losing 20% xp just because of the race penalty. Thanks to OOC regen the xp penalty was removed so playing this race is now alot more attractive.

Froggies and Drakin are kinda lumped together. Froggies at least have decent walking/casting animation but the male/female graphic looks to similiar. Drakkin female look decent but as everyone has stated, the males look like crack addicts.

Well here's to the kittie's....
#31 Apr 17 2007 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
I voted Iksar. First Guild I joined was an all Iksar Guild "Champions of Cabalis" on the Nameless, and was a proud officer of that guild until I retired my main. The racial quests were awesome ( I still smile about doing the shackle quest for my Monk)!!

Was disappointed with the models for the Drakkin but the lore is cool.

Vah Shir are cool too, but were just out of the way too much.

Froglegs are Gooooood!!! Toads are Gooooood!!! Rats....ummm never mind!

Edited, Apr 17th 2007 1:58pm by Daineden

Edited, Apr 17th 2007 1:59pm by Daineden

Edited, Apr 17th 2007 1:59pm by Daineden
#32 Apr 18 2007 at 4:51 AM Rating: Decent
not easy..
though over half of my chars are vah shirs i still adore iksars! they got what a future mate for any of my kitties must have; a tail :)
ok,vah shir got my vote.

i hate frogs. kill,kill,kill.

drakkin females look awsome,where the males look a bit ..eeehm.. lame. human with tatoos.

so imo it would be
1:vah shir

last;"i jump when im casting"-frogs
#33 Apr 18 2007 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
I chose vah shir because my bst is 75. I kinda wish I could have chosen 2 since the iksar have undisputed rule over lore behind them. Drakkin are a close third with lore. And the breath weapon ties in really well with their background imo.
#34 Apr 18 2007 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
I've heard a lot of cats "singing" in the alley behind my house on a summer evening. :) And their paws do have built-in picks
#35 Apr 19 2007 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent
iskar look good with good lore

val shir are furry which makes them my fav, zone and faction quests were interesting.

frogs are pretty much hated by most people, but have distinctive animations. Was nice to have a good shaman at the time of release.

emokin are a terrible addtion, the starting city and new zones added were fine, but they are basically humans. there is nothing unique about them at all and a really lazy way of adding a new race. Iskars are more dragon looking than drabkin.
#36 Apr 19 2007 at 11:21 AM Rating: Default
Iksars were by far my favorite. They have the best lore and (used to) have the best looks/animations. I agree with the above post...Iksars were really the only race that had a whole expansion made around them instead of justbeing plopped in. Although I must say the new Iksar graphics were a gigantic let down for me...they totally lost all their lizard-like traits. But that's really an easy fix..I just turn the new graphics for the Iksar's off.

Vashir were ok, but they seemed like just a novelty to me. Never really had much interest in them.

Froglocks...who? exactly. Fun beginning event but then they poofed. Few players stuck with that race after the whole "new" novelty wore off.

As far as the Drakkin well I can't really say anything about them because I haven't gotten that expansion yet. Took a break after DoDH came out and I'm waiting for the pack to come out to catch up and save a 'lil cash. From what I have read on them they sound intreaging, much like the Iksar race..But I'll have to agree they kind of just look odd and out of place...I would think a dragon-human halfbreed would look more like a dragorn in WoS than a Spiny, Emo-ish David Bowie.

I too wish faction came back as a factor in Everquest. I remember when my bard's Illusions were more of a utility than a toy (although they were always kind of a toy). I never played an Iksar because I liked my bard...but after hearing word about the mask I saved up for one and factioned away so I could explore the new cities shortly after kunark came out. I'm still usually in Iksar form most of the time...unless It's an old KoS area or I'm a gnome (shrink) on raids.

I read a complaint on names above...all I can say is's always going to happen. People have always tied names into classes or races. I remember Inky's tended to have surnames pulled from neriak, Barbs had highland names, wizards have elemental or magical names, bards have...well bardish it's really nothing new. Even some names that seem to be unrelated to anything in eq or race related can often be found as a character in a book somewhere ;P
#37 Apr 19 2007 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
Iksar first and Vah Shir second, frogs and whatever are just marketing ploys. One of the main reasons I liked iksar was my necromancer, just trying to get every bit of hp regen I could find to make in an insane mana fiend was really fun and once they added in the final skull cap for the necromancers I had a blast with it, they definately have the most interesting cabilis epic with monks a close second. And the lore all around kunark was great, showing through quests and scenery how the iksar evolved over the years and even bringing up the shissar which didn't even have a model but was a huge part in their lore. At least I think the shissar didn't exist then, usually mobs I thought never existed before some time period showed up on a plane of sky raid. And lastly they came in the expansion that introduced the real epic quests and so many awesome new item effects that added a lot to the game, twinking and high end wise.

Also about the Vah Shir, I've seen some people say they had no lore and that all the stuff around them kind of overshadowed their presence. That was the point! They were relatively newcomers to Luclin which were flung from the face of Norrath when the erudin casters used their ultra gravity/nuke spell that created the hole. If the fact that the hole and Shar Vhal don't look almost identical decor wise isn't lore enough then you obviously didn't follow the story of the first Beastlord ever, Khati Sha, who was corrupted by the shissar when he decided to take a little stroll around the moon solo for some reason, and then ends up as the insane buggy boss in acrylia caverns no one ever did or does. The focus of lore keeps a pretty even stroke between the Vah Shir, Combine Empire, and Shissar, but then for reasons not really known by anyone the akhevans are the end game. I liked how they had an entire new language for them that was actually a language and not a skill to learn by spam group chatting back and forth, but the real lore kind of ends with the emperor ssraeshza. Once you enter Vex Thal it's just one weirdo after the other with the crazy names, but very nice drops. I still think there was a great feel to the entirety of luclin but still there was always the problem at the time of the trash mobs having gobs of hps while the damage at the time made it almost unbareable. Anyway Iksar first, Vah Shir second and it's not a coincidence the storyline gets more lame the further time goes on since the original lore writers have been gone for a long time...

Liveye (lvl 70 Wizard)

Edited, Apr 19th 2007 4:34pm by CodeguruX
#38 Apr 19 2007 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
my fav has always been the froglocks but I think they should have had an underwater home town and been given unlimited underwtaer breathing, they are frogs.......
#39 Apr 24 2007 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
I chose frogloks because, while their lore my not be up to par with some of the others, their models just have a certain... charm.

Plus when casting, they do a backflip. and that is just intense.

Iksar would be a close second, becaus they DO have,IMHO, the coolest lore of any of the races.

Vah Shir are cuddly... but thats about it. They dont really do anything for me.

And Drakken... i like thier city, like their ties to dragons, hate the lack of more dragony features. Small, useless wings would have been appreciated. or something.

Just my 2cp.
#40 Apr 24 2007 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
I picked Vah Shir. Luclin, by far, was my favourite expansion, so I picked Vah Shir. Though I really still dislike the way the male models run.
#41 Apr 26 2007 at 3:30 AM Rating: Decent
51 posts
TROLL ......................that is all.
#42 Apr 26 2007 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
Since I only played EQ for about 2 weeks, long after TSS was released, I like them all.

The Drakkin race. Love what I read about them, because I'm a fan of dragons, and I liked going up to see the 6 Dragons and being able to pet them on the nose (a thing you can't do in WoW before getting BBQed).
However, they look like normal humans with tatoos on. Kinda like what you might see in that weird movie that nothing makes sense.
I was expecting a more dragon look to them. Like a tail, scales, and a dragon-like face.
If they are truely half human, half dragon, then they should look like it, like the Human-like Dragons in WoW.
But I do love their start city, Cresent Reach. Nice place to visit and pwn some Panda Cubs and the little Drakes(the ugly, boney things that they are).

Edited, Apr 26th 2007 5:48pm by Beniee
#43 Apr 27 2007 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
They are frogs, but frogs are amphibians. They breathe air like you and I. One of the changes that frogs go through between tadpole and frog is the loss of their gills. But seeing how they Are frogs, the Frogloks start with a swim of 100 i believe. which greatly prolongs their underwater breath.

But i totally agree with the underwater city thing.
#44 Apr 27 2007 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Voted Froglok, well because I'm oldschool, and just came back. Some of my greatest times in eq were back before RoK slaughtering froggies in Guk. So when I started my first alt I thought to myself how much fun it would be to be a Frog, killing my froggie cousins! I also like the models and animations, but wish when they came out with them as a race, they would have updated the frogloks in game to appear the same, since they do look more evolved than the playable race. Also, I think it would have been funny and cool to have froggies take over Grobb, and then lose it again, this should have been a 1-2 month story line to introduce new city being built in Guk or somewhere else down there for the new race.

Drakkin seem cool to me, friend plays a monk and he does very well, and I have to admit the animations for them are perfect, better even than Frogloks. Also breath weapon sounds amazing. Will say though even with how pretty the models are, that I was disappointed with their idea of what a Dragon X Human cross would look like. And the males do look like either David Bowie, or some EMO teenager walkin down the street.

Iksar, I put them third, never have liked the models for them, they always look constipated to me. I always thought that they should have used an updated version of the lizard men in Cazic Thule, but hey that's me. The regen and armor class attributes are very nice, but still don't have me planning on making an Iksar any time soon.

Lastly, I have to say that I can't stand both the Vah Shir char models, and the Shadows of Luclin expansion, both of which seem forced as far as the story line goes. I'd be more willing to play a Vah Shir if they looked like Kerrans, than how they look now, and the only way I seem them fixing the story line with that disaster expansion would be to crash the moon into the world, so there is a plausible reason for things living on it.
#45 May 02 2007 at 11:15 AM Rating: Default
Vah Shir hands down. I like the froglok emotes and casting animations. I think the Drakkin are just plain ugly, ditto with the Iksar.
#46 May 03 2007 at 12:10 AM Rating: Good
I would have liked a "non of the above" option too.

I went with Iksar for the reasons already mentioned. Kunark was a great expansion, the lore behind the dragons/sarnaks/iksar was good and completely inline with base EQ lore.

The iksar graphic and animation are good, I don't like them, they are ugly, but they are meant to be ugly.

The frogs and cat people were a mistake I think, there were lots of other ways that the game could have been made interesting with the Ykesha expansion. Ditto with Luclin, the Kerrans were never centrral to the Combine empire and for them to suddenly appear as an advanced race on Luclin was silly. May as well have just introduced a new "moon" based race, hell made the umbrous toilers a playable race :P

The Drakkens are a missed opportunity, they could have been so much more. They seem to me to be just short humans with face paintings. I think after 8 years a new player race was justified and the TSS expansion is almost like a complete new continent, so it could have been really something. Pity /shrug.
#47 May 05 2007 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
I voted for Drakkin.

Iksar - Have the best lore because they were created when there were still developers who knew that was important to some of us, but I hated Kunark then and I despise it now. The innate regen is nice, but later on is not as useful. Personally tho I don't like to play evil races.

Vah Shir - I never did get used to Shar Val or manage to finish more than a couple of the citizenship quests. I also dislike playing agnostics, I think of the religious element of the game to be one of the remaining important lore bit. But my main reason I deleted my Vah Shir was that I made the mistake of naming her after my cat. After my cat died, I got depressed whenever I saw her.

Frogluks - OK ... frogs ... right. Why is it SOE decided new races could only have 1 religion? Later frogs got more, but I just found them annoying.

Drakkin - I really hate the way they look. Wood elves with bad haircuts and monochromatic tattoos (GROSS!) Their lore is decent and the starting city is a trade skill fanatics dream! Why they made CR the default starting city for all new toons is a mystery to me ... no it's not ... it was sheer laziness. So mostly it is because I think TSS was the best expansion since Velious and the Drakkin were a part of it.
#48 May 06 2007 at 3:01 AM Rating: Decent
132 posts
Although I voted weeks ago, I voted iksar.

In terms of rank, from most favorite to least, I say:

1. Iksar
2. Vah Shir
3. Froglok
4. Drakkin


1. The iksar graphic was awesome - fascinating even. I like the new iksar models even better.

2. Location - I played long before there was a PoK, and it was so neat knowing you were "secluded" from the other races and civilizations on kunark. It didn't seem like grand central station. It was like I was all alone and everything I wanted I'd have to earn the hard way, on this big, scary continent.

3. I really liked the leather graphic - it was the only armor I could afford then.

4. IMO, iksar have a completely different perspective of the rest of the world, because of their starting city and faction problems - very unique and original.

5. The areas near the newbie zones were full of mystery and danger. It really got my lizard heart pumping when I got tired of grinding out newbie levels and went exploring. However, I eventually deleted my Iksar shammy and made an ogre shammy because of strength, stamina, slam, and non-stunnable factors I could only get with ogres.

The Vah Shir seemed very non-medieval fantasy, what with the "cat people on the moon" thing - not sure what SOE was thinking then but it's a still fun idea. I eventually deleted my cat beastlord and made an ogre - and never looked back. Vah Shir racial abilities just can't compare to that of an ogre imo.

Frogloks have great swimming and breath-holding talents, and have ultravision. The graphic is also interesting, but the backflip thing seems silly to me. IMO, the froglok's main feature is that they are rather rare and unique, but anyhting they can do, another race can do better.

Drakkin have an awesome starting city and a breath weapon, but I do not like the graphic (I thought they should look more like sarnaks, lol), and the faction-less aspect of the city annoys me.

I think it's safe to say EQ needs some new races.

1. Aviaks
2. Orcs, even Gnolls or Kobolds
3. An insectoid race (other folks have said it besides me I've noticed)
4. Centaurs (another one folks talk about from time to time)
If you can't do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly.

My Rathe / Prexus characters:

Bigbronze Bloodyaxe, 62 Ogre Berserker
Verbeeg Bearfang, 62 Ogre Beastlord
Glabrezu Spiritcaller, 62 Ogre Shaman
Zirumkin Zenomorph, 62 Gnome Wizard
Korgulon Soulwraith, 76 Ogre Shadowknight <Shining Alliance>
Incarnadine Summoner, 65 Drakkin Magician

Bristlebane characters:

Zalkahriz Ebonscale, 64 Iksar Necromancer
Gnomorre Gniceguy, 55 Gnome Rogue
Whytfire Lonewolf, 55 Woodelf Ranger
#49 May 06 2007 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
I voted froglok because the most fun ive ever had playing a character in any rpg was my froglok Sundaki, on stromm. I dont know what it was about him, but i still look back fondly on him, and miss playing him sometimes.

70th level cleric of Stromm,
12-04-2004 to 2-08-2007
No longer played yet NEVER forgotten.
#50 May 07 2007 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
820 posts
Sundaki no longer around? /mourn... were good people

Edited, May 7th 2007 4:07am by Saeel
#51 May 08 2007 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
130 posts
Time for a new poll, eh? ;-)
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