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Why does EQ succeed?Follow

#27 Apr 04 2007 at 11:05 PM Rating: Good
linderman wrote:
lol nubcake! im intimidated oh really?? 75 1300+ AA's epic 2, mostly all 400+ gear and in a guild which would embarrass you badly. do i care though that i have to try to act e-tough like your lameazz? do i think the game still kicks azz just because I realize how much of my life i have wasted playing it and now cant back? son, i have better gear on my 3rd tier alts than you do on your main but really thats besides the point. The point is i am a realist and you are a fairy in your own little fantasy world. Eq is a difficult game huh?? wow your new son. i played eq for so long because of the people who used to play it and its the fact i found it extremely easy to excel, now its muddied with newbs like yourself and boxers and ebayers and IGE bots and cheaters, scammers, hackers, losers. Its newbs like you who destroyed our good game. now d1e plz newb kk?

Hmm, now I can tell from your last few words (well I know I'm being rather generous refering to them as words, but I understand that english is probably not your first language. So we should make exceptions), that you are trying to insult me in some way. But, as much as I try, I simply cannot interperet what ever it is that that great mass of jumbled letters is meant to convey.

No doubt it would be very entertaining if I could actually understand it.

Linderman, you really must learn to use the english language a little more effectively if you truly wish to mount an assault using the written word.

I'm sorry Smiley: rolleyes if I seem to be picking on you, but it does seem that you find the written word, well english at least, as large a challenge as EQ seems to be to you. Smiley: wink

Well keep trying, as I'm sure many of your teachers at school will have counselled you, persevere and you will eventually master it.
#28 Apr 05 2007 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
820 posts
Slinging around the oh-so-incredibly lame when used in any sort of serious statement, "newb, reference at people because they don't seem to agree with you?

Yeah, perhaps there was a reason you are convinced that only 1 in 20 weren't jerks in-game, I'm betting the other 19 tired of the childishness 10 minutes into meeting you.
#29 Apr 05 2007 at 6:33 AM Rating: Good
426 posts
I usually don't respond to flames - but this one I can't pass

No I'm not still living in 2001. I play the game about 3 hours every day, I ahve 7 accounts between my wife and myself, with more than 40 toons, most of which get played. I have 4 toons over 70 and did this without being guilded.

Also I am one of those boxers to refer to with total contempt. My wife and I have both been 2 boxing for about 4 years now, and have thus managed to level up two seperate groups of 4 to over 70. Along the way we have, as recently as last week - imagine that - run into quite a few great people.

In a pick up group - that meams there were 2 other characters in addition to my wife and myself - a few weeks ago one of the characters gave my wizzy a hard to get spell that she had looted a few days before and had not gotten around to putting on her trader yet. I had been trying to get that spell to drop for several weeks. She didn't say a thing - it just appeared in my trade window along with a comment that she would take nothing for it. 10K is the going price for that spell.

We only recentally joined a guild because several members of that guild had grouped with us over the last year and we found that we were very comfortable in thier company, and we wanted to see what this raid thing was all about. How about that, characters over 70, well enough geared to tank Terris (I found out the hard way) and never been on a raid.

I think you may either be on the wrong server - or maybe are a little bit too arrogant. If you are not happy with EQ, why do you continue to play the game?

EagleFlight/ Dyciere, and many others
#30 Apr 05 2007 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent

Yeah, perhaps there was a reason you are convinced that only 1 in 20 weren't jerks in-game, I'm betting the other 19 tired of the childishness 10 minutes into meeting you.

Grrrrr, Saeel beat me to it Smiley: mad

Linderman you make me Smiley: lol. You accuse others of being selfish and greedy and only worry about their gear, and then you spout off about how superior your gear is compared to others. Do look up the definition of irony.

Edited, Apr 5th 2007 1:15pm by mrwookie
#31 Apr 05 2007 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
Like those that drive with their blinkers on flashing to the world, "I'm an idiot, I'm an idiot, I'm an idiot" so too comments meant to get a rise; best ignored the idjuts of the world.

I've been playing eq since late 1999. The first toon I had was a Kelethin ranger. It took a long time to reach level 22 with that toon, so I parked him and started a bard.

Wooooot, yea! Bards. Back then DDD (an aoe dot) wasn't corrected like it is now. Back then if you sang DDD indoors, it agroed everything above and below you, true 3d dot, and seriously kilt all in zone. Outside is where DDD rang powerful. The first time I played DDD on my lute, inside the bard hall, my ears rang with the thuds (on my body) from the merchants and guildmasters. I know most bards tried that song only to die fast at the hands of once amiable kin.

Once I realized the power of DDD, I learned to kite the mob. As I grew in skill, so did my prowess in mob size. My best memory is Andante (on saryrn) in lake of ill omen, kiting. The mob of even cons consisted of goblins and sarnaks; the circle I ran was mostly flat and void of trees. As the zone began to lag (due to the collection of mobs I was killing) people arrived to watch in stunned amazement. That kite lasted 30 minutes, and at the end of it, there lay 30 mobs. That's correct, 30 mobs dead in 30 minutes, my claim to fame.

I chose to leave EQ in early 2003, as I was sick of the errors during patch time. Verant would have a patch day and remove all the bonuses of bard instruments, not once, but too many times. I heard of this new game DAoC, and went for it. That was a huge mistake, another reason to not even bother wasting time with a Oh So New! MMOG, but that's another story.

I returned to EQ in 2005. The only reason I returned was I missed my bard. There are none like the bard outside of EQ. The new UI was a total stunner, and I sent messages to Sony applauding such imagination. It was very nice to see friends still playing EQ, sad to see some had left, nicely surprising to see some return.

The community is powerful, and as yet, silent. Sony would do well to listen to the rythym, the beat of its powerful heart. Not many places exist where you can find so many different people exploring life. Sure, there are bad people, but there are bad people everywhere, thank goodness most of them are too busy to play EQ (only their kids).

EQ was the first true MMORPG to hit the market full force. It's longevity can only be attributed to Sony's attention in it's hayday. Sadly, EQ is fading away, mostly due to inattention of the details. The solution is to fix quite a number of items (I don't mean gear). Ignorance is not an excuse.

What do I mean? let me tell you: the gap between the tutorial and real world EQ is humongous and psychotic. No wonder people play the tutorial over and over and over. The market is skewed terribly and needs a real solution. It is not solved by raising prices of items we can find on vendors all over Norrath, this action is stupid (the person that suggested it works for Blizzard).

The community is keeping EQ afloat, but the server populations are dropping. To reverse this trend, is the solution another end game expansion?
#32 Apr 05 2007 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
We need more postive threads like this one. With so many EQ is dying threads out there, the quiet majority of happy eq players need to speak up some. I love eq, like alot of others do, but we dont post thread after thread of "I love EQ"!!! We are in game playing , having a good time while a few childish people troll the forum's and spend their time bashing EQ.

These people all say WoW is better, but who would want to spend anytime at all with such immature players? So there is one reason I stay with EQ, the majority of people I have met in game are not 14 yr old flamers. I think of EQ a game for the adults of the online gaming community, because the game is so big and challenging is scares off the kids who have no patience. WoW provides a great service to us EQ'ers as it keeps alot of riff-raff from our world.

I found EQ 5 yrs ago in 2002.... and I have not played another game since. I used to play playstation and I had a drawer full of beaten and dusty games. I find it amazing that EQ has kept my interest in such a fashion for such a long period of time. All the time I spend lvling 5 years ago, still benifits me today 5 yrs later!! It doesnt feel like wasted time to me... the month I spent beating Tomb Raider 1 in 99 was much more of a waste of time!

I love the size of the EQ world .. so many places, quest, mobs, loots, people to meet, ways to die ... the the fun will never end for me : ) There is so much content you/I am getting for my money that I could and will play for many years to come.

When SoE decides to put EQ to the wayside, they sure as heck wont just say "well thats it guys we are pulling the plugs"!! Why would they do that when they can just leave the world open & running as is and continue to make money from people like myself who could play EQ for another 5 yrs just on the current content alone? I could easily play this game for years to come even without any new content... I serious doubt that any other game exists that can give me 10 yrs of enjoyment.

EQ was and still is the original... that is why it succeeds : )
#33 Apr 07 2007 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
Why EQ succeeds and why I keep logging in day after day:

ok, so I posted a comment on the topic why EQ is dying, but, my reply wasn't on how the game was dying, rather a rant on the dying breed of the kindness of other players and rise of rudeness and inconsiderate players. But in fact, I believe EQ succeeds as a game and does so very well.

Number 1 reason for me, it seems like it never ends. Sure, you get some good single player RPG games out there that take your attention away from EQ for a bit, but at the end of the day, it's a lonely existance.

There is no ending to EQ, there is no "yay, you've saved the world from obliteration, but now the game is over..." kind of thing. There's always another quest in EQ to take the previous one's place and more areas to explore and ppl to interact with that EQ never ends. An on-going saga of quests that may seem daunting to some (and a few broken ones - but those aside) but more worth coming back to than any other game out there.

And that's what keeps me logging in day after day.
#34 Apr 07 2007 at 3:35 PM Rating: Default
EQ hasnt succeeded in many years. The main problem? The PEOPLE WHO PLAY it! The very people who made it a great game originally (IF they are still around) are the same ones who make it absolutely miserable for a new player or pretty much anyone else too. My take on it is that like any addiction , people will continue to play it and the very worst of addictive personality disorder types are the ones who are still lingering around sadly. Most of the people on this board are not original players from 1999 and never really got to see what a great game EQ was.

It slowly deterioated as expected over the years and I would say the last yr/yr and a half have been the worst. Nobody really cares about anyone else in the game anymore. Its a ME-ME-ME-ME gearfest and only the super-retarded and as I already mentioned the very worst of the addictive disorder types are the only ones left. Makes for a very boring and depressing experience. There are better, more interesting games in the bargain bin of your local WalMart these days. EQ died awhile ago and it is very sad because it was definately the best game with the best people 1999-2002'ish. All good things come to an end! :(
#35 Apr 07 2007 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
2,689 posts

I think, you're going a little over-board on how bad it is also. The main problem with people not helping people is the lack of them playing. Sure there are a few like that, but in general, most people are still helpful. I sometimes have a hard time getting people to help, but I understand, that they had already dedicated them to something else. But, in general if there are people on and awake, they'll help out if they're not already involved.

And I help many new players when I'm on servers that get many new ones. My primary server doesn't appear to get hardly any new players. Although, I wonder why people would start playing EQ at this point in time. I mean the game is 8yrs old and population is dwindling fairly rapidly. I've been playing since mid 2000, have went to other games, but came back.

Eventually someone will get a challenging, cooperation-required game, that improves on EQ. However, I don't know of any atm. Many of my friends have been playing either non-stop, off and on, or left for other games and came back since launch or very shortly thereafter in 1999. And your post would have been better served under Why it's failing, rather why it succeeds.

Just my thought on your post.

Yther Ore.

Edited, Apr 7th 2007 7:56pm by Yther
#36 Apr 09 2007 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
I love EQ. My wife and I play, both of us box 2 toons, and are quite the kite team. We have a very large pool of friends, a great guild, and no real complaints about the game. And while we do of course see idiots (mostly in General Chat and not face to face)the majority of the people we run into are great. This is on Quellious, though, so I can't speak for other servers. My guild has lately experienced a boom in apps, and we haven't had to turn even one away; they have all been quality players and a bonus to the guild. We've had so much of an influx of good people, we've begun raiding weekly and are working on PoP and GoD flagging. As for actual new players, when they pop up ingame, everyone goes out of their way to help. Well, I should say, we help those who want to learn to play. Those who run around PoK asking for money find the server a pretty chilly place. Usually what happens with a new player, is by the time I offer to help him in a zone or with a quest, many have already beat me to it. Quellious is alive and well, thank you. We have a number of players that are known for going out of their way to help others and set a good example for the server, most notably Penroc and Rhaize, 2 of the best people you could ever hope to meet. On my server at least, things are good.

Oh, and Linderman, you sound exactly like the kind of person you're complaining about. Could it possibly be that once people get to know you, they don't want anything to do with you? Oh and that "my toon can beat up your toon" arguement is so pathetic it's not even laughable anymore.

Edited, Apr 10th 2007 1:51am by winchester

Edited, Apr 10th 2007 1:52am by winchester
#37 Apr 17 2007 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
73 posts
Everquest is somehow more memorable than any newer games.
I am not sure if this is caused by pace, difficulty or some other
factor. I can have great time recalling what I did in EQ the
day before, and planning what I will do next.

The games where killing is easy and levels fly by are somehow
fleeting and when I try to remember them, nothing comes to mind.
#38 Apr 17 2007 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
124 posts
Excellent observation Andy, the same applies to me. EQ emulates life in certain ways. The kind of tasks we take note of in our daily lives are the kind tasks we often take note of in game. This may have to do with the time involved in completing these tasks.

We remember that we went to the grocery store because we made a list, drove on the road leading to the store, parked the car, etc. The steps involved to simply buying some ice cream at the store are plenty and can become memorable from the standpoint of daily accomplishments. It's typically the sense of time and thought that will create the memory.

Why is it that so many people remember their first trek from Freeport to Qeynos? It was considered an accomplishment and it took a good deal of time and, often, planning to succeed.

Ok, enough of that, thanks Andy for you observations.
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