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Frustration: A Rant...kind ofFollow

#1 Mar 21 2007 at 8:20 PM Rating: Good
9,395 posts
Is anyone else getting frustrated with the game?

I'm getting frustrated because I'm getting tired of playing alone all the time. No matter which of my characters I use on either server I play on(Maelin & The Combine), I'm always playing alone. On Maelin, most of the time these days, I sign on and I will be the only one in my guild online, I'll be the only person under lvl 50 who isn't in the bazaar, and when there are others on around my lvl(33) who aren't in Bazaar, they don't seem to want anything to do with me. On the combine, I see more lower lvl people(surprisingly) but considering that apparently, Necros don't need groups, I will never get to play with anyone.

I'm getting tired of trying to solo my way up to the higher lvls(VERY UNSUCCESSFULLY) and I've run out of money just from having to summon my corpse because I can't even get to my corpse without dying.

I'm also annoyed at the way everyone seems to avoid interaction with anyone new or who they don't really know. When I ask a question about the game, I'm fully aware that I could probably come here to get it answered(though lately I've noticed a lot of inaccuracies on the site), but I'm asking on /general because I play an online game to interact with people. If I wanted to play an RPG on my own, without interacting with other people, I'd bust out my old Sega Genesis and play some Phantasy Star.

I'm also annoyed at how hostile people have gotten lately, I will ask a simple question like, "What's the fastest way to get to "insert zone here" from PoK, and I'll get told to get a port. I'll say that I can not afford a port, what's the fastest way on foot, and people will get pissed off because they just gave me an answer and accuse me of ignoring them.

Is there even a server where I can join, and get a group outside of the tutorial before I reach lvl 60?

I can kind of see why more and more people are leaving the game at this point. I'm probably going to leave myself when the three months I paid for tuns out.

Please give me a reason to stay, a server with people who aren't ********, a server where I can get a group before lvl 60 or even lvl 40, a server with ACTIVE guilds. Anything, I used to enjoy this game, now I find it's more like going to work than playing a game.

/rant off

Edited to change title
Edited again to add more problems considering there hasn't been a response yet.

Edited, Mar 22nd 2007 12:31am by Driftwood

Edited, Mar 22nd 2007 1:21am by Driftwood
10k before the site's inevitable death or bust

The World Is Not A Cold Dead Place.
Alan Watts wrote:
I am omnipotent insofar as I am the Universe, but I am not an omnipotent in the role of Alan Watts, only cunning

Eske wrote:
I've always read Driftwood as the straight man in varus' double act. It helps if you read all of his posts in the voice of Droopy Dog.
#2 Mar 21 2007 at 10:03 PM Rating: Good
4,158 posts
Is anyone else getting frustrated with the game?

I'm getting frustrated because I'm getting tired of playing alone all the time.

Yup. Me.

I live in NZ and so I get to play at off peak times, wich doesn't help.

I'm pretty bored with soloing my 71 ranja too. When I do get a group, its fun again, but groups are sometimes days apart. Its a shame, but I'm paying good money to solo a mmorpg, and the novelty is wearing thin very quickly.
I'm off to try LOTRO when it comes out.

Hope this helps.....Smiley: frown
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#3 Mar 21 2007 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
9,395 posts
I live in Canada, I do play at peak times. It's just as bad.
10k before the site's inevitable death or bust

The World Is Not A Cold Dead Place.
Alan Watts wrote:
I am omnipotent insofar as I am the Universe, but I am not an omnipotent in the role of Alan Watts, only cunning

Eske wrote:
I've always read Driftwood as the straight man in varus' double act. It helps if you read all of his posts in the voice of Droopy Dog.
#4 Mar 21 2007 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
I'm frustrated too but for just the opposite reason. I can't solo any more and I want too. I mainly soloed till LDoN. You had to group to use the instance zones. I did a few, being a Bard I was puller or should have been. When I say should have been I mean some idiot decided he wanted pulling duties. The worst of which was a Shaman. His idea of pulling was run into a room and aggro everything then let me try to sort the mess out. When a Bard has to control 3 adds he can't use his group buff songs. The Ranger puller didn't do any better. This expansion was a total waste for me.

Later it was OoW. The mobs became extremely difficult. Mobs now summoned every tick instead of every two ticks. Some even had insta-cast snare. I started another account and PL'd a Cleric to group with (also tried a SK/Shaman combo)and I was kicking *** again.

DoDH raised the bar again. Even two boxing most of the zones was impossible for me. My gear is only as good as I can buy or solo/box myself. But thats what makes it fun for me. I'm stuck in a catch 22. I need high end raid gear to be able to solo or even two box successfully but I don't like raiding. Just can't stand sitting around two or three hours till the raid gets organized.

With each expansion there are even more instance zones that I can't use. Missions/tasks with minimum requirements. I haven't even bought any expansions past DoDH and only play sporadically now. Mainly keep my accounts because my nieces (5 and 7) like to play my alts.

I am currently looking for a new game. I tried GW Nightfall but I got bored quickly. I was thinking of trying Vanguard but until the bugs are worked out I'm not touching it. Age of Conan looks promising but it's a long way from being finished.
#5 Mar 21 2007 at 10:58 PM Rating: Decent
124 posts
I hear ya Drift...

I have been frustrated for a while myself and sometimes it shows in-game.

I think the game has totally devolved into continual a rat race for many if not most players. Not that at any point in the past it wasn't, just doesn't seem to the extent it is now. Mudflation and the bazaar are two aspects that have and will allow people to follow that trend. It's part of human nature.

What people do because they are involved in that rat race are some of the things you mentioned in your post.

Many people that play semi-casually and post on these boards quite a bit seem to be less affected by this. I applaud you. In fact, I wish we were all on the same server and in the same guild so we could live in our own little EQ bubble. I really mean it!

Most people tend to think that because a new expansion comes out and in that expansion newer and more uber-fied gear is readily available, that they need to buy these expansions so their "toon" can be better. This is part of this trap set in human behavior that Sony capitalizes on. This is the rat race.

I don't care about the rat race, in EQ and more importantly, in life. I don't need the "gimme loot" with 400+ hp that I hear is coming out of VT just as I don't need a Ferrari. I breathe life into my character and, as such, it is a journey.

I am not saying that we shouldn't try to improve our characters; that would be a silly assumption. What I am also not saying is that the bazaar is bad, "gimme loot" is bad or the phenomenon of mudflation is bad. We, as humans, decide how to facilitate these aspects of the game into OUR game.

PS. I play on Maelin also - I often solo or solo-box and occasionally duo or trio. My highest character is level 65 which means all of my other characters are below 65. (duh) Contact me at SOE.EQ.maelin.shakrai if you are interested.

Edited, Mar 22nd 2007 2:57am by sprucecln
#6 Mar 21 2007 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
9,395 posts
An that would be fun. I wonder why noone(except for the Asylum a while back) has done this yet...maybe they did but it was before my time, either way, it would be a damn good idea.

I agree with everything you said. I always feel like im under some sort of pressure to get newer, better gear. I don't even have the newest expansions and people act like we all have them. It's annoying.

Also, interested in what?

Edited, Mar 22nd 2007 3:47am by Driftwood
10k before the site's inevitable death or bust

The World Is Not A Cold Dead Place.
Alan Watts wrote:
I am omnipotent insofar as I am the Universe, but I am not an omnipotent in the role of Alan Watts, only cunning

Eske wrote:
I've always read Driftwood as the straight man in varus' double act. It helps if you read all of his posts in the voice of Droopy Dog.
#7 Mar 22 2007 at 12:16 AM Rating: Decent
305 posts
Sprucecln: I assure you, it IS bothering me.

Why do you think I now have WOW installed on my computer, and am at this moment installing it on my wife's computer.

She is not completely sold on the idea of moving from EQ to WOW.
She has always been slower to "move on" than I am.

On the other hand she NEVER looks back.
And I mean NEVER.

However, somewhere in one of the previous threads someone mentioned making a guild of those that want to just log in, get in a fun group, and not worry about the rat race or 400hp loot or anything like that.

Here is a thought:

My wife and I are on The Rathe.
I am tired of soloing and 2 boxing.

Besides my mostly retired level 70 toons (3 of them),
I have a 65 cleric, a level 62 sk, 3 level 61 toons, a 57 bl, a 55 druid, a 54 monk, and a 52 ranger. Ok so I have alt-itis :)

If there would be interest in have a guild called ... "Sixties" then I would be willing to be guild leader and put together guild groups and events and such. The basic operating principles of the guild would be:

Everyone owns all the expansions through TSS.
TBS and later expansions not required - though at $30 ($20?) for all expansions up to TBS I gather that I could easily be the only one NOT having TBS.

For people coming from other servers there would be 2 options: the expensive one would be for people to transfer their toons to the Rathe.

But if there were enough interest I would be more than willing to spend a month or two and power level new toons from level 1 to the mid 50s or so, at which point it would no longer be "Power Leveling" it would be "grouping".

There would be 3 AA grind levels:

61 - 100 AAs or so
65 - another 100
70 - well completely 100% AAs and if people were done with our guild and wanted to move up and onward at that time well that would be ok too.

In theory every member would be either level 61, 65, or 70 except for the short jaunts to level up from 61 to 65, or 65 to 70 (and of course the initial pure xp from 1-61).

So GE might have a group of 5-6 level 61 toons, BOT might have a group of level 65 toons, so on and so forth.

Leveling spots would be: 61 - GE until they kill the zone by making it a non hot zone (in the past when GE has gone from hot to non-hot it also has gone from full of people and life to empty).

65 - BOT, WOS, and Nobles Causeway
70 - Firepit expeditions off of Dranik Scar, WOS, POR, and once we get better geared, possibly DODh and DON. Actually once POR is completed we could also do MPG and RSS.

This is a long shot of an idea.
But heck it could very well add another 6 months or even longer of life out of the game. And it could also turn out to be fun.

It would also save on $$$ as no one in the guild would be purchasing any new expansions. If they make some of the expansions auto-level, with 3x the xp and mega loot, then so what we ignore it, and of course if people leave the guild to enjoy the ramped up xp/loot in this mythical new expansion then well thats ok as well.

To make this worthwhile I would need enough people to play that I would not always have to 2 box to make groupage happen (though I am not against it from time to time). 12-20 people who played regularly would be more than enough. All I would really want from the guild, and all the guild would have to offer others, is a place to chill and relax and spend time with friends, advancing our toons at a steady clip, and just having a good time. I would expect people to play their toons relatively competently, and would kick out anyone that was rude.

Anyways if I get a reasonable amount of interest I will put my nose to the grindstone and make this happen. If not most likely I'll be leveling up in WOW with my wife. At least there we will only have 1 account each, no 2 boxing, and when she is at work I'll be able to accomplish stuff just soloing or finding groups there once I learn the game mechanics well enough. My first WOW toon is already in a guild so I am off to a good start there, but of course if this guild here happens then WOW goes bye bye.

If anyone is interested just post a note here with your level and class (or classes for alts), and also if you would want to start a new toon or toons to avoid paying the server transfer fee. Right now its just an idea, but who knows maybe this one will fly.
#8 Mar 22 2007 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
4,158 posts

While I admire your enthusiasm (wich apears to have no limits!), and with all due respect, your idea for such a rigorously constructed 'plan' for the advancement thru the game is exactly what has turned me off EQ of late.

To me the whole point of a mmorpg is to be able to randomly adventure wherever my whims take me.

Almost without exception, my best times in EQ were when I was bimbling around 'new' (to us) zones with a bunch of folk seeing what came our way. I am so sick of the regular pathways everyone seems intent on taking. 'This' zone at 'that' level, and 'that' zone at 'this' level.

For the first week or two of my playing (Kunark expansion era) I never left the Qeynos hills. The first time I went to West Karana, I nearly wet myself after being chased and slaughtered by that darned werewolf. thats where the fun came from. Not knowing what was around the next corner.

The first group I joined for proper was in Blackburrow, and then I was hooked. But now, to group, you have no choice but to go to hot zones or whatever is the 'zone de jour'. The chances of actually adventuring out into the world and joining up with a bunch of people in an out of the way zone, that you just 'happen to come accross' are so remote now that I've spent hours purposely wandering whole continents, and not found another player to cruise with for a while. Why? "cos everyone is in GE, or WoS or Icefall. Thats what has led me personally to lose my enthusiasm for the game.

Sad really. tis the only mmorpg I've played. But as I said, I'm over paying good money to solo a game that is supposed to be about grouping.....

Good luck with ya plan tho.

"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#9 Mar 22 2007 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
9,395 posts
I like the idea of a guild made by all of us, but to make it exclusively for higher lvls seems kind of unfair.
10k before the site's inevitable death or bust

The World Is Not A Cold Dead Place.
Alan Watts wrote:
I am omnipotent insofar as I am the Universe, but I am not an omnipotent in the role of Alan Watts, only cunning

Eske wrote:
I've always read Driftwood as the straight man in varus' double act. It helps if you read all of his posts in the voice of Droopy Dog.
#10 Mar 22 2007 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
124 posts
Also, interested in what?

Interested in grouping, hanging out, etc. I don't group much because of lack of people in my level range and I'm kinda picky about how good a player that person is.

Maybe starting a guild with people that have a similar value in the game would be something to pursue long-term. Unless there are guilds like that already. Many people in casual guilds seem more concerned with the loot rather than the journey too, from my experience.

My ideal guild would be of good people and great, knowledgable players that are content with slow progress and enjoy most aspects of the game (exploring, questing, tradeskilling, events).

I have played EQ for about four years. My highest level character is 65, as stated in my previous post. I have had three accounts for around six months. I have eight characters above level 50. Combined on all my other characters I have around 800 AAs. I have one character at nearly 1900 combined tradeskill and five others between 1200 and 1400. The majority of my levels and AAs came from exploring, camping upgrades and farming tradeskill supplies. I have spent very little time, in comparison, grinding xp for that sole purpose. On my first toon I participated in the status quo and farmed plat, joined xp groups and purchased most of my gear/spells in the bazaar. The experience was not very fulfilling. That toon is now my trader mule which I rarely log on anyways. Every character created since then has given me much more fulfillment by changing my playstyle.

#11 Mar 22 2007 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
9,395 posts
I'm still sitting down at lvl 34.
10k before the site's inevitable death or bust

The World Is Not A Cold Dead Place.
Alan Watts wrote:
I am omnipotent insofar as I am the Universe, but I am not an omnipotent in the role of Alan Watts, only cunning

Eske wrote:
I've always read Driftwood as the straight man in varus' double act. It helps if you read all of his posts in the voice of Droopy Dog.
#12 Mar 22 2007 at 1:03 AM Rating: Decent
647 posts
What you guys need is to find a guild that's big enough to be able to do the Big Things in EQ and at the same time have enough people who play Alts so you always have different grouping options when you log in.

If you can't find groups it MAY not be the fault of everyone else who plays EQ. Apply to a big guild, form groups, be a nice and friendly person, ask for help but DO try to figure things out for yourself. Asking in PoK how to get anywhere will not endear you to anyone. You have access to a very fine atlas at the press of a button. When you get a snotty reply, it just *might* be because you asked for a silver platter, when you ought to have been able to figure it out for yourself.

And never, ever beg.
#13 Mar 22 2007 at 1:25 AM Rating: Decent
4,158 posts
If you can't find groups it MAY not be the fault of everyone else who plays EQ

Dont know about the other guys, but my point is that 'everyone' are not playing EQ anymore....
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#14 Mar 22 2007 at 1:34 AM Rating: Decent
9,395 posts
/agree with Paulsol
10k before the site's inevitable death or bust

The World Is Not A Cold Dead Place.
Alan Watts wrote:
I am omnipotent insofar as I am the Universe, but I am not an omnipotent in the role of Alan Watts, only cunning

Eske wrote:
I've always read Driftwood as the straight man in varus' double act. It helps if you read all of his posts in the voice of Droopy Dog.
#15 Mar 22 2007 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
124 posts
Yes, it is the xp grinds in the latest hotzones and "zone du jour", as a previous poster stated, that allow me to lose my enthusiasm for trying to get a group together.

This happens within guilds. At least, it has happened in all the "family-style" guilds I have been in. Trying to get guildies to go to a zone that doesn't offer them some of the best xp was very disheartening. I am an officer of that family guild, but I don't group within the guild very often.

As an officer, I attempted to have people visit the guild website and use it for the wonderful out-of-game resource it is for guild communication. A minority percentage actually used the website.

I attempted to get people to help me get some drops from certain zones for tradeskilling that I couldn't do on my own and only after the leader and other officers agree to help, did I receive limited assistance.

When others want help on something, they would rather have uber level 70s out of the guild help them than lvl 50s and 60s help them from within the guild. I was there, but I was more of a cheerleader than actual help.

These issues do not transcend guilds or servers. It's the individual player in each set that determines their playstyle.

I want exploration; I want challenge; I want variety and I want to be in a place where others feel the same. I understand many raiding guilds would achieve this for me. I am not interested in raiding all the time.

PS. Drak - I had thought of doing a "Fifties" guild a couple years back that would explore older world stuff and progress at a slower pace, but they started progression.

Edited, Mar 22nd 2007 5:08am by sprucecln
#16 Mar 22 2007 at 2:37 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
I remember the frustration of being a brand new low level player back in 2001. I can only imagine it's so much worse now.

There is clearly not a substantianal number of NEW players on any server to support any kind of consistant grouping through the pre-50 levels.

Back then I joined a new guild. That pretty much took care of the problem. It was an Alla's guild. Smiley: smile It's still around, though hardly the fresh new, low level guild that it was then.

I think most people that are doing low level content with any success are those that came into the game with another person or group of people or two+ box. When I started over on a new server a little over a year ago, it was mainly because my husband started playing and I needed character slots. With just the two of us however, it was quite easy and pretty dam fun playing through to the 50's. With our BL/Druid duo we were able to make enough money, complete quests, etc, to keep us decently geared and moving through the content at a good pace. We had the luxary of always having at least one other person to play with and actually planned, from day one, a set of toons that would duo well, and totally leveled up together. Sometime in our 50's, I think it was, we joined a guild on our new server.

Currrently, I have no problems finding stuff to do or people to do it with. On the contrary hubby and I find little opportunity to strictly duo anymore. I helped establish a new guild last fall that is absolutely flourishing in this game. If I had to give one good reason why, I'd have to say it's a guild leader that is extremely productive, knows the game well, keeps everyone busy, and recruits constantly.

So, a couple solutions I can think of:

Find a friend, a RL friend or another gamer buddy that you can count on to play with you pretty much exclusively and consistantly.

Try and start a guild of NEW players. It would take a lot of PR, and still not sure how successful that would be. But if you really worked hard at putting out the call on your server or another to bring together a few folks that were commmitted, either because they're just starting or perhaps starting over, to level up new or younger toons, doing the lower level content, it could be done. Maybe you can get something going here through Alla's???

Join a pre-existing active larger guild. Again not sure you'll find consistant grouping companions but you may be able to get to know some people well enough that you could at least call on for help when you reached severe frustration soloing. It would also provide people to talk to and presumabley answer questions, give advice, etc.

Lastly, and only if you're willing to go it alone, you can probably make a plan to gear yourself up to get through the levels. Concentrate on making some, and then bargain shop for gear, potions etc. Then once you're better equipped, find zones that are soloable for your toon. You can do it, though with a Paly it's gonna be much harder. You'll miss much of the pre-50 content, but can push your way through to where you'll find more opportunities for grouping.

It's pretty obvious that the days of logging in a level 30 toon and expecting to be able to get a group together with any consistancy are long gone. Without twinkage and/or support from a higher level toon or a group, it's gonna be hard to do much of the pre-level content.

I currently play on Stromm and if I could ever be of help, I'd gladly give it. But that said, like the majority of others in this game, I have no desire to start another toon and redo content I've done many times before.

Good Luck Driftwood.

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#17 Mar 22 2007 at 5:17 AM Rating: Good
Obvious is Sony's idea of where to put the best resources it has and that's NOT EQ. I believe SoE WANTS EQ to FAIL, and, as this month's anniversary hunt is JUNK, go figure this truth.

There are many things SoE can do to put EQ (not it's other ilk like eq2 [ick]) on top again, but somewhere, SoE lost the imagineering dept while choosing to stick us with expansions galore.

I LOVE Everquest. I send /feedback often, and continue my /bug report quests. I have yet to see any of my suggestions become reality in my five years of playing EQ (took a daoc [GAH] break 'cause Verant kept messing with Bards).

Far as I can tell, SoE is lost w/o a clue and requires serious Sony attention!
#18 Mar 22 2007 at 5:25 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
Jumped from EQ to WoW about 3 months ago and haven't looked back. The Battlegrounds and PvP element of Wow is incredible. Blizzard came up with the idea of Cross-Server Battleground groups in order to reduce quene times tremendously.

If you want to Solo, you can do so with ease. If you want to PvP, you can do so with ease. If you want to battle the alliance in a 15 man Battleground, you can do so with ease (usually less then 1-2 minutes of wait time to form a group).

Don't get me wrong, WoW is not an easy game. It just makes doing what you want to do easy. No sitting around for hours or fighting light blues only to get smoked.

8 million people can't be wrong.

I played eq for years as a casual player. I enjoyed it tremendously up unitl I realized that soloing wasn't much of an option anymore. Sure, there are ways to do it but it just didn't appeal to me at all.
#19 Mar 22 2007 at 5:27 AM Rating: Excellent
Well said Stuck.

I've always maintained that you, as player, are the one in charge of making the most of your play experience. If you aren't happy soloing, the best thing you can do it join an guild, there are many out there to suit all play types.
#20 Mar 22 2007 at 6:09 AM Rating: Good
902 posts
This will sound strange, but i have found that I do not have alot of trouble getting a group, and I play on Zek.Smiley: grin
I am the leader of an old guild from Vallon, and I am the only one in it ( got all 8 alts ) but if anyone wants to come over to zek, I will do all I can to hook you up. I have all level ranges, and would gladly group at any level. I typically play zones Kunark and earlier, but whatever.
So any Alla person who wants to come over, look up Moristans, or any Combine Reborn ( cause they are all me anyway)
#21 Mar 22 2007 at 6:12 AM Rating: Good
647 posts
8 million people can't be wrong.

I wonder how many people smoke crack, believe in astrology or use homeopathic 'medicine' on their children?
#22 Mar 22 2007 at 6:28 AM Rating: Good
173 posts
With soooo many zones ( and more to come in new expansions I am sure).. and much of the player base now level 65+.. The key is to find a good guild.. You want one that will allow you to play EQ the way you want to play it.. with a large enough membership so when you log on you stand a good chance of finding a group.. In large guilds ( even raiding guilds ) many players play alt's during the non raiding time.. Many raiding guilds that used to have very strong rules about how often you have to raid or if you are in game you must raid have been foreced to relax these rules ( thank goodness ) to get more to join and keep up numbers.. Most guilds now want people that PLAY! Sooo shop around.. you may even want to consider changing servers..

Edited, Mar 22nd 2007 10:30am by thurvok
#23 Mar 22 2007 at 6:33 AM Rating: Good
If I was still actively playing on Maelin, Driftwood, I'd group with you... but if you like, I can give you some gear from my pally, maybe get you a bit more up-to-date, and possibly have a little more soloability. Are you on right now? If not, I'll be on either The Rathe, or Antonius, on a toon named Lamdori, so just send me a ;tell (;tell Rathe.Lamdori or ;tell Antonius.Lamdori).

Good luck to ya, bud.
#24 Mar 22 2007 at 6:55 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
Whitman wrote:
8 million people can't be wrong.

I wonder how many people smoke crack, believe in astrology or use homeopathic 'medicine' on their children?

True. If we were talking about those subjects then you could argue against the various drugs on the market, who uses what type of homegrown medicine, and why fortune tellers and astrologists need to be open 9-5, not by appointment. But we are talking about MMoRPGs. 8 million to roughly 250k speaks volumes to me. But in the end its about whatever floats your boat. My eq boat sank a few months ago.

#25 Mar 22 2007 at 7:20 AM Rating: Good
9,395 posts
If I was still actively playing on Maelin, Driftwood, I'd group with you... but if you like, I can give you some gear from my pally, maybe get you a bit more up-to-date, and possibly have a little more soloability. Are you on right now? If not, I'll be on either The Rathe, or Antonius, on a toon named Lamdori, so just send me a ;tell (;tell Rathe.Lamdori or ;tell Antonius.Lamdori).

Good luck to ya, bud.

Will do. Thanks.
10k before the site's inevitable death or bust

The World Is Not A Cold Dead Place.
Alan Watts wrote:
I am omnipotent insofar as I am the Universe, but I am not an omnipotent in the role of Alan Watts, only cunning

Eske wrote:
I've always read Driftwood as the straight man in varus' double act. It helps if you read all of his posts in the voice of Droopy Dog.
#26 Mar 22 2007 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
Sorry to hear your plight, Drift.

1. Find a new guild. If no one else is on the same time as you, then its time to go. My suggestion: Go into POK, and start looking at some of the guilds that are out there. Then do a /who all <guild name> and see how many of them are online at the time, and what levels they are. Then go into the guild lobby and look on the boards and see if they are recruiting, and what levels. For those who are busier at your playtimes, find out who the officers are in the guild, and start chatting them up. Any officer worth his/her weight will talk to you and let you know about their guild.

2. Learn what some of the better xp zones are for your level. I know that my alts always hunted in Gunthak in the low 30s and eventually moved to Dulaks. While these aren't the busiest zones, you should be able to solo on the beach in Gunthak, and it will only cost you a portal stone click from POK to see if anyone else is hunting in there. (Sorry, I don't know the hot level zone for the 30s).

3. Realize that as a plate class you are going to be in trouble for a long time. As a tank you will be very gear dependent throughout your levels, and AA dependent later on. Consider a more supporting class that isn't so needy. You mentioned you have a necro on the Combine.

4. The anniversary edition is coming out for $20. Buy it if you can afford it. Even if you don't use all of the zones, the flexibility is there.

5. Sorry, I never use /general so I don't know what kind of people use it. Regarding POK, there are always a few smart@sses who spend their time being jerks. Ignore them, and look for the good responses. I am noticing more and more people in the guild lobby compared to POK. That may help you.

Good luck.

Edited, Mar 22nd 2007 11:56am by mrwookie
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