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whats wrong with EQFollow

#27 Mar 17 2007 at 12:51 AM Rating: Good
124 posts
Drak, chill...

He was not referring to you, he was referring to a player like me. A player that will get a group and start telling everyone what to do and what their roles are. A player that uses leetspeak instead of typing normally. An unreliable schmuck that may not be on /ignore but is definately on /avoid.

That's why I box...

EDIT: Oh, I love the game and don't plan on leaving. Srakeats is right, bad attitudes are infectious.

Edited, Mar 17th 2007 3:54am by sprucecln
#28 Mar 17 2007 at 7:55 AM Rating: Good
Aye, drakkinfan, nothing was directed at you personally. If anything, you have been one of the most sensible people here arguing about the problems that EQ has.

As Srakeats mentioned, I was more ticked off with idiot posters like toronto and justinjolts.

I tried WoW for a month. I didn't like it. So, did I go to the WOW boards, create a new poster account and start ranting about how terrible WOW was? Nope, I canceled my account and switched back to EQ without posting. Why? Because as I have stated in so many other threads, everyone is different, and I respect that their play styles are different from mine.

I do apologize for the "personality check" crack. That was a post made in anger, and I didn't feel like expanding on my reasoning. There are a number of reasons why people can't get groups. One big reason is the size of this world. I don't care for 400 zones. I wish desperately they would reduce it down to say 200-250 zones. This game was created for grouping, and by their continual expansions, they hurt grouping because of the spreading out of groups.

The other big reason people seem to have problems finding groups is that they don't take the initiative to form their own groups. If you aren't willing to be the one to check the /lfg tool, and to find a guild for you, and friends, then I really don't want to hear about how SOE doesn't help you. This game really does require that you put some effort into it. But that is what I like about it. I don't want an easy game. I want to have to work for it.

As far as the "just go and leave already", you have to realize that threads like this are really old. I have been on this board for 5+ years (though obviously I don't post much) and for the last 2 years, there are always 2-3 of these threads on the front page. If you don't like the game, fine, but then be a man (or woman), and move on then. Trying to tear down those who don't want to leave is just petty and childish.

And finally, yes EQ is slowly declining. The fact that they don't put the new expansions in stores speaks loud and clear of what SOE thinks. I wouldn't be surprised at all if we see a few more server merges before the end of this year. And since they don't like to fix bugs/issues, I don't expect that it will ever rebound. But I suspect that there are a lot of people out there like me who are willing to look over the faults of the game, and enjoy the experience.

<edit> LOL, I just read the post above this one :D. No, it is the one's who expect everything handed to them are the ones who actually bug me. Congrats if you put forth the effort to make a group, even if you are bossy Smiley: clap <edit>

Edited, Mar 17th 2007 10:57am by mrwookie
#29 Mar 17 2007 at 4:06 PM Rating: Good
DrakkinFan wrote:
"It is so simple. If you think the game is dead and that it sucks, THEN LEAVE IT! Stop paying for it, delete your toons and move on to WOW and stop ruining it for the rest of us that do enjoy it. And if you think EQ is full of teenagers and kids behind toons, you've obviously never played WOW.

And now you complain about a revamp on a zone that you haven't grouped or soloed in for XP in over 40 levels? And you want to quit at level 55? there's 20 more levels to grow in this game just FYI. If you based your opinion that the game is dead on that, then peace out. I look forward to not seeing you on these boards again."

People ARE leaving EQ. Although its not clear they are all going to WOW.

A summary of the situation is: Group B of people complain about some feature of EQ. Group A says if you don't like it leave it. Group B does. Then group C, who still plays EQ, gets to where group B started complaining and finds it just as unenjoyable. So group C complains pretty much about this same feature. Group A says this is an old issue, and if you don't like it go to WOW. Group C leaves the game. Then group D gets to the same exact feature that has already driven 2 groups of people out of the game, and the EQ community continues to basically say "So far most people who run into that obstacle leave EQ. We recommend that you do the same."

People ARE leaving EQ just as you are recommending. And they are leaving the boards, as you are also recommending. And in another 3 months or so some percentage of the current crop of people will leave, and a new set of people who still play will start airing basically the same complaints that are being made now. And just like now, you will be there recommending that people leave the game and leave the boards. And if history is any guide, quite a few more people will follow your advice and leave the game. How small do you WANT the population of EQ to be?

Ok first of all, thank you for restating the obvious. Second, this was not directed towards you, I was replying to Fking who is the OP in this thread.

for what it's worth, I am not blind, I am not an idiot. I know the game is slowly declining. The fact that the new expansions are digital download only speaks volumes. Remember, we all started with the same stats when the toons were created. It's up to you to make your character better. Read my other comment. I have never belonged to a raiding guild in 2 years and have managed to get my druid to level 70 and magician to level 67. Both have their 1.0's and the druid is halfway done with his 1.5. Don't tell me you need to be in a raiding guild to progress your character. That's bull. However, just because the game is losing its momentum does not mean us (the ones that like the game, quirks, bugs, nerfs and all), hell, that's why we're in these boards. Trying to get loot/bestiary/quest info are just gonna sit here and agree with everyon3. There is no point in posting something like this in an everquest board. Don't expect all of us to agree with you when you say the game is done just because you can't find a group.

Now, tangent aside, to answer your question, I don't want the eq population to go down any more than most people that enjoy the game do. If it does, I rest well at night knowing players' decision to leave the game wasn't based on what I've said here. And if they did, then I'm glad such a person won't be in the boards or the game. But just because there's a decline in population and plenty of competition out there, does not mean we can just turn everything into ***** sessions over SOE in these boards. You are paying to play the game THEY provide you with. That's how it is, that's how it will be. It's called Everquest, not yourownpersonalquest.
#30 Mar 19 2007 at 7:16 PM Rating: Good
I have to agree with the OP in that EQ caters too much to the power gamer.

Those people speak the loadest.

People use to deal with the crap things EQ threw at them back in the day because there was little big name competition.

WoW had changed all of that.

It is sad to see EQ go downhill because they chose not to adapt to what people want.

The loudest people are the hardcore power gamers but I would have to say they made of less then 10% of the players. Least from my experiences in all the MMOs I have played since 1999.

Back in the day MMOs could do about anything.

Now they need to balance the pain of time versus the fun of accomplishment. Senseless time sinks are a thing of the past. (Who remembers getting the call at 2:30 AM that Rage is up and it is our turn to kill him?) Now it is about putting fun in with time sinks or GREAT rewards for all invloved. The days of raiding 50 hours for two dozen drops of which none you need or got are gone.

Imo EQ still had what it needs to be a huge game. If they make it appeal to the masses.

The amount of stuff in EQ doubles at least the next best MMO. The amount of races, mobs, zones, classes, quest, and sotry OMG EQ is HUGER then anything out there.

If they would just make their game more consumer friendly.

EQ needs to do things like

1) Make leveling ALLOT easier then it is, specially before 65.

2) Remove exp lost on death. (I will not lie, loosing exp puts more "thrill" in the game. Not enough to get over "This party sucked so bad I just lost 8 hours of my life in exp lost". Take it away.

3) Introduce devices to help causual gamers. EQ did not totally ignore this (LDoN was the rage for a while) but I think other MMOs have done much more lately (rested exp, easy to solo but groups still have their place)

4) Show exp gained and lost in numerical form. In this paranoid society people will always think "Why do they refuse to disclose info other MMOs do? What are they hiding?"

5) Release regular free content upgrades. Sure it took WoW forever to release a expac but people tend to forget about all the free content that got released before that. I remember FFXI released free content upgrades every other month before WoW came out as well.

6) Have free events on regular basis. Anyone remember that Halloween event way back when? That was AWSOME. That is still one of my all time favorite MMO events.

7) Listen to ALL of your customers. In relation to WoW I can list well over 10 things that were changed to make the game better that I first saw on suggestion forums months before they went live.

8) Probably need to introduce some kind of PvP system like WoW battlegrounds. People love to fight other people on their own terms.

I can go on about small things that may seem to add "character" (exp loss on death, not seeing exp)to the game for the hardcore power gamer but they are annoying to the casual gamer.

WoW has catered to the casusal gamer. I remember when it came out every single hardcore gamer on Tholuxe said WoW would fail hard because it was too easy.

I am not saying you need to make the game easier then WoW. There needs to be a balance between pain to get the accomplishment and the accomplishment itself.

Make no mistake about it though, WoW's popularity is due in large part from EQ and if it was not so PAINFUL sometimes to play EQ then I doubt EQ would have ever fallen to what it is now. Or if EQ2 was less painful people would be playing more of that.

Sometimes I swear the people making the game plan decision for EQ were sadists.

#31 Mar 20 2007 at 12:08 AM Rating: Excellent
820 posts
I wouldn't want to see steps 1,2,3, and 8 there...if I wanted a game more like WoW, i'd go play WoW. Any changes like that would be making the game rather generic and derivative. Not to mention that a large part of the EQ base of longtime players would feel highly alienated, and by no means would I find that a positive. making the game rather generic and derivative.

Not trying to be overly negative there, but I have my game I like with its high points and its ugly little flaws, and I'd rather watch it slowly decline away than try to suddenly become something completely different. There would be no complaint from me if they went for more/better customer service or perhaps more interactivity as some of your suggestions hinted at, though.

As for the developers of EQ being sadists, some people would rather fight tooth and nail for their achievement than be given the silver platter/quick and easy gratification route. Neither view is wrong, just different. I'm sure most any EQ player could give you an example of something that was a lil too difficult/time consuming/exhausting to achieve on the game, but for the most part its what makes finally winning/succeeding worth it.
#32 Mar 20 2007 at 2:36 AM Rating: Good
1,906 posts
robito wrote:
6) Have free events on regular basis. Anyone remember that Halloween event way back when? That was AWSOME. That is still one of my all time favorite MMO events.

- Anniversary Celebration
- Halloween Events
- Frostfell Tasks
- GM Events (although not on a regular basis)

There already are those events. Or do you mean regular like once a month?
#33 Mar 20 2007 at 5:01 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Stromm has GM events pretty regularly. I can think of 4 in the last 2 or three weeks. These are above and beyond the anniversary events.

I'd say they do 'something' a couple times a least in the evenings. They're not typically too involved but provide a break from the usual. Last weekend was a big fishing tournament. I was rewarded with a handful of gems last Thursday after helping (but not succeeding) in getting some poison for Lady_Morgana to do away with her cheating husband.

I suppose the numbers and types of events is server specific and dependent on the servers Guides and GM's.

I have to wonder if Robito is playing the same game.

EQ's death penelty is currently a joke. With the ability to summon your body and 96% - 100% rezzes available anywhere, anytime. Losing your pp purchased buffs is the harshest part of it.

There is content galore for nearly any type of play style. The one and only thing hindering people from being able to enjoy all the groupable content is lack of people, lack of expansions and lack of people with expansions.

Hopefully the anniversay offering of the boxed set of ALL expansions will help. Someone above mentioned SoE no longer 'selling' the game. It's true. Without the box being in the stores for people to pick up and look at and virtually no advertising whats so ever, it's gonna be tough to get new blood into the game.

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#34 Mar 20 2007 at 5:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
robito wrote:
Sometimes I swear the people making the game plan decision for EQ were sadists.
No, the people who designed and developed the game were just traditional role-players trying to recreate the experience in a computer format. Whether or not a 'real' game world can be translated to video game format without either being insanely cumbersome or losing much of its realism for the sake of game play is probably a valid debate but it's obvious that McQuaid & Co. started with the intent of making the world as 'real' as possible for the sake of immersion.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#35 Mar 20 2007 at 7:20 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
robito wrote:

Sometimes I swear the people making the game plan decision for EQ were sadists.

I suggest you DON'T play Vangaurd. Smiley: wink2
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#36 Mar 20 2007 at 8:35 AM Rating: Good
305 posts
It's not Vanguard that is the industry leader in the MMORPG world, and its not Vanguard that is pulling people away from EQ. OK Vanguard may have pulled a FEW people away from EQ.

Thanks for the heads up on Vanguard, though, I assure you I won't go NEAR it!
For those looking for a challenge even bigger than EQ is well I guess Vanguard is the place to go.

I think that Sael hit the nail on the head, and represents the thinking of both Sony and the community at large.

"I'd rather watch it slowly decline away than try to suddenly become something completely different."

On a practical note, if the EQ development team is as understaffed and overworked as I think they are, then slow decline sure beats quick death. I think that Rashere and Merloc and Ngreth and others have so much stuff to do, and have been working long overtime hours for so long, that they are just plain overly tired and possibly burnt out/mentally exhausted.

Consider the fact that most likely the Sony development team has 2 new high priority items to work on: the new expansion that will be out in 5 months, which is most likely in the coding phase, and the expansion after that, which is probably in the development phase. With all the energy that Sony is (likely) expending on the next two expansions, where do they find the time to work on current issues and bugs?

#37 Mar 20 2007 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
DrakkinFan wrote:
It's not Vanguard that is the industry leader in the MMORPG world, and its not Vanguard that is pulling people away from EQ. OK Vanguard may have pulled a FEW people away from EQ.

No I didn't state nor even imply that Vanguard was any customer stealing game and, indeed, it won't be the industry leader. It's simply the latest creation by Brad Mcquaid that SoE has had no real gameplay nerfage of yet. It's harsh. Dying is harsh. Levelling is harsh. The sun is harsh on your eyes when traveling west in the afternoon.

I play it...I love it.

Edited, Mar 20th 2007 6:52pm by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#38 Mar 20 2007 at 7:35 PM Rating: Good
Saeel wrote:
Not to mention that a large part of the EQ base of longtime players would feel highly alienated, and by no means would I find that a positive. making the game rather generic and derivative.

Being afraid to make changes because you may alienate people is like never trying because you may fail. No matter what you do some people will not like it.

Some gamers like "fighting tooth and nail" for every accomplishment. I feel the number of consumers who play MMOs that do not like this far outnumber the ones who do. Look at WoW's server number and population of each server.

With that said there are some buisnesses who stick to their guns no matter how little money they make. That is their choice to make obviously.

As to the events. I admit I have only been back a short time. The halloween event I refer to was something that hit nearly every zone, had something for all levels (loot for 20- 50 or 60 - this was either right before or after Luclin I can not remember) and exp bonus mobs for all levels. Even North Qeynos had undead that gave grip of exp to a level 6.

EQ is what it is now. And honestly I do not expect it to change.

All I am saying is if they changed it up to what people like (cater to the 60-70% instead of to the 10% power gamers) then there would be more servers, more players for people to interact with and more money for them to develop games.

Specially if a nice clever marketing plan of some type was implemented with this.

If it fails....well EQ just dies a little faster then it already is.

Seems the upside is way to good to ignore to me.

Edited, Mar 20th 2007 11:36pm by robito
#39 Mar 20 2007 at 8:30 PM Rating: Good
124 posts
What market does EQ want to attract?

It seems that EQ wants to keep their current player-base while hopefully expanding by word-of-mouth or bringing back returning players.

Who is the current player-base?

Without statistics, and going on what I see in-game and in forums, the current player-base is a mix of raiders, casual raiders, group-ers and casuals. A portion of each type plays the game a lot (hardcore;power-gamer), plays the game a fair amount and ones that don't play very much (casually.) Each playstyle has subsets that maybe bot two accounts, four accounts or even six acccounts or more, while many play on one account.

Some people in the current play-base like an easier game. Some people like a more difficult game. Others fall in the middle.

The point is, one game cannot possibly keep the entire play-base happy with their game all the time. There are many choices of online games in 2007. It is inevitable that an older game will have a declining population.

When EQ was made, it was made with a vision. As technology and competition have increased, that vision has been skewed. Different portions of the player-base will respond differently to changes.

What is the result of inevitable change?

Some people in the current player-base will move on and find a new game to play. Some people within the player-base will be happy with the changes and continue to play. Another portion of players won't like the changes too much much but will continue to play.

I think they have done a good enough job at adapting to the market. Heck, I still play and still enjoy playing. I play my own hard and fullfilling game. I admit that botting three accounts helps my game become more fullfilling to me.

My hope for the future of EQ is that it doesn't try and become something else.
#40 Mar 20 2007 at 9:26 PM Rating: Good
820 posts
robito wrote:

Being afraid to make changes because you may alienate people is like never trying because you may fail.

Just tell me this, if SOE went and copied all these friendly game elements from WoW and alienates a very large (more than 10% would dislike it, I guarantee you.) amount of their current customerbase. Who in the world would want to play this older, more outdated game that has became a cheap knockoff of a game with a much larger established playerbase, and that in many ways is a much "prettier" game graphically?

And I by no means consider myself one of these "powergamers" you think are the only ones that would oppose the game losing some of its challenge.

I doubt I'll ever see my epic 2.0 (perhaps the 1.5 if I'm lucky) and that bothers me not...

...I've probably logged more hours in on the game helping others with quests or starting out on a new toon or giving assistance to lower levels by grouping with them in zones that make for very paltry experience for myself, no complaint about that either, just had fun helping others advance...

...The only true raiding I have ever done (aside from joining in on a couple of open epic 1.5 mobs to help someone) is in places that, even with multiple months of raidtime there, I haven't found a single gear upgrade whatsoever (and not for a lack of needing). Has that bothered me? No, im there for the thrill of raiding.

And the fact of the matter is, all the things that are fun with the game for me (and i'm not alone here, nor part of some simple 10%) wouldn't hold near as much value if the game was "x" amount easier.

You take away the penalties with death, say goodbye to the elation at surviving a pull gone wrong, or unexpected add(s).

Would I trade that one example for a game where I could be Max Level and Geared oh so much better and only have had to put part of the work the current EQ would require for it in? Never.

My main is only level 66 (in 2 years playing time) Do I wish that the trip this far had been faster and I could instead have level 75 for my effort, not at all.

Does that make me a powergamer? If so then I'm sure there are plenty more like me that wouldn't fit in your ideas of who would be turned away by such changes. 10% has a better chance of being an accurate number on the current EQ playerbase that spent time playing WoW instead of EQ and finding its game elements dull over time and coming back to EQ yet again.

None of this is an anti-WoW kind of thing, each game is its own entity and thats the idea I like. If people are wanting an easier game than EQ there are plenty out there to be found, I'd personally rather get to be greedy on this one and keep my "difficult" game to myself and the rest of the...ahem...10%

And not all the ideas you had were bad in the first place, but theres a ton of places SoE could start in making the game more appealing to pick up and play for the first time/return to again. Ripping off another MMORPG is way down the list, IMHO, it would be the quickest way to finally kill off the game.

#41 Mar 22 2007 at 5:15 AM Rating: Good
Saeel wrote:
robito wrote:

Being afraid to make changes because you may alienate people is like never trying because you may fail.

Just tell me this, if SOE went and copied all these friendly game elements from WoW and alienates a very large (more than 10% would dislike it, I guarantee you.) amount of their current customerbase. Who in the world would want to play this older, more outdated game that has became a cheap knockoff of a game with a much larger established playerbase, and that in many ways is a much "prettier" game graphically?

And I by no means consider myself one of these "powergamers" you think are the only ones that would oppose the game losing some of its challenge.

I doubt I'll ever see my epic 2.0 (perhaps the 1.5 if I'm lucky) and that bothers me not...

...I've probably logged more hours in on the game helping others with quests or starting out on a new toon or giving assistance to lower levels by grouping with them in zones that make for very paltry experience for myself, no complaint about that either, just had fun helping others advance...

...The only true raiding I have ever done (aside from joining in on a couple of open epic 1.5 mobs to help someone) is in places that, even with multiple months of raidtime there, I haven't found a single gear upgrade whatsoever (and not for a lack of needing). Has that bothered me? No, im there for the thrill of raiding.

And the fact of the matter is, all the things that are fun with the game for me (and i'm not alone here, nor part of some simple 10%) wouldn't hold near as much value if the game was "x" amount easier.

You take away the penalties with death, say goodbye to the elation at surviving a pull gone wrong, or unexpected add(s).

Would I trade that one example for a game where I could be Max Level and Geared oh so much better and only have had to put part of the work the current EQ would require for it in? Never.

My main is only level 66 (in 2 years playing time) Do I wish that the trip this far had been faster and I could instead have level 75 for my effort, not at all.

Does that make me a powergamer? If so then I'm sure there are plenty more like me that wouldn't fit in your ideas of who would be turned away by such changes. 10% has a better chance of being an accurate number on the current EQ playerbase that spent time playing WoW instead of EQ and finding its game elements dull over time and coming back to EQ yet again.

None of this is an anti-WoW kind of thing, each game is its own entity and thats the idea I like. If people are wanting an easier game than EQ there are plenty out there to be found, I'd personally rather get to be greedy on this one and keep my "difficult" game to myself and the rest of the...ahem...10%

And not all the ideas you had were bad in the first place, but theres a ton of places SoE could start in making the game more appealing to pick up and play for the first time/return to again. Ripping off another MMORPG is way down the list, IMHO, it would be the quickest way to finally kill off the game.


Couldn't have said it any better.

#42 Mar 22 2007 at 5:46 AM Rating: Good
There are many times many things right with EQ, so why are the server populations dropping? Reality Check here: most of us have been taught that newer is better, flash is grand, and uber is the end all.

Did anyone miss the journey getting there? Yea, about all those that play games that require minimal effort! Take chess, you know it, but you can spend a lifetime learning it. EQ is NOT like that, but sooooo mcuh closer than any other MMORPG.

I prefer games that have some edge to them. EQ has an edge, in too many places atm. Now if only SoE would hire an OUTSIDE consultant that KNOWS EQ to hone the places. Why outside? Beancounters within soe are ******** up the worx.

Longevity is a key, huge company support is another key, CREATIVITY is another key and the latter belongs ONLY to the expansions dept (and they have lost their minds imho - look at da Sea expansion, the pic is of a 17th century GUNNER ...cannons and all, rofl, completely Stoopid).
#43 Mar 22 2007 at 5:54 AM Rating: Excellent
A game that makes you loose exp when you die will never be as big as EQ was in its glory days or as big is WoW is now.

Most people only need the satisfaction of "we kick booty!!" when they survive a bad pull or mass agro. People in WoW get real excited about this all the time.

When most people loose exp upon death (shoot even when they do not loose exp) you ALWAYS hear them complain about how they lost XXX amount of time. Which is valid. That is time that could have been spent with gf/bf/wife/kids or working OT for more cash or doing homework or doing some other kind of entertainment. Now it is time that needs to be spent just to get back to the spot you already earned in time spent.

Now you need to earn it again because game designers need more time sinks so you can pay more money and because certain players only get satisfaction by avoiding a negative. They can not get satisfaction just by accomplishing a positive.

Add in the potential stress it can cause dealing with someone who gets all pissy about dying or the people who just simply leave after 1 or 2 deaths now you need to replace them in a party.

There will always be some kind of time sink associated with a death which will make not dying be a good thing.

The question is how much will the consumers put up with.
#44 Mar 22 2007 at 9:29 AM Rating: Good
820 posts
robito wrote:
A game that makes you loose exp when you die will never be as big as EQ was in its glory days or as big is WoW is now.

Most people only need the satisfaction of "we kick booty!!" when they survive a bad pull or mass agro. People in WoW get real excited about this all the time.

When most people loose exp upon death (shoot even when they do not loose exp) you ALWAYS hear them complain about how they lost XXX amount of time. Which is valid. That is time that could have been spent with gf/bf/wife/kids or working OT for more cash or doing homework or doing some other kind of entertainment. Now it is time that needs to be spent just to get back to the spot you already earned in time spent.

Now you need to earn it again because game designers need more time sinks so you can pay more money and because certain players only get satisfaction by avoiding a negative. They can not get satisfaction just by accomplishing a positive.

Add in the potential stress it can cause dealing with someone who gets all pissy about dying or the people who just simply leave after 1 or 2 deaths now you need to replace them in a party.

There will always be some kind of time sink associated with a death which will make not dying be a good thing.

The question is how much will the consumers put up with.

...and there are plenty of other games to cater right to those that aren't fans of such "harsh" penalties at death. A silly little change to a thing such as that won't be the savior of EQ.
#45 Mar 22 2007 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
My main is only level 66 (in 2 years playing time) Do I wish that the trip this far had been faster and I could instead have level 75 for my effort, not at all.

Does that make me a powergamer?

That made no sense at all, not even a little bit. I don't disagree with your lengthy post at all though. Just pointing out that most "power gamers" are max level, max AA. 18k mages with 5K AC and the like.
#46 Mar 22 2007 at 6:47 PM Rating: Good
820 posts
That was my point, I play all the time, and enjoy the current "difficult" rules of the game...yet I'm not one of the "powergamers" that was being stated as the only ones who would disagree with such changes to the gameplay.
#47 Mar 22 2007 at 7:28 PM Rating: Good
1,117 posts
Most people only need the satisfaction of "we kick booty!!" when they survive a bad pull or mass agro. People in WoW get real excited about this all the time.

When most people loose exp upon death (shoot even when they do not loose exp) you ALWAYS hear them complain about how they lost XXX amount of time. Which is valid. That is time that could have been spent with gf/bf/wife/kids or working OT for more cash or doing homework or doing some other kind of entertainment. Now it is time that needs to be spent just to get back to the spot you already earned in time spent.

Now you need to earn it again because game designers need more time sinks so you can pay more money and because certain players only get satisfaction by avoiding a negative. They can not get satisfaction just by accomplishing a positive.

Add in the potential stress it can cause dealing with someone who gets all pissy about dying or the people who just simply leave after 1 or 2 deaths now you need to replace them in a party.

There will always be some kind of time sink associated with a death which will make not dying be a good thing.

The question is how much will the consumers put up with.

Given that EQ has had such a system for 8 years and is still going, seems like customers will "put up with" quite a lot.

A game that makes you loose exp when you die will never be as big as EQ was in its glory days or as big is WoW is now.

Umm, the death penalty in EQ back in the "glory days" was even harsher than it is now. And you are arguing the penalty is too harsh today? Need to work on your argumnet skills a bit....

#48 Mar 24 2007 at 11:18 PM Rating: Good
Given that EQ has had such a system for 8 years and is still going, seems like customers will "put up with" quite a lot. Umm, the death penalty in EQ back in the "glory days" was even harsher than it is now. And you are arguing the penalty is too harsh today? Need to work on your argumnet skills a bit....

There is a difference between lack of options and putting up with it by choice. What I saw is a choice came around and EQ died very soon after. I am not saying EQ died because death exp loss (that is a no brainer). Add in another half dozen or so very player friendly gameplay features and I am sure the fact WoW is a much more player friendly game then all the other games (not just EQ) played a major role in why it is so huge.

..and there are plenty of other games to cater right to those that aren't fans of such "harsh" penalties at death. A silly little change to a thing such as that won't be the savior of EQ.

Who knows if anything truly can bring EQ back to its glory days. Even if they did all the gameplay things I think players want I am not sure if people would put up with the lesser quality graphics.

I do think in terms of quality content EQ has allot of offer and allot more money can be made.

You are right, changing this one thing will not be the answer. Making 6-10 player friendly changes like this plus adding in a couple new things; then rolling it all up into a clever marketing scheme and I think good things can happen.

Obviously there are some people who think EQ should just follow its path to death and change nothing. Me, I think it is better to burn out then fade away. Go down swinging if you will.

If nothing else, who knows what can be learned for other games that have a future or games to be released in the future.
#49 Mar 25 2007 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
1) Rubbish, I play since '99 and yes Commons have changed and as far as I have seen for years now you rarely if ever see people on those zones anymore, unless those who farm silks/pelts/lightstones. So don't know why you so heated about it.
Most people have no clue where zones like Dagnor's OOT and Befallen are, let alone play there. Yes mostly older players remember those zones fondly but I for sure do not regard them with less affection now they look up to date.

>>> Rubbish !!!! I have a personal opinion and its rubbish ?>>> Rubbish !!!! I have a personal opinion and its rubbish ?

The revamp of the last couple of zones is not too bad they kept more to the old design then previous attempts. If you know the commons and Ro's well you will see that little has changed in actual layout beside the look itself.

>>> well, that may be your opinion, but in my opinion the zones are a disaster.2)

Don't know where you hunt or what you do but my lvl 66+ toons find more then enough to solo and hunt in groups of 2 to 6 people. Little bit of skill and immagination doesnt make it very difficult to group or solo past 55 without raiding. And note, only 1 of the 3 66+ has a couple of Time items the rest is drops from group zones. quests and tradeskilled.

>>> Don't know who you are addressing here. Is this supposed to have anything to do with what i wrote ?

then again if you spend most of your time running through Commons on a lvl 70 toon then you might not be able to find anything to hunt that gives experience.

>>> where did i say i run through the commons with my level 70 ? Are you replying to what i said or what you wanted me to say ?

I'm pretty sick of people moaning and moaning about all the bad things in EQ.
>>> Moaning ? You think that is moaning ? Stating your opinion and preferences is moaning ?

EQ takes note of what people think, thats why zones such as Nektulos where redesigned after revamp to look more like the original version, tradeskillers get a change to voice their opinion and I know from experience that thoughts and suggestions have been implemented.

>>> Ok sorry, I didn't realize you were on hardcore medication. Sony listens? Verant listens? Hehe, that must be some heavy duty stuff you are doing.

#50 Mar 25 2007 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
I haveto weigh on on this one. My wife and I have been playing forever it seems. The game just keeps getting better. Between us we have 3 sevenaccounts - all full of characters. Our mains are in thier 70.s and we find plenty to do allmost every night of the week. We don't belong to a guild and have never reaided. However we are able to hold our own when grouping with 75's that do raid and are raid drop equipped. Knowing the game and how to play your toon is a great leveler.

>>> Ask yourself, how enjoyable would the game be for you if you didnt have a fellow player living with you. That is a relatively rare and enviable situation.

As far as the game going away, I'm sure that it will one day. However that will probably be when I'm too old to see the keyboard - I have to look at it to type as I'm so old they wouldn't allow guys to take typing when I was in school.

>>> If I had the luxury of having a guaranteed group at all times I would probably be of the same mindset. I would still think the new zones suck though.

Think about all the games out there that have been around forever that are a lot less challenging than EQ - and they keep hanging in there.

>>> I agree. EQ is by far the best. That's why it pains me to see them do things I don't like :) It pains me to see all decisions driven by revenue considerations. The greatness is a holdover from the design of the original developers. They are getting farther and farther away from it.
#51 Mar 25 2007 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
waaah wahh I can't solo in Valdeholm! My cleric can't FD!!

Want a little cheese with that whine?

>>> WHAT ? Who or what are you replying to ?

I'm so sick and tired of you people complaining about SOE and how EQ is "dead"

It is so simple. If you think the game is dead and that it sucks, THEN LEAVE IT! Stop paying for it, delete your toons and move on to WOW and stop ruining it for the rest of us that do enjoy it. And if you think EQ is full of teenagers and kids behind toons, you've obviously never played WOW.

>>> Stating my opinion ruins it for you ? Wow, you are a sensitive little thing aren't you !

And now you complain about a revamp on a zone that you haven't grouped or soloed in for XP in over 40 levels? And you want to quit at level 55? there's 20 more levels to grow in this game just FYI. If you based your opinion that the game is dead on that, then peace out. I look forward to not seeing you on these boards again.

>>> I do have alts genius.

I'm not in a raiding guild. I'm a level 70 and If I'm bored, I go do quests for armor and loot, PL lowbies, shroud and group with lowbies for XP, go run around, farm pp, sit in the pok buffing, etc... and that's just scratching the surface. There's tons of things that can be done to pass the time in the game when not grouping.

>>> wow, you are truly my hero. What great ideas! Did you come up with them all by yourself ? You must be the first person EVER to do those things. We are all so lucky that you are willing to share your brilliance with us.

Seems to me that EQ is not broken, YOU ARE.

>>> Seems to me that if one person stating their opinion gets you that bent out of shape, you need to get some help.
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