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whats wrong with EQFollow

#1 Mar 12 2007 at 10:02 AM Rating: Default
It's clear that EQ doesn't have long to go. Would the executives in charge like to know what mistakes they made to kill the golden goose? I know this is only one opinion, and that everyone is different, but for me...

1. Why oh why did you redesign the old zones? When I saw the complete disaster that you came up with for East and West commons, that was it for me. Not to mention Freeport, what a disaster. Most of your player base consists of long time players who are hanging on for the sake of nostalgia. When their level 70 characters run thru west commons, or their alts, they want to see the west commons. Not that piece of crap that you think is an improvement.

2. Despite what you heard from all the squeeky wheels out there, not everyone raids. For all the people who enjoyed fighting dervs at level 10 in casual pickup groups, who are not interested in the drama of a high end guild, your game has little to offer beyond level 55. Your focus on catering to the teenagers who want to powerlevel in guilds is in my opinion your biggest downfall, and the biggest single reason why so many people were not interested in continuing with EQ beyond lvl 55.
#2 Mar 13 2007 at 12:02 AM Rating: Decent
811 posts
1) Rubbish, I play since '99 and yes Commons have changed and as far as I have seen for years now you rarely if ever see people on those zones anymore, unless those who farm silks/pelts/lightstones. So don't know why you so heated about it.
Most people have no clue where zones like Dagnor's OOT and Befallen are, let alone play there. Yes mostly older players remember those zones fondly but I for sure do not regard them with less affection now they look up to date.

The revamp of the last couple of zones is not too bad they kept more to the old design then previous attempts. If you know the commons and Ro's well you will see that little has changed in actual layout beside the look itself.

2) Don't know where you hunt or what you do but my lvl 66+ toons find more then enough to solo and hunt in groups of 2 to 6 people. Little bit of skill and immagination doesnt make it very difficult to group or solo past 55 without raiding. And note, only 1 of the 3 66+ has a couple of Time items the rest is drops from group zones. quests and tradeskilled.

then again if you spend most of your time running through Commons on a lvl 70 toon then you might not be able to find anything to hunt that gives experience.

I'm pretty sick of people moaning and moaning about all the bad things in EQ. EQ takes note of what people think, thats why zones such as Nektulos where redesigned after revamp to look more like the original version, tradeskillers get a change to voice their opinion and I know from experience that thoughts and suggestions have been implemented.
I for one am pleased I do not need to zone 3 times from freeport to Kith or from Freeport to Innothule.
EQ is not perfect but who is? You? Things could be a LOT worse!

If you so dislike it go to play Astonia or WoW or Monopoly


" its always bad to mess with a woman in a state of PMS"

Edited, Mar 13th 2007 4:07am by Maktub
#3 Mar 13 2007 at 1:03 AM Rating: Decent
305 posts
"If you so dislike it go to play Astonia or WoW or Monopoly"

Huge numbers of people have already taken your advice. As you said in your post, there are plenty of places to SOLO.

But because so many people have already taken your advice, there are not so many people to group with anymore. In the olden days, I could easily get a group with at most a 10 minute wait for a slot to open up. The zone Grieg's End is STARTING to return to EQ's glory days, and for the level 51-65 toons this could very well be the beginning of a turnaround for EQ. If you have been to Crescent Reach recently you will also notice that there are NAKED DRAKKINS fighting there. What would a NAKED DRAKKIN be? How about someone new trying out EQ for the first time! (I hope anyways)

Or maybe people can do as you suggest and continue to quit EQ as you and many others have recommended in the past, and EQ can continue its slow rate of decay. If you would just NOT RECOMMEND that people quit EQ for a different game than that would increase the odds of EQ switching from a decaying game to a growing game.

#4 Mar 14 2007 at 8:03 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
I do not agree with the people who are running around screaming 'EQ is dead'. For alot of us the game is still very enjoyable with lots of things to do, even for high lvl non raiders. I do not see it dying, nor do I see myself quitting... I will be here paying for multiple accounts until they pull the plug's.
I can agree that it is a fine line to walk when revamping old world zones.. some are needed and make the game better, while there are other zones that shouldn't be revamped and doing so will only **** peeps off.
People quit EQ for a ton of different reasons, that cannot be avoided. What is wrong with EQ is the lack of funding/effort put into marketing. There should be a commercial for it and the game should be on store shelves right next to all the others! Digital download only BS is what is wrong with EQ and hurting the game... eq needs new players, don't hate the noobies!
#5 Mar 14 2007 at 11:36 AM Rating: Excellent
426 posts
I haveto weigh on on this one. My wife and I have been playing forever it seems. The game just keeps getting better. Between us we have 3 sevenaccounts - all full of characters. Our mains are in thier 70.s and we find plenty to do allmost every night of the week. We don't belong to a guild and have never reaided. However we are able to hold our own when grouping with 75's that do raid and are raid drop equipped. Knowing the game and how to play your toon is a great leveler.

As far as the game going away, I'm sure that it will one day. However that will probably be when I'm too old to see the keyboard - I have to look at it to type as I'm so old they wouldn't allow guys to take typing when I was in school.

Think about all the games out there that have been around forever that are a lot less challenging than EQ - and they keep hanging in there.
#6 Mar 14 2007 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
I agree with Eagle, I'm enjoying the game more and more. I have toons that raid and I have others that don't. I have so much to do when I log on, my biggest concern is figuring out what I want to do each day.
#7 Mar 15 2007 at 6:21 AM Rating: Good
I have to agree with FFATMA & Eagleflight. I am not even remotely bored. If anything, I have to many things to do yet.

For all of those crying about having to solo, LFG, etc, etc, trying joining a guild. Take the time and find out which ones play the same time as you. Find out which ones like to group in the same zones, etc, etc.

Put forth a little effort, and you won't find yourself alone in the world of EQ. And putting up a "LFG" tag does not count as making an effort.

I almost never have a problem filling a group. But I go through the effort of putting the group together (rather then waiting for others to ask me), plus I don't worry about creating the perfect group. Being flexible is key, and honestly, it can make it more fun trying to make a group work with less then ideal circumstances. A perfect example: the other day I grouped with two mages and a chanter (none of us have raid gear) in Direwind. We camped the undead for over 3 hours, and all of us got the TSS leggings mold. The chanter was the puller, a mage pet tanked, and I (a druid) was healer. We had one death and tons of fun.

<edit> Fixed my wording and forgot to mention that we did have 1 death: one of the mages got 1 rounded by a mob when he got aggro. <edit>

Edited, Mar 15th 2007 2:46pm by mrwookie
#8 Mar 15 2007 at 7:05 AM Rating: Good
112 posts
Oh man, I agree. Making atypical groups is one of the more fun challenges. An all kiter group, all pet group, using me as bait/healer in a caster group. We've pulled off some really interesting feats. It's hard to be bored with this game.
-Blackfive 85 BST of Terris-Thule (Prexus) Hand of Ka
If I tell you a mosquito can pull a plow, don't ask "how?"....HITCH HIM UP!
#9 Mar 15 2007 at 3:12 PM Rating: Default
*whats wrong with EQ?*

just about everything. including the idiot who posts with 3 different aliases trying to paint the pretty picture that all is well in the world of everquest!things just couldnt possibly be any better its just soooooo MUCH FUN, HAHA! what are you smoking son because i want some too, lol! he is one of the tools who sells PP on ebay or something and is all stressed out about making payment on his uber 1992 ford ranger next month if everyone leaves his sorry *** behind.

the game is in massive decline, people are very bored . its without a doubt at the end of its life as a pc game. sony knows this and expected this and from what we can definitively tell wants this to all happen so they can finally move resources onto other things which make mo money cuz thats what this is all about hate to disappoint. u can safely say the sky is falling in EQ because it IS. one person's positive outlook on things doesnt change jack cuz that one person even with all his 6 boxed account cant sustain a game that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to operate in an economy where people are cutting back on entertainment dollars spent
#10 Mar 15 2007 at 3:27 PM Rating: Excellent
449 posts
Idiot with 3 different aliases? All of these posters save one and the OP have a more established posting record than you. You are the only idiot I see here. I don't say that because I like eq and you saying that makes me insecure, I say that because you are an idiot and most of your posts get rated off these forums. Move to another forum you parasite. I'll be with EQ till they shut down the last server, and your posts won't change that either way.
#11 Mar 15 2007 at 5:46 PM Rating: Good
I love how he talks about people leaving but then talks about the platinum market How do you have a platinum market if everyone is leaving?
#12 Mar 16 2007 at 2:04 AM Rating: Decent
To be honest,but if you are not in a Big Guild or can Box, this gamer offers NOTHING for a casual gamer. If you start this game today you are f....d.
In the last Years Sony did everything to ***** the casuals, but Sony I tell you a Secret.... ITS the Casuals that bring the $$$$$$$. ( See World of Warcraft )
So make sure to milk the Loyal Hardcore Players with 2 or 3 more mindless expansions before you pull the plug.
#13 Mar 16 2007 at 4:58 AM Rating: Good
To be honest,but if you are not in a Big Guild or can Box, this gamer offers NOTHING for a casual gamer. If you start this game today you are f....d.
In the last Years Sony did everything to ***** the casuals, but Sony I tell you a Secret.... ITS the Casuals that bring the $$$$$$$. ( See World of Warcraft )
So make sure to milk the Loyal Hardcore Players with 2 or 3 more mindless expansions before you pull the plug.

I started playing real real long time ago, Velious era I believe, and played up until just prior to the release of Dragons of Norrath. I left not because I felt disconnected with the game, but for other serious RL obstacles. I came back July 23, 2006 of last year, which is NOT that long ago... so using your statement 'If you start this game today you are f....d." is all in the eye of the beholder. I started it essentially today, level a character from 1 to 75, broke past 1000 AA's, and up until around 1 month ago I did not raid at all. I found PLENTY of group content to fulfill my hearts desires, not to mention rewards for GROUPABLE contents tasks that was most excellent and satisfactory for the 'non-raiding' efforts that it took. As previous stated in replies to this, go play Astonia or WoW, stop being a whiny ***** about it on the forums where those of us that LIKE it, typically reside.
#14 Mar 16 2007 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
waaah wahh I can't solo in Valdeholm! My cleric can't FD!!

Want a little cheese with that whine?

I'm so sick and tired of you people complaining about SOE and how EQ is "dead"

It is so simple. If you think the game is dead and that it sucks, THEN LEAVE IT! Stop paying for it, delete your toons and move on to WOW and stop ruining it for the rest of us that do enjoy it. And if you think EQ is full of teenagers and kids behind toons, you've obviously never played WOW.

And now you complain about a revamp on a zone that you haven't grouped or soloed in for XP in over 40 levels? And you want to quit at level 55? there's 20 more levels to grow in this game just FYI. If you based your opinion that the game is dead on that, then peace out. I look forward to not seeing you on these boards again.

I'm not in a raiding guild. I'm a level 70 and If I'm bored, I go do quests for armor and loot, PL lowbies, shroud and group with lowbies for XP, go run around, farm pp, sit in the pok buffing, etc... and that's just scratching the surface. There's tons of things that can be done to pass the time in the game when not grouping.

Seems to me that EQ is not broken, YOU ARE.

Edited, Mar 16th 2007 10:10am by mirogil
#15 Mar 16 2007 at 6:41 AM Rating: Good
You know what? I JUST STARTED about 2 months ago. And I love this game!!! Sure I don't know what it WAS like, but everything you ever do is always going to have connotations of "the good ole days".

I am pretty much solo, no guild, been asked to join several, grouped when it seemed like a good idea, and any way you look at it, I've had fun...

my only complaint is lack of some sort of handbook that says: OK, at this level you should work on this... or do this, then go to this area and do these quests...(or rather speak to npc's in this area to get your quests)... Some sort of handbook. lol

Anyway, I enjoy it and it is a load of fun.
#16 Mar 16 2007 at 6:46 AM Rating: Good
Pdtfin wrote:
You know what? I JUST STARTED about 2 months ago. And I love this game!!! Sure I don't know what it WAS like, but everything you ever do is always going to have connotations of "the good ole days".

I am pretty much solo, no guild, been asked to join several, grouped when it seemed like a good idea, and any way you look at it, I've had fun...

my only complaint is lack of some sort of handbook that says: OK, at this level you should work on this... or do this, then go to this area and do these quests...(or rather speak to npc's in this area to get your quests)... Some sort of handbook. lol

Anyway, I enjoy it and it is a load of fun.

Go do lvl 40+ Quests in Blightfire Moors and Crescent Reach.
#17 Mar 16 2007 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
Everquest is NOT WoW and it is NOT FFXI. In Everquest, you actually have to work at it to reach goals. That is why we are a more mature fan base then WoW or FFXI. Because not only do we LIKE the challenges, we PREFER the challenges that make Everquest more fun.

And finding a group is not part of the challenge of EQ. If you have a problem with finding groups then a)you play at really off times or b)you need a personality check.

And what is this fascination with worrying so much about the raiding guilds? I have never been in one, but the number of times they have ruined my night I could count on less then one hand.

And to the dolt who accused me of being an alias, thank you for the good laugh.

Oh, and my wife's coworker just started the game 2 weeks ago, and is having the time of her life. She leveled her warrior up to level 6, deleted it when she drowned because she couldn't get out of the water Smiley: grin, and started another one last night. We haven't twinked her at all, since we feel it is more important that she learn her skills right from the start.
#18 Mar 16 2007 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
305 posts
"Everquest is NOT WoW and it is NOT FFXI. In Everquest, you actually have to work at it to reach goals. That is why we are a more mature fan base then WoW or FFXI. Because not only do we LIKE the challenges, we PREFER the challenges that make Everquest more fun."

This sounds good in theory. In practice 34/35 (if the population of EQ is around 250,000) or 40/41 (if the population of EQ is closer to 200,000) of people who play MMORPGs prefer WOW to EQ. The real problem is not that over 95 percent of people prefer WOW to EQ, its that the population of EQ seems to continue to decrease, and that it is rare to be able to get a group at most pre-60 levels.
"And finding a group is not part of the challenge of EQ. If you have a problem with finding groups then a)you play at really off times or b)you need a personality check."

You think I need a personality check. Fine. Why do you feel compelled to insult fellow EQ players? IMHO this is a pretty intense insult that you levied at me.

Or maybe its that my personality has improved lately since my toons are now strong enough to play in GE, the first zone in which I have found enough people in it to consistently get groups.

Actually someone else explained why G'Mesa stays unpopulated. The mobs have so many more hp than the corresponding mobs from earlier expansions that getting xp there is too slow. 2 hours per AA is just way too long when you need 250+ AAs to be "average". Making EQ a challenge is one thing, but too much of a good thing drives people away to WOW.

The reason I could not get a group in G'Mesa is not because I am personality impaired, as you would suggest. It is because the population of G'Mesa was usually 4 or less, with 2 of the 4 being me (2 boxing), and with the other 2 being level 70+ indicating they were using G'Mesa purely as a transit zone to get to higher level areas.
"And what is this fascination with worrying so much about the raiding guilds? I have never been in one, but the number of times they have ruined my night I could count on less then one hand."

The problem with the raiding guilds is that they go to places that non-raiders fight in, complain that the mobs are too trivial there, and then SONY tunes the area accordingly, making it not quite so trivial for Raiders but impossible for non-raiders. Yes Raiders always have been able to do Creator missions in 5 minutes, yes Raiders can solo the POR cloak quest mobs, yes Raiders can take on 5-8 RSS mobs simultaneously with ease. With their gear all of these areas are VERY trivial from them. YAY for them. Kinda like when I take my POR geared shammy and go to Old Sebilis to farm Nodding Blue Lilies. The mobs are cake.

My thoughts about the Raiders: Congrats that your gear is so good that Creator missions, RSS mobs, and POR quest mobs are completely trivial to you. But why do you have to complain so much to get the mobs upgraded to the point that non-raiders can not fight there effectively?
"And to the dolt who accused me of being an alias, thank you for the good laugh."

You just said I needed a "personality check". You dish it out so you have no right to complain about having to take it.
"Oh, and my wife's coworker just started the game 2 weeks ago, and is having the time of her life. She leveled her warrior up to level 6, deleted it when she drowned because she couldn't get out of the water , and started another one last night. We haven't twinked her at all, since we feel it is more important that she learn her skills right from the start."

Since your wife's coworker has a support group keeping her in the game, she has a good chance of sticking with EQ. Many people, after deleting the toon as your wife's coworker did, just plain leave EQ. In a very eloquent way you pinpointed exactly why the population of EQ is steadily dropping. Each person has their own "delete" time when some obstacle is the last one.
#19 Mar 16 2007 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
305 posts
"It is so simple. If you think the game is dead and that it sucks, THEN LEAVE IT! Stop paying for it, delete your toons and move on to WOW and stop ruining it for the rest of us that do enjoy it. And if you think EQ is full of teenagers and kids behind toons, you've obviously never played WOW.

And now you complain about a revamp on a zone that you haven't grouped or soloed in for XP in over 40 levels? And you want to quit at level 55? there's 20 more levels to grow in this game just FYI. If you based your opinion that the game is dead on that, then peace out. I look forward to not seeing you on these boards again."

People ARE leaving EQ. Although its not clear they are all going to WOW.

A summary of the situation is: Group B of people complain about some feature of EQ. Group A says if you don't like it leave it. Group B does. Then group C, who still plays EQ, gets to where group B started complaining and finds it just as unenjoyable. So group C complains pretty much about this same feature. Group A says this is an old issue, and if you don't like it go to WOW. Group C leaves the game. Then group D gets to the same exact feature that has already driven 2 groups of people out of the game, and the EQ community continues to basically say "So far most people who run into that obstacle leave EQ. We recommend that you do the same."

People ARE leaving EQ just as you are recommending. And they are leaving the boards, as you are also recommending. And in another 3 months or so some percentage of the current crop of people will leave, and a new set of people who still play will start airing basically the same complaints that are being made now. And just like now, you will be there recommending that people leave the game and leave the boards. And if history is any guide, quite a few more people will follow your advice and leave the game. How small do you WANT the population of EQ to be?

#20 Mar 16 2007 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
The only thing I might personally change about EQ is to readdress the old quests, like the newbie armor quests. Every so often, I like going back and making a new bard or shammy, but I don't like to do the same quest over and over. I end up twinking it after a bit, and then it isn't anymore a new toon as it is an old toon with lousy skill levels.

I can see that EQ probably would do well to merge a few more servers, and then we might have better populations. Yet, I think much of the problem, if it really IS a problem is that, as the server populations slowly dwindle, Norrath keeps expanding. I see this as being both good and bad, actually.

First, I remember when it was almost impossible to hunt most newbie areas because everything was camped. Remember the Ice Giants and even the mammoths in EF or the orcs in Crushbone? Sure you could find a group, but you hard ever found a place to hunt with that group. Then, the expansions were good things. The toons spread out and, for a bit, everything was good. I think LDoN was probably the last time, in my opinion, that an expansion was a good thing for all concerned.

Now, just because an expansion is not a good thing fo ALL, does not mean that it is a bust. It just means that some are going to like the new content more than others. It seemed, for a long period, that this was going to be the route that EQ was destined to head. That they were not so much interested in attracting new people, but in just keeping current subscribers happy. Serpent's Spine was a departure from that, and I think, many will say that it is a pretty decent expansion. It does give an alternative to the old newbie gear quests, and you can group or solo there with little problem.

I guess what I am getting at is that the game seems so lonely now, because, if you are like me, you tend to gravitate to the same old areas. My usual route at the early stages was a newbie zone til 10 or 15, OT from 12 to about 35 (with a little diversion to PC or DSP here and there), hit the HG in Rathe for plat at 35 to 45 and so on and so on...

Do you think I might be a little bored after a few dozen toons? Sure, who wouldn't be. Then you jump in a group and they take you to new places like KC or even HHP, and you find more people and all this "new" content. See, it really isn't so much the game which had gotten boring, it was me.

Any, aside from the newbie quest changes, the only other thing I would like to see is hot zone changes more often. Just shake the thing up a bit.
#21 Mar 16 2007 at 1:20 PM Rating: Default
Get a Group in KC or HHK MAN what year do you life ????????????
EQ is dead. Subtract all the 2nd 3rd and even 4th accounts and you come down of a REAL player base LIKE 50k.

PS And even after 7 years SOE is not able to make a patch without a patch.....

Edited, Mar 16th 2007 5:33pm by toronto
#22 Mar 16 2007 at 2:14 PM Rating: Good
192 posts
Why does someone coming on an eq board and reading a whole thread on eq and then proclaiming that eq is dead make me smile? Maybe I just have a well-developed sense of irony.
#23 Mar 16 2007 at 2:24 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
Slow down Drak, you are jumping to conclusions that everything said in this thread is directed at you. Specifically "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"And to the dolt who accused me of being an alias, thank you for the good laugh."

You just said I needed a "personality check". You dish it out so you have no right to complain about having to take it.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "
mrwookie was refering to where justinjolt accused him and 2 other very well established posters of being the same person. Nobody directly insulted you, in fact the only one that any post has been specific about is jj. I started that, just like I did on the last forum he weighed in on. Everyone (including me) gets so touchy with these EQ is dead threads. People have been saying EQ is dead and OMGRZ this game is tEH suck for 8 years. I would like to request if the game is dead to you and you think it sucks then quietly get up and leave, don't try and infect the rest of us with your attitude. But hell do what you want. Interestingly enough, how did the release of TSS ***** casual players? ("In the last Years Sony did everything to ***** the casuals"-toronto) THIS IS THE MOST casual expansion ever. Quests, gear, zones, mobs for every level in the game. DODH is also in that catagory that you're slamming, and if you take the time to form a group of gimpy lvl 70s and do DODH tasks you can gear said gimpy 70s into very respectable 70s.
Finding a group is based on 5 things - 1 What class are you? 2 What level are you? 3 How do you rank on 4 Do you know how to play your class? 5 Do you sit /afk /anon in the pok hoping someone will walk past you and invite you, or do you go to a zone in your level range and advertise yourself? True, being a lowbie it's hard to find a group but hotzones squish all people of your level into one zone.
What's wrong with EQ?
Sony + unhappy player base + bugs that have been around since day 1 + overly defensive players + overly offensive players + expansions crapped out before stuff from 2 expansions ago has been fixed + crappy item development + raider VS. casual war that's been around probably 8 years now + noobs + crabby veteran players + class balance issues + tons of empty unused zones + progression servers + boats not working + boats sucking when they were brought back to the game + lack of developer interest in game issues + too few players on the servers + too many players in the zone i want to play in
I still love the game.
#24 Mar 16 2007 at 2:30 PM Rating: Good
If EQ was dead then you wouldn't be able to log in. Big guilds have never gotten in my way and there is so much I can do it is very difficult to decide what to do next. If anyone quits the game because someone on some board says quit, well it going to be a long dull life. The people that complain about EQ are boring and the game is too challanging for them and find it easier at other easier games. With the new all expansion box set comming out, expect older players and some new one in the mix. The game is now 8 years old and the reason is that its a good product plan and simple. Not for everyone, thats for sure, but for the 4 time poster/complainers out there that can't figure it out, I sinserly doubt Sony will miss you...
#25 Mar 16 2007 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
305 posts
Here is his original quote:

"If you have a problem with finding groups then a)you play at really off times or b)you need a personality check."

When I had lower 50s toons fighting in G'Mesa, I grouped... well... never.
There was no groupage in G'Mesa happening while I was there. Ever.
So I DID have a problem finding groups.

I was playing during prime time much but not all of the time.

By his logic I "need a personality check".

Now that I am fighting in GE I am apparently cured because finding groups has been pretty easy most of the time. Occasionally it takes a while but mostly I can get groups fast.

To me, saying I "need a personality check" is a pretty strong insult.
And based on my play time when I was fighting in G'Mesa,
he WAS referring to me.

#26 Mar 16 2007 at 5:47 PM Rating: Good
28 posts
The game is not dead and i for 1 love it ,now i do get a bad attitude at times and yes ,i find getting Epic help very hard ,grps are so so ,I for 1 dont mind soloing ,i find it tests my skills and makes me a better player in the long run.( but the more i solo the less im group orientated,so i lack group skills )I have soloed evey quest in Black feather up to trying kill Queen and cant get help on that,but find it to be may favorite solo zone,good AAs and CD drops.
As for telling folks leave over some dumb posts ,that is not right and do you really think they are gonna LOL i just take a break and dont play till the game calls me back (which it does GOD i LOVE this game) ,cant be gone more than 3 months max.
As for personalities its hard to see a face ,face's show emotion and i find im taking in the wrong contest in EQ most times and nobody can ses my facial expresstions.( ive a very dry morbid sense a humor)
I find some of you make alot a sense in these forums wish i knew some of ya in EQ alas id have more fun,let alone learn alot ,im nowhere near as educated in EQ as some of you are and I learn alot lurking in this forum( bad attitude and all).
I have good times and bad in EQ just as in RL ,i find some folks very helpful and i find others just plain ***** and than i find the middle of the run folks that just want to play ,dont care about high end,me LMAO it all depends on my mood that day i play sometimes its pure jelously and i want the Highend gear and other days i can care less when i meet a Highend Char that cant hold a candle next to me in PURE talent and ive met a lot.
I for 1 will play till Sony shuts the game off and than ill prolly have to get some sorta counsling for my withdrawls ill experiance in about 3 to for months.
So basically just have fun until Sony kills off the game ,i hope its years down the road and Like i myself have to learn TOO, just take the bad with the good and try make it better,that will keep the game running longer than telling folks leave or jumping on someones thread in a negative manor,negativaty just breed mores .
Just take a Break evey now and than i find it helps alot
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