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Poll: PoP Zone Entry RequirementsFollow

#77 Mar 01 2007 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
PoP flagging cost Sony more customers then any other expansion in the history of EQ. Not to mention the inane and extremely annoying spell system. Not that that has anything to do with this poll.

Changing it now is irrevelant. The progression experience itself is really all that PoP has left that's worth anything. If you're doing it for loot, other then a few moderately useful click items from Time, then you're wasting your time. Experience wise PoFire is still decent but there's just as good and even better areas for far less effort.

Don't take this the wrong way. At this point I couldn't care less what they decide to do with it.

The one thing that does need to be changed is having 1.5/2.0 epic fights in flag required PoP zones.
#78 Mar 01 2007 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
530 posts
Initially, I was going to vote "Open everything but Time," but then realized that I'd be a little upset if I went through the horrendous pain in the butt that PoP progression is, only to have it handed over on a silver platter to someone else. I ultimately chose "Alternate Access" because I think that (despite claims that raids still go on all the time) these zones should not be lost to the sands of time because (most) people that can or do raid want to do it elsewhere. I'd like to see these zones someday.
Jiriki Sa`Onserei, 120/67k AA Wood Elf Ranger
Anadriel Starfire, 120/46k AA High Elf Mage
#79 Mar 02 2007 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
187 posts
I voted to open up everything. I understand that many years ago many busted their *** to get flagged but many years ago is the key thing and its a long time ago.

At this point I really don't care though and I don't see why anybody should. With 75 levels now there really is no reason for doing pop progression at all. Only very very casual guilds would find it a challenge and its not because the raids are hard its because they have to flag so many just to get progression going.

Normal players do not raid time, they raid current content notice I said current content which if time was I would have voted no but its 5 years old now and I simply don't care about all the work other did so many years ago(the main argument uber types give as to why half a decade later they should have stayed the same as when the expansion was lauched).

It's always funny to me who ppl hold on to stuff like this like they are hanging off a cliff. It's been almost 5 years no one cares about progressing thru the plains except very very casual guilds that are not gonna be raiding high end zones anytime soon anyways. With the time key you get in p3 all of your precious work has already been ruined long ago so that is yet another reason to open up everything. Maybe ppl will actually go to the other zones since they dont need to do long boring easy raids with no challenge just to access dead zones.

Oh and in closing I did go thru the horrendous pain as some call it to get flagged for the eles and time but I can let things go unlike others and I realise that other than time ppl just dont do it other than guilds that cant get numbers and dont have the time for real raiding. Real raiders do not get hurt by this.

Edited, Mar 2nd 2007 6:59am by TheGreatSieg
#80 Mar 02 2007 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
I voted no, but with alternative access. When PoP first came out, I was so excited to join a guild that would raid there. I had always wanted to be a part of that experience of the higher EQ gameplay. But my chars where never high enough in lvl (I don't believe in just XP grinding to be top lvl) so I had to wait (and just FYI, I've been playing EQ for close to 7 yrs now - casual playing).

And now that I do have a couple chars high enough lvl to really start raiding and actually be a char that can help a raid out (not just there to take up space, so to say), the guild I was in nearly all quit for WoW. Today, on my server there are less and less people who raid PoP, zoning into Plane of Disease/justice/etc., my footsteps ring hollow on the ground of these zones b/c no one is there!

I don't want to miss out on raiding PoP and the sense of accomplishing something for the effort to get to these zones, but with the EQ population for raiding PoP fastly declining for newer expansions, I don't see why adding an alternative access to these zones would hurt anything.

Just a couple more 2cp for the pot...

63 Cleric Kamelot Steelheart of the Nameless
63 Bestlord Jadhra Silverpaws of the Nameless
63 Druid Jangier of the Nameless
58 Necromancer Ninaive Sedai of the Nameless
58 Shaman Mhystiik of the Nameless
53 Druid Jadestorm Windrower of the Nameless
52 Necromancer Rhohan of the Nameless
47 Shadow Knight Ashryle Lingtone of the Nameless
45 Ranger Nivea of the Nameless
35 Paladin Padisha of the Nameless

(there are 2 accounts mixed with all those chars, for those who might be confused).

#81 Mar 02 2007 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
voted yes , eq well beyond pop now ,why bottleneck peeps up in old expansions with one of the longest access flagging processes, with the alternate acces route to time as it is now virtually makes all other pop zones obsolete of playtime and groups, either open them all up or rename them ie:south karana,north karana , etc etc ....get the drift ?
#82 Mar 02 2007 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
open them all up and see who show's up.
Many post's of those who 'worked there butts off to get there' /golf clap.
You all try to make it sound like the planer progressions are the ONLY challenge left in the game.
guess what?
Its just another quest in this game called EVERQUEST.
Like many have already said in other post's and true that is, nobody on my server is even bothering with planer progression anymore, been there done that.
go into Plane of Fire and your alone..7 nights a week.
Opening them up will not even gaurentee that people will care enough to go there.
It will just be another optional hunting place.
Or open them up and introduce more quest's in them to be solved.
and specifically to those who so vehemetly, rudely commented about how hard they worked to get there, here's something for you, thank god your playing eq and not procreating!
If it means THAT much to you then you have issue's far and away more disturbing than whether or not they should be made open to all without flag's /keys.
#83 Mar 03 2007 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Im probably just about to start trying to get flagged for planes and would like it to be left alone. Maybe you can let people into planes when they reach appropriate levels but only give them access to the good loot if they are flagged.
#84 Mar 03 2007 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
2 posts
I voted to remove the flag requirements, the pop flagging process was a bad idea then, and to keep those flag requirements in place is a bad idea now.

I flagged and reflagged people for pop progression for years, and watched guilds crash and burn from doing the same stupid repeditive tasks over and over.

The loot is oboslete, and the population is not what it used to be, small guilds can't muster full raids like the old days.

Most guilds these days refuse to flag pop, it's just to much trouble for to little reward.

Open the zones and give smaller guilds some raid targets and people in general some other zones to play in.

#85 Mar 03 2007 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
Aside from a sense of accomplishment, what else can be gained through the ridiculously long quest that is planar progression?

Access to EPs is appealing, of course. The elemental planes are pretty neat in and of themselves, and, if you know what your doing, can yield a handful of nice items, decent solo xp, and genuine fun. However, all that is not worth all of the flagging; its not even close. Better gear and xp can be simultaneously be gained in newer (and easier) content.
#86 Mar 03 2007 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
Aside from a sense of accomplishment, what else can be gained through the ridiculously long quest that is planar progression?

It's pretty lame to jsut be able to WALK into these zones w/o having earned it..its stupid...WHAT is the point of the game if zones like this are just open?

there is none...EQ was coined "EverCrack" a long time ago because it was was addictive b/c the progression never stoped. and you needed to be challeneged and needed to WIN..not just grind like a mindless puppet.

If we make these zones open, then why not just get rid of the Vex Thal key quest? or uqua? inktuta? ikkinz? txevu? All just ridiculously long quests right?


gd...this thread makes me want to RAISE the requirements of PoP flagging....

EDIT: btw GOMN....<3'ed your post

Edited, Mar 3rd 2007 9:34pm by curtischoy
#87 Mar 04 2007 at 3:49 AM Rating: Default
153 posts
I busted my **** for it, but I'm cool with even time opening up )
#88 Mar 04 2007 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
you people make no sence...keep it the way it is so no one will see these zones ever is what alot are saying? The only guilds that would do this are small family type guilds that for the most part prolly couldnt muster the numbers to do some of the larger events. Maybe the odd server has some peeps doing the planar progression but from what i've read here it sounds like they are a minority, so the greater whole has to be left out due to a few small guilds that want to do this still??? /boggle...alternate quests yes, open right up no...but most importantly keep both ways alternate and the origional way for those few guilds that want to do it the old way, hey knock your socks off and go for it, my hats off too you! if you are really that proud then this option is here and you won't cheat!

also to note my guild has a open time raid every other month, its a chore to get enough peeps to go as no one is interested anymore. we usually scrape up 25ish peeps with some of those being boxes and omg the loots rots a good chunk of the time...hmm i wonder why? anyone know? :P (sarcasm for the none too swift)
#89 Mar 04 2007 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
you people make no sence...keep it the way it is so no one will see these zones ever is what alot are saying? The only guilds that would do this are small family type guilds that for the most part prolly couldnt muster the numbers to do some of the larger events.

what do you mean? why would we wanna keep people out of the most fun I've ever had questing and Raiding.How do you think people did this in the first place... they were small and they kept raiding.


also to note my guild has a open time raid every other month, its a chore to get enough peeps to go as no one is interested anymore. we usually scrape up 25ish peeps with some of those being boxes and omg the loots rots a good chunk of the time...hmm i wonder why? anyone know? :P (sarcasm for the none too swift)

My guild runs a Guild Only Time run and we get 40 each time on Bertoxxulous server. we do it prolly once a month also and still many are interested and we are going into god.. i voted keep it the way it is

Edited, Mar 4th 2007 3:49pm by hardolmer
#90 Mar 04 2007 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
2,605 posts

Edited, Aug 1st 2019 4:03am by GOMN
#91 Mar 04 2007 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
If all some people want to do is "see" the content of PoP without the effort of the flag progression, I say create "instanced" versions of the zones they want to check out (except PoTime); without the type of loots normally found in the "real" zones, and without the ability to work towards normal progression.

To see the "endgame" of that expansion, I feel the full appreciation comes from actually working for the "prize". I'm elemental except for PoFire (finally not gimp to access Sol Ro, but still need the kill), and I'm still looking forward to perhaps someday seeing PoTime.
#92 Mar 04 2007 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
231 posts
I vote open everything but time.

Reason one my guess is 90% of characters currently flagged for time are alt flagged from P3 the I would also guess that only about of time flagged character 50% can actualy zone into elementals without a visa.

Reason two is Rathe Council this is the hardest fight in PoP hands down any raid that can kill this event can clear time with ease. Take Rathe Council combined with the other elemental events it takes for time acess and I consider anyone who has done them worthy of being able to zone into time.

Pre elemental mobs are just a time sink and only serve as a roadblock of makeing raids run around getting 20ish flags for everyone in there raid before they can fight any mob that poses any real challenge.

#93 Mar 06 2007 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
I vote to leave them alone. Some folks, like myself, have not yet had the chance to experience the progression. And I for one am looking forward to it.
#94 Mar 06 2007 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
My guild is quite new... only about 6 weeks old, on Luclin.. We are using PoP progression as a recruiting tool, actually, and are finding ALOT of casual players, as well as returning players, who are interested. I've not been playing "since the start", I started about 2 weeks before PoP came out, and I've NEVER seen the endgame PoP zones.

I still get chills looking out off of the islands in PoSky.

I would seriously take a second look at weather this game was worth playing if that feeling was taken away.. I play this game to ACCOMPLISH something. I do every quest I can get my hands on, simply to say that I did it. PoP progression is one of those "legendary" things these days, and to be able to cheat to get into PoTime would seriously cheapen the value of it for all involved.
#95 Mar 06 2007 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
They defeat their own argument at the same time, by saying most guilds/people by-pass them anyway becasue there is better loots/XP in newer expansions. Therefore, I can only point out -- what concern is it to them to remove the requirements when they aren't going to play there anyway?

If the zones are so undesireable, why do they want free access?

That's just the one ever said these zones were "undesirable". IF Sony decides to open the PoP zones up or IF they give alternative access to these zones, smaller guilds and more casual players would have something to strive for w/out the need to be in a large guild.

I know I would hunt there if the access would be easier (or free). After seven years of EQ, I could finally be elemental geared or say "yeah, I've been to PoFire, I've seen SolRo Tower, couldn't kill anything there," but atleast I could say I'd been there...

I've already voted for alternative access, but nothing has been decided yet, Sony may not even change anything at all in the PoP zones...I'm not going to get my hopes up, but it's fun to think about it.
#96 Mar 06 2007 at 2:20 PM Rating: Excellent
I could care less about any 'uber' loot or any exp or any mob in any of the Elemental planes. It all is going to rot except what I will go there for: Tradeskill items or quest pieces for a quest that is NOT in the elemental planes but requires me to go there.

Opening up those planes to anyone of a certain lvl allows us to get something done. It has nothing to do with your dumb argument that if we didnt want the exp or loot there then we shouldnt be allowed to go there. Why is my foraging or farming some tradeskill item I need for baking, offending you so much that you dont want me in a zone?

My guild raids in POR:Theater of Blood, OOW:Anguish, and GOD:Tacvi mostly. We are NOT going to be heading to Plane of Water in the future. Flagging there is stupid and a waste of time. It is not any prestige to be flagged for there either. We never ask any prospect to our guild what is their elemental plane flag progress. We could care less. We do ask if they are TOB flagged or have some of the 7 POR grp missions completed so they can come with us to TOB.

Your argument that it would make the Wooden Figurine worthless is also a mistake. Nobody would get the flags if the zones were open and hence they would not get the wooden figurine stat increases unless they went thru the bosses in the correct order. Oh, and by the way, very very few ppl still carry around that piece of crap charm still. Most everyone I know now use either the DON vendor ones, the TSS Artisan charm, or the POR Arena champion badge.

Your argument that EQ is not 'Entitlement' is also warped and twisted. RSS, with its lvl 69 restriction is the perfect example of a FIX to the zone flagging problem. Just because you and everyone else were allowed to zone into Riftseekers when you were lvl 69, did that make the first time your guild killed the King and Queen any less of an accomplishment? Do you still feel cheated that those players who are in guilds that still cannot win those encounters are allowed to be in the same zone as yourself or even look at the countenance of the King and Queen from afar because you are somehow more superior to them? Are you begruding them the few single group camps in RSS that they can try to get some of the greater and glowing runes at? Why is it that you dont want other players who are not at your level of raiding in your "Raid" zone at the same time as yourself. Just get over it.

You say you are not fond of the 85% rule. Well then I guess POR:TOB is a favorite zone of yours since no one is allowed into the zone unless they are flagged. No 85 here. But wait.... In your mind....What are all those 'inferior' ppl who do single group missions doing here??? *&(* it. Who let them in to a 'privledged-only raid' zone??? They shouldnt be allowed to get any of the class armors because they dont belong to a raiding guild. They are all just pee-ons below your personal level of uberness right?????

Get over yourself and your lame attempts to deny things to others for the sole reason is that you place yourself above them.

You say:
"The attraction of this game is the addiction it creates via the challenges and overcomign those challenges. Reducing and/or removing them is just puttign ore nails in the coffin for the game itself"

I say the attraction of this game is the enjoyment of time spent with friends doing what ever quest or goal or level of challenge you want. Giving access to the elemental planes is NOT reducing or removing a challenge, its reducing or removing a stupid outdated roadblock that now just prevents ppl from enjoying the game in a zone that you will likely never revisit on a raid with your guild.

Its the stupid attitudes of people like yourself that refuse to associate with ppl lesser than you, that end the enjoyment, and hence the subscription, of casual players. Heck not only do you not want to associate with them, (you hate the 85 rule), you openly want them prevented from being in the same zone as yourself.

Yours has to be one of the highest levels of Selfish Conceit that I have witnessed in the recent past.
#97 Mar 06 2007 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
"And for those of you who think it's just a "waste of time" you dont need to play EQ, its not about getting the easy way out, its about hard work.

Working a 12-hour shift 3-4 times a week at a job is hard work, sitting at a computer is not.
#98 Mar 06 2007 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
Well, as we all know, people who have been working as hard as possible to flag their character(s) and help their friends get flagged as well would not appreciate others being able to go by without much work. But there are others who have been working as hard as well to get themselves flagged, but are unable to do so from some reason or other. Those people should be given a chance to flag themselves in a different way. I think that there should be an alternative way to access planes when brute force is not available to bash through the flags, but the flags should not be removed for a complete access to everyone. It is, after all, a game filled with quests :)
#100 Mar 07 2007 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
I think they should open up all zones to Gnomes.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#101 Mar 07 2007 at 11:47 AM Rating: Default
PoP flagging was a war against other players for a long time before instance zones were introduced to the game. Guilds would prevent the flagging of "lesser guild" to prevent them from "playing" in their zones, like TIME. TIME was a zone that only allowed one guild to raid it, meaning your guild cannot raid when another guild was there. This led to the blatant blocking of any guild that threatened to make sharing TIME a problem.

Instance zones solved alot of the guild flagging wars, but the "flags" for POP are still there, even though the game has no use for them. TIME is an instance zone now, so multiple raids can be in it. The loot from TIME and POP zones will not upset the balance of the game, since the game gear has surpassed TIME loot greatly. Quarm loot is still some nice loot, but it's not much loot for 8 hours of raiding and it still takes a decent raid to get to Quarm. The really nice TIME drops were "nerfed" and don't drop or drop once a year now. SOE could just nerf the drop rate of anything they haven't already and open the zone up with the other POP zones. Nerfing drop rates or removing drops entirely seems to be the standard already, so since they already nerfed POP zones and TIME drop rates it shouldn't be a problem to remove the flag they could always remove drops for any gear they see as unbalancing.

The POP zones and TIME are fun raids with 75 level toons, I don't see why not open them up.

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