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Poll: PoP Zone Entry RequirementsFollow

#27 Feb 25 2007 at 2:12 AM Rating: Decent
i would say lower the repop time on the bosses that would give some guilds more encouragement to attempt pop i agree that if you want flags for elemental planes and time you should earn them anguish for example has a pretty easy 85 to full access simlar to how you become keyed to time. i found out rz minis and sol ro are only required for fire access the other pop bosses lead up to those but once rallos falls and you defeated all other pop bosses you are flaged for all elemental planes but fire.
#28 Feb 25 2007 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
45 posts
I think they should leave it alone. The name of the game is Everquest not Everxpcrunch. Too many people just jump on and go pl themselves or others and don't do the quests. The flag requirement leaves something for those who like doing the quests. There are enough zones to go to for those that just don't care.
#29 Feb 25 2007 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
I commend you all for working so hard to take advantage of all the game had to offer at the time. Now please let us can't raid / flag to get in see the game, PoP is what 3-4 years old now?

You can see the game. Do the events to get yourself there. The point of the game is the experience of getting there, not just a quick hop to the end.
#30 Feb 25 2007 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
I think you've got to respect those who went through the agony of progression, especially recently. But I know there are a lot of people with a partial mish-mash of flags out there who would love to see and benefit from that content. Finding a way to unlock it without having to march through that progression would be smart.
#31 Feb 25 2007 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
I vote No but alt access should be offered up to atleast EP zones,reason i say this is because we spent the last three months backflagging and still dont have enough flagged for EP to 85,If there where grpable quest that allow EP access would be a big help for guilds like ours,and wouldn't have other members of the guild that are EP flaged getting tired of backflagging either from doing same mobs over and over again just to get 1 or 2 flags.

Moosec Turfmuncher (75)Pally
Officer of <Mystic Coercion>
E-Marr sever

Edited, Feb 25th 2007 12:59pm by Moosec
#32 Feb 25 2007 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
A while back didn't they change the access to PoT-- so that you could get some essence to Time stone that dropped in the area just before you zoned in to kill the gods? I thought that was put in because Guilds were whining about the 72-man raid requirment for Planar Progression/

Did they take that essence of Time stone out of the game?

I think they should modify the mobs so that the zones would be doable by less than a 72-man raid. The size requirement has to be a PITA now that the game is losing so many customers.
#33 Feb 25 2007 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
With the possible exception of the Rathe Council, these zones ARE doable with less than 72 people. Far less.
#34 Feb 25 2007 at 10:43 AM Rating: Default
I went through all of the original flagging, no alternate quests, and I think anyone wanting into those zones should have to go through the same flagging. Some of them already have level based access: storms, valor, torment and CoD (I think just those 4) at 55, and HoH/BoT at 62. Go ahead and leave those open like that but don't relax requirements especially on the elemental planes and potime. My main got flagged the original way and it would be a slap in the face to have all that work suddenly be for nothing, I even have a box that is NOT flagged for any of PoP higher zones (just gets into the level based stuff) and while I'd love to get it into pofire I wouldn't want it just handed to me. I was even disappointed although understanding when they made some alternate backflag options for guilds, and I don't expect to have to do any less than at least that alternate backflag to get in. Sorry if any of you feel otherwise but play the f**king game.

And to all you f**kheads that voted to open all of em up: F**K YOU! go play some other game and get out of mine if you are that lazy, ITS A GAME, PLAY IT. Getting a freebie to the end of an expansion like that is NOT playing, it is CHEATING.

Edited, Feb 25th 2007 2:01pm by Neadayan
#35 Feb 25 2007 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
Having played one toon in a guild that went through the flagging process and getting access to Time was a great accomplishment I do think they should relax the requirements a bit. I personally do not care if some gets a "free pass" to see a zone that very few people even bother to zone into. There are several things that we all did back in the day that can be done alot easier today, so what. If thats the case then how many people would still be playing the game. I think if zones like PoP and GoD relax the flagging process a little maybe people will find some fun in these areas that have ecent gear and semi hard mobs to XP grind on. I have long snce retired playing my on toon that has full PoP/GoD access but would love to take some of my other toons to these zones to get some good XP as well as cool gear that not evryone has. My current guild has niether the force nor the schedule ability to achieve access to EP's or Time with all the new stuff that comes out every 6 months. I think that smaller guilds with moderate forces could have a blast killing the big guys in places like PoTb and PoF. Just my opinion y the way.

69 Zerk of Tunare
70 Pally(retired)
#36 Feb 25 2007 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
I think PoP progression is a great accomplishment. I dont think it should be messed with either. I mean PoP is where you learn how to raid, if you cant do PoP you cant do GoD,OoW,DoD or the new stuff. And for those of you who think its just a "waste of time" you dont need to play EQ, its not about getting the easy way out, its about hard work.
#37 Feb 25 2007 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
I voted yes. This is due to a few reasons.
1 is due to the lack of interests in the zones.
2 is due to people that want to experience the expansion would have to get a guild that would be willing to flag for it. Most guilds anymore bypass PoP and go directly to DoN and above. With the TSS expansion the armor drops from the PoP zones are now inadquit. You can effectively get better armor that is better than elemental easier. This now leaves these zones abandoned and about the only people that go into these zones are those that are farming items and have already gotten the flags as well as the equipment that will allow them to be able to solo in the zone. Opening up the zones greatly affects the farmers but also gives others that are of a lower level to be able to exp in these zones as well.

I myself went threw all the flags many ages ago. So I’m not just talking to better myself but I’m also thinking of all those that are now unable to experience the expansion that would like to see it. The bosses in these zones are not groupable unless you are in a guild that is demi equipped. If that is the case then I doubt they are there for the exp. ;)
#38 Feb 25 2007 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
I voted to leave them alone. I play on the Al'Kabor server where PoP is basically the end of the game. (Al Kabor does not have Ykesha or anything that was released subsequently. We're OLD SCHOOL.) My guild is in the process of flagging for entry to ToSR, and pushing to make it to the Elemental Planes. It's such a huge challenge on a small server like ours to accomplish the flagging necessary to progress to our endgame that I just don't think it would be right to just drop the flagging requirements.

Of course, this is my perspective coming from that server. In PCland where there are new expansions and content to explore (not to mention ridiculous gear) this may not be the wisest way to go. Raiding guilds most likely never even touch these zones on the PC side with all the new content and targets available. Relaxing the requirements would make it very nice for casual players who can't or don't want to invest the time it would take to get geared and flagged for progression through PoP. I guess it will come down to a business decision for SOE.

Just my 2cp
#39 Feb 25 2007 at 6:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Open up everything pre-GoD. Elementals, PoTime, Vex Thall, Sleeper's, Veeshan's, etc. Nothing game breaking in there and nothing that will throw the game balance out of whack if people enter into the zone without jumping through a dozen hoops first. And, really, no good reason to keep it locked up except for the cries of "I suffered through it so you should have to as well!"

This is coming from someone essentially retired from the game (not counting my n00b SK now on Sleeper) so I don't have anything to gain from it.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#40 Feb 25 2007 at 7:56 PM Rating: Good
239 posts
Re my post above.

I did an open Saryrn raid tonight along with the Keeper of Sorrow on Maelin. Advertised at 7:30 pm EST in the lobby, pok, tranquility. I got one tell. So my guild's alts and some of Pactum and an alt guild did it.
Voidslayer Jhereg, Destroyer of Worlds, Monk, <Celestial Navigators>, Drinal server
Vanidor Silverbranch, Wizard, <Celestial Navigators>, Drinal server
#41 Feb 26 2007 at 1:21 AM Rating: Decent
there is already alt access to elemental planes that can be turned into flaging for time. you get 85ed into a elemental plane and kill the lord and hail planar projection and recieve one of the 4 elemental gems for creating the power source to enter time and you recieve flag to enter that plane
#42 Feb 26 2007 at 2:14 AM Rating: Default
I answered no for all zones because:
- it is nowadays easy to do the pop progression for any pick up raid, if they fail it is a lack of organisation.
- there are alternate access quests for every zones and these quests which were 1 groupables when put in the game are surely soloable now. Search a bit they are all listed here.

so any guild / raiding force who wants to reach time should have no problems to do it in 1 or 2 weeks of efforts whatever the method they use (raid or alt access)
#43 Feb 26 2007 at 3:59 AM Rating: Decent
The problem with the current system, is that getting regularly flagged for PoT through EPs juts isn't feasible unless you have very high raid attendance, or are willing to let others box your toon for flagging. I know letting others play my char is possibly, but I don't like being forced to do it.

There are simply too may flags you need to get to get in. If it was 'only' the 4 EPs you needed, then old fassioned entrance could still be gotten, without doing month of fairly pointless tier 2 flags.

Does anyone know any guilds who have gotten people time flagged by doing the EP gods during the last 2 years? I was in guild the RAELLY tried to do it the old fashioned way, but in the end settled for the piggy option.

Edited, Feb 26th 2007 1:00pm by Ishwar
#44 Feb 26 2007 at 5:19 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
Does anyone know any guilds who have gotten people time flagged by doing the EP gods during the last 2 years? I was in guild the RAELLY tried to do it the old fashioned way, but in the end settled for the piggy option.

I know a few guilds that have in the last 2 years, including my own.
#45 Feb 26 2007 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
My guild has been holding open pop raids every weekend. We have an excellent following of really good week-end warriors who, despite wipes and back-flagging, show up and pitch-in every weekend.

I don't know if you'd continue to see the server-wide cooperation of the casual gamer if all the content was opened up??
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#46 Feb 26 2007 at 7:08 AM Rating: Decent
I voted to open it up. i have noticed NO open raids going on on my server Tribunal. I think this due to the fact that there have been SO many expansions since then that offer much nicer gear in a group context. However to get your epic you have to be flagged for those zones! I had some problems finding people who were flagged to go there, to get MY epic done . With new players coming in and the gear availble, they really have NO reason to GET flagged for those zones. No one GOES there anymore.
SO paticuarly for teh casual player,if they want to get their epic, they will not have a chance as more expansions come out.
An alternative would be to have other things to do that dont involve zones that that require so much to do to get access for, to be able to complete the epic requirements
#47 Feb 26 2007 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
Ok for those of you who voted to leave it alone..../rude

I have flagged 6-7 toons over the years all the way up to EP and Time. I feel that since NO ONE...and I say NO ONE...raids PoP anymore, that flagging for PoP is IMPOSSIBLE now. Remove the flags, let people who have never been to these zones experience them, and for the Gods sake, get off your uber thrones and think of someone othert than yourselves. Some of you make this game a real drag for the average player who has more of a life than 7 day-a-week raiding guilds and flaging for this zone or that...give me a break...this game is for everyone, not just you and your high and mighty friends
#48 Feb 26 2007 at 7:42 AM Rating: Decent
128 posts
It needs to stay the same, because getting to the upper level of the game is not about gearing up alone, it's more about learning to beat different situations, and it's the tactics that make you good enough to advance, not the gear. It would be kinda like some players these days... they PL their way up to 75 in 6 months, but they don't really learn how to play their class properly. I've seen level 75s that don't even know that a Bard cannot resurrect them!
Vaal Halen
115 Bard
Council of Norrath
Xev>Druzzil Ro>Xegony Server
#49 Feb 26 2007 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
Well ,I votd yes to every one but Plane of Time.Go into zones like POD/PON etc .you are lucky if you see more than 2 people in these zones now.I go to POn once in a while with my 59 dRUID FOR XP and I am 99% of the time the only one in zone.I think the xp should be raised a little for a kill there.XP sucks compared to easier to kill zones anyway.
#50 Feb 26 2007 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
MickeyH wrote:
Ok for those of you who voted to leave it alone..../rude
I think polls like this are meant for people to give their opinions. Why is that rude?

I have flagged 6-7 toons over the years all the way up to EP and Time. I feel that since NO ONE...and I say NO ONE...raids PoP anymore, that flagging for PoP is IMPOSSIBLE now.
Did you read any of the other posts in this thread? In fact, there are many people doing these raids. We had 50+ in PoTactics yesterday for RZ.

Some of you make this game a real drag for the average player who has more of a life than 7 day-a-week raiding guilds and flaging for this zone or that...give me a break...this game is for everyone, not just you and your high and mighty friends

Atm, you'll find that the average player is the one doing those 'non-existant' PoP raids. The high and mighties have long since passed by.

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#51 Feb 26 2007 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
I think it would be easier to do a pole on whether VT should be opened up. Alot of people one group thier way through that event. Makes it kinda pointless to get the key for alts anymore.
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