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Poll: PoP Zone Entry RequirementsFollow

#1 Feb 20 2007 at 7:34 PM Rating: Excellent
1,088 posts
* Planes of Power Zone Listing
* Planes of Power Progression Listing

Should Planes of Power entry requirements be relaxed so that they are level-based instead of flag-based?
Yes, for every zone including the Plane of Time:558 (34.2%)
Yes, for every zone EXCEPT the Plane of Time:284 (17.4%)
Yes, for every zone EXCEPT the Plane of Time AND Elemental Planes:135 (8.3%)
No, but "alternate access" quests should be offered for EVERY zone:298 (18.2%)
No, leave the entry requirements alone:346 (21.2%)
No opinion:12 (0.7%)

(Note: You must be a registered user to vote in a poll.)
#2 Feb 20 2007 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
286 posts
While I know folks who busted their ***** would be upset, I vote for a more relaxed requirement. EQ has gone well beyond PoP, and things should keep evolving if the game is to remain viable.

My Smiley: twocents
#3 Feb 20 2007 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
I voted to leave them alone.

Seems like there should remain some unique reward for the hard work of getting flagged for the zone.

It's not like there aren't plenty of other zones to go to. Smiley: tongue
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#4 Feb 20 2007 at 11:14 PM Rating: Decent
Elinda the Brilliant wrote:
I voted to leave them alone.

Seems like there should remain some unique reward for the hard work of getting flagged for the zone.

It's not like there aren't plenty of other zones to go to. Smiley: tongue

Few years ago i wouldve said no way but with the dwindling population and severe lack of interest in PoP something needs to be changed to keep the average joe playing and i think it would help.
#5 Feb 21 2007 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,906 posts
I would have liked to vote for "Yes, for every zone including the Plane of Time", but instead I voted for "No, but "alternate access" quests should be offered for EVERY zone"

I would LOVE to do the Planar progression, but

a) I am a casual player and
b) I don't think that there are too many guilds that do it anymore.

Level based access would be nice, but I would miss the feeling of having achieved something.
#6 Feb 21 2007 at 12:51 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Anybody who knows me knows I will have to get involved in this thread. I actually wouldn't mind alt access quests that ranked in there with say the one for Tower of Solusek Ro. You know something that can be small grouped or solo. But really ID just assume see them just make elemental planes required lvl 65 to enter and Potime leave it the way it is, or maybe make another casual quest for it. \

I have always felt the Planar Progression was the absolute most BS quest ever invented. IT can be easily bugged and can easily not attained over game bugs. I lost a MB raid and a Grumm rad flag because of a game bug. GM told me to ***** off basically he couldn't help. When your actually getting your flags there is still way too many insane raid encounters you have to do. ITs just way too much.

#7 Feb 21 2007 at 2:10 AM Rating: Decent
820 posts
Level requirements on all the "normal" planes and access still needing to be earned to Elementals and Time would work for me...

...of course maybe I just am completely unopen to the idea of it suddenly being splayed wide open to Time when I've spent the last 5 or so months attending open raids working on Planar Progression, would really bunk up any sense of achievement I've had so far...
#8 Feb 21 2007 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
647 posts
I voted leave it. Not because I can't think of ways to improve planar progression (i.e. the Drunken Dwarf and the Stinking Seer and the Laughable Library), but because it's a Good Thing that there are things in Norrath that dedicated casual players can accomplish that are still impossible to achieve through monster missions and twink gear alone. EQ was meant to be a social game, and planar progression is impossible to solo (so far).

You can get better gear faster, but you can't go to Time if you don't put in the effort. And it's not (just) hours I mean.
#9 Feb 21 2007 at 4:16 AM Rating: Decent
221 posts
I don't believe that lowering or laxing the standers for PoP would help any up and coming raiding guild. I also don't believe that it is hard to flag / back flag for any zone in PoP.

If you want to ask if something needs to be changed as far as progression, take a look at Gates of Discord. That needs a long and hard look at. Specially since they changed the flag requirements for Tacvi when The Burried Sea was release.

I voted to leave it alone myself. Most of this stuff could be done with higher end bazaar geared or TSS quest armor guilds. Very little of PoP raid encounters require any real strat at all up until the Elemental Gods, and they are rootamentry at best.

Edit: Just as a side note. I believe that Plane of Time (Walk in and loot an item and your done) flagging system is one of the fastest and easiest to get as long as you know a guild that is running through there (Happens a lot on Prexus).

You know on second thought I don't believe there is any reason why anyone who wanted to walk into any Elemental plane for EXP should not be allowed to. On the other hand, those zones have long since been empty on my server just because they are not so good of exp anymore. Most of the mobs minus a few spots in each elemental zone are light blue now and are very horrid exp regardless.

Edited, Feb 21st 2007 7:21am by Primist
#10 Feb 21 2007 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Really, we are only talking about a few zones here. Time is relatively easy to get access to these days, be 65+, 85% into a raid, and get your Time key. This can be done with as few as 3 groups. (It might take a few hours to get to phase 3 where the time keys drop)

Most of the other zones just have a level requirement.

The most desirable places other than Time are the Elemental Planes and Fire which you still need the progression to enter. So perhaps make some alternate access like there is for Tower of Solusek Ro, but not as easy hehe.

Other places which require boss kills/flags:
Teris Thule's Lair (Not a whole lot there)
Bertox Chamber (Only reason to go there is to kill Bertox)
Sol Ro Chamber (Not much there either)

Did I miss any?
#11 Feb 21 2007 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
114 posts
I voted that the requirements should be kept the same as they are now. The only way I would even think about supporting opening the zones is to massively nerf the xp that can be attained in there. For example, Plane of Fire would be the new place to PL an alt and would be constantly camped. Yes it may be used now to PL alts but at least 80% of those that are flagged actually had to do some work to get flagged for this zone.
#12 Feb 23 2007 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
I completely agree doorofpercep. I voted leave it alone. My outlook on this situation is

a. I'll likely never see the higher-end planes.

b. This suits me fine - I haven't put the time in (no pun intended).

c. I worry about the ebay-types getting in there and farming things. Enough damage has already been done to EQ by the likes of them.

d. I want something to "shoot" for if I ever have the time to play the game more than casually.

A few years back, I was upset when GOD had level-based requirements to enter zones beyond natimbi, but now I see the wisdom behind minimum level requirements for certain zones (whatever the expansion).

If you can't do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly.

My Rathe / Prexus characters:

Bigbronze Bloodyaxe, 62 Ogre Berserker
Verbeeg Bearfang, 62 Ogre Beastlord
Glabrezu Spiritcaller, 62 Ogre Shaman
Zirumkin Zenomorph, 62 Gnome Wizard
Korgulon Soulwraith, 76 Ogre Shadowknight <Shining Alliance>
Incarnadine Summoner, 65 Drakkin Magician

Bristlebane characters:

Zalkahriz Ebonscale, 64 Iksar Necromancer
Gnomorre Gniceguy, 55 Gnome Rogue
Whytfire Lonewolf, 55 Woodelf Ranger
#13 Feb 23 2007 at 7:37 PM Rating: Decent
I voted to leave them alone.

My guild and i busted our ASSES to get to PoTime, its stupid that others should be able to get in just being 75...***** that...75 IS NO ACCOMPLISHMENT !!

getting levels and AA is the EASIEST thing in the game..what makes the game hard and fun is progression, killing events that are difficult..not grinding in some zone to be able to get uber loot.

Plus...if u cant even beat PoP..HOW are u gonna beat GoD? or OoW? PoP progresison is LAUGHABLE compared to events like uqua, iktuta and some of the 6 MPG trials (some are really easy)

will we soon make it so that once you are lv 75, or 80, or 85 or whatever u can just enter CoA and demiplane willy nilly?

***** that..with my guild I spent about 2 and a half YEARS on PoP, GoD, OoW and DoD n00bies should be allowed to just waltz in.
#14 Feb 23 2007 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
137 posts

the people who have "worked their **** off" are long since gone & or moved on to the newer expantions & im sure could care less,i know i wouldent.

try doin the progression today! lol ya right!,even the smallest of guilds are going to head stright for TSS & now TBS,or omens for that matter.

iv always hated progressions,keys,locked zones,quest to enter a zone,etc etc. all nothin but a pain in the **** IMO.


Canada’s Alpha Flight of Test

Edited, Apr 21st 2012 11:26am by faox
Munchkin of Test,
No boxing/illegal plat/cheating since 2000 & Proud of it.
#15 Feb 23 2007 at 9:09 PM Rating: Decent
Leave them as is if you really want to get into the locked zones,you can. With level 75 being avail. you can do the progression raids with very few compared to what it took when it was bleeding edge content if you want to be able to see what others have seen you should do the same work the others have done, it is easier now..... i promise
#16 Feb 23 2007 at 9:16 PM Rating: Good
820 posts
faox wrote:

the people who have "worked their **** off" are long since gone & or moved on to the newer expantions & im sure could care less,i know i wouldent.

try doin the progression today! lol ya right!,even the smallest of guilds are going to head stright for TSS & now TBS,or omens for that matter.

iv always hated progressions,keys,locked zones,quest to enter a zone,etc etc. all nothin but a pain in the **** IMO.


I don't know about other servers, but on Stromm we have been having open raids for months now(saturday AND sunday and what is looking like every wednesday as well now.) for PoP progression, which means if nothing else there are still some people out there doing the progression, and as much time as I have invested in it I would really hate for it to suddenly be trivialized so that anyone who was level "x" could just stroll into the elementals/time...

...fact is I would have missed some very big learning experiences (had never raided before these) and some very good times if everything had been "opened up" long ago...

...of course I'm a very big believe in the Sense of achievement being greater than any sort of instant gratification that this opening would enable.
#17 Feb 24 2007 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
239 posts
I voted leave it alone as is. I'm the guild leader of an Anguish guild, every 2nd sunday for about 2 of the last 3 years I've offered open raids up to LMM and usually outside of 1-2 guilds(which vary) few take the time to come even when I extensively advertise. I've recently done RZ, Angarr, Solro, Fennin Ro on those open raids only to see almost no one outside my guild come. If people on my server are that uninterested to come get free flags, they don't deserve access.

Currently you can do everything up to LMM/RZ/Agnarr/Bert with about 2 groups of bazaar geared. Bert's only rough due to the dps needed to do the script. RZ isn't tough with infusion overall, only crowd control at fake RZ (if slow dps) and the later kiting can be rough.

With 2-3 small guild's allied you could be in elementals within a month or two no problem if you had a good raid leader and people made an effort to show up. Then take a month off to xp, and then another month of backflag + Fennin + Xegony keys+Earth B access. If you offer some open flagging you'll likely get help later also.
Voidslayer Jhereg, Destroyer of Worlds, Monk, <Celestial Navigators>, Drinal server
Vanidor Silverbranch, Wizard, <Celestial Navigators>, Drinal server
#18 Feb 24 2007 at 11:55 AM Rating: Default
As much as I loved raiding PoP and strongly supported the flagging system I think that it's time they opened up the planes toe veryone. I log in once in a while and usually run out to zones like plane of fire and see how many people are there. It's sad to see imo the greatest expansion so underused.
#19 Feb 24 2007 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
197 posts
Not only do I think it should be left alone, but I think being able to be 85'ed in and loot a drop to get into time stinks as well.

I was in one of those guilds who worked their **** off getting into time. It was a blast. I learned so much about raiding. Being able to just waltz in would take away from the major accomplishment of those who worked their way in. No one should miss out on the Rathe council or being "bobbie taunted" by Xegony. I loved every minute of working my way to Time.

Some things should be worked for and not just handed out because someone made it to level 70.

I don't think opening these zones up would cause more people to run to them. You appreciate things more if you work for them than if they are given to you. If people are going to go to tss, opening time up to everyone is not gonna make Time more interesting than the newer zones. If you are interested in going there, you will work to be there like the rest of us did.
#20 Feb 24 2007 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
I think they should relax it. Of course, it takes a guild to get up to time flagged, and there are no guilds on my server trying to progress through PoP. There are so many other places that guilds are hunting and flagging that PoP has been left behind. Open it up for us peons who missed the chance to get flagged many many moons ago.
#21 Feb 24 2007 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
I voted for
Yes, for every zone including the Plane of Time

only because they did not have an option that added all top zones ONE GIMP item to mobs for adding more GIMP access to all zones.

Looting one item from that zone.
Time - ADD MORE GIMP KEYS - all boss Above Teir 3 should drop ONE GIMP KEY.
GOD - Fix the QVIC to add a gimp Drop on Mobs
GOD - Fix Tacvi to add ONE GIMP item to drop from all mobs.

#22 Feb 24 2007 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
I had to choose "No opinion" because they did not have a choice for "My choice is not listed"

Allow level based access to more Tier 3 planes, add single-groupable alternate access quests for all but Time, add lenghty and somewhat difficult alternate access quest for PoTime that would require a small raid to complete.
#23 Feb 24 2007 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
had to vote no. there wasnt even as second thought about it. nerf the best expansion that eq ever put out? there is plenty of new, easy to understand content for new players. you can create a drakkin and go all the way to 75 without leaving the island. dam you can be a pirate. theres no reason, at all, to change something that provides a challege and hours of entertainment for mid level experenced players. POP isnt for new players. with 13 expansions out there is soooo much content out there that there isnt a need to change something that works. pop is still to this day doing what it was meant to do. challenge players. i think that if it was set to a level requirement to enter the elemental planes, all that contenet prior to ep flagging would be lost or very rarely seen. nobodys going to go help mauvin. the peeps in the sick bay in pot, ther not going to get better. grimus? whos that? oh, was he the fat guy that hung out with some guy named bert? rallos zek? never heard of him... besides all that content is great, i loved doing pop raids lots of fun for me.

as always, if its not broke, dont fix it
#24 Feb 24 2007 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
As it is already, you can get into the entire expansion with either levels or 85% gimp rule, with I think the exception of Slo Ro's tower IIR. So really why bother changing it at all?
#25 Feb 25 2007 at 12:09 AM Rating: Decent
I have always been a strictly casual EQ'er. I mean no offense when I say this but to all you people complaining about 'working you **** off and just leting 'noobies' just waltz in', I remember when you were 'uber' if you were present for a Vox or Naggy death, I remember when Epic 1.0s made you godly. Vox and Naggy are regularly single grouped or less or even left to sit for weeks at a time. 1.0's can be completed in 1 day with 2 people. I commend you all for working so hard to take advantage of all the game had to offer at the time. Now please let us can't raid / flag to get in see the game, PoP is what 3-4 years old now?
#26 Feb 25 2007 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
I'll live with whatever choice anyone makes on the topic. The zones are unused and it pretty much doesn't matter if they open them up. Of course, if something is done to equalize the experience gained in planes zones, my opinion might change.

Even if the zones are opened, some might check them out for curiosity's sake, realize that they are getting sorry experience, and jump right back to one of the newer expansions.

I loved the experiences I gained from doing PoP raids. I did them all as an open raid participant, so it took me forever. If the game were as fun today as it was in those times, I might be playing more than a couple of hours a week.
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