I'm just back to EQ after being away for quite awhile, so sorry for the ignorant questions. I've grinded my Ranger to 75, now, but have pretty gimpy gear. I do have the TSS hands and legs pieces, but the rest of my gear is MM or nice-ish bazaar gear (sorry, no updated Magelo, yet). But my real question is:
I've saved up about 200,000pp, but want some suggestions on what to do with it. I was thinking about buying some GM armor (and some nice augs), as I have somewhat a hard time finding TSS groups for the armor molds. I really don't raid at all, to speak of, so raid gear just will be VERY slow happening. So on to the question... heheh: What should I be saving cash for, if not for something like GM armor? I didn't want to spend it on a horse, since I have SOE. But what else do you spend money on, at the high end? I can't see myself spending all the time with tradeskilling (most of my TS's are between 150 and 200), but too much money and too much time... :)
So besides losing out on the money, can anyone tell me why I wouldn't want to spend the pp on GM armor/augs? Is there something else I should be saving money for?
Thanks so much!