Spent most of the weekend playing with my little girl and spending time with my wife because...
While some might say taking money from the Feds/State is just a way of getting back what I put into it in the form of taxes, for just such occasions when you find yourself out of work through no fault of your own, it doesn't make you feel less of a $hit for not having a job in the first place. However, Monday brought back a sense of accomplishment I haven't had in a while! The pay is only slightly less than what I was making at the old job, but it's entry, and with LOTS of room for advancement, so it's an investment which I intend to capitalize on to the fullest extent. Also, no more worrying if I would be able to afford the birth of our new daughter (due literally any day now) since the health care offered took effect the moment I walked in the door this morning. I didn't even care that it was -4F when I left for work, and my nostrils froze shut on the ride in, I got me a job again!
This round is on me folks!