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City Epics?Follow

#1 Jan 30 2007 at 6:25 AM Rating: Excellent
387 posts
Every class has their epic, but wouldn't it be nice if each race had their own epics. The epic quest would be the same but the quest giver u gave the final item to would give you a class specific one.

Like a halfling Warrior sword called Guardian of the Vale, or a Troll Warrior Hammer called Da Basher.
#2 Jan 30 2007 at 7:18 AM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
Each City does have their on special forge for smithing weapons and armor unique to the city.
However the stats are nothing like an epics.
#3 Jan 31 2007 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
DoN Cultural Armor race and class specific.

However the stats are nothing like an epics.

and when fully auged the stats are much better than the epic

Of course, if you wanted to make this yourself you'd have to spend alot of time/money skilling your smithing up.
#4 Jan 31 2007 at 5:26 AM Rating: Excellent
387 posts
I meant like an actual quest.

I will post my idea for the halfling one in a few hours. It takes a while to think of.
#5 Jan 31 2007 at 9:12 AM Rating: Excellent
387 posts
Here it is its kinda long so I am doing it in pieces

The Prequest:

Mayor Gubbin (at Max Ally) asks you to prove your worth to Rivervale. He asks you to show your worth to Rivervale. You must retrieve the Grotesque Alloy Mask from Lord Picklaw and the Ring of Xorbb from King Xorbb. Once handed these items, the Mayor hands you a Halfling Seal and a Short Sword (No Drop and Lore and identifies as a Standard Guardian Short Sword) and tells you to take the seal to their spy past the wall. By this he means Gunrich.
#6 Jan 31 2007 at 9:12 AM Rating: Excellent
387 posts
The Messenger:

When you give the seal to Gunrich, he returns it and tells you that a Dark Elf group is helping the Goblins, but he is not sure how. He says that all he knows is that a Dark Elf group should be coming to Runnyeye soon. At this point, an invisible group of Dark Elves pop at the Rivervale zone line. They start to run toward Runnyeye. If they make it to Runnyeye you have to get the Seal again. You must kill the 5 Dark Elves and the Dark Elf Messenger. The Dark Elves are level 50 and the messenger is level 40. The Dark Elf Messenger drops 3 letters. If you hand them to Gunrich, he says that he can only read one. He says it is in Goblin. He translates it for you and says that it is most troubling news that should be brought to Mayor Gubbin immediately. The translated note reads:

Dear Lord Picklaw,

The weapon is being built according to plan. Xibiblbobber Menach is making plans for the second one. Thank you for you support. We can crush the Halflings and kill every last child. That wall will fall! When the weapon is finally finished in high keep, we will roll it out via escort of Sir Gathew Farot through the gorge and all will be lost for the Halflings.

Lord Devon X`lottl

Gunrich says that one of the two letters is familiar to him, perhaps in orc, but the other is a language he has never seen before. He gives you a Translated Note, An Orcish Note, and a Strange Note. He says to take these to Mayor Gubbin along with your sword.
#7 Jan 31 2007 at 9:13 AM Rating: Excellent
387 posts
The Translation:

When handed the notes and the sword, Mayor Gubbin gives you an Orcish Note, a Strange Note, a piece of parchment (a 1 slot container) and a Sharp Short Sword (All swords are Nodrop/lore, Identifies as a City Guardian Short Sword). Mayor Gubbin tells you that this news is very disturbing. He says that before any action is done, you must translate the notes. He says that you can learn orcish and translate it onto the piece of parchment, and that his friend in Felwithe, Fara Miaflower, is good with rare languages. When you get 100 in orcish, you must place the Orcish Note in the piece of parchment and combine. You will receive a Translated Orcish Note. The Orcish Note reads:
Dear Lord Shin Ree,

We Dark Elves know your plight. You are constantly beaten and slain by the Halflings. If you join up with us, you can finally slay the Halflings! I have already sent letters to the other orc factions. I am sure Chief Ry`Gorr, Chief Reguk, Emperor Crush, and Chief Gan`Shralok will gladly join our cause.

Lord Devon X`lottl

Fara Miaflower says that she has no idea what the note says, but De`an Moren`lo can help you. Dean can be found in the Outpost of the Overthere. He is dubious to all Halflings. You must sneak behind him to do the quest. If you hail him while still dubious, he attacks you and spawns two Dragoons which summon and hit for 1000 damage. If done right, he will tell you that he is a master of languages and can translate anything. If you hand him the Strange Note, he gasps. It is a language he doesn’t know perfectly. He says that it is the language of Evil Eyes, but an ancient one. He says that there is no reason to write in this language because Evil Eyes are literate in many languages. There is no reason, unless someone was trying to conceal the message. He says he needs four ancient evil eye texts and 100000 gold pieces. One is a ground spawn in the gorge of Xxorb by a large stone (not the Evil Eye temple), another drops off of an Ancient Minotaur in Xxorb (Lvl 70, hits like an epic 1.5 mob, the third drops off of an Ancient Goblin in Runnyeye (Lvl 70, hits like an epic 1.5 mob), and the final one drops off of an Ancient Beholder in Lower Guk (Lvl 70, hits like an epic 1.5 mob, chest with 6 100% 10 slot bags). When handed the gold and the texts, De`an reads the message and figures out that you are trying to stop the Dark Elf attack. He attacks you (Lvl 70, casts a 1000dmg AoE, hits like an epic 1.5 mob) and his guards (Lvl 40, hit like an epic 1.5 mob) attack as well. His guards can be mezzed. Each mob spawns a chest, and De`an’s chest holds a Translated Evil Eye Note.

Dear King Xxorb,

We Dark Elves are planning an attack on Rivervale. If you aid us, you will be greatly rewarded. Think about it. Slaves to run an Evil Eye empire! Rivervale will surely fall with your help.

Lord Devon X`lottl

When the notes are handed back to Mayor Gubbin, he asks for your sword. You receive back a Finely Crafted Sword (Identifies as a Misty Thicket ******* Sword).
#8 Jan 31 2007 at 9:13 AM Rating: Excellent
387 posts
The Revenge:

Mayor Gubbin tells you that you should act on the information now that you know everything. He says that you must kill Xibiblbobber Menach. Mayor Gubbin thought he was a friend to the Vale. Xibiblbobber Menach can be found in Iceclad Ocean. He is found in the form a Clockwork Gnome (lvl 70, hits for a low amount of damage but has a very large hit point pool). When he dies, Xibiblbobber Menach shouts a zonewide message, “Clockworks, Attack!” At this point, a wave of 70 level 1 clockwork rats attack. Once this wave is dealt with, Xibi shouts, “You thought it was that easy eh!” At this point, 60 level 10 clockwork spiderlings attack. Once this wave is dealt with, Xibi shouts, “It isn’t over yet!” At this point, a wave of 50 level 20 clockwork machines attack. Once this wave is dealt with, Xibi shouts, “Don’t worry, it gets harder from here!” At this point, 40 level 30 clockwork spiders attack. Once this wave is dealt with, Xibi shouts, “Getting tired?” At this point, 30 level 40 clockwork gnomes attack. Once this wave is dealt with, Xibi shouts, “Haha! Now comes my army!” At this point 20 level 50 clockwork soldiers attack. Once this wave is dealt with, Xibi shouts, “Fear is creeping upon you! I can tell!” At this point, 10 level 60 clockwork monsters attack. Once this wave is dealt with, Xibi shouts, “You are stronger than I thought, but no one can beat my perfect clockworks.” At this point, 5 level 70 perfect clockworks attack. Once this wave is dealt with, Xibi shouts, “You made me do it. Go forth my awesome creation!” At this point, a level 80 clockwork dragon attacks. It is as strong as an epic 2.0 monster. When it dies, Xibiblbobber Menach shouts, “Oh dear, I better get out of here!” At this point, he dashes across the ground in front of you. He is a level 15 and is easily slain. He drops the head of Xibiblbobber Menach and a Blueprint. A chest spawns next to his corpse. You must take this and the head to Mayor Gubbin. He asks for your sword. You receive a Shining Finely Crafted Sword (Identifies as a Sword of the Wall Guardians). The Mayor asks you to kill the other traitor, Sir Gathew Farot. He is a level 70 mob in High Keep. He is a paladin, and does not hit as hard as most epic mobs. He randomly procs a heal spell which can range anywhere from minor healing to complete healing ever 10 seconds. When he is killed, he says, “You thought you could kill me! Ha, Rivervale will fall and I will reap the rewards Neriak is paying me!” He spawns as a 70 shadowknight that randomly procs a lifetap that is anywhere from 5hp to a death tap. He drops his head. When you return this to the Mayor, he asks for your sword. If you give him your sword, you receive an Elite Guardian Blade (Identifies as Elite Halfling Warrior Blade).
#9 Jan 31 2007 at 9:13 AM Rating: Excellent
387 posts
Protecting the Wall:

Mayor Gubbin asks you to destroy the machine in High Keep. He tells you to meet Guardian Rebobby in High Hold Pass outside of the keep. When you hail Rebobby and tell him that you are ready, it sends your group into an instanced High Keep. You must go to the Picklaw tunnels, go to the bottom of the tunnels and start attacking the Wallbreaker. It has a very large hit point pool. Every 15 seconds after attacking it, a wave of goblins attacks. Each successive wave is stronger than the previous one. Once the machine breaks, you can loot a broken drill. A chest will only spawn if you clear the goblins. When you hand the broken drill to Mayor Gubbin, he asks for your sword. You receive a Masterful Guardian Blade (Lore: Only the best warriors in Rivervale can wield this blade).
#10 Jan 31 2007 at 9:13 AM Rating: Excellent
387 posts
Breaking the Ties:

Mayor Gubbin tells you that the strength of the orcs must be diminished. He hands you a 5 slot scalp bag and asks you to bring him the scalps of each orc leader. You must kill all of the leaders mentioned in the note (including Lord Shin Ree) and put their scalps in the bag. When they are combined in the bag you receive a full scalp bag. When you hand this to Mayor Gubbin, he tells you that you must do one more [deed].
#11 Jan 31 2007 at 9:14 AM Rating: Excellent
387 posts
Infiltrating Neriak:

Mayor Gubbin tells you that the dark elves will probably be attacking along with the other armies. He tells you find out what you can by going into Neriak. In Neriak, you will find the X`lottl house. You must Everio X`lottl. Even if he is KoS, he won’t attack until you ask him, “What is Devon doing.” At this point he will attack and Goro X`lottl, Evin X`lottl, Lisvan X`lottl, Mare X`lottl, and Myai X`lottl will spawn and attack as well. He is level 75 and hits like an epic 2.0 mob, the other X`lottls are level 65 and hit like MPG mobs. Everio X`lottl is immune to all attacks until his brethren all are slain. They all shout, “Avenge me my brothers and sisters,” when they die. When Everio is slain, he shouts, “I am sorry brother.” Each X`lottl drops a X`lottl ring, A chest spawns, and you can loot a letter off of Everio. This letter is in Teir` Dal. When you hand it to Mayor Gubbin, he gives you another piece of parchment (1 slot bag). If you have 100 Teir` Dal language skill, you can combine it and receive a Translated X`lottl Letter. It reads:

Dear Brother Everio,

I am leaving for Rivervale brother. I have gained the trust of the orcs, the goblins, and the evil eyes. We will attack from Kithicor. When we all attack from each border, Rivervale will be overwhelmed. The goblins will smash the wall and the orc armies will be huge. The evil eyes will just make it so much easier. I will make an X`lottl statue in Rivervale, and from it I will hang that ******* Mayor Gubbin!

From Your Older Brother,

When you hand this to Mayor Gubbin, he asks for your sword. He will give you the Sword of the Vale (Lore: This Sword is passed down through the generations to the best warrior in Rivervale).
#12 Jan 31 2007 at 9:14 AM Rating: Excellent
387 posts
The War:

Mayor Gubbin asks for the Halfling Seal you received earlier. When you give it to him, you receive Attack Orders. He says that new leaders have risen up and must be slain. Rivervale must be protected. He says to bring them to Deputy Asler. He also says to make sure that you have forces in Kithicor and at the Wall.

When the orders are handed to Asler in the Misty Thicket, many bad mobs spawn and also an army of Halfling guards spawn. Lots of low level mobs spawn first and rush the wall. You lose if more than 10 make it past the wall. In Kithicor Forest, an army of Halfling guards spawn and a wave of low level mobs will charge the zone line. If 10 make it there you lose. The problem is not the hp of the mobs; it is just the sheer amount. After these waves, harder mobs join in. Finally, a mixture of level 1 to level 70 mobs charge the zones along with the nameds. Everything can be rooted, slowed, snared, and nothing summons except for the nameds.

The spawns in Misty are King Soptyvr (evil eyes, level 70), Chief Ry`Gorr II (Ry`Gorr orcs, level 60), Lord Kellerus (Death Fist Orcs, level 70), and Lord Picklaw II (Picklaw Goblins, level 75).

In Kithicor, Devon X`lottl (Dark Elves, level 75), Chief Recfek Shralok (Shralok Orcs, level 60), and Chief Barba (Ice Orcs, level 60) spawn.

If 10 mobs make it passed, a new wave of level 75s come at you, and you have no hope for survival. You find Rivervale littered with corpses, and it is filled with orcs, evil eyes, dark elves, Nillipus, and goblins. The event can’t be done for another three days, and you have to do the first step in the epic to get your seal back.

When all mobs are slain, and 10 didn’t make it there, the nameds drop their loot. Mayor Gubbin spawns at the wall entrance and graciously thanks you. He declares you the best warrior ever in the history of Rivervale. He asks for your sword. When you hand it to him, you receive your new cultural epic, The Guardian of the Vale (Lore: This Sword belongs in the hands of the greatest Warrior ever lived).
#13 Jan 31 2007 at 9:14 AM Rating: Excellent
387 posts
For rogues, the rewards could be a series of steins that summon extremely good stat drink. For druids, you can get a shovel (that can go into a secondary slot). For rangers, you can get a bow. Clerics could get a weapon with a CH proc. Paladins can get a cool Shield.
#14 Jan 31 2007 at 11:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,074 posts
Fantastic ideas.

It is too bad that the Everquest developers phased out starting cities already.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#15 Feb 01 2007 at 2:24 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
Shadowknights have a quest kind of like that- Greenmist

It is at least equivilant to the Shadowkight epic Innoruuk's Curse.

The quest is very very long. The only problem is that all races with the class SHD can do this quest, just requires alot of factioning with the Iksar. (IE Bone Chips :p)

While the stats aren't great it is as rare as least as the SHD epic, which no one does anymore because the quest, well, sucks... anyway... the novelty value is great.
#16 Feb 01 2007 at 7:37 PM Rating: Excellent
387 posts
You should read my epic 2.0 iksy quest thing. Look at any epic 2.0 and if u go back in the posting history you should find them.
#17 Feb 01 2007 at 9:59 PM Rating: Excellent
387 posts
I did get some abuse fer posting my other epics, its the reason why i didn't post this idea fer a while.
#18 Feb 01 2007 at 10:00 PM Rating: Excellent
387 posts
The main idea behind it is that it would reintroduce starting cities and increase emphasis on old world zones. Faction would matter again.
#19 Feb 02 2007 at 2:15 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
I don't understand. Surely these suggestions would be better off on the official EQ forums? Y'know.. the ones the developers read...
#20 Feb 02 2007 at 6:06 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
YCHIR wrote:
DoN Cultural Armor race and class specific.
However the stats are nothing like an epics.
and when fully auged the stats are much better than the epic
He was referring to the old cultural smithing. Each city has a race-specific forge (I don't know if the races newer than the Vah shir ever received one and Erudites had tailoring instead) including a separate forge (and receipe) for Freeport and Qeynos. You had to use the city forge in order to make the cultural items for that city. Actually, the forges had weapon receipes as well although I doubt anyone is using Enchanted Seafarer's Dirks, Stormguard Battle Axes of Brell or Koada'Dal Falchions these days.

Morning dew and griffon's blood used to be good sellers, back in the day!
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#21 Feb 02 2007 at 6:32 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
DMG 6 / DELAY 26 Smithing, Trivial 181

Ah yes, the "good" ol' days :)

Edited, Feb 2nd 2007 9:33am by YCHIR
#22 Feb 04 2007 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
im not so sure crafted is better then Epic, i have viewed some of each, and from what i can tell, crafted has better stat/resist, but Epic has better Ac and usually some bad *** spell or ability on it. by epic, i mean any raid level drop.
#23 Feb 05 2007 at 10:40 AM Rating: Default
223 posts
someone above me wrote:
by epic, i mean any raid level drop.

Edit for unexplained quoting: Did you acctually read the posts? Sorry to be rude, but it really makes absolutely no differance if you mean any raid level drop.

I know, I should have just ignored it. Sorry.

Average score 2.95. Booo! C'mon, who rated me down? ;) I guess it was "abit" of a flame, heh :) For each rate up/down how much does that affect your average? 0.1?

Edited, Feb 6th 2007 2:01pm by YCHIR

Edited, Feb 6th 2007 2:03pm by YCHIR
#24 Feb 05 2007 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
387 posts
Does anyone want me to post a new quest. I would be happy to. Just tell me your class/race.
#25 Feb 05 2007 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
Would be cool to here your idea on the Half elf Rogue city epic!
#26 Feb 05 2007 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Edit: Sorry race specific, not class.

But yeah, the tree city and the orcs seem prime for some epicing fun! Wood Elves and High Elves living off the same forest could share bits and pieces of a quest eh.

Edited, Feb 6th 2007 12:33am by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
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