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EQ achievement 2006Follow

#52 Dec 27 2006 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
wow....all of 2006...

i have been in the same guild, Grey Horizon, on E' tunare server.
last year at this time i think we had just broken into tacvi in january.

Now we destroy all of CoA, all the DoN dragons, and we have broken into the demi-plane of blood in the DoD expansion.

My hps have gone from probably about 10k unbuffed to 12.6k unbuffed

Double exp days have made my aa's go from the high 200's to 666 :)

I have pics of me and a guild group destroying all of fire for hours and hours...haha it was so much fun, GH were the only ppl in castle 2 and we had groups there for all of the dbl exp days.
#53 Dec 28 2006 at 4:27 AM Rating: Decent
45 posts
Started playing EQ again after a 2year break (due to moving back to US from Germany and RL issues). Main was 57 when I started playing her again and now she's lvl 68 and 40someodd AAs AND has her Epic 1.0!! Created a DE Rogue that I kickbutt with and got her to lvl 47 and my Paladin to lvl 43! Created a new account when the Drakkins came out. Learned to 2box. Now me and the hubby 4box. and have created some awsome group combos. Moved to NY and now to Germany. Looking forward to what 2007 will bring >.<
#54 Dec 28 2006 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent

I left Christmas of 2005 and came back sept of 2006

the little time I have been back, I have made **** tons of new friends that I would never want to get rid of

and re-met a lot of old friends

We have had a lot of 1.5's finished, and began our trip to plane of time!
#55 Dec 28 2006 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
And another year goes by...

Got my main up to 70 just before TSS came out, will wait awhile for the charge to 75 I think, who knows....up to 115 aa's, concentrating on them right now as well as the epic.

Finally got my Wizzie outta the 50's, but still sitting on 60 and 9 aa's. Worked on a few alts this year, fav of those being my Rogue, but he's on the bench as well as the others so I can continue work on the SK.

My g/f started playing this year, got a necro up to 41, but since she got a new job where she stares at a comp screen all day she hasn't been on much.

And my #1 achievement this year, I got into the guild I always wanted to be in, Tribal Fury :-) Been having a blast with them doing the MPG trials and working thru GoD, which we're in Tacvi as of now...almost done :-)

Looking forward to next year and all the great times to be had.
#56 Dec 28 2006 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
267 posts
Casual raiding and raid not required and family style guild i have been in for 1.5 years.

We broke into time the old fashioned way, by succeeding on all four elementals, making all the keys we needed after dozens of attempts. On the first trip to Time we got to Quarm and killed him on our FIRST TRY.

Before that, GL was working on being able to request ikky trials and we have been successful on the first 2 so far on the first attempt.

Got access to ToB for a large number of guildies and have been farming that for equipment, and that has helped us.

Succeded on second attempt on an MPG Raid (for some reason now in the guild Signet groups are all the rage after that)

Also, by researching what to hunt and where to go to farm it, the two of us have our 3 mains in the top 100 of the server for their respective classes.

You do not have to be in a high end raiding guild to have good gear, just selective farming, and the DoD missions and Don crystals helped that.

Oh, we hit the top 100 before we broke into ToB.
#57 Dec 28 2006 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
as my mian on strom no levle 70 paladin dibab at the start of the year i was level 55 aprox and have come to level 70 and gotten nearly 80 aas and went from maybe 5khps unbuffed and a 1400acish to 2.1k ac and almost 8k hps unbuffed attained my Time Key DSK Key and my anguish signets and very soon my anguish kewy but it looks as if that will b a 2007 accomplishment but all in all i feel like i had a great year and gotten more acomplished then i thoguth i ever would =)
#58 Dec 29 2006 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
i "quit", gave away everything (over 1mill pp, 2 manastones,ect). gave account to good trusted friend. came back.. asked "friends" i had given pp to if they would plz help me get back to where i could at least afford new spells. found out that way who my REAL friends were.
switched guild. old guild leader was (still is) an asshat.
new guild great !! and lot of x-guildies also in it..
for me a guild is a place for friends. and the leader is one who lead by example. x-leader could learn something )

least but not last i finally made my artisan charm !!
and while bf was not home i made hes too =) LOVE HIM!!
also found him on eq btw.. not in 2006 though,but still../smile
#59 Dec 29 2006 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
bitter much?
#60 Dec 30 2006 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
And my #1 achievement this year, I got into the guild I always wanted to be in, Tribal Fury :-) Been having a blast with them doing the MPG trials and working thru GoD, which we're in Tacvi as of now...almost done :-)

and anguish!
#61 Dec 31 2006 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
Made a ranger in April now level 71 and 130+ aa's - and 68 - 70 in 13hrs on him.
#62 Dec 31 2006 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
128 posts
Lets see, What has 2006 brought me in EQ?

At the start of the year, our Guild had just broken into Time so we spent several months farming there, then got KT flags, Qvic flags, Txevu flags, and farmed all those places too. I Got ToB and DsK flags, completed all the DoD spell quest lines and more. We also worked up through tier 4 DoN, and 4/6 of the MPG raid trials and some misc stuff in our spare time. And we don't consider ourselves a raiding guild! More of a casual guild that raids. In other words, every single piece of gear I owned in '05 has been replaced at least once, taking me from about 10KHP/2000AC to 14KHP/2600AC and I dont know how many AAs...200-300 for the year? My mana regeneration has gone from about 15 to 32 standing, and my DPS has easily doubled if not more. Also got my 1.5 done.
2006 also brought a lot of good people into the Guild, due to a good screening process and a shrewd lack of advertising.
Last year my Alt/former main SHM got his own account and transfered over, officially putting me in the botter category, he's been quite happy equipping leftovers but is still pretty squishy. His major accomplishments were maxxing Alchemy 300 with alchemy mastery 3 and salvage 3, also finishing new GM trophies for Alchemy and Blacksmithing (260).

Edited, Dec 31st 2006 12:59pm by Docat

Edited, Dec 31st 2006 1:01pm by Docat
Vaal Halen
115 Bard
Council of Norrath
Xev>Druzzil Ro>Xegony Server
#63 Jan 01 2007 at 10:42 AM Rating: Default
I have to agree, too many expansions way too fast. I remember when Luclin felt SO odd and foreign. But in time, being a Vah Shir Bard, I learned my way around. Did some quests and got a true feel of the moon. With the pace in which these new additions to the game are coming we just don't have the time to get familiar with the old ones without feeling obligated to move on to the next.
#64 Jan 01 2007 at 10:55 AM Rating: Default
2006 was one of my most wishy washy years of EQ. I found myself moving from one raid guild to an even bigger one which in turn yielded my 2.0, CoA flag, Txevu, DS, etc. Then leaving due to lack of play time to join an alt guild I made with some friends during the "great sony server merger". 2006 also showed me how quickly your friends and family will stop playing EQ and leave you all alone *shakes fist* But sadly the last quarter of 2006 found me ping ponging between urges to play. What little time I DID play in the last months of 06 I would end up staring at the screen going "what should I do" and end up /camp desktop to play AA because it at least was easy to figure out what I wanted to do on.

I've seen 7 years of EverQuest and while I HAVE had a limited number of 1 monthish breaks I have not once lost the bug as I have now. HELP! I truly hate it. Even now I sit here thinking that I want to play but what will I do when I log on?
#65 Jan 01 2007 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
55 posts
In 2006 I saw some good friends and good people leave the game for good. The game feels different when you see old friends leave.

On the positive side, 2006 saw the birth of my third account. Currently at 60+ wins in LDON and fixated on getting the LDON Aug maxed. People tell me to move on to DoN or DoDh to get better gear but what the heck, I paid for this expansion and I'm going to get the most out of it.

In 2007, I hope EQ continues to evolve the game around the casual player.
#66 Jan 02 2007 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
Let's see, from February to when I stopped playing (late November) I got my bard from lvl 1 to 75, 12.5k hp and 2400 ac buffed and got his 1.5 epic. Started a druid, got her to 73, then changed to a cleric and got him to 71. Bard has nearly 900 aa's, druid 400, and cleric just over 100. Now, I'm not bragging, but I'm pointing out the fact of how much I lack a life and played almost religiously daily. I managed to join a guild that raids frequently. I quit just before they flagged for anguish. Was on test server, and was the first guild on that server to do it. I made a lot of great friends and a lot of good times. Overall was a great year, sadly I just don't have the time to play as much as I used to. Good luck to you all in 2007
#67 Jan 02 2007 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
2006 wasn't a good year here unfortunately. In January, frustrations tore most of my friends from our Guild. In Feb I followed them over to EQ2. I managed to get about halfway through 71 when TSS was introduced, but am all but retired from the game currently. Hard to be a raider when you don't play for a year and it passes you by.
#68 Jan 03 2007 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
It brought too many expansions too quickly. The developers now cater to the uber guilds and leave the rest of us out - not too surprising most of my friends have left EQ. There is no way to keep up therefore I will not be buying any more expansions for a very long time.

That's where I was, and then WoW dropped to $20. I don't know if I'll be back to EQ...
#69 Jan 03 2007 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
305 posts

2006 was dominated by a more active personal life. This applied to both myself and my wife. More active personal life = much less time for EQ.

We basically retired our old toons (3 level 70s each), and started Drakkin Druids, which are now in their mid 50s. We took a Thanksgiving/Christmas break to play some Civ IV and HOMM-V, but we'll most likely get back to sporadic EQ playing once we get back to a regular schedule.

I got my beastlord that was BARELY level 52 to level 54, as well as many equipment increases and also 14 AAs to boot. My drakkin druid is level 53 with one AA. Both will stop leveling at 55 and 2 box together grinding out AAs for quite a while - I've always wanted a fully AA'd level 55 toon :) I also have a 60 shaman/55 warrior combo that fight in Roost that will both be level 60 toons and grind AAs at that point. Both could use 200 AAs real bad :)

My ranger that was barely 52 got to 53 and 6 AAs so he is ready to roll to 55 as well.

So my EQ future is fighting in G`Mesa and Roost. These are fun zones so I am happy with that. And I have other alts (level 70 shaman and chanter and warrior, and 65 cleric) that can occasionally do Dains or kill some mobs here and there for some variety. For example my shaman got his tailoring to 190 killing G`Mesa mobs (ok my beastlord did the killing my shaman did the tailoring skillups).

The break from EQ has been nice. I am ready to grind AAs now in zones that I enjoy, watching my toons get slowly and steadily stronger and more versatile.
#70 Jan 03 2007 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
came back to the game and my only character after about 6 years off.

my char, and ENC was level 20 in September. after totally relearning the game and catching up on most of the expansions, she is level 40 and i'm having a great time finding and exploring all the changes in the game since i left.

Alda Aphextwin ENCHANTER The Nameless
#71 Jan 04 2007 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
guild made it into Anguish :)!

<Catalysts> Povar

Edited, Jan 4th 2007 3:44pm by accountamerzj
#72 Jan 05 2007 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
My guild broke into PoTime in early 2006, which was both good and bad.
Good in that we got lots of goodies and we are almost done with farming PoTime now, but bad in that the guild stopped doing PoP flag raids before I got the REAL PoTime flag, and now nobody is the slightest bit interested in doing PoP flag raids, because they are such a PITA to repeat them over and over again to get everyone the flags they are missing, and because everyone is fixated on more recent expansions, especially SS. So I am now doubtful that I'll ever get the REAL PoTime flag, which is a depressing thought. I can't get groups to help me finish up my Vex Thal key or max out my LDoN adventure stone either, which is doubly depressing.

EQ as a game is awesome, but it sucks when most of the people playing it are so self-absorbed and greedy that they don't want to help anyone else get the things they already have.

The guild also broke into Qvic, most people are into Tier 4 DoN, most people have their Epic 1.5, and we recently succeeded our first MPG trial. So the upper-end GoD stuff and Anguish will be on the menu sometime in 2007.

For me personally, I got to level 70, with 400 AA's (I don't have SS yet). I led some successful raids. I got all my OoW spells except the Ancient one. Got Tier 3 DoN completed. Got Qvic access. Got all my signets for Anguish access. Got a 25% pet focus item for my warder. Didn't manage to get the 68 DoD spell arc finished, still missing 68.3.

I'm beginning to get discouraged, not with the game itself, but with the people playing it. Nobody will help do things that are not in the latest and greatest expansion with the best experience. If I can't get certain things done on my main, how can I ever hope to get stuff done on my alts?

Edited, Jan 5th 2007 5:31pm by Wijit
Cheers and Lixxx,

- Rennar Roughtongue (Vah Shir Beastlord Main)
#73 Jan 05 2007 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts

Edited, Jan 5th 2007 9:00pm by ymeaveaiotrylin
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