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EQ achievement 2006Follow

#1 Dec 21 2006 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
1,906 posts
Yes, just another "Weekend Update" thread... but this time for the whole year 2006 Smiley: smile

I made 15 levels (from 40 to 55) and 14 AA's on my main, which doesn't sound much but is a huge achievement for me as I'm a casual player and this is the highest character I ever played.

I have seen lots of zones for the first time (most of them Kunark and Velious zones, but also PoI, WoS or Torgiran Mines for example).

I finally learned how to solo my Bst without dying every single time.

I participated in every scavenger hunt and special event provided (EQ anniversary, Halloween, Frostfell...) although I didn't finish most of them.

And last but not least: I met some new people in EQ who are not only playfellows, but may become good friends - and this is the main reason I still play EQ. Thanks to all of you!

Edit: Make that 16 lvls and 15 AA's, had a great evening yesterday!

Edited, Dec 22nd 2006 4:14am by bbot
#2 Dec 21 2006 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
1,160 posts
2006 Retrospective

I came back to EQ in June, and looking back I've had a pretty productive 6 months. When I returned my main was level 47, he's now 65 with 20-some AA's. Got a second account and started learning to 2-box. I can now really let my alt-itis run wild. I think at the moment I have 8 toons that I'm actively playing(most of the love is going to a wizard/druid combo right now).

Also since I returned, I joined and later was promoted to officer of my guild, which has been a great honor.

I've met alot of great people in EQ over the years, made some great friends, and really feel like I'm back "home" since coming back to EQ. Here's hoping 2007 is at least as good as 2006 has been!
#3 Dec 21 2006 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Took the cleric from 63 to 65 and got him about a dozen AAs.

Got the Necro to 66 from 63 or so. Add about 50 AAs.

Both characters got lots of gear upgrades, so the cleric at least is mostly out of his Velious armor set. I had got GoD this past year (after OoW and DoN) which made a big difference.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#4 Dec 21 2006 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
I hit 70 with my cleric.

Got a plethora of AA's.

Quit EQ.
#5 Dec 21 2006 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
Well, I had hit 70 on my warrior just before the new year but I've racked up about 100 AA's this year. I also got my 1.5 and I buff to 13k 2100 AC which had been a goal and while far from uber I'm happy as a very casual player. I leveled my wizard from 12 to 54. Did most of 12 to 45 in LDoNs with my family. It was a LOT of fun. I also helped my wife, son, and daughter hit 70 on their mains.

#6 Dec 21 2006 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
Spent most of my time duoing my cleric from mid 30's to 52 and my SK from 55 to 57. Add in a few AA's and a bunch of gear upgrades and that is where I am at.

Not a heavy playing year that is for sure but I think this coming year will allow for a bit more time in EQ.
#7 Dec 21 2006 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
The most important achievement for 2006 was that I finally found a guild that I could call home again. That hasn't happened since December, 2004 when the majority of my first guild left for WoW.

I love the guild, and am very impressed with the quality and friendliness of my new friends.

Second to that, I gained several levels, a few hundred AAs, etc, etc. I only really spent much time in two PoR zones, Relic and Arcstone, but I loved the quests that came out of those two zones, and spent many enjoyable hours in both spots. TSS has been fairly laggy for me, so I haven't spent much time there.

I finally found an alt that I enjoy playing regularly. My beastlord went from about 14 to 47 this last year. Most of it was through soloing since groups are hard to find at those levels. Of course it helped that the majority of the time was also spent using my Lesson of the Devoted (2x xp) AA and Steadfast Servant (my healing sidekick). I find the BL to be a great change of pace from the druid, and look forward to leveling him enough to play with my regular group.

My regular nightly crew has now been together for almost 5 years, and we continue to enjoy discovering together all that EQ has to offer.

#8 Dec 21 2006 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,156 posts
In January 2006 I:
* Leveled a friend's 46 Mage (Sacced.. with his Epic 1.0) to 70
* Filled in 100-125 AA a week on Felicite
* Finished all the DoDH spell arcs for my three mains.. fun fun (in fairness I think we started in December).
* Started a FV style Wizard twink (FT15 at level 1, > 3200 mana at 20).. I got Pixel into the 30s. Boy she would be more fun now with OOC regen, at the time it took like 60 seconds to burn through her mana and nearly 20 minutes to get it back (too impatient for this.. I would bring Felicite in to twitch her).

On February 1st, 2006 I:
* Decided SOE burned me one too many times in a row with their Cut-And-Paste "can't help you" answers to my petitions and voted with my checkbook.

#9 Dec 22 2006 at 4:21 AM Rating: Decent
449 posts
This year the wife and I did many things, among them making 70 then 75. We got a few hundred AAs and a few thousand HP upgrades. I now buff to 14k with 2700 AC, at the start of the year I would buff to 10k on a very good day. I wouldn't say I'm casual, but I'm not a raider. We started a cleric, a ranger and a mage (mage started november 8th). And we've completed almost every single DoDH mission at least twice some upwards of 100 times. 4 out of 6 now have the DoDH clicky mask that comes from spending way too much time in that expansion and doing a lot of missions that are far too long or difficult for crap rewards with 100ish hp on them. We went through 3 guilds due to crap drama and finally settled into a very small guild mainly to suspend buffs in the hall. We made 2 sets of 2 friends that multibox with their loved ones also. I still haven't found an expansion I like better than DoDH, I would love to see another expansion that is mostly instanced missions instead of mindless farming of super rare, camp contested names. Looking back it was a good year, and I hate the naligor pits!
#10 Dec 22 2006 at 7:25 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
I managed to get my Enchanter a few levels and about 14 AA points. Went from Level 52 up to 57-1/2 in the span. I took off about 6 months due to general burnout from the incredible grind EQ was becoming. Now that AA's are much easier to get, it has renewed my interest.

Played EQ2 and got my Pally from level 40 or so up to level 65 and a 70 Carpenter! EQ2 kept my interest a bit more because of the quests that are everywhere. I know there are quests in eq but the interface of EQ2 makes them alot more fun to do!
#11 Dec 22 2006 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,156 posts
Srakeats the Malevolent wrote:
I still haven't found an expansion I like better than DoDH, I would love to see another expansion that is mostly instanced missions instead of mindless farming of super rare, camp contested names.

QFT. DoDH instances are the best. Get your friends together and no one can steal it or grief you.

Envy your masks.. I was a few weeks away from mine.
#12 Dec 22 2006 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
Came back about 6 months ago from a two year hiatus, leveled main, Wizard on Maelin, from 63-69(hoping to get 70 before the new year, but well see). Started a second account and leveled a iky shaman to 65 with about 20 AA's (this was actually in about a 3 month period!) lvled alt druid from 51 to 54, alt necro from 21 to 55...quite productive, though I will be practicing for the LSAT from now until next February so the playing time will drop considerably until thats done, wish me luck!
#13 Dec 22 2006 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
guild made it into Anguish :)!

<Catalysts> Povar
#14 Dec 22 2006 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
276 posts
Ahh, the year 2006.. it brought me a banned account early on.. my original account of 4 years (/sad) which then brought me to a 70 shaman!.. which someone stole (still dont know how that happened) but then I bought a new account, and 2006 brought me a new rogue.. a shiny new, now 72 1.5'ed rogue.. (9.3k unbuffed =D ) .. and one of the best guilds I've ever been in.. so despite a bad EQ start, 2006 has been a great year for me =)
#15 Dec 22 2006 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
2006 for me brought a ban of 1 account, and the start of a new one in the end of september. My new account has been active for almost 4 months now, and my beastlord is now 65 as of yesterday :-D And I hit 19 aa's tonight. I'm stoked about 2006 and ready to see how far i can go in 2007
#16 Dec 22 2006 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
It brought me to a new server and new friends in January.

It brought the fun and games of Demi flagging raids.

It brought the farm fest that is Anguish.

It brought 5 levels and 400 AA's in 7 weeks.

In all 2006 has been a good year.
#17 Dec 23 2006 at 1:56 AM Rating: Decent
2006 bought me about 10 levels, 2 AAs and a hellva lot of fun. It also bought me a new wife :)
#18 Dec 23 2006 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts

2006 brought me a new guild then back to my original one. Brought me another 2 toons into their 60's (rogue and beastlord) and 50's for all the rest.
Brought me ingame hassle from someone who took roleplay out of game and made it personal - life was hell for a while!
2006 also brought me something I never thought would happen - I acquired an in-game husband!!
I made some good friends though - which is really important to me. Thought I might get EQ burnout but that shows no sign of happening so roll on 2007 - might even reach the 70's with a toon or 2:)
#19 Dec 23 2006 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Beginning of the year i joined a good raiding guild as my fathers alt.
Month later, dinged 70... Started to hatch out some aa's.
Dinged my Bot ranger 70
Dinged my Bot Necromancer 70.
Dinged my Bot Druid 66.
Got a good enough force to start hydraing in the nest, aa's flowed in
May'ish, i applied as a main to that guild. Since then i've gotten quite a bit of good loot :-D
Dinged 75 for my Ranger, My main, My dad's chanter, and helped a friends Shadowknight get it as well.]
Next step in my journey is to farm my ranger all the TSS molds and get all the powersources for him so he can atleast take a little hit.
#20 Dec 23 2006 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
This year oh it was a pitiful one at that..

Have YET to get past level 66 and it will be soon 2 years stuck at that "Hell-Level"

Have got good drops and loot for my higher level but as i said im at 66 still. =(

Heres to another year of bad gameplay and deaths *drinks a cup of eggnog* Lets just hope i do pass 66 and at least hit 70 or 75 soon
#21 Dec 23 2006 at 11:40 AM Rating: Default
It brought too many expansions too quickly. The developers now cater to the uber guilds and leave the rest of us out - not too surprising most of my friends have left EQ. There is no way to keep up therefore I will not be buying any more expansions for a very long time.
#22 Dec 23 2006 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
2006 was a great year for me and my guild. Finally broke into PoTime and cleaned house. Also got ourselves into Txevu and downed 4 of the 6 MPG trials. Also have gotten our force up to where we have enough to raid with few or no bots. Not a bad year for a guild that only raids 2-3 times a week.

Here is a movie of our exploits this past year

#23 Dec 23 2006 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
For me, I used to only be able to play in the summers, then in august I was finally able to play all year, this year I got my own account also, so had to start from scratch-got from 1-55 from june-december, got my first and only aa on my account, my old main on my step-bro's account was deleted by him-more room for him- he was a lv 70 froglok clr(yes i know i have this obsession with frogloks-if you want proof look at my signature). got my account full with toons, no trolls or drakkins-not that i could, don't have TSS only expansion i don't have-my toons are from lvs 14-25-a 14 bard,21 rouge,22 necro,23 wizzy,25 monk&mage, and then my 55 shammy. I got a friend hooked on the game also now-he started his account in september/october, he has a 9 monk, 25 shammy,35 war, me and step-bro have helped him along by giving him gear and where to lv up at and of course cash. Btw my friend has the same additude towards frogloks, trolls and drakkins as I do. I came up with the motto thing down at my signature, me and my friend drakkins cause we were totally diapointed with them graphic wise-if i didn't em i would have made a drakkin monk for breath item.

For all of you lazy ppl who will not look down at the bottom here is the motto----
"Frogloks rule, Trolls drool, Drakkins suck!"-the word of frogking, thanks be to cougar(inside joke)

P.S.-COugar is my friends cat, she is 16 and looks very wise in her face, she is awsome though!
#24 Dec 23 2006 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
51 posts
Managed to Raid some. Ive put it off for about 4 years and finally figured the only way to get any decent equip is to just do it.

Broke 1 thousand aa.

Broke 3300 ac , not a huge amount but as any SK that knows anything about the class, its what you want.

2.0 mourguecaller id guess those where the highlights.

Going back and doing elemental progression with 10-12 toons was a kick as well.
#25 Dec 23 2006 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
It brought me the great Necro Nerf of 06. In short, for my class, it sucked.
#26 Dec 23 2006 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Got my husband playing EQ this year. Started 06 on a fresh new server with him. We've duoed our Beastlord and Druid combo to 67 without twinkage, plat, etc, etc. Playing with him has been not only a boon to the game, but to his acceptance of my gaming habit. Smiley: grin

Good tidings EQer's.

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
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