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Poll: Serpent's Spine ImpressionsFollow

#27 Dec 05 2006 at 4:44 AM Rating: Decent
Haven't seen a need to buy this expansion yet. Wish they would fix the bugs with it though. I tried to log in to hometown and it sent me to CR. It switched my hometown and I had to get a GM to punt me out to PoK.
#28 Dec 05 2006 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
I voted that it met my expectations. There are things I love , and things I was let down on.
I love the new spells system, being able to purchase new spell as soon as, or before, you ding is a perk we have not seen since PoP! However the hassles of buffing with rk1 & rk2 spells is a major pita! Also somewhat disappointed with the minor upgrade you get from rk1 to rk2, so small it is almost not worth the hassles of overwrites it creates. IMO there should be a better upgrade between the two.
I was dissappointed with the look of the Drakkin, I had intended to make a new drakkin toon, but after seeing them I have change my mind... they sit funny, they walk funny, and they fight like girls! Drakkin apperance, and movements could have been done much better.
I love the solo ability of the new zones, I love the tasks and have found many worth doing that are not too long or hard to complete.
I am not too happy with the lack of content for lvl 75... there is no good experience to be had , aside from Ashengate, Frostcrypt, Dire & Vald.. maybe lower verg mines as well. With all the content that was made obsolete by the cap increase, we will get tired of those few zones quickly. Would have been nice to see more 75 content out there... guess we can expect a new expansion soon or they will lose players who become bored of camping LB con mobs.
Overall I like TSS and I am glad I purchased it. It could have been better & bigger but non the less it makes a nice addition to the game : )
#29 Dec 05 2006 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
TSS is definately FAR below what I was expecting. Not horrible but definately not as good as DoD was.

No instances. Big laggy zones where you just sit and pull mobs to a camp spot is boring. A nice dungeion crawl through an instance with a set objective to complete in a certain ammount of time is ALWAYS more challenging and therefore fun than sitting in one spot.

No weapon upgrades for groupers. Rajere said that TSS was to be fazing out epic weapons. On raid weapons that has become the case but for groupers there is NOTHING that will upgrade ANY of the 1.5s. Raiders got the 2.5 upgrade page to thier 2.0s last expansion and now newer better weapons then thier 2.5s while groupers best weapons available are still the 1.5s. I use my eclipse blade(DoD) and 1.5(OoW) and have no upgrades in my future unless I choose to leave the only guild I have ever been in to join a hard corpse raiding guild.

No evolving items. DoD brought in that new idea for groupable gear and it was a great success. With PoR they gave us the Arc cloak. Nothing with TSS.

The tier 1&2 armor upgrades are VERY nice but even on those SoE screwed up by making the molds AND power sources both be type specific. 5 plate wearing classes gives them a definate disadvantage. While leather wears only complete between 3 classes. I have seen SO many silk and leather rot that all of our guild alts of those clases have them too while our clerics, bard, and warriors are still making the guild go back MANY times trying to get the plate ones.

Familiars are one of the best new features of TSS but even they have a major issue with them. They will stack with pets for the buff icon if the pet is up first but as a bard that means I need to charm a mob before I cast the clickie and then release the charmed mob to be able to charm another and still have the buff. SoE should have made them like the wizzy flappy where you tell the pet to Go Away but still have the buff icon for the effects without having to have a pet before casting buff.

Being able to purchase rk1 spells from vedors was great and overall the rank system is a nice way to do them. But even here SoE screwed up with stacking issues.

Not enough AAs. I will not hit 3yrs playing til Feb22nd of next year and this will be the first time I will have maxed out AAs before the next expansion is released.

Overall it is a very good expansion but far from great and definately less than what I expected after the AWESOME job that SoE did with DoD.

Oh yeah one last thing did I say NO INSTANCE mission. ANY expansion without instances is not very good because you are leave half your gamers out of the most fun they have in the game.
#30 Dec 05 2006 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
My first inclination was to vote "the best expansion yet", and as I usually go with my first thoughts, that is what i voted. Seeing that most people have voted "exceded my expectations", I wonder if what I voted was a bit more than what I should have. Luclin was an awesome expansion, though I had to buy a new computer to accomodate it, and the bugs were rediculous, I guess Luclin really would be the tops for me. However, this expansion has released great quest lines that actually reward us with rewards, not garbage. They are actually do-able solo as well as grouped. You do need a decent computer to handle the lag associated with the graphics, or do exactly as I assume many do, and turn down all your settings. The Drakkin looks awesome, and really exceded by expectations...originally hoping they would be dragonoid in appearance. Time to update the graphics for other places though. I have seen that the newest patch will be doddling with OOT and commonlands, thats good. Lets start working on those NPC graphics that haven't been touched yet, like the High Pass guards. It is sick to still see old models for the humanoids in the main cities, when they are changing the models for monsters and such, or the ones in places that we really don't visit much.
It really seems like Sony is doing a new system with this new expansion for quests, I hope that other places outside of Serpent Spine will adopt this.

Just my 2 Cents as always.

Drinal Server
Stromamre 63 Magician
Krastus 62 Cleric
Kras 55 Beastlord
Pitch 55 SK
Nocturno 55 Rogue
and countless others :)
#31 Dec 06 2006 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
276 posts
1) All the quests are in zones with extreme jumps in hardware requirements. running on 1024 mb of ram, but using an integrated video card (in other words, it sucks serious ***) as long as I dont turn on hw vertex shaders,advanced lighting, and shadows.. I dont lag. at all. oh, I turn the sky off too.. with those things off, I dont lag even the slightest bit. if I put my clip plane to 50, I can run with the lighting / vertex shaders on. how is that an extreme jump in hardware requirements, when I can run it with one of the lamest kinds of video cards in the world?
#32 Dec 08 2006 at 9:58 PM Rating: Default
new race is pointless. So easy to implement -- We need a new class to compete with other games. Creating new races just obsoletes old zones and of course overpowers them so everyone wants to play them, making all older races angry that they aren't as powerful as the new race without haveing to get a choice from before, being a veteran player.

New class would take "time and effort", after all SOE is all about money. Whatever they can shoot up fastest and sell.
#33 Dec 08 2006 at 10:00 PM Rating: Default
oh, and the hardware req's? Get over it - welcome to the new gen of technology, and TSS isn't even new gen technology. We are not even close to catching up to the graphics of newer games, but at least we can tail behind instead of go as far back as pre luclin graphics.

Upgrade your computer if you want to play the newer versions. You will need to one day anyways. Money? No problem. If you are concerned about hardware, then you probably have a cheapo motherboard requiring cheapo ram. So get a stick of 256 for maybe $25 or so. Get 1024 ram before you think about upgrading video card.
#34 Dec 09 2006 at 6:59 PM Rating: Default
276 posts
oh, and the hardware req's? Get over it - welcome to the new gen of technology, and TSS isn't even new gen technology. We are not even close to catching up to the graphics of newer games, but at least we can tail behind instead of go as far back as pre luclin graphics.

Upgrade your computer if you want to play the newer versions. You will need to one day anyways. Money? No problem. If you are concerned about hardware, then you probably have a cheapo motherboard requiring cheapo ram. So get a stick of 256 for maybe $25 or so. Get 1024 ram before you think about upgrading video card.

Amen brother/sister!. try running on a computer NOT built 10 yrs ago kkthxbye?
#35 Dec 09 2006 at 7:11 PM Rating: Good
I'm disappointed in it.

The last 5-6 months I have been playing casually, raiding a few times a week, all but one slot in group gear (onlyone bazu stone, no other raid gear.) AG/FC/vald, while they have some respectable loot, have no challenge. They are far easier than high end GoD, OoW, or even DoDh group content were at release. (also, onegroup weapon itemization blows - merloc, you are smokin' something good!)
#36 Dec 11 2006 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
756 posts
20 casts per skill up. Wow, I'd consider that great!! I averaged 40-60 casts per skill up depending on the skill. Abduration very nearly drove me to the nut house.
#37 Dec 12 2006 at 5:54 AM Rating: Decent
189 posts
TSS is refreshing. The quests are actually enjoyable so far. However, I haven't been passed the Moore yet. During prime time play, usually move to a different zone because the lag is a killer. Our systems are mid road, last year's type models, so during prime time on The Tribunal, our systems page frame and stuter in the Blightfire Moore (BFM) zone.
#38 Dec 12 2006 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
My only problem with the TSS expansion is the required factioning for the raid zones. Being maxed in XP and AA before I am even halfway finished with the factioning is just rediculously stupid. Another expansion with factioning as a precursor will see many an oldtimer say goodbuy to EQ. Most of us that have been around since/before Kunark do not want to grind for days for faction just to do a specific raid. Truth is high-end raiders just don't care about faction, we kill it all hopefully sooner ratehr then later!
#39 Dec 13 2006 at 6:09 AM Rating: Decent
TSS, as far as raiding progression goes, is retarded. It will be what kills EQ for the less then uber guilds unless they change it.
#40 Dec 13 2006 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
I like TSS... A lot. I only been playing a couple years now, but IMHO it's the best expansion to date. It's nice to see some solo content. The quests are awsome :) Decent gear for doing them and good XP along the way, how can you beat that. The graphics are nice as well.

As far as the high-end stuff, I'm not a hard core gamer and will never see end-game content, but from what I have seen/heard in the last several expansion is they have been geared soley for end-game stuffs. It's nice to see low to mid lvl toons get some good stuffs for a change. On the lag/hardware req issues, all I can say is mostly what's been said before, don't expect to play "cutting edge" games on "comodre 64" systems. I realize most peeps don't have a lot of money to spend on computers, but if you wanna drive a Porsche, don't expect Chevy payments. And if you think TSS is bad for hardware, wait till Vanguard ships /drools. DX 10 and 2048mb Ram would be good for a game like that.
#41 Dec 14 2006 at 3:25 AM Rating: Decent
I was surprised to see the lack of any weapons dropping or quested for. Also, hard for lower levels to leave. POK book should have been closer to Crescent ZONE.
#42 Dec 14 2006 at 3:25 AM Rating: Decent
I was surprised to see the lack of any weapons dropping or quested for. Also, hard for lower levels to leave. POK book should have been closer to Crescent ZONE.
#43 Dec 17 2006 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
No Opinion.

Actually the other choices didn't really surmise my opinion.

The level 75 cap and the resultant increase in the power of players was expected.

There are a lot of zones, but for the most part, my monk mostly groups in Frostcrypt or Ashengate. So only 2 high level zones I care for.

Item itemization.. over all, I'm dissapointed. Some of the augs cost 10k to move and are not nearly that much of an upgrade over augs from DoDh, DoN, OOW to warrent 2.5x more cost to move.

The item itemization for non raiders (aka groupable drops) hit the mark for some stuff, and fell far short in others.. esp weapons. You can get a weapon that has raid level stats/hp/resists, but the dmg ratio is from the elemental planes in PoP.
I think alot of peeps would gladly skip the hp/stats/resists on a 2h weapon from TSS and go with a DoN merchant (w/aug) weapon thats at least the dmg ratio of Time in PoP.
#44 Dec 18 2006 at 1:50 AM Rating: Decent
First expansion ever to make me wish they'd retro-actively remove it from the servers. After PoP that's saying a lot, but it's true.
#45 Dec 22 2006 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
Content - Awesome, zones for all levels. Lots of quests. Lots of areas to suit different playstyles.

Gear - Lacking, in originality, Endurance(for Rangers - even though we got a good new disc), focus, appearance

Spells - Good plan with the 3 ranks!!

Havent seen animals that are not KoS to Rangers in quite a while; good move.

Overall: Would be *BEST ever* until gear is factored in, the final answer is less than expected
#46 Dec 24 2006 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
50 posts
In the general zones, it is easy for the player who is not in a top raiding guild to get some decent gear and this is good! The gear they can get with a group is equivalent to Qvic gear (and most of us remember what a PITA that was to get flagged for).

For the high end guild player, it is a bit of a PITA to get all those tasks done and become ally to get flagged for the high end zones of the game. Each player in the high end guild has to put some work and effort into accomplishing these tasks and cannot just ride on the "coattails" of a few who do the tasks; although, one can get into the zone by having 1 raid and kindly faction and then later become fully flagged by looting an item (like CoA and PoT)

Overall, this is a good expansion for both the casual player and the hardcore player!
#47 Jan 05 2007 at 2:04 PM Rating: Default
Fast Regen of HP and Mana with new expansion changed the player balance.

Wiz who can do 26k damage with one spell cast can blow their 14k mana in a very quick time to destroy a mob faster than any other char. But over time other characters like rogues rangers would equal there output by being able to continue damaging while the wiz regened his mana pool. Or the wiz could go easier and maintain similar damage to other classes over extended periods.

Now with fast regen the wiz is advantaged most and noncasting classes rogues, wars are the loosers.

Given the above and sonys desire for balance it is likely some changes will be made.

Regardless I support new regen (a faster game) and I may even start a wiz to take advantage of it.

(I currently have War 68 , Mage 67, Cleric 75, Enchanter 71, ranger 75)
#48 Jun 24 2007 at 3:04 PM Rating: Default
402 posts
Worst expansion ever. There was no thought whatsoever into its design. Everything is inconveniently located, the port ins are terrible and the zones are too large. I don't join groups to spend half an hour to 45 minutes just trying to get to camp. It's not fair to groups who need a replacement when one of their party members has to leave and needs a replacement. Incredibly thoughtless expansion. Sony is just out for the money. They'd sell a single LDoN mission as an entire expansion if they thought they could get away with it.
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