I like it, there is a lot to do. Ive been playing for 7.4 years now, sometimes many hours a day, but that doesnt mean im allways 'Doing' something.. lots of time is spent LFG, AFK, or just BSing with friends. Ive never been in a power Raiding guild, and dont plan to, I took 3 years to get to lvl 70, and have yet to see many of the end zones, Time, Tacvi, Anguish, Dreadspire, ToB. I classify myself as a Casual Gamer, even with such an extensive playtime, because i just take my time and enjoy myself with friends.
I enjoy the new TSS , there are lots of things to do, and im loving the new Armor quests, some say they are too easy, or too hard.. everyones a critic... And so, heres my little bit of a rant...
2 things in particular :
1st> Having my main a Cleric this hits a bit to the heart.. the Aego line ( temp, virt, conv, tens ) are a 1 buff coverall to the " 3 buff combo " of HP type 1 HP+AC ( resolution, Rectitude, etc ) + HP ( symbols ) + AC ( ward of valiance ).. Most players either want the coverall ( Conviction ) OR the Druid combo ( Stealoak + Symbol + Ward ).. with the new expansion clerics got an Upgrade to the coverall ( tenacity ), Symbol ( Symbol of Elushar ), and HP type 1 ( Rectitude ).. But no upgrade to AC , the highest we have is still the lvl 66 Ward of Valiance.. we recieve Rectitude, a buff we will NEVER use, but not one our Druid buffed collegues actually ask for .. Seems a bit bass akwards to me.
2nd> Im sure there is a reason out there somewhere , but it has not been explained yet, but the new Drakkin race can not color thier armor.. I originally thought this had something to do with the bloodlines, maybe your heritage colored it differently.. but that doesnt seem to be the case. It cant just be a bug, since its been this way since day 1 and im not the first to notice it, without anything being done, so perhaps a couple lines of Why they thought that was neccissary would put us at ease over the matter.